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GCSE Media Studies is an exciting and ever relevant subject. It teaches students how to question the media landscape around them through the in-depth analysis of both contemporary and historical texts ranging across a wide variety of platforms. The course is split into the theoretical analysis of texts (70%) and the completion of a practical brief (30%). The department has two dedicated Apple Mac suites and a fully functioning, lighting rigged studio in which students will learn new technical skills. Our students also participate in an exciting array of extracurricular activities, including Royal Russell Day and MUN TV, which equip them with the skills and experience they need to excel in the subject. Media Studies students demonstrate a high level of organisation, problem solving and creative skills. They are both analytical in their approach to texts and passionate about creating their own media products.
Over this comprehensive two year course, students will develop an appreciation for the media’s powerful role in our society, culture and politics. Through analysing a wide range of texts, from advertising and magazines, to newspapers and video games, students will be able to apply skills of enquiry, critical thinking and decision making. By the end of the course, students will have used this understanding of key media theories and issues, along with their own creativity and honed practical skills, to produce their own media text. Our well equipped department with experienced teaching staff provide many opportunities to develop their skills in cocurricular projects and activities allowing them to make friends, build a portfolio and prepare themselves for the challenges of Media in the Sixth Form.
Component 1: Exploring Media Language and
Representation — 40% of the qualification Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes
Component 2: Understanding Media Forms and
Products — 30% of the qualification Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes
Section A: Exploring Media Language and Section A: Television Representation Section B: Music (music videos and online media) Section B: Exploring Media Industries and Audiences Component 3: Creating Media Products — 30% of the qualification Non-exam assessment (coursework). An individual media production for an intended audience.
GCSE Media Studies students can progress onto the extremely popular A Level or BTEC Media courses at Royal Russell, which build on the theoretical framework explored in the GCSE. The A-Level includes the production of a cross media brief allowing students to create products for two different platforms. Two of our recent students’ films were nominated for national awards, so students can look forward to furthering their studies at Royal Russell with confidence and anticipation. Indeed, for some students, GCSE Media Studies may be the first step on a career in the media industries. Former students are currently enjoying exciting careers in television and advertising, having studied at the best universities for the subject in the UK.