KIT MPH 2015-2016

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Master of Public Health International Course in Health Development • MPH Track in Health Systems Policy and Management • MPH Track in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights • MPH Track in HIV and AIDS


Master of Public Health/International Course In Health Development The International Course in Health Development (MPH/ICHD) is an annual twelve-month Master of Public Health program organized by the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) in cooperation with the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU).

Public health and health care in a changing environment

Health systems in low and middle income countries face a wide range of challenges: inequalities in health and health care; the overwhelming problems posed by the HIV pandemic; health sector reforms; a call for equity and poverty reduction; epidemiological and demographic transitions with their double burden of disease; new partnerships with donors and other institutions through sector-wide approaches and Global Funds; the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and what lies beyond 2015; and a focus on quality of services and evidence-based public health. Providing an effective response to these issues requires well-trained professionals able to solve complex public health problems systematically and using a multi-sectoral approach. MPH/ICHD participants have the option choosing between three tracks: • MPH Track in Health Systems Policy and Management • MPH Track in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights • MPH Track in HIV and AIDS

For more information on the content and objectives of the different tracks, please see


If you are a health professional working, or preparing to work, in a managerial capacity in health services at national, regional or decentralized district level, this course is designed for you. The track in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and the Track in HIV and AIDS are specifically directed at those who wish to work in the SRHR and HIV and AIDS domains.


The MPH/ICHD is designed to develop the capacity of senior health managers to use an integrated, multi-disciplinary approach to address health problems in their country. At the end of the program, the public health manager should be able to: • Critically analyse the health status of a population and identify health needs • Appraise the role of health systems in terms of fundamental goals, functions, actors and performance • Identify priorities and influence effective policy-making and strategic planning concerning interventions aiming at improving public health, taking into account scientific evidence and good practice • Implement and monitor health interventions by managing human, financial and logistic resources • Work professionally across different sectors, disciplines and institutional levels, with public and private actors, and through advocacy, communication and networking • Identify research needs, commission research, and critically analyse and use research results • Incorporate a pro-poor and equity approach in all actions • Continuously examine and critically reflect on own practice and values and adjust them accordingly

Learning methods

The content of the course is practice-based and oriented as much as possible to the working situation of participants. Contacts between staff and participants are intensive throughout the course. You will learn through lectures, discussions, group work, individual presentations, case studies, exercises, study visits, roleplays, an internet-based virtual learning environment and ‘serious gaming’, selfreflection, self-study and written assignments including a thesis. Study material before each module will be provided. During the lessons you can share information about health issues

in countries you have worked in and compare experiences across different countries. Online repositories are used for learning material; laptops and/or tablets are required.

Study load

A total of 60 ECTS credit points must be accumulated for successful completion of the MPH/ICHD program. The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) facilitates transfer of course credits between institutions at the same academic level. 1 ECTS requires 30 hours of student time, which includes class time and independent study.

Program structure The MPH program consists of three trimesters: First trimester Core Course for all tracks: Introduction Epidemiology and Statistics Learning and Communication Skills Social determinants of Health / Introduction to Public Health Health Systems and Policy Making Health Planning Second trimester: Advanced modules for all tracks Qualitative Methods for Health Systems Research Human Resources for Health Advanced modules of the different tracks: Track in Health Systems Policy and Management

Track in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

Track in HIV and AIDS

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV and AIDS

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV and AIDS

Analysing Dynamics of HIV and AIDS Epidemics and Prevention

Health Policy and Financing

HIV: Policy, Governance and Financing (e-learning)

HIV: Policy, Governance and Financing

Control Strategies for Communicable and NonCommunicable Diseases

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: Organising effective responses

Health sector responses to HIV: innovations and synergies

Third trimester: for all tracks Visit to WHO; Thesis; Oral examination Thesis focused on a topic relevant to the track chosen and an oral exam on the thesis.

