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Music A level provides opportunities for students to develop a range of skills, knowledge and understanding in music, embracing creative, interpretative, historical and analytical aspects of the subject. Music is also a context for personal growth through the diversity of serious study in music, and thereby promotes academic independence and self-discipline, broadens intellectual and emotional responses, stimulates critical discrimination and heightens social and cultural awareness.
It is expected that students will be continuing one-to-one music tuition throughout the A level course, and that they will have a knowledge of Music Theory up to Grade 5 standard.
Performing (30%) At the end of the two-year course, candidates will be required to give a performance of an 8 minute recital which will be recorded. This can include solo, ensemble, improvisation and music technology elements.
Composing (30%) Two compositions (totalling 6 minutes in length) are required for this element of the course. One composition must be from a brief (set by the board) which assesses compositional techniques. The other composition can either be a free composition or from a brief set by the board.
Appraising (40%) A two-hour paper including listening and essay questions related to set works which are studied over the two years. They come under the following categories: Vocal Music, Instrumental Music, Music for Film, Popular Music and Jazz, Fusions and New Directions.
Recent students have progressed to study Music at a range of higher education establishments, including Conservatoires. The course also provides opportunities to develop strengths and interests leading to music related and other careers. In the last two years, Lily and Charlie have both gained places at the Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance.