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Working while you study
“I always look forward to days I work as a student ambassador. It’s a great role which gives you the opportunity to take part in various activities, while being a fantastic way to meet fellow students outside your department. Being able to choose when I work fits perfectly around my postgraduate studies. It’s expanded my skillset, such as group presentations, helping me to get the most out of my studies. I can’t imagine my time at Royal Holloway without being an ambassador.”
Taylor PhD student, Biological Sciences
Employment opportunities
There are many opportunities for work on campus and in the local area. Full-time students are encouraged to work up to 20 hours a week during term-time. Students who are studying in the UK on a Student Route visa are able to work up to 20 hours a week in term-time and full-time during vacations.* If you have any questions please contact the International Student Support Office at internationaladvice@royalholloway.ac.uk Our Careers Service runs a range of fairs throughout the academic year, including two part-time jobs fairs. The fairs are great places to meet employers, find out about opportunities and get a job that fits in with your studies. There are also lots of opportunities to work with one of Surrey’s 50,000 businesses (the campus is within 10 miles of multinational companies such as Toyota, Nestle, Samsung, Pfizer, BA, Unilever, Proctor & Gamble, amongst 300 others, and is a 40-minute train ride from central London). Alternatively, if you would like something even closer to home, there are a large number of job opportunities on campus every year. A variety of roles exist, from Sports Centre Assistants to Library Assistants, while the Students’ Union alone employs more than 250 students in a range of roles from bar work and catering through to graphic designers and social media coordinators. There’s also the opportunity for PhD students to take on some teaching responsibility, supported by a skills training programme. Whatever you decide, these opportunities not only provide an income but also the chance to develop a range of skills that you can add to your CV.