8 minute read

Major General RTH Jones CBE

The Association Database The Association’s Database is an integral part of its management. It is overseen by the Webmaster and the Membership Secretary who report directly to the Chairman. Membership of the RGJA The Association consists of a President and various categories of members as detailed below: • Full Member (Life or Annual). All former (Regular and Territorial) members of the RGJ, regardless of rank, have absolute right of membership to the RGJA and its Branches provided they pay an annual membership subscription. • Associate Member. Any member of another cap badge who served on the posted strength of a RGJ unit, Headquarters or Establishment, persons with ‘Riflemen’s interests at heart’, wives, widows, relatives or other Service personnel, may apply for

Associate Membership. Associate Membership is approved by Branch Committees and confirmed by the Association Committee.


Associate members pay the annual membership subscription. • Honorary Member. Honorary Members are those persons who by virtue of their position, title or rank can or do good for the Association. Examples are Mayors, High Sheriffs, local businessmen, local dignitaries. Honorary membership is proposed by Branches and authorised by the Association Committee.

Honorary members do not pay an annual subscription.


Definitions used to describe the components that make up the Association are: • ‘The Rules’ mean these rules as amended from time to time. •

‘The Effective Date’ means the date of the adoption of these Rules. •

‘The Regiment’ means the regiment formally known as The Royal Green Jackets. •

‘Affiliated Regiment’ means a regiment or military organisation designated as an Affiliated Regiment of the former Royal Green

Jackets. •

‘The Association’ means the Royal Green Jackets Association (RGJA). •

‘The Council’ means the Association governing committee establishe d by Rule 2. •

‘The Association Committee’ means the

Association managing committee established by Rule 3. •

‘The President’ means the person who is appointed President of the Association and chair man of the Council pursuant to Rule 4a. •

‘The Chairman’ means the person who is appointed chairman of the Association

Committee pursuant to Rule 4b. •

‘The Secretary’ means the person appointed as Secretary of the Association Committee pursuant to Rule 4c. •

‘The Treasurer’ means the person appointed as the accounting officer for the Association pursuant to Rule 4d. •

‘The Webmaster’ means the person appointed to manage the Association’s on line presence and its database pursuant to Rule 4e. •

‘The Membership Secretary’ mean the person responsible for managing the collation of the of the membership database and the collection of subscriptions pursuant to Rule 4d. 20 November 2020

Individual Donations: Anonymous • Nick Addyman • Robert Altham • Paul Ambrose • Crispian Beaty • Ray Bennett Mark Borrigdon • Thomas Bowring • Paul Bristow • Roy Brown • Peter Casson-Crook • Michael Chataway John Cohen • Marius Coulon • John Coleman • Patrick Dalby • Don Donaldson • Roger Downton • Ted Evelegh Alun Felix • Chris Gates • Charles Goodheart • Nick Haynes • Christopher Hill • Larry Hocking • Stephen Horsley Ian Jackson • Sidney H Jacobs • Toby Joll • Antony Karslake • Christopher Kemball • Michael Koe Rod le Couilliard • London Branch RGJA • Mac McDonald • Sean McEvoy • Gary Miller • John Penteath David C Pitman • Chris Pond • Alex Robert • Simons Price • Nicholas Prideaux • David Roberts MC • Bill Russell Mark Scrase Dickins • John Short • Harry Steel • Glen Sturman • Leslie Thacker • Robin Thorne Peter Trustrum-Eve • Hugh Vernon • Barney Vivian • Niall Warry • Bob Wright

Corporate Advertising: Andy Hayes – Solid Sheds Nick Haynes – Chosen Man Media Dee-Day White – Skinners Sheds

Rules for The Royal Green Jackets Association

Membership Cessation


Membership will cease by: • Resignation • Subscription falling in arrears • Expulsion

A lapsed member may at any time apply for re-admission to membership.

Expulsion If at any time the Council shall decide that a member of the Association is no longer upholding the ethos and standards expected of the Regiment, it may determine that the member be expelled from the Association. Such action shall be decided by a two-thirds majority vote taken at a Council meeting at which a quorum is present.

