Master in International Health 2015-2016
Master in International Health The Master in International Health (MIH) aims to develop the capacity of health professionals planning to work at the interface of international organizations and national health systems. Because you can design your own program, the MIH prepares you optimally for your desired field of work – whether that be child health, HIV and AIDS, maternal health, disaster settings, research, health policy, human resources or another area. The program can be completed within 1 to 5 years, depending on your availability. The MIH is organized by the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU).
What is International Health?
International Health is a discipline that systematically compares factors that affect the health of all human populations, with a special focus on poverty-related health problems in low and middle-income societies. International health includes the promotion of health, prevention and treatment of diseases and rehabilitation. Knowledge, skills and the ability to critically analyse and draw implications for practice related to the major endemic diseases, health systems research, health economics, health policy and management of health services are essential.
The MIH provides health professionals with the knowledge and skills they need to deal with current challenges effectively. The MIH aims to enable you to understand and analyse international health issues, conduct applied research, and develop adequate and appropriate responses in a global context. An international health expert should be able to: • Identify and critically analyse key factors and forces, including international changes, shaping the health of populations in low and middle income countries • Identify and appraise the challenges, threats and opportunities to health care delivery arising from globalization • Formulate effective and appropriate responses to complex international practice and policy issues • Communicate effectively across disciplines, sectors and national boundaries and with professionals and clients at all different levels of the health system and related institutions • Identify research needs, commission research and critically analyse and use research results • Work professionally, critically reflect and continuously seek to enhance personal and organizational learning
If you are a health professional (for example medical doctor, nurse, midwife) and you wish to develop/ boost your career in international health, this course is designed for you.
Program structure
The program is taken in the following order: A. Core course (NTC), (20 ECTS) B. Advanced modules (20 ECTS) C. Thesis (20 ECTS) Note: 20 ECTS is approximately equivalent to four months of full-time study
A. Core course
The core course, Netherlands Course in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (NTC), provides you with the basic knowledge on a very wide range of topics that you need to follow the advanced modules and complete your thesis. The course consists of 5 modules: introduction, determinants of health, health problems, basic research methods and health systems. For a more detailed description see:
B. Advanced modules
In the advanced modules you can deepen your skills and knowledge on selected topics. With the support of the course management, you make a personal study plan. The advanced modules can be taken at KIT and at various universities and institutes throughout the Netherlands, and in- and outside Europe. Students are encouraged to follow modules in different countries. Participants who would like their degree to be certified by tropEd must take part of their advanced modules at tropEd member institutions. See:
C. Thesis
Under the guidance of an adviser who is expert on the topic, you will write a thesis on an important health problem that you wish to address in your working life. You will systematically analyse a problem and make suggestions for its solution based on qualitative and quantitative information from a literature review or primary study.
Part-time option
The program can be completed within 1 to 5 years, depending on your availability.
Learning method
The MIH aims for increased competency of health workers. The content of the course is practice-based and oriented as much as possible to the working situation of participants. Contacts between staff and participants are intensive throughout the course. You will learn through lectures,
discussions, group work, individual presentations, case studies, exercises, study visits, ‘serious gaming’, self-reflection, selfstudy and written assignments including a thesis. You will receive study material before each module. Online repositories are used for learning material; laptops and/or tablets are required.
Study load
A total of 60 ECTS credit points must be accumulated for successful completion of the MIH program. The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) facilitates transfer of course credits between institutions at the same academic level. One ECTS requires 30 hours of student time, which includes class time and independent study.
Application procedure
The application package is due two months before the start of the course. Please upload your application online: The following documents should be uploaded: • A one-page letter describing your motivation to follow the course • Copies of your diplomas and grade reports • An up-to-date curriculum vitae and a list of publications if applicable • Unless you are a native English speaker or have completed your higher education in English, enclose proof of English language proficiency in the form of the internationally recognized test TOEFL or IELTS. A minimum TOEFL score of 5.5 or a minimum IELTS academic score of 6.0 or equivalent is required. It is possible to upload this information at a later moment if you have not taken this test yet. For Dutch participants academic training is sufficient. Visit our website for more extensive information Candidates fulfilling the MIH entry requirements will receive a letter of unconditional admission, admitting them to the course provided that financing can be arranged. Once you have secured financial support and
Admission criteria • Academic training at least to the level of a bachelor’s degree, either in medicine or a paramedical science • Two years of relevant work experience • Proven proficiency in spoken and written English • Computer literacy is expected
provided evidence of proficiency in English, you will receive a definitive letter of admission.
