Annual Report 2012
Contents 4
Knowledge Transfer
The Institute at a Glance
Sustainable Development
Holding KIT B.V.
Abbreviated Financial Report
Independent Auditor’s Report
KIT Corporate Governance
Patroness, Boards and Council
Dr Derk Vermeer. Photo: Gerrit SernĂŠ
The year 2012 turned out to be turbulent right from the start. KIT knew a transition was inevitable given the shift in the Dutch government’s outlook on development cooperation and its financing. Nonetheless, The Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), firmly rooted in both the private and the public sectors, continued its commitment to foster poverty alleviation, sustainable development, cultural exchange and the preservation of cultural heritage. We are proud of our staff, who have shown remarkable resilience in these challenging times; 2012 saw an impressive number of completed projects and new alliances. At the same time work started on redefining our mission and vision for the future. Difficult choices regarding our activities, some of which have been part of KIT for decades, have been and will be inevitable. In 2012 the last artist took to the stage of the Tropentheater. This podium, which had hosted world music and international cultural capacity building projects for 40 years could no longer be continued without any form of governmental support. Our museum remains an attractive cultural window on the world and welcomed more than 182,000 visitors from all over the globe. KIT’s Information & Library Services satisfied the needs of clients both in the developing world and locally, and our internationally operating departments KIT Biomedical Research and KIT Development Policy & Practice continued to do well, managing to secure a number of tenders from important donors. In this Annual Report we present a limited number of our projects telling the story of KIT’s ambitious agenda and achievements. In Mali for example, the Ministry of Health sought KIT’s support to solve difficulties that arose in applying different decentralisation policies that did not always work at the operational level of the health sector.
For PLAN International KIT designed a training, coaching and research programme for nine developing countries entitled Empowering Adolescent Girls through Education. In 2012 KIT also started an extensive five-year research project at the request of a number of private investment funds, examining the idea that stimulating the private sector in poverty-stricken regions will boost economic growth and eradicate poverty simultaneously; a concept that leads the development agenda these days. We also shared knowledge through our training department. Almost 2,500 participants from the international business community attended training sessions on intercultural communication by KIT Intercultural Professionals; we trained over 300 health professionals from all over the world. They either followed a master’s programme at KIT itself, or followed other tailor-made short courses, either at KIT or on location in Afghanistan for example, or Ethiopia. We look back on 2012 and forward to 2013 with mixed feelings. The Dutch government granted us financing for 2013. This form of financing will change. Therefore KIT is further broadening its financing base and is in the middle of redesigning its organization and portfolio. We are encouraged by recognition for our work by clients, partners and visitors. KIT is not only rooted in the past and active in the present but also looking towards the future with the conviction that ‘today’s knowledge shapes tomorrow’s world’. Dr Derk Vermeer President (ad interim as of February 2013) May 2013
2012: The institute at a glance
The Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) is an independent centre of knowledge and expertise in the areas of international and intercultural cooperation. Our mission is to contribute to sustainable development, poverty alleviation, the preservation of cultural heritage and cultural exchange. In the Netherlands, KIT aims to generate interest and support for these themes. On an international level, KIT initiates development projects, scientific research and training and provides consultancy and information. The institute offers a wide range of products and services to assist civil society, public authorities, non-governmental organizations and the business community in the field of sustainable development, health, knowledge transfer and culture.
For over 100 years, KIT has been visible in society as a diverse and dynamic institute. For generations, the Tropenmuseum has been a source of inspiration and knowledge about world cultures. Tropenmuseum Junior has opened new horizons for young people by exposing them directly to cultural history and developments in many parts of the world. Throughout its existence, KIT has always been financed by a variety of sources: through assignments for the private sector as well as partial funding from Dutch governmental agencies.
The Dutch government required KIT’s Tropenmuseum to focus on developing a close cooperation with the Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde (Museum for Ethnology) in Leiden, and the Afrika Museum in Berg en Dal. KIT has undertaken intensive discussions with these museums and a letter of intent between the three museums/cultural knowledge centres has been signed.
Change In 2011, the landscape changed. The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at that time the source of approximately half of our budget, decided to cease funding KIT as of 2013. During 2012, an agreement was reached to extend financial support through 2013, on the condition that KIT would start restructuring to become an organization fully independent of governmental support in the near future. In 2012, KIT intensified making plans for restructuring existing activities and searching for alternative sources of income. A tragic consequence of the change in funding was that KIT had to close its Tropentheater; it turned out to be impossible to continue providing a stage for world culture and carry out cultural capacity building without any form of governmental support.
Some examples of our commitments in 2012 Sustainable Development KIT works hard to improve the livelihoods of people in low and middle-income countries through social and gender equality and sustainable economic development. KIT is particularly involved in these areas, collaborating with national and international non-governmental organizations, the business community, government and other parties.
• Over 80 percent of the world’s annual consumption of cinnamon (cassia) comes from the vast cinnamon plantations of Sumatra, Indonesia. KIT is involved in cinnamon production through its work with the company Cassia Co-op. The aim of this project is to improve the lives of those at the bottom of the supply chain, the Indonesian cinnamon harvesters. Cassia Co-op chose KIT as a partner because of its expertise in sustainable supply chains. Cassia Co-op now has its own factory for processing cinnamon which is operational since April 2013.
• How can private initiatives contribute to the development of agribusiness in Africa? To address this question, KIT organized a round table on December 7, together with the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) and the Common Fund for Commodities (CFC). Participants included AGRA chair Kofi Annan. Kofi Annan and former KIT president Rudy Rabbinge. Photo: Irene de groot
• Putting heads together: Agricultural innovation platforms in practice was one of the publications issued by KIT in 2012. It provides new information on the performance of innovation platforms in developing countries, offers options to policymakers, and inspires all actors involved in stimulating innovation in the agricultural sector. It brought together twelve stories from the field about creating and working with innovation platforms in Africa and is the result of practitioners putting their heads together to analyse their experiences, and to draw lessons from them together with KIT staff. • At the end of May, KIT launched an advanced edition of the latest book in KIT’s value chain series: A Woman’s Business – gender equity in agricultural value chain development.
Both launches in Kampala (Uganda) and Kigali (Rwanda) were very well attended by development organizations, value chain practitioners, gender specialists, national government and Dutch embassy representatives, private sector companies and local media.
Health KIT is committed to improving the health of people in low and middle-income countries through research, consultancy and education. It prioritizes effective and sustainable health systems in the areas of maternal health, diagnostic services, neglected diseases and HIV/AIDS. • In December the second Annual Symposium of the Collaboration for Evidence Based Health Care in Africa (CEBHA) was held in Kigali, Rwanda. Over 100 participants attended; physicians, nurses, policymakers and representatives of governmental agencies and NGOs from eight African countries. KIT was one of the major partners organizing this event in close cooperation with the National University of Rwanda and the Rwandan Ministry of Health.
Saoudi students. Photo: Rob Pastoor
• In September KIT started a new project aimed at developing a test to detect both HIV and syphilis in pregnant women. Syphilis transmission from mother to child is becoming a major global health problem, on a par with the transmission of HIV. Syphilis and HIV infection are usually acquired simultaneously. Early detection and treatment of both diseases can significantly reduce the risk of transmission from mother to child and complications such as stillbirth. • In 2012 The World Health Organization (WHO) asked KIT to develop a tool to improve the quality of national public health laboratories around the world. The tool consists of many steps, called ‘activities’, that are put in a logical order leading to the implementation of a fully functioning quality management system. The philosophy is that no laboratory should have to reinvent the wheel. • In 2012 KIT and EQUINET drafted a programme on ‘Advancing Equity in Universal Health Coverage and in the Social Determinants of Health in Zimbabwe’. Under the leadership of the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare of Zimbabwe and the Public Health Advisory Board, (with financial support from UNICEF and CIDA), this programme included studies on equitable financing, institutional arrangements, and how essential health benefits can be made universally available and accessible.
