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Course directory
Course Full-time/part-time/ distance learning
Duration (months) Page Accounting and Financial Management (MSc) FT 12 38 Advanced Electronic and Electrical Engineering (MSc)** FT/PT 12/24 64 Advanced Practice (MSc) PT 36-60 118 Ancient History (MA) FT/PT 12/24 44 Applied Neuroscience (MSc ) FT/PT 12/60 114 Applied Social Psychology (MSc) FT/PT 12/60 114 Artifi cial Intelligence (MSc)* FT/PT 12/60 48 Biological Sciences Research (MSc) FT/PT 12/24 36 Biomedical Electronic Engineering (MSc)** FT/PT 12/24 64 Business Analytics (MSc)** FT 12 38 Classical Art and Archaeology (MA) FT/PT 12/24 44 Classical Reception (MRes) FT/PT 12/24 44 Classics (MA) FT/PT 12/24 44 Clinical Associate Psychologist (Children and Young People) (MSc) FT 18 114 Clinical Psychology (Doctorate) FT 36 114 Clinical Psychology (MSc) FT/PT 12/60 114 Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (Certifi cate/Diploma) PT 12 114 Comparative Literature and Culture by Research (MA) FT/PT 12/24 84 Computational Finance (MSc)* FT/PT 12/24 48/60 Computer Science by Research (MSc) FT/PT 12/24 48 Consumption, Culture and Marketing (MA) FT 12 38/88 Corporate Finance (MSc) FT 12 60 Creative Writing (MA) FT/PT 12/24 68 Crusader Studies (MA) FT/PT 12/24 78 Cultural Geography (Research) (MRes) FT/PT 12/24 72 Cyber Security (Distance Learning) (MSc) PT/DL 24-60 82 Cyber Security Project Management (MSc) FT/PT 12/24-60 64 Data Science and Analytics (MSc)* FT/PT 12/60 48 ** Degree under development
Course Full-time/part-time/ distance learning
Duration (months) Page Digital Documentary (MA) FT 12 94 Digital Innovation and Analytics (MSc) FT 12 38 Digital Marketing (MSc) FT 12 38 Drama and Theatre by Research (MA) FT/PT 12/24 52 Earth Sciences by Research (MSc) FT/PT 12/24 56 Economics – 1 year (MSc) FT 12 60 Economics – 2 year (MSc) FT 24 60 Elections, Campaigns and Democracy (MSc) FT/PT 12/24 110 Electronic Engineering by Research (MSc) FT/PT 12/24 64 Energy Geosciences (MSc/PG Cert) FT/PT 12/24 56 Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology (MSc) FT/PT 12/24 56 Engineering Management (MSc) FT/PT 12/24-60 64 English by Research (MA) FT/PT 12/24 68 English Literature (MA) FT/PT 12/24 68 Entrepreneurship and Innovation (MSc) FT/optional Year in Business 12/24 38 Environmental Diagnosis and Management (MSc) FT/PT 12/24 56 European Philosophy (MA) FT/PT 12/24 102 Film, Television and Digital Production by Research (MA) FT/PT 12/24 94 Finance – 1 year (MSc) FT 12 60 Finance – 2 year (MSc) FT 24 60 Forensic Psychology (MSc) FT/PT 12/24-60 88/114 French by Research (MA) FT/PT 12/24 84 Gender Studies and Global Futures (MSc)** FT/PT 12/24 110 Gender Studies and History (MSc)** FT/PT 12/24 78/110 Gender Studies and History and Law (MSc)** FT/PT 12/24 78/88/ 110 Gender Studies and International Relations (MSc)** FT/PT 12/24 110 Gender Studies and Philosophy (MSc)** FT/PT 12/24 102/110 Gender Studies and Politics (MSc)** FT/PT 12/24 110
Course Full-time/part-time/ distance learning
Duration (months) Page Geopolitics, Development, Security and Justice (MRes) FT/PT 12/24 72 German by Research (MA) FT/PT 12/24 84 Global Futures (MSc) – Global Futures: Culture and Creativity – Global Futures: Geopolitics and Security – Global Futures: Justice, Development and Sustainability FT/PT FT/PT FT/PT FT/PT 12/24 12/24 12/24 12/24 72 72 72/110 72 Global Health: Society, Culture and Behaviour (MA) FT/PT 12/24 76 Global Health: Economics and Policy (MSc)** FT 12 60 Global Health: Food Security, Sustainability and Biodiversity (MSc) FT/PT 12/24 76 Global Health: Human Health and the Environment (MSc) FT/PT 12/24 76 Hispanic Studies by Research (MA) FT/PT 12/24 84 History (MA) FT/PT 12/24 78 History by Research (MA) FT/PT 12/24 78 History: Gender Histories (MA) FT/PT 12/24 78 History: Hellenic Studies (MA) FT/PT 12/24 78 History: Histories of Confl ict and Violence (MA) FT/PT 12/24 78 Holocaust Studies (MA) FT/PT 12/24 78 Human Resource Management (MSc) FT 12 38 Information Security (MSc/Certifi cate/Diploma)* FT/PT 12/24/48 82/92 International Business Management (MSc) FT 12 38 International Business Management (Marketing) (MSc) FT 12 38 International Business Management (Strategy and Leadership) (MSc) FT 12 38 International Media Management (MA) FT 12 94 International Public Policy (MSc) FT/PT 12/24 110 International Relations (MSc) FT/PT 12/24 110 International Security (MSc) FT/PT 12/24 110 Italian by Research (MA) FT/PT 12/24 84 Late Antique and Byzantine Studies (MA) FT/PT 12/24 78 Logistics and Supply Chain Management (MSc) FT 12 38
Course Full-time/part-time/ distance learning
Duration (months) Page Machine Learning (MSc)* FT/PT 12/60 48 Marketing (MA) FT 12 38 Media, Power and Public Aff airs (MSc) FT/PT 12/24 110 Medieval Studies (MA) FT/PT 12/24 68/78 Microwave and Optical Fibre Communications (MSc)** FT/PT 12/24 64 Modern Philosophy (MA) FT/PT 12/24 102 Music (MMus/MMus CPD) FT/PT 12/24/60 98 Music Performance (PG Dip) FT/PT 12/24 98 Petroleum Geoscience (Distance Learning) (MSc)** PT/DL 24/60 56 Philosophy by Research (MA) FT/PT 12/24 102 Physics by Research (MSc) FT/PT 12/24 106 Political Philosophy (MA) FT/PT 12/24 102 Politics of Development (MA) FT/PT 12/24 110 Producing Film and Television (MA) FT 12 94 Project Management (MSc) FT/PT 12/24-60 64 Project Management (Distance Learning) (MSc/PGDip/PGCert) PT/DL 24/60 64 Public History (MA) FT/PT 12/24 78 Quaternary Science (MSc) FT/PT 12/24 72 Rhetoric (MRes) FT/PT 12/24 44 Screenwriting for Television and Film (MA) FT (in retreat) 12 94 Smart Power Systems (MSc)** FT/PT 12/24 64 Social Work (MSc) FT 24 118 Social Work (Step up to Social Work) (Postgraduate Diploma) FT 14 118 Software Project Management (MSc) FT/PT 12/24-60 64 Sustainability and Management (MSc) FT/PT 12/24 38/72 Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism Studies (MSc) FT/PT 12/24 88 Theatre Directing (MA) FT 12 52 Victorian Literature, Art and Culture (MA) FT/PT 12/24 68/78
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