1 minute read
Rob Kershaw Arps
It can be a lonely feeling being an overseas member but the remedy for that is to get involved. So, what can I do you may ask? Firstly, you can join Special Interest Groups, which does cost extra but most publish excellent regular magazines and/ or e-newsletters. There are 14 and each of them have sites within www.rps.org that can cater for your photographic interests. Groups often have galleries or blogs where you can post images and get feedback. You may be able to join a group e-circle which allows you to have contact with other members, wherever they are and get feedback on your pictures.
You could also contribute an article to a group magazine. There are also competitions to enter both through groups and the RPS centrally, for example the 365 monthly themed competition. Finally, you can join an overseas Chapter, http://www.rps.org/ regions-and-chapters . The Swiss Chapter, of which I am now Organiser, was started in 2012, http://www. rps.org/regions-and-chapters/chapters/switzerland . We have regular meetings and run our own monthly e-circle. We even have members in France and Italy. Of course, as overseas members we do miss out on Group and RPS activities in the UK. Though it is not far from Switzerland, for our friends in Australia, North America and Asia its long way to travel!

The Society is making efforts to encourage and make easier distinction submissions and I am sure more will be done in the future to support overseas members and make the RPS more relevant to them.

Rob Kershaw PhD ARPS www.robckershawphotography.com

Having belonged to the RPS Digital Imaging Group over a number of years, it was obvious that at some stage I’d consider joining the Creative Eye Group, which I did.

A couple of months ago I happened to view the lovely magazine “Creative Eye”, brought over by a very good friend of mine, Elaine Herbert ARPS (who is currently the Honorary Secretary of the overseas RPS Australian Chapter), also joined the Group in March 2018.
Prior to this, I’d belonged to the Contemporary Group of the Australian Photographic Society (APS), whereby members are encouraged to submit images confining to this subject. Perhaps its worth mentioning here that the Group published a hard-cover edition titled “Free Expressions 2017” showcasing members’ work.
I understand there are now seven Australian members belonging to the Creative Eye Group. Besides Elaine, I’m not sure where the others are located and as such, cannot vouch for their activities. No doubt I shall look forward to participating in the Group’s activities by way of submitting images.