Wee Arree Ro W Roya oyyaall R Ru usseelll I am delighted that you have expressed an interest in joining our Sixt S xth Forrm. Sixth Form fu ulll of exciting oppor tunities ities and welcomingg staff and st students. You will w be given the trust and independe ence to balance lan your studies,, co co-curricular la acctivities vities and social life and be responsibl sponsible for your own actions. act In return for your effo or t and commiitment we e will w give you alll tthe support, inspiration and guidance g you need d. Students at Roya al Russel sell are am mbitious ous and aiming at the b best universities and a diverse range of careers. Whatever e you aspire ire to do, we will help you get there. We w will guide you througgh your e . choices and equip you with the skills you need to succeed well-rounded, independent you ungg wom men and men, prou o d of their ir achi chieveme ents ts and ready to face new challenges, either at university or in the workplace place. arning, rning in i tellectu ual a ccuriosit o ity, a willingness to push your limits mit and a If you have enthusiasm for lea desire to get involved, you w will thrive at Royal Russell.l I look l forward to welcoming you. Chris Hutchinson Headmaster
AU Un niive versiitttyy Styl yllee Cam mp pu p us Our stunning university style campu p s, set in 110 acres of private parkland, provides a pu calm yet stimulating environment ffor orr our students. Exxttensive and impressive on-site facilities ties ess and state of the ar t technology blend with origina nal architecture and p plenty enty of green space. The Library and Sixth Form Centre provid d des the focus for academic life and quiet stu udy in a well-resourced, modern environmen ntt. An n extensive range of resources and research ma aterials are available to help with studies. The Head of Sixth Forrm
and nd Car Ca ee ers is always on hand for advice an nd assistance. tance. Our estate is fully WiFi enabled, allowi w ng for the use of lap l tops and mobile technol hnolo ogy throughou out the sitte for pri rivate sttudy. The Sixth h Forrm C CafÊ, D Drapers’ iss a lively social space ce for relaxation during ri g breaks and lunch and for stu a st d dy during free periods.
Wee Arree Ambitio W mb biittioou us The Sixt i hF Foor m at R Ro oyal R Russel ussell is a vibrant community with a full curriculum u an a lively student bod and dyyy.. A wi wide e range ge of A le evel coursess is offered, and we advise student ents to select ct those subjects that they enjoy, are re good g at and meet their future er aspirations. caree Small class ass sizes, taught by highly engaging and aff allow for group debate and the free talented sta ependent thinking. thinking Stu St dents curiosity and independ thrive in the subjectss they have chosen h and arre inspired and enthused. Students have greater responsibility sibility for organising their time and enjoy a wide range of p privileges. We expect all our students to set clear goals, work hard and take full advantage of the many co-curricular opportunities available.
What ourr Studdents Wh ents saay: y: Hard work and persistence always pay off.
We want all our students to leave us with the best possible exam results to thrive in a competitive world. Our students aim high, and leave us for o high ghly competitive university courses in medicine, enginee eering, business and veterinary, as well as gainingg internships in n many prestigious organisationss. Our students demo onstratte the pe ersonal qualities that are highly hly value ued by universities and employers and those that will lead th them to a successfu uccessful future; endeavor, re esponsibi bilitty, co rage, resilience and courtesy. cou Students leave our Sixth Form havingg achieved their full potential and are fully prepared to e brace the new challenges that await them. em m m.
What ourr Studdents ents say: ay: Get involved in as maany things as possible and you w will find your strengths very quicklyy. y.
We Arree Lea We ead ad der ers During their time in our Sixth F Fo or m,, stud udents will haavve plenty of opport op unities nit to develop their skills in public speaking, tiime managemen ent and leaadershi hip. We encourage our students to show initia itiati t ve,, motivate others and take the lead.
school choo , and organise and run House and Sixt ixth Forrm eve ents.
Sixth ixth Formers hold impor tant positions of responsi on bility as Prefects, Spor t and Hou use Captains and Curriculum Ambassadors, actin a ng a role models and mentors for younger as student dents.