Knowledge Transfer Knowledge Transfer is one of KIT’s four main themes. KIT works with organizations in 60 developing countries to strengthen their information services. The KIT Library is the largest European library on development cooperation. KIT provides a broad range
ICHD Class. Photo: Irene de Groot
of master programmes, short courses and training sessions covering topics on health, sustainable development, gender and intercultural management and communication. • In cooperation with local consortia of libraries and universities, KIT contributed to the participation of African scientists and the distribution of African research results in the global academic community. Together with partners in Africa, KIT sets up repositories with open access to scientific publications. • In 2012 KIT launched a series of policy briefs that reflect on recent developments in Dutch government policy regarding international development cooperation. The first series focused on food security. The last few years saw significant changes to the Dutch government’s development cooperation policy. The new government policy aims at a greater level of enduring impact, but it also raises questions about the assumptions and the evidence upon which this policy is based. How does the policy actually work in practice? What is so different about the projects now being financed that they can guarantee a greater level of impact? In the policy briefs, KIT examines several aspects of the government’s new policy with the objective of sharing its insights with policymakers and practitioners.
Culture • In 2012 Tropenmuseum Junior was nominated for, and won, the 2012 Children’s Museum Award, launched for the first time in 2011 by the European Museum Academy and Hands On! International. • Tropenmuseum and KIT Information & Library Services launched a successful crowdfunding campaign on August 15 for the project ‘Photo Seeks Family’, in the hope of tracing the rightful owners of 335 photo albums from the former Dutch East Indies. With the 230 donations it received KIT was able to create a website and an app which will help locate the owners of the albums (now stored in the museum depot) or their survivors, and make the albums available through websites and social networking sites. • Does a person’s location determine their identity? The Tropenmuseum asked this question in the exhibition Imagined Places. It is not about the significance of physical place, identity concerns our sense of connection to places elsewhere. Artists from all over the world – Adrian Paci, Zineb Sedira, Bouchra Khalili, Claudia Cristovão and Ho-Yeol Ryu, all presented photos and video installations depicting real and imaginary places, chosen and unchosen journeys.
The institute at a glance
• On December 22 the last performance took place on the stage of the Tropentheater. ‘The Last Breath’ was a community art collaboration between renowned young composer Merlin Twaalfhoven and dozens of amateur singers from Amsterdam, performing together with professional artists from different world cultures. All musicians and singers virtuously connected the myths of doom on the expected date of the Mayan Apocalypse.
Children’s Museum Award
Knowledge Transfer
Holding KIT B.V.
Abbreviated Independent Financial Report Auditor’s Report
KIT Corporate Governance
Sustainable Development
MoGo Mali. Photo: Gerard Baltissen
Sustainable Development KIT’s ambition is to improve the livelihoods of people in low and middle-income countries through social and gender equality and sustainable development. KIT is particularly involved in these areas, collaborating with organizations such as AgriProFocus (APF), the African Agricultural Commodity Fund, The United Kingdom Department for International Development, Plan International, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the corporate sector and other parties, in order to achieve true impact on the targeted issues.
Fred Zaal. Photo: Gerrit Serné
Investigating the Impact of Private Investment on Poverty Reduction Fred Zaal, senior advisor at KIT Development Policy & Practice
‘If it works, it would be an efficient and effective solution to global problems: doing well by doing good.’
The idea that stimulating the private sector in poverty-stricken regions will boost economic growth and thus eradicate poverty is leading the social agenda these days. The African Agricultural Commodity Fund (AACF), administered by Pearl Capital Partners (PCP) in Uganda, is looking for evidence for this idea, one that is supported by the Dutch government. ‘If it works, it would be an efficient and effective solution to global problems: doing well by doing good’, affirms Fred Zaal, senior advisor at KIT. The AACF is investing $25 million on behalf of four organizations: the Gatsby, Rockefeller and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations, as well as JP Morgan Bank. The money will go to support business plans put forward by ambitious local entrepreneurs, and is expected to have a positive impact on a quarter of a million African farmers, as well as giving a sound return on investments. Six companies involved in Eastern Africa are participating in the impact assessment to establish whether it is possible to be profitable and fight poverty at the same time. Two selected companies will be studied each year; the first two, handling potatoes and flowers in Kenya, were investigated using qualitative methods and quantitative surveys, emphasizing the impact on farmers and their relatives
and communities. KIT’s research team was given a free hand in making sure there was no subjectivity in the choice of company from the PCP portfolio, selection of farmers or method of study. ‘Although difficult to quantify yet at this point, there already is strong evidence that the investments support a whole chain of operators in the farm production, supply and processing network. The value chain seems to have become very interesting to farmers both in itself, and as a vehicle for further farm development’, Zaal emphasizes. The research will also contribute to existing knowledge on sustainable poverty reduction of both the clients and KIT. For KIT the long commitment to such a major programme will generate new knowledge, which will in turn be used in new enquiries and will be spread by workshops and briefs, depending on discussions on confidentiality with the companies studied.
‘What stands out most are the huge differences between the four African countries evaluated so far.’
Research Into Use: In Search of an Agro-Industrial Revolution in Africa Remco Mur, senior advisor at KIT Development Policy & Practice
The United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID) invested in research-stimulating economic activities for over fifteen years. Research Into Use (RIU) in Africa, a DFIDfunded programme, was established to stimulate rural economic development by enhancing agricultural innovation, assuming innovation only works when it is embedded into a wider set of interactions and processes that put ideas into use. Like all smallholders, African farmers also need to intensify their production systems and adapt to continuous, often unforeseen and sudden changes in their environment; this requires
Remco Mur. Photo: Gerrit Serné
continuous adjustment. ‘But if a solution to problems like the destructive effects of the armyworm is not practical enough, the implementation is not going to work’, Remco Mur, senior advisor at KIT explains. An important question for policymakers and managers in the field of agricultural development is how to best invest resources to support agricultural innovation. RIU established country programmes with the explicit agenda of experimenting with ways of building innovation capacity. The main tools deployed were innovation platforms (of subsector stakeholders) and an innovative, competitive funding mechanism (‘best bets’). RIU has asked KIT to document lessons emerging from the African country programmes and best bets in Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Kenya and Zambia. The report is addressed to policymakers and investors as well as platform managers. ‘What stands out most are the huge differences between the four African countries evaluated so far. In Rwanda for example, a Platform absolutely needs to be formalized to be recognized by the government and to be able to implement new initiatives. In Kenya a structure of village-based advisors, monitored and trained by development company FIPS-Africa, is increasingly successful in providing advisory services required for innovation’, says Mur. ‘Because farmers are not prepared to pay for information and advice, the system of village-based advisors – where advisory services by farmers to farmers are linked to paid services – is working very well.’ The RIU lessons help policymakers and development practitioners to design and implement more effective interventions for innovation.
Empowering Adolescent Girls through Education Netsayi Noris Mudege, advisor at KIT Development Policy & Practice
KIT designed a nine-country baseline study, for the Plan UK Building Skills for Life (BS4L) programme (with funding from DFID – the British Department for International Development) to understand the underlying causes affecting girls’ access to and completion of lower secondary education in the BS4L operational areas in Pakistan, Cambodia, El Salvador, Mali, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Sierra Leone and Kenya. The Social Development Gender Equity team at KIT designed the baseline, provided training and coaching to Plan Country Staff to collect and analyse quantitative and qualitative data and to write the country reports based on the analysis. KIT wrote the final integrated report and provided technical advice to improve the programme monitoring and evaluation framework.
‘The Zimbabwe field staff, for example, were very happy to learn how to collect data and analyse it.’
The institute at a glance
Sustainable Development
economic reasons. Where girls were less valued than boys, parents did not perceive the importance of educating girls, against boys. Schools, communities and governments also undervalued girls, adding to constraints. Parents also worried about the sexual safety of girls on the way to school and at school, further restricting girls’ chances of getting an education when they reached adolescence. Although some parents supported sex education in school to prevent pregnancy among girls, others were against it, saying: ‘Don’t teach our children to eat their fruits before they are ripe.’ The impact on Plan staff was enormous, particularly in building their research and analysis skills. A Plan UK staff member noted that KIT’s expertise in gender, women’s empowerment and interdisciplinary approaches, enriched the analysis and enabled Plan to attain high standards of research. Mudege concludes: ‘The Zimbabwe field staff for example, first doubted whether they could learn a lot from a sample of 200 households, but at the end were happy with the depth and breadth of data and analysis. They were able to explore issues, just by asking the right questions and using the right tools for data analysis.’
