s.Oliver 2015

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s.oliver umbrellas s p r i n g / s u m m e r 2 0 15

CONTENT s p r i n g   /  S u m m e r 2 0 15

L A d y ' S u m b r e lla s small umbrellas: Fruit Cocktail . p. 4 Fruit Cocktail Samba . p. 5 Enjoy Malibu . p. 8 Enjoy Kaleido . p. 10 Mini Paradise . p. 11 Mini Oberfesch . p. 12/13 Dynamic Uni . p. 14 Dynamic Kaleido . p. 15 Long umbrellas: Shoulder Automatic . p. 6 City Automatic . p. 7 Look Malibu Automatic . p. 9

K i d s u m b r e lla s Kids Monsters & Friends . p. 16 /17

m e n u m b r e lla s long umbrella: Men Automatic . p. 18 small umbrella: X-Press Open-Close Automatic . p. 19

d i s p lay s Display . p. 21 Tabledisplay . p. 21 Single display . p. 21


umbrellas . spring/summer 2015

spring/summer 2015 . umbrellas


fruit cocktail

fruit cocktail samba

A r t. N o . 7 0 8 0 1 SO 19

A r t. N o . 70 8 0 1 SO K 19

weight: approx. 330 g . length: approx. 25 cm . diameter: approx.100 cm function: handopen frame: 54 cm frame length, steel frame of 8 parts without automatic cover: polyester

weight: approx. 330 g . length: approx. 25 cm . diameter: approx.100 cm function: handopen frame: 54 cm frame length, steel frame of 8 parts without automatic cover: polyester


3x coral-pink . 3x cool-royal . 1x white . 2x warm-sun . 3x new-green

s e pa r at e ly a v a i la b l e :

PU 3 pcs. . black (70801S0001) . navy (70801S0300) . red (70801S0100)


umbrellas . spring/summer 2015


3x blue/green/red . 3x red/white/yellow

spring/summer 2015 . umbrellas




A r t. N o . 72 4 6 1 SO 19

A r t. N o . 714 6 1 SO 19

weight: approx. 480 g . length: approx. 79 cm . diameter: approx.105 cm function: automatic frame: 60 cm frame length, fibreglass/steel frame of 8 parts with automatic cover: polyester


3x coral-pink . 3x cool-royal . 1x white . 2x warm-sun . 3x new-green

s e pa r at e ly a v a i la b l e : PU 3 pcs. . black (72461S0001)


umbrellas . spring/summer 2015

weight: approx. 480 g . length: approx. 79 cm . diameter: approx.105 cm function: automatic frame: 60 cm frame length, fibreglass/steel frame of 8 parts with automatic cover: polyester


3x coral-pink . 3x cool-royal . 1x white . 2x warm-sun . 3x new-green

s e pa r at e ly a v a i la b l e :

PU 3 pcs. . black (71461S0001) . navy (71461S0300) . red (71461S0100)

spring/summer 2015 . umbrellas


enjoy Malibu

Look malibu automatic

A r t. N o . 70 8 0 5 SOM 19

A r t. N o . 714 67 SO 19

weight: approx. 320 g . length: approx. 25 cm . diameter: approx.100 cm function: handopen frame: 54 cm frame length, steel frame of 8 parts without automatic cover: polyester

weight: approx. 480g . length: approx. 90 cm . diameter: approx.105 cm function: automatic frame: 60 cm frame length, fibreglass/steel frame of 8 parts with automatic cover: polyester


4x red . 4x blue . 4x green

a s s SORTMENT :

4x red . 4x blue . 4x green


umbrellas . spring/summer 2015

spring/summer 2015 . umbrellas


enjoy kaleido

MINI paradise

A r t. N o . 70 8 0 5 SO 19

A r t. N o . 70 8 16 5 SO 19

weight: approx. 320 g . length: approx. 25 cm . diameter approx.100 cm function: handopen frame: 54 cm frame length, steel frame of 8 parts without automatic cover: polyester

weight: approx. 300 g . length: approx. 25 cm . diameter: approx.100 cm function: handopen frame: 54 cm frame length, steel frame of 8 parts without automatic cover: polyester

a s s ORTMENT :

4x green/blue . 4x red/blue . 4x pink/orange

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umbrellas . spring/summer 2015

spring/summer 2015 . umbrellas

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MINI oberfesch A r t. N o . 7 0 8 16 5 SOB 19 weight: approx. 300 g . length: approx. 25 cm . diameter: approx.100 cm function: handopen frame: 54 cm frame length, steel frame of 8 parts without automatic cover: polyester

assortment: 6x red . 6x blue

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umbrellas . spring/summer 2015

spring/summer 2015 . umbrellas

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dynamic uni

dynamic kaleido

A r t. N o . 7 10 16 3 SO 19

A r t. N o . 710 16 5 SO 19 weight: approx. 235 g . length: approx. 18 cm . diameter: approx. 92 cm function: handopen frame: 54 cm frame length, alu/ fibreglass frame of 7 parts without automatic cover: polyester

weight: approx. 235 g . length: approx. 18 cm . diameter: approx. 92 cm function: handopen frame: 54 cm frame length, alu/ fibreglass frame of 7 parts without automatic cover: polyester