Admission criteria

• Academic training at least to the level of a bachelor’s degree, either in medicine or in another field related to health care, such as health sciences, economics, social science or nursing. • A minimum of three years of relevant working experience, including managerial responsibilities in health services in a low or middle income country. • Proven proficiency in spoken and written English • Computer literacy is expected

Application procedure

The application package is due three months before the start of the course. Please upload your application online: The following documents should be uploaded: • A one-page letter describing your motivation to follow the course • Copies of your diplomas and grade reports • An up-to-date curriculum vitae and a list of publications if applicable • Unless you are a native English speaker or have completed your higher education in English, enclose proof of English language proficiency in the form of the internationally recognized test TOEFL or IELTS. A minimum TOEFL score of 5.5 or a minimum IELTS academic score of 6.0 or equivalent is required. It is possible to upload this information at a later moment if you have not taken this test yet. For Dutch participants academic training is sufficient. Visit our website for more extensive information: Candidates fulfilling the MPH/ICHD entry requirements will receive a letter of unconditional admission, admitting them to the course provided that financing can be arranged. Once you have secured financial support and provided evidence of proficiency in English, you will receive a definitive letter of admission.

Funding and financial assistance

The arrangement of financial support to cover all study costs is the responsibility of the applicant. Some candidates are sponsored by their own governments, universities or employers while others apply for fellowships offered through the United Nations and its specialized agencies such as UNICEF, WHO, WB, UNDP or through other international programs. For more information visit the KIT website: or

Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP)

A scholarship for the MPH can be obtained through the Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP). Applicants from NFP countries are encouraged to apply. Please note that NFP regulations and procedures have changed. For more information visit and If you plan to apply for the NFP fellowship, the KIT application deadline is 10 February 2015. Deadline for NFP application is 10 March 2015.

Practical information Course dates

Starting date: 21 September 2015 Ending date: 9 September 2016

KIT Application deadline NFP applicants: 10 February 2015 NFP application deadline: 10 March 2015 KIT Application deadline other funding: 20 June 2015 Note: Candidates are advised to apply early as number of participants is limited and visa applications can take several months

Course fees

The fee for this course is € 16350 (2015-2016) which covers the tuition fee, course materials and excursions. Learning materials and books (€ 300) are not included in the course fee.


Classes are held at KIT in Amsterdam.


KIT will secure accommodation for participants with a NFP fellowship and assist others in their search for housing, if the request is received before 1 May. There is a severe shortage of student accommodation in Amsterdam and participants are advised to contact KIT for information. For information on accommodation, visa and insurance requirements go to our website, and see under practical information.


The MPH/ICHD is accredited by the Netherlands-Flemish Accreditation Organization (NVAO, see A number of advanced MPH/ICHD modules are also accredited for the Master’s in International Health programme organized by tropEd, a global network of institutions for higher education in international health.

Master courses at KIT • Master of Public Health/International course in Health Development: – MPH - Track in Health Systems Policy and Management

Why study at kit?

• Up-to-date approach to complex public health issues • Practice-oriented • Exchange between disciplines • Interactive education • Development of personal and professional competencies • Network building • Personal tutoring

– MPH - Track in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights – MPH - Track in HIV and AIDS • Masters in International Health KIT also organises a 3 months study programme: • Netherlands Course in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

Other advanced courses offered at KIT Global Health and Development Advanced modules of the MPH/ICHD can be taken as standalone courses. In addition, we offer advanced courses in the following areas: • • • • •

Global Health and Development HIV and AIDS Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Gender, Rights and Development Sustainable Economic Development

WHO Collaborating Centre for Human Resources for Health The World Health Organization (WHO) has designated KIT a collaborating centre for the training, retention and motivation of health care workers in developing countries. As such, KIT conducts research and advises countries on policy, planning and capacity development for HR management in the international health care sector.

• Participants from diverse backgrounds and countries • Teaching by highly qualified specialists • Positively reviewed by tropEd • KIT: international centre of excellence in international health and development • Accredited by NVAO • 1 year Master

Contact information KIT Health MPH/ICHD Course coordinator P.O. Box 95001 1090 HA Amsterdam The Netherlands


+31 (0)20 568 8256/8426


Website and for all other courses at KIT:

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@KITHealthEdu Royal Tropical Institute Royal Tropical Institute

kit - a world of knowledge KIT is an expertise and knowledge centre for international and intercultural cooperation. KIT provides innovative solutions & approaches, advice, research, training & education for our clients to have more impact in health, economic, social & organisational development. Our work is evidencebased, designed for practical use and implementation.

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