The baseline provided Plan UK and Plan Country offices with a broader and deeper understanding of factors related to the question of why girls drop out of school, aside from just the
Netsayi Noris Mudege. Photo: Gerrit Serné
Knowledge Transfer
Holding KIT B.V.
Abbreviated Independent Financial Report Auditor’s Report
KIT Corporate Governance
Simple Diagnostic Test
Health KIT has an impact on the health of people in low and middle-income countries through research, consultancy and education. KIT specializes in effective and sustainable health systems in the areas of maternal health, diagnostic services, neglected diseases and HIV/Aids. To achieve its goals KIT works closely with organizations like the World Health Organization, Netherlands Leprosy Relief, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Cordaid, HealthNet International, Nuffic and perhaps most importantly: local professionals and organizations.
Alliances with Local Governments in Africa in search for Evidence Based Healthcare Frode Forland, senior advisor at KIT Biomedical Research
The Collaboration for Evidence Based Healthcare in Africa (CEBHA) started in January 2010 with the aim of establishing Centres for Evidence Based Healthcare (EBHC) in eight African countries: Burundi, Ethiopia, Malawi, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe. By strengthening the health systems, including the African healthcare workforce, and building a sustainable collaboration between researchers, policymakers and clinicians, the programme aims at creating a more equitable and cost effective healthcare for all. Developing and integrating courses in the curricula of universities, establishing an African Electronic Library and developing and implementing guidelines are also important goals of CEBHA. The initiative was taken by dr Kimberly Boer (KIT) and Professor Harriet Mayania-Kizza (Uganda) and taken further by dr Frode Forland at KIT as well as the Elsevier Foundation, which provides the primary sources of funding. ‘But to complete this enormous task we are urgently calling upon funding agencies and international organizations working in the field of Evidence Based Medicine to cooperate and fund it’, Forland adds.
Frode Forland. Photo: Gerrit Serné
Evidence Based Medicine is based on the principle of collecting and collating all studies on the treatment of a specific illness or medical condition, assessing their quality and extracting the best treatment to implement. The Cochrane Collaboration is an international collaboration systematically reviewing evidence for
Librarian Course Ethiopia. Photo: Frode Forland
medical interventions. The Western world harbours over a hundred EBHC-centres. In sub-Saharan Africa there are only two, both based in South Africa. CEBHA is aiming at finding state-of-the-art treatments in Africa that apply to specific local circumstances as well. ‘Sometimes the evidence based solution is as simple and cheap as mosquito nets preventing malaria’, Forland underlines.
‘Sometimes the evidence based solution is as simple and cheap as mosquito nets preventing malaria.’
The second annual CEBHA symposium on ‘Evidence in Africa’ took place in December 2012 in Kigali, Rwanda. Over one hundred delegates from eight countries attended, mostly doctors, but also nurses, policymakers, NGO representatives and high-level government officials. Workshops on EBHC were arranged in several countries and the teaching methods, problem-based and participatory, received positive responses, with all participants describing it as very useful for their own clinical practice. More workshops are planned in Tanzania, Burundi, Malawi and Zimbabwe in 2013.
Improving the Health Sector in Mali: Millennium Goal 5 Jurriën Toonen, senior advisor at KIT department Development Policy & Practice.
Jurriën Toonen. Photo: Gerrit Serné
‘Partners involved appreciate the alternative approach: an action-oriented and demand-driven research, focussing on capacity building and strengthening the community.’
To improve the health status of people in low and middle-income countries KIT supports the development of effective, equitable and sustainable health systems. One of the focus areas is reducing maternal mortality, one of the 2015 Millennium Goals. In Mali the local Ministry of Health sought KIT support to solve difficulties that arose when applying different decentralization policies that did not always work at the operational level of the health sector. It mandated KIT to find potential solutions through action research with national stakeholders: decentralized health services, devolved local government (the Commune) and the owners of the health centre, the Health Committee (ASACO). A contracting approach between these stakeholders solved the problem; related instruments for capacity development and institutional development were developed by KIT and facilitated by SNV/ Mali in the field. Building on this approach, KIT developed a Performance Based Financing (PBF) model later, as this was regarded by Mali as
promising – if adapted to the context of the country. PBF is based on payments for verified results, which motivates healthcare providers to become more entrepreneurial and creative, in order to be more responsive to the clients’ needs and demands. The Ministry judged the pilot successful and declared that it will be scaled-up to national level and mainstreamed in the overall national health programme – that means sustainability not only for attaining Millennium Goal 5. National stakeholders ascertain that cooperation between local stakeholders has improved. The providers of services are motivated by PBF to tailor healthcare to the needs of the local population. Vaccinating children and assisting women during their pregnancy and delivery and providing postnatal care has become more effective because of the intervention. Health providers are enthusiastic, because utilization of their services, and therefore their revenues, increased. ‘The action-research approach meant
Tuberculosis Laboratory Georgia Photo: Indra Bergval
Health workers in Mali. Photo: Jurriën Toonen
Partnership is the Key in Detecting Tuberculosis at an Early Stage Mirjam Bakker, epidemiologist at KIT Biomedical Research and Lucie Blok, senior advisor at KIT Development Policy & Practice
that they were in the driving seat, we were the facilitators that provoked change by asking questions’, Jurriën Toonen explains. ‘Partners involved also appreciate the alternative PBF approach because it was Mali-owned, enhancing national capacities and strengthening all partners, including the community.’
KIT departments Development Policy & Practice and Biomedical Research in cooperation with HLSP (a UK-based consultancy firm for Health and Life Sciences Partnership) were contracted in 2010 by the WHO to do the external monitoring and evaluation of TB REACH. TB REACH is a funding mechanism with the objective of stimulating early detection and effective treatment of tuberculosis (TB) patients. The fund focuses on the development and piloting of new and innovative approaches to early detection of tuberculosis cases. Researchers Mirjam Bakker and Lucie Blok together with their KIT team and HLSP partners developed a new monitoring system for this purpose. TB REACH granted 106 projects, 45 of them (wave 2) started in September 2011. The strategies used by the projects vary between active case finding among specific vulnerable target groups (such as migrants, fugitives and miners), mobile outreach in the communities, improving diagnostics and improving the health system. Innovative ways of case finding by the countries included
such strategies as the transport of sputum samples by donkeys (bringing samples instead of patients to the hospital) and installing a mobile data network to monitor treatment. From September 2011 onwards there has been a strong focus on GeneXpert® with 30 of the 45 projects implementing this new technology to diagnose TB, providing quicker and more accurate results than the traditional test. ‘The project’s partners are invited to share their experiences and explain why some strategies work and others do not. This knowledge can be put into practice in other countries dealing with similar circumstances’, Bakker and Blok explain. Each of the projects is reviewed each quarter and is visited by a KIT team at least once.
‘Project participants are invited to share their experience and explain why some strategies work and others do not. This knowledge can be put into practice in other countries dealing with similar circumstances.’ Lucie Blok & Mirjam Bakker. Photo: Gerrit Serné
The impact on healthcare in the countries involved is significant. Moreover the meta-analysis by KIT contributes to the WHO guidelines on active case finding. The projects have indicated that they appreciate the feedback; they learned better how to analyse the data they collected. The two collaborating KIT departments are gaining knowledge as well, knowledge they can implement in future projects. The kick-off of wave 3 took place in Addis Ababa at the start of 2013.
The institute at a glance
Sustainable Development
Knowledge Transfer
Holding KIT B.V.
Abbreviated Independent Financial Report Auditor’s Report
KIT Corporate Governance
MixMaxBrazil Cave of recycled bottles. Photo: Ivar Pel
Culture KIT believes cultural knowledge creates awareness and understanding of different cultures. Through the exchange and preservation of cultural heritage, exhibitions, stage performances and publications, KIT uses its knowledge to have a positive impact and meet the needs of the audience and project partners. KIT searches for innovative ways to find and reach the public and has been successful in connecting heritage and social media in order to connect to and serve new and existing audiences. Partner organizations in the cultural sector include the Mondriaan Foundation, the City of Amsterdam, the Dutch Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, Prince Bernhard Funds for Culture, Performing Arts Fund, Amsterdam Fund for the Arts, Hivos, NCDO Culture Funds, BankGiro Lottery and other parties.
