Around Rugby June 2014

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Your local community magazine supporting local business

JUNE 2014

‘Around Magazines distributed to over 7,300 homes and businesses in Rugby every month’.

Welcome to the June edition of Around Rugby! 2

Can you believe it’s June already? I’m still reeling from everything that happened in May. On the 1st, the Young Enterprise group ‘Wood You’ took part in the Coventry & Warwickshire Finals held at Coventry University. Read how they fared in a report written by Paul Miles Rogers on our Young Enterprise page this month. On May 9th my husband and I were invited to attend The Rugby FM Pride of Rugby Awards 2014 at Dunchurch Park Hotel where we joined a host of other folk in celebrating business and community in Rugby. My thanks go to everyone involved and in particular Rugby FM for their help and support of our involvement. Well done to all the finalists and those nominated who didn’t make it to the finals: Rugby is proud of you all! Details of the winning entrants and comments from finalists can be found in this magazine. Also in May, The Steam Turbine on Technology Drive, Junction One opened its doors to the public on the 12th and Anya Court Care Home on Dunchurch Road held it’s ‘Topping Out’ ceremony on the 13th celebrating with the handing over of a cheque to The Rugby Dementia Support Group. The home is due to open in October.

Get in touch with Around Rugby’s Managing Director, Amanda Avery... t: 01788 440015 m: 07841831127 e:

Celebrations in June include Shavuot commencing on the 4th, the Martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev on the 16th and the start of Ramadan on the 28th. Of course, we also have the start of the Aegon Tennis Championship at The Queens Club on the 9th, the World Cup on the 12th and Wimbledon on 23rd. Look out for match details on the What’s On page and online at Talking of the World Cup, keep your eye on our Facebook and Twitter pages for the chance to win Nike Tiempo training balls and England shirts. That leads on nicely to this month’s magazine competition. If you fancy a great night out with your family or friends then you should seriously consider entering this month’s competition. The sponsor is Rugby Superbowl and the prize is TWO games of bowling for SIX people. The winner of our April competition was Simon Spice who won an oven clean up to the value of £75.00 from Ovenu Rugby. Simon answered correctly that the name of the owner of Ovenu Rugby is b) Dave Simmonds.



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Contact us: Amanda: 07841831127


Contact us: Amanda: 07841831127


Contact us: Amanda: 07841831127


Contact us: Amanda: 07841831127


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Contact us: Amanda: 07841831127


CHARITY INVITES OLDER PEOPLE IN RUGBY TO JOIN THEM FOR A CUPPA, CAKE AND GOOD COMPANY! Contact the Elderly, the charity solely dedicated to tackling loneliness and isolation among older people, is inviting local residents to join its existing group in Rugby and enjoy a few hours of tea, chat and good company. The charity, with the support of a volunteer network, organises tea parties for small groups of older people, aged 75 and above, who live alone and would appreciate some company on a Sunday afternoon. Each guest is collected from their home by a volunteer driver and taken to a volunteer host’s home. The group is warmly welcomed by a different host each month, but the drivers remain the same. Over the months and years, acquaintances turn into friends and loneliness is replaced by companionship. Contact the Elderly’s Midlands Development Officer, Pamela Walker, said: “Activities for people aged 75 and above are normally limited to weekdays, so Sunday can be a particularly long and difficult day. Our tea parties are sometimes the only social outing our guests have, so they can make a real difference. We wanted to make people aware that the Rugby group is looking for guests and to encourage anyone interested in coming along, or those who know of people to whom it might appeal, to get in touch with us. Rugby residents, aged 75 and above, who live alone, without the support of family and friends, and who are interested in joining the Rugby Contact the Elderly group can contact Pamela Walker, Midlands Development Officer on 0121 603 1331 or email