Lectures, seminars and team-building in challe allenges es stretch our talented you o ng people ple iinte ellecttually a as they develo lop the e attribu butes and d ski kills theyy will n nee ed to succee ceed in their chosen careers.
Our Sixth Form Committee works with w h our Headmaster and his Senio or Management nage TTe ea am over all aspects of scho hool life. They ma ake a valuable contribution to the running of the
O r Acade Ou ademi mic Lecture programme encourages our stude en nts to give lunchtime presentations to their peers on o subjects of their choice.
Wee Get Involv W vo ollvveed through a purely ac acade demic curriculum. W Wee encourage a healthy balance of academic rigour and co-curricular participation, where students can explore alternative int i erests and unear nearth a multitude of hidden talents. We run an exciting ing programme of enr nriching clubs, activities and nd societies. All students en are encouraged to pa ar ticipate in a range of activities to enhance their heir studies, learn new skills, extend their friendsh hip groups or simply just to have fun and relax at the end of a busy school day. We have an active Combined bin Cadet Force (CCF) sive grounds. who train weekly in our extensi Whether they are in the Army or o R RAF sections, ns, cadets are often selected for prestigiou tigious leadership courses and attend many residentia al camps at military bases. Our Duke of Edinburgh training represents Bronze, Silver and Gold expeditions. Ou ur Model United Nations (MUN) organisation g tion is welll-respec e ted both locally and internationa onallly. Involvemen ent in MUN builds students’ skills in n co munication, public speaking and debating com ng and d students have the oppor tunity to attend conferences enc both in the UK and abroad throughout the year.
What ourr Studdents Wh ents saay: y: Take more risks, such as being Take confident and auditioning for parts i Drama in D and d going i to different after school clubs.
We offer our students the oppo ortunity to par ticipate in our unique Driving iv ng School. Theo or y and practical lessons take pla ace within hin our exxttensive grounds to inttrodu uce our students a road awar a eness in a safe to driving skillss and environment nt. Music, sic, Drama and Sport are widelyy available cipation, at all al levels, is to students and participation welcomed. We run an enriching ng programme mme of cultu ural, ral adventurous, creat eat ative and a so social a trips, both local and reside ential al. Recent trips include visits to Iceland, Amer ericca, Wales, s Ita taly, Spain n, France ce and Japan. Sixth Formers also enjjoy their own social Six calenda dar, includ ding the coveted May Ball. We encou nccourag age ge ea all our students to get involved d in Sixth Form life, e make a positive contribution bution a and enjoy their time e here.
What ourr Studdents Wh ents saay: y:
We Arree Prreeep We parred ed
My teachers always encourage me to push myself further and helped me when I felt overwhelmed.
Our Head of Sixth Form and Head of Careers is genuinely interessted in every sstudent dent Bespoke Ca C reers advice encourages all our s dents to aim higher and ch stu choose a rewarding ccaree reer. Personal Tutors and subject teachers a impor tant role in providing appropriate play an advice ea and guidance g to suppor t individual personal progress. academic and p Our Lecture programme sees motivating ti g and ins nspirational guest speakers presen ent on a wide e range of topics and industr tries. i We aim to broaden horizons and d give our stu udents an insig sight into a wealth of careers and op oppor tunities tthat they may not have yet considered e . University entr trance is highly hly competitive and our tailored mentoring will gui uide you through
the entrance anc prroced dure and ensure e you choose m st approp opriatte co course and university for the mos your chos ch en care eer. Thos o e considering Oxbridge ge en ntrance are given bespo es ke gu uidan nce and an preparation t . We provide exper t assistance ssista in the t e wr writing ng of UCAS CA personall sta atements ments, with interview expe x erience e to help stud de ents build a quality app ication, giving our stude applicat d nts the e edge over the competition. Our Career Fairs showcase a wide e vari v ety of professions and our extensive Work Place P ment Programme enables our students to gain n real valuable hands-on experience in their heir chosen fields.