Tropentheater. The Curtain Comes Down on Forty Years of World Music Emiel Barendsen, former acting director Tropentheater
After forty years of superb productions and the international capacity building of cultural projects, the final curtain fell at the Tropentheater on January 1 2013. Regretfully, KIT had to lay off 26 employees as a result. KIT had included Tropentheater in its plans for the future, but this ambition was not matched by a similar interest on the part of the Dutch government in keeping the theatre open. Without basic funding it was obvious that it would not prove feasible to continue with the theatre’s projects and programming. Here KIT reflects on forty years of world music at the institute.
‘Those who have worked here through the years have given their heart and soul to this theatre. And not only because it provided an excellent stage for many artists, but also because of its important social role.’
Tropentheater was a product of the Tropenmuseum, and was inspired by the idea of bringing inanimate objects to life. The beautiful Indonesian gamelan, for example, can really only be fully appreciated when one hears how it sounds. Emiel Barendsen, acting director at the Tropentheater: ‘Tropentheater made an important contribution to the upsurge in popularity of world music. Where world music was once bundled under the “folk”
Last performance on stage Tropen Theater. Photo: Irene de Groot
Emiel Barendsen. Photo: Gerrit Serné
category, it is now a genre all to itself. World music is an amazing collection of rich musical strains, such as classical Asian opera music, in which theatre and music merge seamlessly together. We also helped establish the Black Theatre in the Netherlands, which ultimately led to the founding of the Nieuwe Amsterdam theatre group.’ ‘Tropentheater played a very important role in the emancipation of artists in Asia, Africa and Latin America. It facilitated their professional development by inviting them to perform in the Netherlands and throughout Europe. And these musicians took the knowledge and experience they gained back home to their country of origin. At the time there was almost nobody else producing (large-scale) multi-disciplinary shows featuring nonWestern themes and artists. Our shows, such as Opera Java and Farewell My Concubine, which we put on in the Lichthal, the main hall in the museum, filled a massive gap in the market.’
‘We became very well known all over the world for our productions. Less well known but equally important was our work in capacity building. We organized workshops and training programmes all around the globe, so that our colleagues in Colombia, Indonesia and Mozambique, for example, could learn how to programme their events, reach their target groups and employ efficient marketing and publicity techniques for their theatres.’ ‘Those who have worked here through the years have given their heart and soul to this theatre. And not only because it provided an excellent stage for many artists, but also because of its important social role. I am extremely proud of the fantastic productions we put on and of the capacity building role we have played for many theatres and artists all over the world.’
Photo Seeks Family Paulien Schuurmans, advisor at KIT Information & Library Services and Frank Meijer, Project Manager Museum Digitization, Tropenmuseum
Over a thousand photo albums from the former colony of the Dutch East Indies ended up at Tropenmuseum. When thousands of Dutch inhabitants fled the country during the struggle for Indonesian independence (1945–1949), many of them left their photo albums behind. The former Indisch Instituut together with the Dutch Red Cross tried to find the owners during the late Forties and early Fifties. One of the volunteers involved in the project from the start, Marie Jeanne Hillerström, continued the search until 1978. 335 albums were then still without their proper owner. Tropenmuseum decided that with the availability of digitized material and the help of internet and social media now was the time to try to find them. In a joint project between KIT Information & Library Services and Tropenmuseum, the Dutch Red Cross and the Stichting Pelita, the partners could be financed by grants from V-fonds and Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei. Stichting Doen contributed with a Mediamatic clinic. Crowdfunding made it possible to develop a search engine to go through all the albums ( as well as develop a
Paulien Schuurmans & Frank Meijer Photo: Gerrit Serné
mobile phone application. Go Tan (Dutch producer of Shrimp Chips and other Indonesian specialties) was willing to help by publishing photo reproductions on the wrappings of their products in a first print run of 80,000 copies. All those involved hope that these efforts will eventually lead to results in this long term project. ‘I am very curious about the stories behind all those endearing family images’, Paulien Schuurmans admits. ‘It will be difficult to trace all of them, because many of those directly concerned have since died’. ‘Time is running out’, Frank Meijer adds. Before the official website kicked off, two albums had already found their way to their rightful owners. An 86-year-old woman from South Africa was the first to recognize her childhood album, which she had had to abandon seventy years earlier. Her daughter was especially thrilled to finally see photos of her mother and other relatives after so many years. ‘All the more reason to persevere in our search and get our partners energized to continue as well’, conclude Schuurmans and Meijer.
‘I am so very curious about the stories behind all those endearing family pictures.’
Making Exhibitions Together: Brazil Mariëlle Pals, director of Tropenmuseum Junior
Tropenmuseum Junior (TMj) was declared winner of the first Children’s Museum Award at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair in April 2012 in Italy. The jury report stated that the museum exceeded all the other candidates because of its high degree of creativity and effectiveness in the design of its programmes. The museum’s working method is based on interactivity, the idea that visitors are a participating part of the exhibition. The Reinwardt Academy in Amsterdam accepted the assignment to record the method in a theoretical framework based on the curatorial and educational premises the museum works with. The method has also been used to support the Villa Zapakara Foundation,
‘We are always reaching for the top.’
Mariëlle Pals. Photo: Gerrit Serné
MixMaxBrazil. Photo: Ivar Pel
which took the initiative to reinstall all prior TMj exhibitions in Paramaribo, Surinam and to adapt them to the local cultural and educational environment. ‘It is very rewarding to build an understanding of cultures in the Netherlands and abroad’, Marielle Pals underlines. ‘The exhibitions on Ghana and India were highly appreciated; the one on China is being installed as we speak.’
While developing the new exhibition MixMaxBrasil, a new and unique type of cooperation arose from contacts with Brazilian partners. MixMaxBrasil focuses on the rich and creative culture of the Brazilian state Pernambuco and was financed for a large part by the federal state of Pernambuco contributing 2.1 million Reais (approximately 850,000 euro), that also helped the museum to collect inspiring art from over 30 artists. A constructive design by two Brazilian designers mixed cultural heritage, plastic waste and street art. But also the reverse is the case: the partnership offers the Brazilian artists the exposure they deserve at home and abroad. ‘We are always going for the top. We have to make it happen and generate impact’, Pals explains. By building laborious expositions they share their knowledge, add to capacity building, to international cooperation and international relations and get the flow of cash moving all at the same time. And when the show in Amsterdam has been replaced by a new one, the story will continue with a new collaboration at Villa Zapakara in Surinam.
Imagined Places Anke Bangma, curator at the Tropenmuseum
Through Imagined Places Tropenmuseum is establishing and inventing a distinctive view on the role of modern art in a museum on anthropological heritage. Imagined Places is the last in a series of four experimental contemporary art exhibitions – all of them very different in starting point and layout – supported by the Dutch Mondriaan Fund. Curator Anke Bangma selected – contrary to some of the earlier exhibits – existing work by Europe-based artists who deal with the sense of longing to be somewhere else after forced migration. The artists Adrian Paci, Zineb Sedira, Bouchra Khalili, Claudia Cristovão and Ho-Yeol Ryu depict real and imaginary places, voluntary and forced travels through photo and video in a European setting. The pictures of Ho-yeal Ryu for example are – at first sight – just slightly out of the ordinary: but this fleet of planes departing from Hannover airport (‘Flughaven’, 2005) sets visitors thinking about multiple belongings in a disturbed world. ‘The Mapping Journey’ (2009) by Bouchra Khalili shows the harsh reality of migration by a simple route on a map. Eight persons – working illegally in some part of Europe – share their
story and draw their pathway with a marker only showing the hand they draw with. Khalili shows maps filled with borders and cultural assumptions conflicting with the concepts of migration and mobility. With these kind of activating and challenging presentations Imagined Places provided a counterbalance to the uneven and sometimes biased social debate on migration. The reactions in the press were unanimously positive. An investigation into how far the impact of the four exhibitions extends and the reactions and impact of the show on visitors of all ages is still in progress. ‘The reactions of the public – especially the practical and aesthetic ones of teenagers – were refreshing and rewarding so far’, Bangma confirms.
