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Group Newsletter April 2023
Welcome From The Chair
Hello everyone and welcome to this Creative Eye Group Newsletter. On Sunday 26th March we held our AGM on Zoom. Due to family commitments, David Cooke stood down as Chair and I am happy to report that I was elected to take on the role. The committee is therefore:

Chair: Clive Watkins LRPS
Treasurer: Nigel Rea ARPS
Secretary: Graham Lingley LRPS
Webmaster: Steve Varman LRPS
Digital Exhibition Coordinator : David Rutter FRPS
For the time being I will also continue to perform the roles of Membership Secretary and Communications Coordinator, but these may be reallocated over the course of the year.
As we come out of the era of the pandemic the RPS finds itself in a rather changed landscape. Prior to 2020 many of the Society’s activities were carried out in person and this led groups such as the Creative Eye to be concentrated in areas of the country where active members lived. With the advent of Zoom the active membership and the makeup of the committee has become much more geographically dispersed reflecting the new ways of working.
I am keen to maintain remote participation, but I am also aware of a desire for members to meet in person. With that in mind I think we should be drive towards closer relationships with the regions. I am a district representative in the Scottish Region. The Digital Imaging Group and the Landscape Group have already begun to work in collaboration with the Scottish Region, and others, on various projects. There is a tremendous opportunity for the Creative Eye members to be involved in their own regions on activities which can be jointly run between a region and the Group. I know it will take time to work out the logistics, but I think it will be worth the effort as we start to add more value to your membership. If you would like to get involved, please read the volunteer request section of this newsletter.
I am always keen to hear what you would like the Group to be doing, so we can give you the opportunities and information you want. If you have any ideas, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly at creativecomms@rps.org
Website: rps.org/creativeeye
Social media: facebook.com/groups/rpscg flickr.com/groups/rps-creative
Email: creativecomms@rps.org
Newletter design: Steve Varman LRPS
Cover image:
Tyndale Dream by Steve Varman LRPS
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