Funding and financial assistance
The arrangement of financial support to cover all study costs is the responsibility of the applicant. Some candidates are sponsored by their own governments, universities or employers while others apply for fellowships offered through the United Nations and its specialized agencies such as UNICEF, WHO, WB, UNDP or through other international programs. For more information on other options visit the KIT website: or
Practical information Course dates
The MIH program starts in September and March of each year. Upcoming dates for the core course: 9 March – 12 June 2015 14 September – 18 December 2015 7 March – 10 June 2016
Application deadline: Three months before start of the course Note: Candidates are advised to apply early as number of participants is limited and visa applications can take several months.
Course fees
The fee for this course is € 9.720 (2015) which covers the tuition fee for the core course, course materials, tutoring for the thesis and advisory services for the duration of the program. Please note that it does not include fees for advanced modules as these depend on the students personal study plan. MIH students from KIT receive 20% discount on indicated prices for advanced modules taken at KIT.
Classes are held at KIT in Amsterdam
There is a severe shortage of student accommodation in Amsterdam and participants are advised to contact KIT for information. KIT will assist participants in their search for housing.
The MIH is offered across Europe by members of tropEd, a global network of institutions for higher education in international health. This network enables you to follow part of your training at European, African, Asian and Latin American universities and institutions. KIT is a longstanding member of the tropEd network.
For information on accommodation, visa and insurance requirements go to our website, and see under practical information.
The MIH is accredited by the NetherlandsFlemish Accreditation Organization (NVAO).
Master courses at KIT • Master of Public Health/International course in Health Development: – MPH - Track in Health Systems Policy and Management – MPH - Track in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights – MPH - Track in HIV and AIDS • Masters in International Health KIT also organises a 3 months study programme: • Netherlands Course in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Other advanced courses offered at KIT Global Health and Development
• Towards achieving Universal Health Advanced Course on Health Sector Reforms and Financing: Coverage • Advanced Course on Monitoring and Evaluation: Innovations in a Dynamic Health Systems Environment • Analysing Disrupted Health Systems in countries in crisis • Control Strategies for Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases • Gender, Rights and Health (e-learning) • Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Disease Control Programs • Health Policy and Financing • Qualitative methods in Health Systems Research • Human Resources for Health
Why study at kit?
• Up-to-date approach to complex public health issues • Practice oriented • Exchange between disciplines • Interactive education • Development of personal and professional competencies • Network building
Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
• Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV and AIDS • Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV and AIDS (e-learning) • Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: Organising Effective Responses
• Analysing Dynamics of HIV and AIDS Epidemics & Prevention • NEW: HIV: Policy, Governance and Financing (e-learning) • Health sector responses to HIV: innovations and synergies • NEW: Health Systems Strengthening and HIV (e-learning)
Other advanced courses Gender, Rights and Development
• Gender, Rights and Health (e-learning) • Tailor-made training
Sustainable Economic Development • Tailor-made training
WHO Collaborating Centre for HRH The World Health Organization (WHO) has designated KIT an HRH collaborating centre for the training, retention and motivation of health care workers in developing countries. As such, KIT conducts research and advises countries on policy, planning and capacity development for HR management in the international health care sector.
• Personal tutoring • Participants from diverse backgrounds and countries • Teachers: highly qualified specialists • Positively reviewed by tropEd • KIT: international centre of excellence in international health and development • Accredited by NVAO
Contact information KIT Health MIH Course coordinator P.O. Box 95001 1090 HA Amsterdam The Netherlands
+31 (0)20 568 8218/8427
Website and for all other courses at KIT:
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@KITHealthEdu Royal Tropical Institute Royal Tropical Institute
kit - a world KIT world ofofknowledge knowledge The Royal KIT is an expertise and knowledge centre for international and intercultural cooperation. KIT provides innovative solutions & approaches, advice, research, training & education for our clients to have more impact in health, economic, social & organisational development. Our work is evidencebased, designed for practical use and implementation.
Photography: KopiSusu Fotografie