‘We selected artists who deal with the sense of longing to be somewhere else after forced migration, stirring up the social debate on that subject.’ Anke Bangma. Photo: Gerrit Serné
The institute at a glance
Sustainable Development
Holding KIT B.V.
Abbreviated Independent Financial Report Auditor’s Report
KIT Corporate Governance
Knowledge Transfer
Student in the KIT library KIT. Photo: Annelies van Brink
Knowledge Transfer Knowledge Transfer has always been one of KIT’s cornerstones. KIT works with organizations in 60 developing countries to strengthen their information services and serves development professionals worldwide. As views and beliefs about the access to information and technology changes, KIT searches for new ways to improve access to information. KIT provides a broad range of master programmes, short courses and training sessions covering topics in health, sustainable development and gender. KIT cooperates with the VU University Amsterdam, Association of African Universities, Elsevier Foundation, Nuffic and Swets Benelux.
Master in International Health: Custom Made Lisanne van Gerstel, education coordinator at KIT Development Policy & Practice
In 2005 a new masters’ programme was added to our existing educational programmes; the Master in International Health. Since it started, 128 students from over forty countries have enrolled in the Master in International Health (MIH) at KIT. The Master aims to develop the capacity of health professionals to work at the interface of international organizations and national health systems. International Health is a discipline that systematically compares factors that affect the health of human populations with a special focus on poverty-related health problems in low and middle-income countries. The Master focuses on drawing implications for practice. Because participants can design their own programme, the MIH prepares them for the field of work of their choice – whether that be child health, HIV/ AIDS, maternal health or any another areas. The programme can be completed within one to five years, depending on the
participant’s availability. Most international students complete their study within one year, most Dutch students combine parttime study with work. The MIH is organized by KIT together with the VU University Amsterdam. After completing the three-month course on Tropical Medicine and Hygiene at KIT, students can take accredited modules in over thirty institutes in Europe and abroad; all members of the extensive TropEd network. Many students self-finance their Master, some benefit from the prestigious Erasmus Mundus scholarship or from support by employers that value the KIT Master programme, like Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). The Master programme and all courses at KIT are accredited by the Netherlands-Flemish
‘Knowledge, skills and the ability to critically analyse and draw implications for practice are essential.’ 28
Lisanne van Gerstel. Photo: Gerrit Serné
Accreditation Organization (NVAO). ‘Students are very motivated. They leave home and family to not only study in Amsterdam but also in different countries where modules are taken. Although the moving around is challenging, students see the flexibility of the programme as the most enriching aspect’, coordinator Lisanne Gerstel ascertains. ‘Their comments are much appreciated and useful suggestions are transposed into the courses to improve them constantly.’
Food Security Policy Briefs: Sharing Insights with Policymakers and Practitioners
a concise and comprehensive text’, according to project leader Hetty Verhagen. The policy briefs were sent to all partners on food security within the KIT network and were published on the KIT website, Facebook and Twitter as well. The first, on the current debate regarding domestic versus export markets challenging export-led agricultural development was retweeted by AgriProFocus on Twitter. It is difficult to ascertain how many readers are picking up the knowledge accumulated and accounted for but the second brief on urban nutrition and the scale and scope of malnutrition worldwide (January 2013) was picked up by Unilever on Twitter and retweeted to their 25,000 followers. Several journals and blogs took up the topic in their articles. More policy briefs will follow in 2013.
Hetty Verhagen, manager at KIT Information & Library Services
Since the publication of the report by the Dutch Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) the present Dutch developmental policy is focussed on countries and themes in which the Netherlands enjoys an international reputation, such as food security, water and sexual and reproductive health. The Dutch business community has also been encouraged to become more involved and interventions are increasingly appearing in the form of partnerships between public and private parties. The new government policy aims at a greater level of enduring impact, but it also raises questions about the assumptions and the evidence upon which this policy is based. In October 2012 KIT launched a series of policy briefs to stimulate the public debate on these issues and to prove it is an expert in this particular field. The briefs reflect on recent developments in Dutch government policy on international development cooperation, specifically in food security, including the food supply in African cities, the influence of culture on nutritional patterns and how the effect of new interventions in food security matters. ‘It is part of our strategy to show our network we are capable of compiling all relevant knowledge on a subject in
‘It is part of our strategy to show our network that we, as a knowledge institute, are very much capable of compiling all relevant knowledge on a subject in a concise and comprehensive text.’ Hetty Verhagen. Photo: Gerrit Serné
Shifting to Digital Content and Online Access Peter Hessels and Africa Bwamkuu ICT advisors, KIT Information & Library Services
The services of KIT Information & Library Services are shifting more and more from those of a traditional library towards digital content, online access and electronic services. Views on free information and access to internet are changing. KIT collaborates with partners in the developing world on various aspects of modern information and library services. Two components of the programme are library automation and open access publishing. In each of these areas KIT experts participate in international capacity development projects, such as that of the Dutch Caribbean Library Association, which aims at becoming independent from commercial parties and enforcing cooperation within its network. In achieving one common catalogue matching open source software, both librarians and ICT experts are participating in a KIT training programme. The crucial point in combining content and technique is to empower librarians with the skills to use modern technology (ICT) and further create a conducive environment in which librarians and ICT experts can collaborate.
‘We help to share output with the world by using simple, proven and low cost technology and thus convincing politicians to be supportive.’
However, politicians are often resistant; in some cases experts are well aware of the technical possibilities and software applications but have to deal with decision makers who are not willing to invest. In a co-pilot with the UK Institute of Development Studies, KIT provides equipment, training and a network of local institutions to help the Forum of Social Studies and OSSREA
(Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to establish an open access repository: ‘A system that helps to share output with the world by using simple, proven and low cost technology and thus convincing politicians to be supportive’, Africa Bwamkuu explains. ‘In
Peter Hessels. Photo: Gerrit Serné
Mozambique KIT colleague Henk van Dam is helping universities and institutional repositories to form a consortium, although it is a politically sensitive issue’, Peter Hessels adds. ‘Now that an open access institution has been established in Ethiopia it attracts partners to deposit locally produced content’, Hessels continues. KIT continues to be involved and is expanding to projects in Tanzania and Ghana, with the Elsevier Foundation as business partner.
Innovating the Conservation of Cultural Heritage Tilly Minnée & Niels Molenaar, KIT Information & Library Services
One of KIT library’s innovative initiatives was the launch of a website, containing two million digitized pages of books, brochures and periodicals relating to Dutch colonial cultural heritage from the period 1600–1950 (see ). It offers several kinds of search options, such as ways to search for articles using Optical Character Recognition. It facilitates access to numerous articles in historical periodicals and books which are usually not easily found. At the end of 2012 about 40 percent of all KIT documents that qualify for this process were digitized, thanks to a supplementary grant from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It all started years ago with the digitization of 12,000 ancient maps and colonial geographical material. With the use of coordinates every single place on those maps is now traceable using the old or new names given. The same system was used in describing articles, making it possible to search using a large number of entries and keywords. At the start of the project books and journals were first sustainably conserved to be safely stored, after that they could be digitized and unlocked for the search engine. For over four years 40,000 pages were treated this way each month. Partners are the Dutch M&R, CCS (Germany) and DL-consulting (New Zealand).
‘The apparent practical impact on users and readers each day is enormous and is still growing to countless users throughout the world.’ The unique expertise gathered by KIT staff over the years has resulted in several spin-offs such as digitizing microfilms into half a million pages for Metamorphose, a cooperation with Tropical Medicine Leiden and the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (Dutch Royal Library) in The Hague to conserve and digitize books, journals and newspapers. Librarians Minnée and Molenaar mention a lot of opportunities for cooperation on European level and to commercially exploit and expand the knowledge gained. ‘The apparent practical impact on users and visitors each day is enormous and is still growing to countless users throughout the world.’
Niels Molenaar & Tilly Minnée. Photo: Gerrit Serné
Holding KIT B.V.
