5 minute read

Letter to Advisors / Wifi details

Dear Advisor A very warm welcome to the 40th Royal Russell School International Model United Nations Conference. There

will be a meeting in the Advisors’ room for all Advisors at 15.15 on Saturday which I hope you will be able

to attend. Along with other information I have enclosed a copy of the welcome letter to the delegates and the Approval Panel assignments. My thanks to Alex Porter, Olesia Sava and Sam Marlow for helping to organise the running of the Approval Panel and if you need to change your assignment, please see them in room C2. I would like to draw your attention to both the Fire Procedure and Restricted entry to the Opening Ceremonies. Please see the Fire procedure details and map. There will be a practice during the weekend. This year we are restricting entry to the Opening ceremony to 2 delegates and 2 extra tickets for the balcony. I would recommend that the extra tickets are given to students but if you wish to use one yourself that is of course perfectly fine. Each lead Advisor will have the balcony tickets (two per delegation) in their pack. Meanwhile we will be live streaming the General Assembly in the PAC (and on YouTube). Please

follow signs to the PAC.

Please make use of the Common Room facilities where there will be the usual supply of tea and coffee. TingTing Wang will be on hand if you have any concerns. I have also provided bottles of wine, beer and soft drinks. Please make use of the “honesty box”. Please feel free to visit all the committee rooms, including the ICJ and Security Council during the conference. If at any stage you need to leave the campus during the day could you please leave your mobile number in the Advisor’s room so that we can contact you if needed. Mobile phone numbers for Royal Russell staff for emergencies will be posted in the Advisors room. Please note that there should always be an Advisor from each school on site. I would appreciate very much your presence at some stage during the evening entertainment on Saturday, Sunday and Monday (see rota attached), if your delegates are attending, and also the supervision of your students in their accommodation at night. Following the evening entertainment delegates are required to return to their accommodation quickly and to stay in their houses and keep noise to a minimum (please be aware that some Royal Russell staff live in the boarding houses and will be around during the conference). For school staying in local hotels, it is essential that Advisors accompany their delegates if leaving the Campus. This year we are again employing external security and no student will be allowed to enter or reenter the Disco after 10.00pm. In my letter to delegates I have informed them that after 10.00pm they will only be allowed into the evening entertainment if accompanied by their Advisor.

Disco rota:

21.00 – 21.30 Saturday Sunday

21.30 – 22.00 Manatsu McCluskey (FI) Florina Ruse (GCHS) Amy Cox (HCS) 22.00 – 22.30 John McCarthy (NC) Gary Quinn (StA) Julie Fitssimons (BC) Sylvia Martinez (CA) Jon Stark (CSC) Allison Delort (StV) Graham Quinn (TC) Monday Laura Morrissey (NC) Hannah Saunders (R) Rob Micallef (StA) Liam Boland (StG) Laura McCall (StI) Eleni Samiou (StJ) Daniel Ross (StV) Sandra Jones (SP) Brendan Tiernan (TC)

22.30 – 23.00 Niamh Scallan (StG) Aaron Wheatley (StI) Melp. Tagiou (St.J)

23.00 – 23.30

23.30 – 24.00 Tara Sharkey (WC) Mark Smyth (BC) Eliz. Ann Boyle (CA) Sarah Magnard (CSC) Rhonna Jessome (FI) Alexandru Faciu (GCHS) Alice O’Shea (StA) Theodora Mitrop. (StJ) Michael Ferraris (FI) Caoimhe Shan. (StA) Dimitios Karav. (StJ) Lucy Dooley (StA) Geert v d Meer (FI) Stephen O’Brien (R) Tim Sheehan (SP)

Again this year, we will be showing a film and some videos made by our Media Team on Sunday night. Committee Chairs Meeting .Thank you for your recommendations for Committee Chairs. There will be a meeting for all Committee Chairs on Saturday at 1.15pm in the Library. Committees will begin this year at 2.00pm on Saturday with policy statements for all students followed by resolution construction. This year we want to try and get the best possible resolutions so we would like

you to encourage 1) any student who has come with their own well researched resolution to main submit their original resolution

2) any student who has come with a few clauses or no resolution to join a group working on

resolution construction, which a group of students can submit. Students bringing their own resolution should join a resolution construction group on a different topic to the resolution they have written.

Official Lobbying will only begin at 16.15hrs. Co-submitting forms will be distributed in the Committee Rooms at this time. Delegates can sign to co-submit two resolutions on each topic, one a constructed resolution and the other an individual delegate’s resolution. Please see separate sheet “Guidelines for

Delegates for Submitting Resolutions”. Ambassadors Meeting. There will be a meeting for all Ambassadors at 17.30 on Saturday in the Library. I will speak to them about the appropriateness of Opening Speeches and consequences for them and their delegation of making an inappropriate opening speech. (Note guidelines in invitation booklet)

Chapel Service. All teachers and delegates, of any religion or none, are welcome to attend the United Nations chapel service at 9.15am in the school chapel on Sunday. Medical Centre: Please be aware that there will be a nurse on site day and night. On site accommodation: our visitors will be accommodated in all our boarding houses, Queen’s, Hollenden, Oxford, Cambridge, Latessa and old Queen’s (Victoria). I would be grateful if you could remind your students that it is important to respect these facilities and inform them that no food should be consumed in the bedrooms. Finally, I hope that the conference runs smoothly for you, but please do see me if you have, or indeed anticipate, any problems. Yours sincerely,


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