4 minute read
After just a little more than 3 years as editor of the Creative Eye magazine, I am handing the reins over to our Vice-Chair, David F Cooke FRPS. David has an exciting vision for the future of the magazine, and will be showing the very best of the Creative Eye Group.
While David will be commissioning articles, I will continue to design and assemble the magazine.
This (my last) issue celebrates the diverse creativity that makes the Creative Eye Group so unique. We start with RPS President Simon Hill HonFRPS, examining the psychology and visual language of the creative eye. We also explore street photography, composites, fellowship and licentiate successes - and how for some, Brexit and lockdown have been bitter-sweet catalysts for projects and motivation.
Simon Hill Hon.FRPS, RPS President & Chair of Trustees
Steve Geer FRPS
Julie Cowdy ARPS
Roger Ford FRPS
Colin Southgate FRPS
Wendy Irwin ARPS
Colin G Prickett ARPS
Michael Kwasniak FRPS
Rebecca Johnson LRPS
Chair Moira Ellice ARPS moira.ellice13@gmail.com
Vice-Chair David F Cooke FRPS davidfcooke@btinternet.com
Treasurer Nigel Rea ARPS creative.treasurer@rps.org
Secretary Gillian Beckett ARPS CPAGB creative.secretary@rps.org
Exhibition and Events Co-ordinator Moira Ellice ARPS moira.ellice13@gmail.com
facebook Facebook facebook.com/groups/rpscg Or search Facebook for ‘RPS Creative’ facebook Facebook Study Groups
Exclusive to Creative Eye Group members. We run small, private Facebook peer review groups to exchnage images and critiques (up to 8 members per group). To join a group, contact Steve Varman at creative.publications@rps.org flickr Flickr flickr.com/groups/3510780@N20/pool Or search groups for ‘RPS’ Contact: David Ryland ARPS: david_1@btinternet.com
Editor: Steve Varman creative.publications@rps.org
Website: rps.org/ceg
© 2022 All rights reserved. Apart from storage and viewing in its entirety for personal reference, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form without prior permission of the copyright holder. The Royal Photographic Society, the Creative Eye Group and the Editor accept no liability for the misuse of any content or for any breach of copyright by a contributor. The views expressed in this magazine do not necessarily reflect the policies of the Royal Photographic Society or the Creative Eye Group. Unless otherwise indicated, all images are from, and copyright of, the authors.
The Royal Photographic Society, RPS House, 337 Paintworks, Arnos Vale, Bristol, BS4 3AR, UK, t +44 (0)117 3164450 | www.rps.org | VAT Registration No. GB 753 3057 41
Registered Charity No. 1107831
Membership Secretary Bill Coles LRPS creative.membershipsecretary@rps.org
Publications & Web Editor Steve Varman LRPS creative.publications@rps.org
Communications Coordinator Clive Watkins LRPS creativecomms@rps.org
Cover: A Snail’s Banquet by Wendy Irwin ARPS
A correction to the introduction on page 18, issue 86 (September 2021) for Palli Gajree HonFRPS, which should have read:
“Palli is the oldest and the longest standing member of the Royal Photographic Society (RPS), and of the British Institute of Professional Photography (BIPP), as well as the Photographic Society of America (PSA)”.
From The Chair
From his “Welcome” content, you will see that Steve Varman is handing over his editorial duties to our Vice Chair, Dr David Cooke FRPS. I know that David will maintain the excellent standards established by Steve and which have culminated in the production of a magazine of the quality befitting our discerning members. As I approach journey’s end as group Chair, I wish to express my gratitude to Steve for his significant contribution to the achievements of our group during my spell at the helm.
I am delighted that Steve will continue to design and assemble the magazine.
Suffolk based Committee Member and Exhibition Secretary, Matthew Clarke, recently informed me of his decision to stand down. In thanking Matthew for his help and support during my tenure, I am also reminded of the Creative Eye Group’s origins here in East Anglia which is where its activities were primarily focused when I joined the committee in 2012. Appreciating the global nature of the RPS when I took the Chair, I was keen to promote our special interest group to a position of international recognition and to expand the membership, both in the UK and around the world. After four years in my current role, I believe that I have made a positive start and it has been heartening to see membership numbers steadily increasing to a current level exceeding 570. It has also been a joy to take part in Zoom meetings, so ably organised and hosted by our hard-working volunteer, Jan Harris, which have attracted national and international audiences. These initiatives have generated links with overseas based RPS representatives and will, hopefully, help in our quest to expand our world-wide recognition.
I am extremely fortunate to have the full support of my Vice Chair, who shares my vision for the future development of our group’s activities in a manner that will not only appeal to current members but will also continue to attract interest from potential new members who are looking to broaden their photographic horizons.
You will soon be receiving your invitation to enter the Members’ 2022 Print Exhibition, which will be selected by Dr David Townshend FRPS, Joan Jordan ARPS and Dr Ian Wilson ARPS. The Exhibition will be free to enter. There will be awards for the best prints and a change to the format for print submissions will, I hope, give many more members a greater opportunity to enter their work. If you have any queries regarding entry, please contact me at moira.ellice13@gmail.com
My sincere thanks are due to you as I could not have carried out my duties as Chair without your support and the contributions submitted by so many of you which have enabled Steve Varman to take the magazine to a new level. I hope that David will be able to rely upon your continued support during his forthcoming term in office.
I also hope that you will be able to find the time to attend our AGM in March, which will be held via Zoom, and I look forward to welcoming you then.