KIT’s Marble Hall. Photo: NH Hoteles
Holding KIT B.V. The Holding KIT B.V. was founded in 2006. It includes a group of companies: KIT Publishers B.V. (100 percent), KIT Intercultural Professionals B.V. (100 percent), KIT Hotel B.V. (100 percent), Mali Biocarburant SA (47 percent), a 5.7 percent share in Annona Sustainable Investment Fund B.V. and a 10.5 percent share in Cassia Co-op. The companies that are part of the Holding KIT B.V. operate independently and carry their own responsibility for the results of their operations. These companies generate their own revenue through commercial activities and do not receive government funding. A positive net result for the holding companies contributes to the overall net result and thus helps KIT in achieving its goals and mission.
NH Tropen Cares: Hospitality without Borders Bart van den Hauten, operations manager of NH Tropen Hotel (collaborating partner of KIT Hotel B.V.)
In 2012, NH Tropen Hotel hosted many remarkable events in collaboration with the Royal Tropical Institute. A few examples are: the Dutch première of the new James Bond film Skyfall, supported by Heineken; the state visit of the Turkish president Abdullah Gül and the AGRA board meeting with Kofi Annan. Furthermore, NH Tropen Hotel hosted a commercial for the Bijenkorf department store and the shooting of a video clip for the well known Dutch DJ Armin van Buuren. ‘The high-profile landmark with the beautiful Marble Hall is a very attractive venue for guests from all over the world’, operations manager Bart van den Hauten affirms. ‘The cooperation with other KIT departments such as Congress Facilities, Intercultural Professionals and Tropenmuseum has improved over the years resulting in superb events and increasing revenues. The fruitful combination of KIT as a knowledge institute and NH Tropen Hotel as an experienced organizer is one of our unique selling points.’ Another one is the focus NH Tropen Hotel puts on corporate responsibility and raising public awareness for a sustainable environment. As holder of the Green Key Gold (the leading mark of approval for businesses that are taking serious, verifiable
Bart van den Hauten Photo: Gerrit Serné
‘The high-profile landmark with the beautiful Marble Hall is a very attractive venue for guests from all over the world.’ measures to protect the environment) the hotel organizes Ecomeetings, making use of biodegradable materials, ecological linen and fair trade products with a low environmental impact, energy saving light bulbs and water saving bathroom facilities and sorting waste along the line. The hotel occupancy rate in 2012 was higher than that of any other Amsterdam hotel, which resulted,
despite the difficult economic situation, in a satisfying operating profit. In 2013 the successful partnership of NH Tropen Hotel and KIT will again host major events such as the commemoration of 150 years since the abolition of slavery (in cooperation with the National Institute for the Study of Dutch Slavery and its Legacy (NiNsee) and many more.
Monuments Guide Aruba
Ron Smit Photo: Gerrit Serné
‘The local government of Aruba is determined to unlock the cultural heritage of the island to a new category of tourists and to its own inhabitants as well. The guide and its related project will be very useful in obtaining that goal.’
Ron Smit, director of KIT Publishers
At the request of, and funded by, the government of Aruba, KIT Publishers developed a monuments guide for the island. The tourist sector and the local island authority wants to increase the one-and-a-half-million tourists visiting Aruba each year to over two million by attracting new kinds of tourists, interested in cultural history, in the near future. They also want to bring the people of Aruba closer to their own history in order to contribute to the nation building of this Caribbean island. Aruba has a fascinating history, a diverse culture and a rich architecture. Traces can still be found of the indigenous inhabitants, as well as of the gold industry and aloe plantations. The island’s architectural heritage includes numerous characteristic cunucu houses, historic churches, a fort and a lighthouse.
Twenty three monuments, selected by authors Olga van der Klooster and Michel Bakker from more than a hundred, will be marked with marble signs explaining the history on the spot and referring to more relevant information in the guide. For tourists driving the route themselves, information will be given on road signs. The guide will also be used to train employees in the tourism sector about the island’s cultural heritage. The Aruban Tourist Authority (ATA) directs all its efforts to the growth market and is planning to fund translations in two more languages (Portuguese and German). The local Ministry of Culture provided and distributed bookmarks advertising the guide to all important hotels and museums on the island.
KIT Publishers assembled a team of Aruban and Dutch professionals to research, write and produce the work. The guide – published together with Editorial Charuba in four languages (Spanish, English, Dutch and Papiamento) – offers three routes: one driving route around the entire island, and two walking routes in the cities of Oranjestad and San Nicolas.
Coaching Mergers on Facing Cultural Differences: Training Intercultural Abilities Arjan Verdooren, trainer of KIT Intercultural Professionals
KIT Intercultural Professionals offers, in addition to intercultural training, consultancy and interim management services. It provides cross-cultural training programmes and consultancy to facilitate international business success as well. The consultancy services focus on several activities, including support for management teams prior to a (foreign) takeover and companies that have been acquired by a foreign organization to ensure cooperation between the different cultures.
Arjan Verdooren. Photo: Gerrit Serné
A team of five KIT trainers coached the employees of a Dutch pharmaceutical company in 2012 during five months after the enterprise was acquired by an American company in the same field. The Dutch management team attended a KIT course on American culture two years prior to the takeover, but the daily worries required a renewed focus on differences and similarities between the Americans and the Dutch. ‘For example, when Americans ask for a job to be done as soon as possible, they really want it to be done right away; the Dutch expect to have more time to finish it’, Arjan Verdooren of KIT Intercultural Professionals explains. But not all frictions were due to cultural differences; both companies had their own typical style of work and management that had to be brought together and adjusted to new situations. The whole KIT intervention was not heading towards Americanizing the company’s look and feel, but to accompanying both employees and managers in restructuring the way they operated and tailoring it to new circumstances. ‘It sometimes really was a challenge to accompany some of the employees,
The institute at a glance
Sustainable Development
‘The whole KIT intervention was not heading towards Americanizing the company’s look and feel, but to accompanying both employees and managers in restructuring the way they operated and tailoring it to new circumstances.’ and reverse their disappointment into a more positive energy. And let them understand the American way of working with targets, key performance indicators and quality assurance. It was not easy, but very rewarding in the end.’ The lessons learned through this particular case will be implemented into the courses and traineeships to ameliorate them for clients to come.
Knowledge Transfer
KIT Holding B.V.
Independent Auditor’s Report
KIT Corporate Governance
Abbreviated Financial Report
Abbreviated Financial Report 2012 The Financial Statements 2012 relate to all activities of the Vereniging Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen/Royal Tropical Institute Association (KIT), Holding KIT B.V. (including KIT Publishers B.V., KIT Hotel B.V. and KIT Intercultural Professionals B.V.), Stichting Eijkman Medaillefonds and Stichting Tropenmuseum Collectiefonds.
Result 2012
In 2012 KIT realized a positive consolidated net result of â‚Ź 583,000. All departments contributed to the positive result. The positive results of the line departments are an outcome of cost cutting and stabilized external revenue in comparison with 2011. The result of the staff departments is due to not allocated Output Financing and cost cutting. Part of the Output Financing is added to an appropriated reserve for restructuring costs.
will be sufficient for working capital, capital expenditures, interest payments and provision repayment requirements for the next twelve months. Discussions regarding the financing for 2014 and beyond are ongoing at the date of adoption of the financial statements 2012. KIT adjusted its strategy into a further market-oriented organization. The fundamental restructuring and reorganization that follows will be executed in 2013 and 2014.
Accounting principles
The Executive Board believes that the output financing 2013 granted by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the available cash balances and expected cash provided by the operating activities
The Annual Report has been drafted in accordance with Directive 640 on reporting for non-profit organizations of the Netherlands Council for Annual Reporting. The figures presented in this abbreviated financial report are based on the annual financial report 2012.
Council of Members Board of Directors
Executive Board
Consolidated Financial Accounts
Holding KIT B.V.
