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Careers Education
The aim of the Careers Department is to ensure that every student makes an informed choice, whether that is their GCSE options, Sixth Form studies or beyond.
Information, advice and guidance is available to all students on a 1:1 basis with the Head of Careers, a qualified Guidance Counsellor, as well as via careers assemblies and careers events such as Breakfasts and Fairs. Informal discussion-based tutor-facilitated sessions, where students share thoughts, ideas and hopes and are encouraged to explore widely, are a core activity.
We encourage students in Year 9 to use the START careers platform to support their good choices and provide them with activities to broaden their understanding of themselves and the world of work. Once in Year 10, students have access to Unifrog, which they use until the end of their Royal Russell journey and fully supports their post 18 options. Making the connection between their academic studies and their future intentions is a powerful motivator and exploring different career areas, different job functions and qualification pathways is fundamental to good decision making.
Students are provided with opportunities to develop practical skills such as researching vacancies, preparing a CV, attending a mock interview and finally, experiencing the work place in their chosen sector.
Our annual Careers Fair attracts top national and international businesses, prestigious Universities and exciting Apprenticeship employers and is another opportunity for students in Year 10 to investigate future possibilities.
We align students’ careers learning with the eight Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Career Guidance - the Government’s national strategy for careers education in schools.