1 minute read
Instagram: @gbrown_1
Greg Brown first joined the ABA in 2013. He has remained active ever since and the Baltimore Hawks remain one of the league’s strongest teams (Mid-Atlantic division).
You’ve been in the ABA for 10 years now, how has the league and your division changed over the years?
[The League has] changed tremendously. More teams, less travel distance.
How do your responsibilities differ between running a team vs overseeing a whole league?
Running a professional team isn’t easy but I managed to do so. However, running the league so far is challenging. I love challenging. I’m up for the job.
With so many new leagues popping up over the years, why did you choose to stay with the ABA?
I’m a loyal person. With the history that the ABA has, why leave?. What can another league offer that the ABA can’t? Nothing. If anything, the league owners was inspired by the ABA. I love this league.
What are your hopes for the future of the ABA?
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