KIT Publishers B.V. 100%
KIT Hotel B.V. 100%
KIT Intercultural Professionals B.V. 100%
MBSA 47%
St. Eijkman Medaillefonds
St. TM Collectiefonds
Annona 5.7%
Cassia Co-op 10.5%
BR KIT Biomedical Research CH&F Corporate Communication, Hospitality & Facilities DEV KIT Development Policy & Practice F&C Finance & Control ILS KIT Information & Library Services PO&I Personnel, Organization & Information TM Tropenmuseum TT Tropentheater
Turnover The graph below shows the different turnover categories compared to the budget and 2011 (amounts x â‚Ź 1,000). 25,000 2012
Budget 2012 10,000 5,000
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Balance sheet x â‚Ź 1,000 31-12-2012
Tangible fixed assets
Financial fixed assets
Work in progress Receivables
Total Assets
Current liabilities
Total Equity and Liabilities
Equity & Liabilities Equity Provisions
Income and expenditure 2012
Budget 2012
Project revenues
Training and education
Project costs
x â‚Ź 1,000
Income Output financing Heritage Extra Subsidy contributions
Entrance fees Other revenues Total: income
Expenses Personnel costs
Other operating expenses
Total: Expenses
Other income, expenses, impairments and taxes
Allocation to Appropriated Funds
Operating result before incidental income and expenses
Financial Income & Expenses
Allocation to Appropriated Reserve
Net Result after allocation to / from Appropriated Funds / Reserves
Independent Auditor’s Report
Independent Auditor’s Report on the Abbreviated Financial Statements The accompanying abbreviated financial statements, which comprise the abbreviated balance sheet on December 31 2012, the abbreviated profit and loss account for the year then ended and the notes, comprising a summary of the accounting policies and other explanatory information are derived from the audited financial statements of the Royal Tropical Institute for the year ended December 31 2012. We expressed an unqualified audit opinion, including an emphasis of matter, on those financial statements in our auditor’s report dated April 17 2013. Those financial statements, and the summary financial statements, do not reflect the effects of events that occurred subsequent to the date of our auditor’s report on those financial statements. The abbreviated financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required by General Accepted Accounting Principles in the Netherlands. Reading the abbreviated financial statements, therefore, is not a substitute for reading the audited financial statements of the Royal Tropical Institute.
Management’s responsibility Management is responsible for the preparation of the abbreviation of the audited financial statements in accordance with the accounting principles as mentioned on page 38.
Auditor’s responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the abbreviated financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Dutch law, including the Dutch Auditing Standard 810, ‘Engagements to report on abbreviated financial statements’.
Opinion In our opinion the abbreviated financial statements derived from the audited financial statements of Royal Tropical Institute for the year ended December 31 2012, are consistent, in all material respects, with those financial statements. Amstelveen, April 24 2013 BDO Audit & Assurance B.V. on its behalf, O. Van Agthoven
KIT Corporate Governance The Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) is a private organization incorporated as an association with individual and corporate members; bylaws govern its structure. KIT has adopted the Code Cultural Governance as the corporate governance directive applicable to it. The mission and underlying values of the institute are the essential guidelines for its Council of Members (Council) and Board of Directors (Board). In order to fulfil that mission, the Council and the Board stimulate KIT and its employees to be innovative and to further develop and apply knowledge and expertise for a sustainable future worldwide.
Board of Directors Institutional management The year 2012 was a year full of uncertainties in relation to KIT’s future. The Tropentheater had to be closed. Future developments regarding the Tropenmuseum were and are under discussion. Scenarios for the future role and position of the knowledge and training departments had to be formulated. In 2012 the Board met seven times in formal sessions to evaluate its work and discuss strategic, financial and human resources issues with the Executive Board. The Board also attended the Council of Members meetings. An additional three meetings were held by the Audit Committee. The Board of Directors reviewed quarterly financial reports and the 2011 Financial Report and the auditors’ management letter. The Board discharged the Executive Board on the results. The Board of Directors was in turn discharged by the Council of Members. Issues raised in the management letters were successfully addressed by the Executive Board. The Board of Directors has been kept well informed about the contacts and discussions of the Executive Board with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and later with the Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs and other government officials. The Board was actively involved in the KIT strategic repositioning and when possible the Board has supported these activities.
Appointments The Board of Directors is responsible for the Executive Board. Both saw a number of changes in 2012. After many years of committed leadership of KIT, Mr. Jan Donner resigned as President of the Executive Board in June. The Board of Directors expresses its gratitude to Mr. Donner for having served so many years in this role. Professor Rudy Rabbinge, Chairman of the Board of Directors, took over the responsibility of leading KIT and acted as President of the Executive Board on a temporarily basis, under very difficult conditions. We appreciate his longstanding contribution to the institute.
Mr. Peter Groenenboom took over the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors. An intensive period of reviewing possible candidates for the position of President of the Executive Board started. No agreement on possible candidates could be reached. Since it was clear from the start that Professor Rabbinge would not be available from March 1 2013 onwards, the Board of Directors together with the Council of Members decided to appoint an interim President. Dr. Derk Vermeer was appointed to serve as member of the Executive Board from the end of January and through February and has served from that date as interim President. This temporary appointment was deemed necessary given the major transition taking place. Also the uncertainty around the government financing was taken into account in making this decision. There were other changes to the Board of Directors. Mr. Henk Dijkgraaf resigned at the end of 2012. Mr. Peter Groenenboom and Ms. Laetitia Griffith announced their resignation as of March 2013.
KIT’s future The Board of Directors is deeply impressed by the vitality of the organization, the Executive Board, staff and all KIT’s associates in challenging times. The Board of Directors is convinced of the value of KIT’s activities for the Netherlands and the world at large. It will explore all relevant options to continue – probably in another form – the mission of the institute. We believe that the knowledge and expertise of KIT are very valuable assets for the Netherlands and absolutely in line with a global spirit of cooperation. Together we will face the challenges of the future. On behalf of the Board of Directors, Prof. dr Joost Ruitenberg Chair
Council of Members 2012 was a turbulent year for KIT as it attempted to deal with the decision made by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs that required the implementation of major changes from 2012. The closure of the Tropentheater, our diverse and colourful platform for the arts, was unavoidable after it lost all its financial support. Given the critical phase that KIT has entered the Council has recently adopted a more active role. The Council met five times over this period and it was also extremely busy behind the scenes. One of its key concerns was the search for a President for the Executive Board. The selection process itself was in the hands of the Board of Directors, with the Council playing a supervisory role.
Supervisory role The Council brings together two groups of people within KIT – the ‘Founding Fathers’ from the public and private sector and those people committed to KIT who play a prominent role in society. Thanks to their very diverse backgrounds, the members of the Council have access to an extensive network that includes members of parliament, high-ranking government officials, large corporations and journalists. And as ambassadors for KIT we have made the fullest use possible of this network. The Council was very vocal in its support for the continuation of KIT’s activities and has been doing everything within its powers to ensure that KIT will continue to play a relevant role in society in the long term. Over the past few years, the Council has provided advice on the contacts between KIT and the market, upcoming tenders and preparations for possible and desired future scenarios that stress the importance of non-reliance on government funding. KIT has achieved a number of noteworthy successes and been
able to acquire some significant projects and tenders over the past twelve months. However, these achievements have been overshadowed by the continuing uncertainty surrounding the future of KIT. After ten years of active leadership of KIT, Mr. Jan Donner resigned as President of the Executive Board in June. The Council expresses its gratitude to Mr. Donner for having served so many years in this role. The Council has been impressed by the commitment shown by Prof. Rabbinge in his temporarily role of interim President of KIT. The Council also wishes to express its respect for the professionalism of the KIT staff and departments and their relentless determination to continue to perform to the highest of standards, even in these very uncertain times.