Subscriptions Annual subscriptions will be paid to the Association Membership Secretary either individually or through group payment by Branches on joining and subsequently on the anniversary date of their joining the Association. Subscriptions will be decided by the Association Committee and paid as follows:

• There will be no Membership Joining Fee. • The Annual Subscription for membership of the Association shall be such sum as shall from time to time be determined by the

Association Committee and endorsed by the


Association Funds The Association will be financed by annual subscriptions, donations received from outside sources and by an Annual Grant made by the RGJA Council. Once a year the Council shall decide on the allocation of funds for the following year, based on the funding priorities in the RGJA Management Plan, and the total return income figure it agrees annually. The Association Committee shall then have the power to make payment in respect of expenses incurred with-in these limits, subject to any direction, which may from time to time be given by the Council, but any proposed additional or unforeseen expenditure shall first be submitted to and approved by the Council.

The accounts of the Association shall be audited annually. Members of the Council and Association Committee will be entitled to receive copies of the full accounts but a copy of the annual audited accounts will be posted on the Association website together with the accounting officer’s report.

Termination of the Association or Individual Branches. If at any time the Council shall decide that the Association, or any individual Branch of the Association, is no longer capable of operating effectively in upholding the ethos or legacy of the RGJ, it may determine that the Association, or an individual Branch, be dissolved. Any funds remaining after providing for the cost of dissolution and any expenses incurred or likely to be incurred in connection therewith be paid or transferred to the successor Regiment (The Rifles) in the case of the Association, and to the RGJA in the case of a Branch. Any matter requiring the decision of the Council pursuant to this rule shall be decided by a two-thirds majority vote taken at a meeting at which a quorum is present.

Amendment of the Rules of the Association The Rules may be altered or added to by a twothirds majority vote of the Council taken at a meeting at which a quorum is present.

Queens New Year Honours List 2021


Tom Wood ex 2RGJ has been awarded an MBE in the Queens New Year Honours list for his work with the charity: help4homelessveterans


Hugh Maclean Vernon

for services to the Eardisland (Herefordshire) community.

The Royal Green Jackets Honours and Awards The Royal Green Jackets Association

1966 – 2007 Royal Green Jackets Honours and Awards 1966 - 2007

As a regiment our time in the order of battle was short but we certainly left our mark on history. During the years 1966 – 2007 there were only six years when no operational awards were presented.

Our longest commitment was of course to Northern Ireland and this is reflected in the large number of operational awards for the earlier part of Op Banner As a regiment our time in the order of battle was short but we certainly left our mark on history. During the years 1966 - 2007 there were only 6 years when no operational awards were presented. 1969 through to 1980 which can be seen in the graph below. Our longest commitment was of course to Northern Ireland and this is reflected in the large number of operational awards for the earlier part of Op Banner 1969 through to 1980 which can be seen in the graph below.

Represents those awards presented in the Represents those awards presented in the Queen’s Birthday and the New Year’s Queen’s Birthday and the New Year’s Honours Honours Lists Lists

Represents those awards presented as a result of operations undertaken by the Royal Green Jackets during the years 1966 – 2007 Represents those awards presented as a result of operations undertaken by the Royal Green Jackets during the years 1966 - 2007

The Royal Green Jackets Honours and Awards The Royal Green Jackets Association

1966 – 2007

The Royal Green Jackets were awarded the following during the years 1966 – 2007. They are listed in order of seniority as detailed in the London Gazette published 11th January 2019. Numbers in brackets denote operational awards in Borneo,

Op Banner, Oman, Brunei, South Atlantic, Royal Green Jackets Honours and Awards 1966 - 2007 Op Granby, Former Republic of Yugoslavia, Sierra Leone, Afghanistan, Democratic Re-public of Congo and Iraq. The Royal Green Jackets were awarded the following during the years 1966 - 2007, they are listed in order of seniority as detailed in the London Gazette published 11th January 2019. Numbers in brackets denote operational awards in Borneo, Op Banner, Oman, Brunei, South Atlantic, Op Granby, Former Republic of Yugoslavia, Sierra Leone, Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of Congo and Iraq.

Life Peerage





















28 (11)

4 (4)

34 (14)


69 (26)









TA Efficiency Medal


QCB Est 1994 worn in the same manner as MID 3 (3)

10 (10)

8 (8)

3 (3)

27 (3)





121 (121) (1 posthumously)

4 (4) (1 posthumously)

QCVS Est 1994 worn in the same manner as MID 16 (16)

Sultan of Oman’s Distinguished Medal for Gallantry

Sultan of Muscat’s Distinguished Service Medal

The Order of Mahkota Brunei (3rd Class) 1 Sultan of Muscat Commendation

1 Royal Humane Society Bronze Medal


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