Wee Arree Sup W pp poorrtteed What ourr Studdents Wh ents saay: y:
It is of par pa amount import mportance to us that our students are happyy,, feel el supported d
No-one’s voice is as important as my own, and that doing what you believe in your heeart to be right is never wrong.
Our approa ach to individ vi ual al care and attention is highly valued ed, by our students ts and their parents. The majority of our pastoral care ccentres around our unique House s and Tutor system. Students will have a persona al Tutor who will get to know them well and understa s nd their interests, needs, aspirations and concerns. Tutors work with students on an individ dual level to inspire, motivate and enccou urage, and ensure that progress always rem mai ains on trrack.
e very best Our students deserve to achieve the exam results they can, but they also dese s rve to enjoy school, make life-long friends and fu utu t re connections and leave us with fond memories of their time here. Many of our students retu urn to us regularly for Old Russellian reunion ons or to gguest lecture to other studentss who will follow in their footsteps.
Wee F W Feeel A Att Hoom me
Final word from Chris Hutchinson
Around on ne quarterr of our students choose to live at school in one of ourr three wellpositioned d and homel m ly boarding houses. Sixth F Fo or mers enjoy their own room om with ample spac ace ffor or quiet study and revision. Students within n our thriving boardin ing community join us from the local area a and from overseas and add a a vibrant internati tional dimension to our 24 hou ho r school life.
nds spent socialising and relaxing with their friend in comfor table surroundings orr ta aking part in the host of activities laid on for their t eir fun and enjoyment.
Boarders are able to enjoy their t school day par t in activities after with day studentss, take p school and complete ttheir hom mework in a quiet, nt. Their fr f ee time can be supervised environment
Ultimately, each h boa b rdingg ho house is a hom me e. All our boarding ng staff live o on-site, cre eating a frriend dly, happyy and suppo h s rtive family atmosphere.
characteristics that successful members of this community show. At Royal Russell we understand that there is more to success than just one dimension and I believe that successful people and particularly successful students, show some or all of the following: They show Passion for an area of the curriculum or co-curriculum at the same time as having a balanced view of the passions and interests of others. They are hardworking and focused without becoming obsessed. of service and of Non sibi sed omnibus. Everything we do involves relationships with people. People we know, people we don’t; people we see everyday, people we see once and never again; people we love, and people with the capacity to be loved. People who we respect, people we care for and who care for us. Many of you will know that the Duke of Wellington, as well as being a successful military leader, was also twice the Prime Minister, as was our own Lord John Russell.
What ourr Studdents Wh ents saay: y:
Wellington’s biographer wrote; “Sir Winston Churchill once told me of a reply made by the Duke of Wellington, in his last years, when a friend asked him: “If you had your life over again, is there any way in which you could have done better?” The old Duke replied: “Yes, I should have given more praise.” So, with the Old Duke in mind I would like to praise and thank those who have made this year so successful for us all.
You win some you learn You some, the only way to be sure is to throw yourself all in.
Firstly, ‘Thank you’ to our Teaching and Classroom Staff who mirror so many of those success characteristics and have given their expertise, their knowledge, their time and of themselves to ensure that this year is as successful as possible for all our pupils. My second ‘Thank you’ is to our wonderful Royal Russell pupils. I cannot think of a more lively and interesting bunch and I want you to know just how much of a privilege it is to work with you all. In my newsletter last week I described you as:
R emarkable O penhearted Y outhful A dventurous L imitless
R eliable U nderstanding S ociable S ensitive E xciting L oyal L oving
amazing range and variety of activities that you have undertaken. support of your children and of the events we are running or indirectly in the positive messages that you send to those who have not yet experienced this amazing school.
Simply put, ‘We Are Royal Russell’.
Royal Russell School Coombe Lane | Croydon | CR0 5RN Tel: 020 8657 4433 /RoyalRussellSchool