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I am currently studying for a Master of Research in Art and Design at John Moores University in Liverpool. My written and practice-based research is centred on the abstract, nonrepresentational photograph in order to help discover how this is perceived and where it might sit in a curatorial space. As a lover of abstract expressionism I find myself moving more towards abstraction. Some people prefer my older, more representative and literal landscapes to the stripped back style that I currently favour. Oddly enough it is easier for me to find a landscape from a found texture than it is to find an abstract form that translates, however I have never liked the easy road - I need to keep shaking it up and developing my style in order to progress. I would like to see my abstract forms cover large walls and stretch several metres in length and height, similar to large art canvases, but as photography can be a very expensive pastime, I suspect I may have to wait a while.

“I had a dream, in which I was a strange dealer, a dealer in looks or appearances. I collected and distributed them, and in the dream I had just discovered a secret. I discovered it on my own, no help. The secret was to get inside whatever I was looking at - get inside it.”
John Berger www.carolemmas.com