Prognosis and ambition KIT is in the middle of repositioning itself given the change of governmental funding. The future structure of KIT depends partly on developments in the market and partly on a possible government funding for some of KIT’s activities and services. The Council is determined to do all it can to promote that KIT remains an indispensable knowledge and expertise centre for international cooperation; quite probably with a different structure, but certainly as effective an institute as it has always been. On behalf of the Council of Members, Jan Hoekema Spokesperson
Patroness, Boards and Council
H.R.H. Queen MĂĄxima of the Netherlands
Board of Directors Chairman Prof. dr R. (Rudy) Rabbinge, MSc (until June 2012) Mr. P.J. (Peter) Groenenboom, MA (since June 2012) Mr. A.A. (Bram) Anbeek van der Meijden, MA
Mr. H.G. (Henk) Dijkgraaf, MSc (until December 2012)
Ms. L.J. (Laetitia) Griffith, LL.M
Dr M.J.A. (Maartje) van Putten
Prof. dr E.J. (Joost) Ruitenberg
University Professor Sustainable Development and Food Security and advisor Executive Board of Wageningen University and Research Centre; Chairman Board of Directors Electrabel N.V. Chairman Board of Directors Qpark Former President of the Board of Internatio-MĂźller N.V. Former Vice-President of the Board of Delta Lloyd Groep N.V. Member Board of Directors Loyalis N.V. Chairman Audit Committee Loyalis N.V. Member Financial Committee Bartimeus Sonneheerdt Member Supervisory Board Stichting AGIS Non-executive Director, Sasol Limited, Johannesburg; Member Supervisory Board Eneco Member Curatorium Netherlands Institute for the Near East Former Chief Executive Officer at N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie; Former President of Shell Nederland B.V. State Councillor Former Member of the Dutch House of Representatives Former Alderman of Amsterdam Senior advisor Complaints Mechanism European Investment Bank Managing Director Global Accountability B.V. Vice-Chair of the European Centre for Development Policy Management Former Member of the World Bank Inspection Panel Professor of International Public Health, VU University Amsterdam
Executive Board Dr J. (Jan) Donner (until June 2012) Prof. dr R. (Rudy) Rabbinge, MSc (since June 2012)
President President
Council of Members Mr. M.A. (Max) van Alphen, MA RA Mr. R.M. (Michael) Barth, MA
Mr. C. (Kees) Blokland, MSc Mr. J. (Jeroen) Blüm Ms. M.E. (Maria) Cuartas y de Marchena, LL.M, on behalf of E.E. (Eberhard) van der Laan, LL.M Mr. M. (Michiel) Hardon, MBA Mr. J.Th. (Jan) Hoekema, MSc Mr. J.A.S. (Jochum) Jarigsma MA Ms. T. (Tamrat) Kidane
Mr. N. (Nanno) Kleiterp Dr R.R. (Riemer) Knoop Mr. J.A. (Johan) de Koning MA, M.Phil on behalf of Dr. H. (Hans) Dröge Ms. P.W. (Pauline) Kruseman Mr. R.P. (Roald) Lapperre Ms. I.L. (Irene) van Luijken, MA Mr. R.C. (Rob) Labadie Ms. A. (Anatal) Perlin on behalf of Mr. H. (Haig) Balian Mr. J. (Jan) Post Mr. F. (Floris) Recourt, LL.M Mr. W (Wietze) Reehoorn LL.M Ms. Sj.A. (Sjoukje) Rullmann LL.M Mr. M.E.J. (Marc) Salomons Mr. G.H. (Gerard) Versseput, MA Mr. J.M.M. (Jack) van de Winkel Mr. J.P. (Johan) Zoutberg, Ma-HRM
Former Vice-President of the Board of Internatio-Müller N.V. Member Board of Directors of FINCA Microfinance Holding Member Board of Directors of the TriLinc Global Impact Fund Member Board of Directors Bamboo Finance (Luxemburg) Member Board of Directors SNV (USA) Member Investment Committee Tuninvest/Africinvest Non-resident Fellow of the Centre for Strategic and International Studies Chairman of the Board of Dutch Rail Pension Fund Former Director Personnel and Organization NS Deputy Director Shell Foundation Mayor of Amsterdam Former Director Finance World Council of Churches Mayor of Wassenaar Director AccuRaad Training & Advice Chair Platform Maatschappelijk Betrokken Ondernemen Dietician BovenIJ Hospital Member Multicultural Peace Building Women Association Board member Ethiopian-Dutch Friendship Association Chief Executive Officer, FMO Cultural Entrepeneur Prof. Cultural Heritage Reinwardt Academy National Manager Unilever Nederland Former Director, Amsterdam Historical Museum Director International Agricultural Policy and Food Security and Deputy Director General Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture & Innovation Manager Communication and Public Affairs VNCI (Dutch association for the chemical industry) Board member Pensioenfonds AENA Director Artis Royal Zoo Former President of the Amsterdam Chamber of Commerce; Knowledge Ambassador of the University of Amsterdam Representative of De Maatschappij Member of the Board ABN AMRO Vice-President Rechtbank Amsterdam Member Executive Council Imtech N.V. Former Managing Director of HVA-Holding B.V. Former president and now supervisory board member N.V. Deli Maatschappij Supervising director of housing and (public) health sector Former CEO Public Health
Advisory Board Mr. G.O. (George) Abungu (Kenya) Mr. D. (David) Ofori Adjei (Ghana) Prof. N. (Naila) Kabeer (United Kingdom) Prof. dr S. (Sonia) MontaĂąo Virreira (Bolivia)
Dr I. (Ismail) Serageldin (Egypt, Chair) Prof. dr Le Vu Anh (Vietnam)
Chairman of the Governing Council of the Kenya Cultural Centre Former Director Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research Institute of Development Studies, Sussex, United Kingdom Sociologist and Chair, Programa de Investigacion Estrategica en Bolivia Chief of the Women and Development Unit, United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Carribean (ECLAC) Director of the Library of Alexandria former Vice-President of the World Bank Dean of Hanoi School of Public Health
KIT Management Dr C.B. (Bart) de Steenhuijsen Piters Prof. dr P.R. (Paul) Klatser Mr. J.H.W. (Hans) van Hartevelt, MA RI Mr. P.J.W. (Peter) Verdaasdonk, MA Mr. R.T. (RenĂŠ) Mentink, MA Ms M.R. (Marieke) Marcus, MSc Mr. C. (Kees) Tukker
Head KIT Development, Policy & Practice Head KIT Biomedical Research Head KIT Information & Library Services, Director Director Tropenmuseum/Tropentheater Head Personnel, Organization & Information Head Finance & Control Head Communication, Hospitality & Facilities
Holding KIT B.V. Executive Board of Holding KIT B.V.: Dr J. (Jan) Donner (until June 2012), Prof. dr R. Rabbinge, MSc (since June 2012) Director of KIT Publishers B.V.: Mr. R. (Ron) Smit, MA Director KIT Intercultural Professionals B.V.: Mr. M. (Maarten) Bremer, MSc Director of KIT Hotel B.V.: Mr C. (Kees) Tukker
Credits May 2013, Amsterdam, the Netherlands This Annual Report is a joint production by all departments of the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT)
Coordination Corporate Communication, Hospitality & Facilities, KIT
Texts and editing Lianne Damen, Ampersand & Ampersand Producties, Linda Cook, Corporate Communication, Hospitality & Facilities, KIT
Design Jeroen van Mourik, Stickit Projects
Fotography Gerrit Serné
KIT thanks KIT staff and others for the use of their photographs and other contributions to this Annual Report: Africa Bwamkuu, André Kraayenga, Anke Bangma, Annelies van Brink, Arjan Verdooren, Bart van den Hauten, Chang Wong, Derk Vermeer, Emiel Barendsen, Frank Meijer, Fred Zaal, Frode Forland, Gerard Baltissen, Hans de Ronde, Hetty Verhagen, Indra Bergval, Irene de Groot, Ivar Pel, Jan Hoekema, Joost Ruitenberg, Jurriën Toonen, Lisanne van Gerstel, Lucie Blok, Marieke Marcus, Mariëlle Pals, Mirjam Bakker, Monieke Boonstoppel, Netsayi Noris Mudege, Niels Molenaar, Paulien Schuurmans, Peter Hessels, Remco Mur, Rob Pastoor, Ron Smit, Tabitha van den Berg and Tilly Minnée
Contact information Postal address P.O. Box 95001 1090 HA Amsterdam The Netherlands
Visiting address Mauritskade 63 1092 AD Amsterdam T +31 20 568 8711 F +31 20 668 4579 E W For individual departments’ visiting addresses, see: KIT is a statutory association with members. The recruitment of institutional members focuses mainly on companies involved in corporate social responsibility and in international cooperation.
KIT corporate members 2012 - Shell Nederland N.V. - Unilever N.V. - ABN Amro Bank N.V. - Rabobank Nederland - BAM Techniek BV - FMO - Gunters & Meuser BV - Aannemingsbedrijf Onrust BV - Artis - Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Netherlands Ministry of Education, Culture and Science - Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation - Amsterdam Chamber of Commerce - City of Amsterdam - NH Hoteles