3x coral-pink . 3x cool-royal . 3x warm-sun . 3x new-green


4x green/blue . 4x red/blue . 4x pink/orange

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umbrellas . spring/summer 2015

spring/summer 2015 . umbrellas

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Kids monsters & friends A r t. N o . 72 6 5 2 SO 17 weight: approx. 230 g . length: approx. 56 cm . diameter: approx. 70 cm function: handopen frame: 41 cm frame length, steel frame of 8 parts without automatic, safety tips cover: polyester


PU 6 pcs. . 3x pink . 3x white

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umbrellas . spring/summer 2015

spring/summer 2015 . umbrellas

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men automatic

x-press open/close Automatic

A r t. N o . 717167 SO

A r t. N o . 74 6 167 SO

weight: approx. 540 g . length: approx. 94 cm . diameter: approx.116 cm function: automatic frame: 68 cm frame length, extremely stable fibreglass frame of 8 parts with automatic cover: polyester


5x black . 4x striped . 3x shark

weight: approx. 330 g . length: approx. 28,5 cm . diameter: approx. 98 cm function: open/close automatic frame: 53 cm frame length, alu/fibreglass frame of 8 parts with open/close automatic cover: polyester


5x black . 4x striped . 3x shark

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umbrellas . spring/summer 2015

spring/summer 2015 . umbrellas

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displays o u r s al e s t e a m i s alw ay s g la d t o a d v i s e y o u

a r t. N o . 8 6 19 9 9 SO K

L45/W45/H140 cm display filled with: 96 mini umbrellas with or without automatic 18 long umbrellas

a r t. N o . 78 2 56 SO

a r t. N o . 8 6 10 2 SO

L23,5/W17,5/H12 cm display filled with: 12 mini umbrellas with or without automatic 20 .

umbrellas . spring/summer 2015

a r t. N o . 8 6 2 9 9 9 SO

L53/W50/H135 cm display filled with: 72 mini umbrellas with or without automatic 24 long umbrellas

display filled with: 1 mini umbrella with or without automatic

spring/summer 2015 . umbrellas

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license world

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doppler H. Würflingsdobler GmbH DE - Simbach am Inn . Phone: +49 8571 9122 306 E-Mail: umbrellas@dopplerschirme.com

s.Oliver Jewel GmbH DE - Obertshausen . Phone: +49 1805 153351 E-Mail: info@soliver-jewel.com

Shoe.com GmbH & Co. KG DE - Detmold . Phone: +49 5231 605 05 E-Mail: info@soliver-shoes.com

pro/concept Vermarktungs GmbH DE - Viernheim . Phone: +49 6204 964677 E-Mail: info@pro-concept.net





Wagner + Kühner GmbH DE - Bad Kreuznach . Phone: +49 671 88 61 80 E-Mail: info@wagner-kuehner.de

IBENA Interior Textil GmbH DE - Bocholt . Phone: +49 2871 2870 E-Mail: info@ibena.de

MAEURER & WIRTZ GmbH & Co. KG DE - Stolberg . Phone: +49 2402 89 2377 E-Mail: Monika.haller@m-w.de

Hartan Kinderwagenwerk e.K. DE - Sonnefeld . Phone: +49 9266 9690 E-Mail: support@hartan.de



camano GmbH & Co. KG DE - Pleinfeld . Phone: +49 9144 92470 E-Mail: mail@camano.de

Cawö Textil GmbH & Co. KG DE - Emsdetten . Phone: +49 2572 1590 E-Mail: verkauf@cawoe.de

umbrellas . spring/summer 2015

spring/summer 2015 . umbrellas

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germany: doppler H. Würflingsdobler GmbH . A.-Kolping-Str. 3 . D-84359 Simbach/Inn . Tel.: +49 (0)8571 / 91 22-306 Fax: +49 (0)8571 / 91 22-321 . E-Mail: umbrella@dopplerschirme.com . www.dopplerschirme.com

austria: doppler E. Doppler & Co. GmbH . Schloßstraße 24 . A-5280 Braunau-Ranshofen . Tel.: +43 (0)7722 / 63 205-306 Fax: +43 (0)7722 / 63 205-321 . E-Mail: umbrella@dopplerschirme.com . www.dopplerschirme.com

i n t e r n at i o n al : doppler E. Doppler & Co. GmbH . Schloßstraße 24 . A-5280 Braunau-Ranshofen . Tel.: +43 (0)7722 / 63 205-325 Fax: +43 (0)7722 / 63 205-9325 . E-Mail: international@dopplerschirme.com . www.dopplerschirme.com

soliver.com 24 .

umbrellas . spring/summer 2015

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