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RUGBY FM PRIDE OF RUGBY AWARDS/WCAVA ACTION AWARDS FRIDAY 9TH MAY 2014 Judges – Alison Orr, Paul Miles Rogers, Cllr Tony Gillias, Steve Orchard Your winners are: BUSINESS OF THE YEAR Automotive Insulations Ltd Presented by Peter Sylvester, Executive Director of sponsors BNI Rugby. The judges were astonished by the company’s rapid local growth and expansion into overseas markets. SMALL BUSINESS OF THE YEAR Exact Logistics Ltd Presented by Paul Miles Rogers from sponsors The Federation of Small Businesses. The judges enjoyed the success story of this business, were impressed with their growth during the economic downturn and their commitment to the local economy. BUSINESS PERSON OF THE YEAR Emily Keal (SMALL BUSINESS) Presented by Jim Griffin, Managing Director of sponsors Automotive Insulations Ltd. Emily’s Online Toolbox business impressed the judges; she has built the business based around her passion. BUSINESS PERSON OF THE YEAR Simon Leech (LARGE BUSINESS) Presented by Jim Griffin of the sponsors Automotive Insulations Ltd. The judges felt that Simon’s business was robust and his commitment to the local business community over the years deserved recognition. TOWN CENTRE BUSINESS OF THE YEAR Supatone Presented by Phil Daffern, Branch Manager of Hinckley & Rugby Building Society. The judges liked the fact that Supatone brought something different to the town centre and were amazed at how its customer base had grown despite being a fairly new business.

HOSPITALITY BUSINESS OF THE YEAR Delish Deli & Kitchen Presented by George Briffa, Manager of Dunchurch Park Hotel. The judges felt Delish was a strong business with a loyal customer base, they always go the extra mile for their customers and constantly seek new ways to develop further.

CUSTOMER CARE AWARD Vets4pets Presented by Carl Arkley, Director of sponsors Hi-speed Services Ltd. The judges were astounded by the many letters Vets4pets have received from satisfied customers and the local charity work carried out by the team.

TEAM OF THE YEAR The Vault, Rugby Presented by the Mayor of Rugby, Cllr Tony Gillias. The judges had been inundated with nominations for The Vault and felt that the team had brought something new to Rugby. CITIZEN OF THE YEAR Carl Hodgetts Presented by Aftab Gaffar, Managing Director of Rugby First. The judges were impressed with Carl’s dedication and determination to fulfil his passion and the lasting and positive effect he has left on others. CARER OF THE YEAR Annette Collier Presented by Dr Adrian Canale-Parola of Coventry & Rugby Clinical Commissioning Group. The judges felt that Annette showed outstanding care in the community and that the work of her group Warwickshire Young Carers is heavily depended upon by vulnerable individuals within the local area. EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR Eastlands Primary School Presented by Dr Mike Motley, Managing Director of sponsors TQ Training. The judges believe that this entry demonstrated positive change for all pupils and were impressed with the success of the school’s cyber bullying project. YOUNG ACHIEVER OF THE YEAR Richard Meacham Presented by MP for Rugby, Mark Pawsey. Richard showed the judges outstanding dedication to local groups and individuals and they felt that he provides a great role model to his peers.

LONG SERVICE VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR Phil Parr Presented by Alison Orr from Warwickshire Community And Voluntary Action. The judges agreed that Phil deserved to win because of his commitment over 40 years and the benefit that he has brought to the town through his conservation projects. RUGBY’S PRIDE AWARD Jackie Oglethorpe Presented by Cllr Leigh Hunt, Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Inclusive Communities from sponsor Rugby Borough Council. The judges believe that Jackie’s support, hard work and belief that former offenders can turn their lives around was of a real benefit to them and the wider community. SPECIAL AWARDS also went to: The Friends of St Cross charity for their dedication and service to the area and local people for almost 60 years. Rugby Theatre Society for their open access to anyone and everyone, their unwavering focus on sharing their passion with the town of Rugby and refusing to charge premium prices for tickets despite their unparalleled success. Rugby Sea Cadets/Royal Marine Cadets for representing Rugby with pride. A unique organisation organised by the community, for the community.

Annette Collier, who won the Carer of the Year award for the second year running was almost lost for words. She didn’t believe it would be possible to win this year commenting that ‘(this) will mean so much to the group’. Annette has plans to take a group of young people on a much earned holiday with the money raised from the event’s raffle and auction. She was overwhelmed by the response of people around the room and also commented that she had received an offer of help on the trip from a member of staff of a company at the Awards that evening and a repeat offer from the fabulous La Casa Loco.

The group of attendees from The Friends of St Cross had an extra special evening. They had arrived to support finalist Edie Freeman and ended up with a special award themselves. Willy Goldschmidt said they were ‘surprised and delighted’ to receive the award for charity. Apparently so many members had been nominated that a special award for all was called for.

Following the Awards ceremony a Raffle was held along with a Charity Auction in which a signed rugby ball raised £1000 for Warwickshire Young Carers. Detail by kind permission of Rugby FM. Emily Keal, winner of the Business Person of the Year (Small Business) was ‘nervous but excited’ when she arrived at the Awards event and was clearly over the moon when she found she had won. Lucky Emily not only won an award but also a prize in the raffle. I have yet to find out if she also won the Lotto draw with the ticket she was going to purchase on the way home!

Educator of the Year finalist, Karen Crane left me lost for words. Roy and I had breakfast with Karen and her husband the following morning and, chatting to them about the work Karen does, was so inspiring. Around Rugby Magazine would also like to make a special mention of the following finalists who didn’t win but who had we followed very closely: Colin Arthur and Rugby Tap, Malcolm Freeman and Oxygen Graphics and the very knowledgeable team at The Merchant’s Inn. Good luck for next year everyone. Amanda

Show Suites Now Open

A cutting-edge care home in Rugby will has opened Show Suites this month, giving local residents a first peek at what they can expect from the 70-bed development. Anya Court Care Home on Dunchurch Road, opening in autumn 2014, will offer residential, nursing and dementia care. The home is the first in the area from Hallmark Care Homes, an award-winning care provider with homes across England and South Wales.

Outstanding facilities

The home will include two cafes, a corner shop and even a cinema. Landscaped gardens will surround the home and the first floor balcony will give residents beautiful views of the surrounding area. To enable residents to mark special occasions with friends and family, the home will include a celebrations room, which can be booked out for birthdays, anniversaries and other important occasions. Residents will be able to enjoy the therapy room and hair salon or help out with their laundry, if they wish, in the specially designed resident’s laundry room.

Dementia community

Our dementia community will feature memory prompting design features and bespoke bedroom furniture has been designed with the residents needs in mind. At Anya Court, residents living with dementia will still be able to enjoy the experience of an appointment at the hair salon, a visit to the cafĂŠ, or even just the sense of fulfilment that comes from helping out in the garden. The Show Suites are open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday, and weekends by appointment. Pop in and see us today or call for your information pack.

Tel: 01788 851525 Email: Anya Court, 286 Dunchurch Road, Rugby CV22 6JA


My Advisor’s Report on Wood-You’s progress; Team Wood-You won the Rugby Finals of the Young Enterprise. They then progressed in the competition and were really excellent at the Coventry & Warwickshire Finals which took place on Thursday 1st May (I am biased but I really do mean it). They produced a neat and uncluttered exhibition stand which included a projector screening rolling images of their website. They submitted a written report which was improved upon from the Rugby Finals, it said everything about their journey in a professional format. To be objective I could only see a few errors! The report content and visual production was excellent. Then the presentation to the judges and assembled guests was like nothing we have seen before. It was all themed around an animation of a seed growing into a tree. It showed all the weathering the tree endured, all the ups and downs of their journey. It won them the Best Presentation! As for the big prize sadly they lost out to Stratford Girls Grammar School. Their team; ‘Prospero’ bought in and sold a range of jewelry, for young ladies, their target market. They had made quite a lot of money and had created a strong brand which got them into shops (albeit within the region). From the judges’ comments I was quite surprised that the money seemed to have a big affect on their choice! When it comes down to it, it is personal opinion. Prospero now go forward to the Midlands Final in June and perhaps onto the National Final in July, I wish them well because at that level the competition is intense. Each year I say to the students to think BIG and get their business to not just a regional level but national and global. Prospero seemed to have an edge on Wood You in this respect in developing those connections. Also from feedback from one judge their presumption could have been that Wood You had help from us as advisors on the Report and Presentation, this could not be further from the truth. Apart from me seeing the storyboard the week before and making some corrections on the report two days before submission that was it. This is why Kallum Bell and I as Advisors are so proud of the team and how they have progressed on their journey. Advisors are to give advice when asked. Teams learn from their mistakes just as much as from their triumphs. Having the support gives a team the confidence to try new things. At the Finals the team had by far the most supporters in the hall, which was excellent. When I was giving the team a morale boosting talk at the end I turned round and saw about 20 parents, friends and family all around us, it took me aback! So I would encourage readers to recommend to students to take part in the Young Enterprise Company Program it is a great experience for the next generation. It all goes to show in Rugby we do it so much better, why because in my view we have a strong Board of volunteers (who organises the Program), Link Teachers who have supported very well this year and Advisors new and old who freely offer their knowledge. It makes me more determined for us to achieve the Regional Prize next year. But as the team and I were discussing 2nd place can bring its rewards. The team already has an offer from one of the judges to present to other entrepreneurs. Their second opportunity for the team is from one of my other roles; as Branch Chair of the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB). On Friday 27th June FSB have a breakfast meeting at Rugby College the theme is “Enterprising Year Report – Fostering Entrepreneurial Talent”. I and my FSB Committee are finalising the event so please mark it in your diary, and join us. If you would like to know more email me; Paul Miles Rogers


Check out for more up to date information!




A full programme of walks is available in Rugby Library. For further details please contact Fran Debonnaire on 01788 815454, email or visit our website A warm welcome awaits.

Rugby Federation of Small Businesses (FSB)

All businesses welcome. Network and do business over breakfast on 4th Friday of the month (except December) at 7am at Rugby College. Discounts for early booking or 1st time visitors. Contact Paul Miles Rogers (Branch Chair) 01788 523840 or

FRIENDLY (Fridays 7.30pm – 9.30pm at Lawrence Sheriff School) seeks new players of BADMINTON CLUB moderate standard (non-beginners). Contact Jan on 01788 565366 Thursday 5th

Stamp & Postcard Fair at Rogers Hall, Deerings Road, Hillmorton (9.30am – 3.30pm). Eight dealers will be waiting to buy, sell and exchange stamps and postcards. Free parking, free admission. Refreshments will be available all day. Enquiries/further details – call 01788 630072 or 07792 603334.

7th – 14th

Rugby Theatre present ‘Avenue Q – The Musical’ (7.30pm) No show on 8th. Additional show at 3.00pm on 14th. Tickets £15-16. Box Office 01788 541234.

Saturday 7th

Sunflower Ball at Hinckley Island Hotel (7.00pm for 7.30pm) Tickets £45.00. This is a black tie and evening gown charity ball in memory of Tammy Harrison from Nuneaton and in aid of the Cystic Fibrosis Trust. To include a 3-course meal, charity auction, raffle, live music and a disco. For more information about Tammy, Cystic Fibrosis or to order tickets visit, @sunflowerball2014, www.facebook. com/SunflowerBall2014 or call Tammy’s brother Rob O’Donnell on 07770 332076.

Tuesday 10th

Fashion Show by Wanda at Dunchurch Community Library, School Street, Dunchurch. (7.00pm for 7.30pm start). Proceeds to support the Library.

Thursday 12th

FIFA WORLD CUP BEGINS! Brazil v Croatia (21.00) ITV/ITV HD

Saturday 14th


Sunday 15th

Father’s Day!

Monday 16th

‘A Warwickshire Eclipse’ at Dunchurch Community Library, School Street, Dunchurch. (7.00pm fo a 7.30pm start) A talk by Mike Frost, Director of the Historical Section of the British Astronomical Association.

Thursday 19th


20th -21st

Rugby Theatre present a cinema showing of ‘The Love Punch’ (U) (20th - 7.30pm, 21st – 5.00pm and 8.00pm) Admission £5.00 Box Office 01788 541234

Monday 23rd


Tuesday 24th

Costa Rica v ENGLAND (17.00) ITV/ITV HD

Saturday 28th

FIFA WORLD CUP Second Round begins

27th – 28th

Rugby Theatre present a cinema showing of ‘Tracks’ (12A) (27th – 7.30pm, 28th – 5.00pm and 8.00pm) Admission £5.00

Contact us: Amanda: 07841831127

Useful Local Information Around Rugby

When you’ve finished reading Around Rugby why not keep it as a useful local guide to businesses and services. You could also pass it on to someone who may not have read it.... and always remember to put old editions in your recycle bin!

