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Academic Monitoring and Reporting

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Academic Monitoring and Reporting

Regular feedback is provided by the School to pupils and parents in a variety of ways throughout each academic year. An academic reporting schedule is prepared at the beginning of each year. We publish effort and attainment grades for each subject at key intervals and teachers will give full written progress and target report at the end of the academic year. A Parents’ Evening is also held between November and February, in order to support pupil progress throughout the academic year. Parents’ Evenings have taken place online since September 2020 and we expect to continue this practice. We welcome attendance of pupils and parents to the online meetings. School Assessment Week takes place towards the end of the Summer term. Lessons are collapsed during this period and a timetable of the subject assessments is provided for each pupil. The Assistant Head Lower School will provide more information about this process later in the academic year. Additional school assessments take place at other times in the year for Years 10-13. Other forms of assessment will take place as part of the learning process in each subject throughout all year groups, these may include class and homework assignments, practical activities and in-class tests. Feedback from these will be provided to the pupils in class.

Attainment Grades: the grade descriptors below explain the grades awarded for attainment in each School Grade Sheet or Written Report

Years 7-9

Grades A*- E will be awarded, representing a pupil’s standard of attainment relative to the Royal Russell cohort, based on assessment of the standard of their work throughout the academic year.

Years 10-11

Pupils will be awarded grades A*- G or 9 - 1 depending on the syllabus being studied. This grade should represent their overall standard of work, as determined by assessments throughout the course of Years 10 and 11. A briefing for parents will be provided at the start of the Autumn term.

Years 12-13

Pupils will be awarded grades A*- E, or ‘Distinction starred’ to ‘Pass’ depending on the syllabus being studied.

This grade should represent their overall standard of work, as determined by assessments throughout the course of Years 12 and 13.

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