School Holiday Dates summer Term Term starts – Monday 28th April 2014 Half Term – Monday 26th May to Friday 30th May 2014 Term ends – Friday 18th July 2014 autumn Term Term starts – Monday 1st September 2014 Half Term – Monday 27th October to Friday 31st October 2014 Term ends – Friday 19th December 2014

Rugby Library and Information Centre Little Elborow Street, Rugby, CV21 3BZ Tel: 0300 5558171 Current Opening Hours Monday 09.00 - 17.30 Tuesday 10.00 - 19.00 Wednesday 09.00 - 17.30 Thursday 09.00 - 17.30 Friday 09.00 - 17.30 Saturday 09.00 - 16.00 Sunday 12.00 - 16.00 Library Services by Phone Monday to Friday 08.00 - 20.00 Saturday 09.00 - 16.00 Sunday 12.00 - 16.00

Emergencies Police, Rugby Station: 01788 541111 (number for the Deaf 01926 415 369) Police, Northants: 01327 300300 Fire, Warwickshire: 01788 572727 Fire, Northants: 01327 300222 Water, Severn Trent: 0800 7834444 Water, Anglian: 08457 145145 Gas: Emergencies 0800 111999 Electricity, Warwickshire: 08457 331331 Electricity, East Midlands: 08457 363363 NHS Direct: 0845 4647 Hospital of St.Cross: 01788 572831

Useful numbers

Rugby Borough Council: 01788 533533 Warwickshire County Council: 01926 410410 Northamptonshire County Council: 01604 236236 Rugby Art Gallery & Museum: 01788 533201 Benn Hall: 01788 533719 Rugby Theatre: 01788 541234 Cineworld: 0871 2208000 Rugby Tourist Information: 01788 533217


Clock Towers Shopping Centre, Rugby Tel: 01788 572 867

9am – 5.30pm

Boots The Chemist

Junction 1 Retail Park, Leicester Road, Rugby Tel: 01788 567385

9am – 8pm (lunch 2.30 – 3.30) Saturday 9am – 6pm Sunday 10.30 – 4.30pm

Co-op Pharmacy

131a Clifton Road, Rugby Tel: 01788 577889

9am – 6pm (lunch 1pm – 2pm) Saturday 9am – 1pm

Paddox Pharmacy

316 Hillmorton Road, Rugby Tel: 01788 542632

9am – 6pm Saturdays 9am –1pm

Dudley Taylor Pharmacies Ltd

37 The Green, Bilton, Rugby Tel: 01788 814224

9am – 6pm

Lister Chemists

Bow Fell Shopping Centre, Brownsover, Rugby Tel: 01788 569046

9am – 6pm (lunch 1pm – 2pm) Saturday 9am – 1pm

Lloyds Pharmacy

Clifton Road, Rugby Tel: 01788 543268

9am – 6.30pm

Lloyds Pharmacy

Morton Gardens, Lower Hillmorton Road, Rugby Tel: 01788 572362

8.45am – 6.30pm Closed Saturday

Rowlands Pharmacy

58 The Square, Dunchurch Tel: 01788 810745

9am – 6pm (lunch 1pm – 2pm) Saturday 9am – 1pm

Rowlands Pharmacy

156 Oxford Street, Rugby Tel: 01788 576123

9am – 6pm (lunch 1pm – 2pm)

Rowlands Pharmacy

Bennfield Road, Rugby Tel: 01788 543918

9am – 6pm (lunch 1.30pm – 2pm) Saturday 9am – 1pm

Rowlands Pharmacy

Central Surgery, Corporation Street, Rugby Tel: 01788 574236

8.30am – 6.30pm (lunch 1pm – 1.30pm) Saturday 8.30am-5.30pm

Tesco Pharmacy

Tesco Store, Leicester Road, Rugby Tel: 01788 207447

Monday 8am – 10.30pm Tues – Fri 6.30am – 10.30pm Saturday 6.30am – 10pm Sunday 10am – 4pm

Sainsbury’s Pharmacy

385 Dunchurch Road Rugby Tel: 01788 203 119

Mon-Fri, 7am - 11pm Sat, 7am - 10pm Sunday, 10am - 4pm

Knights Pharmacy

30-31 Sheep Street, Rugby Tel: 01788 542808

9am – 6pm Saturday 9am – 5pm

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