Your local community magazine supporting local business
April 2015 ‘Around Magazines distributed to over 7,300 homes and businesses in Rugby every month’.
Welcome to the April edition of Around Rugby! 2
Spring has definitely arrived! The flower displays across town are certainly helping us to throw off the memories of cold weather and to look towards the warmer summer months. Hopefully this will put us all in a positive mood. April’s days of celebration include April Fools Day on 1st, Easter weekend from Good Friday on 3rd to Easter Monday on 6th, Pesach (Passover) between 3rd and 11th, Baisakhi (Sikh New Year) on 14th, Yom HaShoah on 15th and St George’s Day and Yom HaAtzmaut on 23rd. 2nd April sees our second town centre event under the ‘1st Thursdays’ banner. Between 5.00pm and 8.00pm the town centre will come to life again. There will be entertainment, street food and late night shopping! This month the team hope to have ironed out some of those first night hitches and the evening will prove another success.
2015 and can be downloaded at uk, if you choose. Competition time! Our sponsor this month is Cineworld, Rugby who are offering two cinema tickets to a screening of your choice (2D or 3D) at any Cineworld site. The draw takes place on 30th April. The winner of our February competition was Jon Bourne who won an oven clean worth £75.00 from Ovenu Rugby. Jon correctly answered that Ovenu clean ovens so a) you don’t have to.
Amanda PS Just a quick reminder - If you want to vote in the general election on May 7th you will need to make sure your registered by 20th April 2015. You can register online or download registration forms to post via
Elsewhere in Rugby, we watch the further developments on the Elliott’s Field/Leicester Road and Technology Drive sites as our new retail areas are constructed. And we begin to gear up towards the Rugby World Cup festivities in the Autumn. A celebration of the Rugby World Cup is the theme for this year’s Rugby in Bloom and applications are being invited from those wishing to enter. For more information please visit, email or call 01788 533706. Application forms must be received by July 6th
Get in touch with Around Rugby’s Managing Director, Amanda Avery... t: 01788 440015 e:
Advert copy to Gaz at As of March 1st 2012 we can now accept card payments.
Contact us: Amanda: 01788 440015
December Weddings Your Wedding at ….. Dunchurch Park
Why wait? December weddings 2015 Special Offer
Only £42.50 per guest Arrival drink • Toast drink • Evening buffet Three course Wedding Breakfast Two glasses of house wine per person
See website for next wedding event or contact our Wedding team on 01788 528149 Please mention Around Rugby when responding to adverts ...
Hillmorton Private Function Room
Manor Hotel
available for Hire... Weddings Birthdays Anniversaries Funeral Wakes
With a range of packages on offer to suit your needs; the Hillmorton Manor is the perfect venue to host your next event. E:
Rooms from only £25 per night See our website for more details...
Food served throughout the week! Steak Special offer : 2 Steaks & a bottle of wine for only £29.95 Sunday Carvery only £11.95
Relax and allow us to do what we do best, enjoy an exceptional Carvery. Why not? We serve all day! 12 — 7pm. 78 High Street, Hillmorton, Rugby, CV21 4EE.
TEL: 01788 570155/541722
Contact us: Amanda: 01788 440015
& GET 250 FREE! Printed Full Colour Both Sides with Matt Lamination
YOURS FOR £45.00!* Liquidblu are offering Rugby businesses FREE Business Cards with this advert. We’d love to design your business cards too, just ask about our design service. To take advantage of this offer, please email
creative design | branding | stationery marketing | promotions | web sites *EXCLUDES VAT, DELIVERY & ARTWORK. Terms & Conditions apply
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The Future’s So Bright… I gotta wear shades! 6
Summer is just around the corner, and with it – hopefully – the sun. It’s a time to start thinking about eye protection.
A wide-brimmed hat or baseball cap offers excellent eye protection screening around 50% of all UV.
I have a theory that sunspecs are the coolest accessories ever invented. They add instant glamour to any outfit; disguise tired eyes, and offer handy hangover relief when required. In addition, you don’t have to worry about whether they make your bum look big, and even a designer pair won’t break the bank.
Any UV light you’re exposed to now can cause eye problems years down the line, such as macula degeneration (AMD) and cataract,
Yet as useful as these qualities are they pale into insignificance beside sunspecs’ real function, which is to protect our eyes.
All sunspecs must carry the CE mark to prove they filter 99-100% of all UV rays.
Wraparound styles offer the most protection but the large sunspecs favoured by WAGs and celebrities are also good.
Grey tints reduce brightness without distorting colour.
Brown and amber offer best protection from visible blue light and reduce haziness.
Green is good for contrast and a great allrounder Rose is good for water-sports and offers good contrast for objects viewed against blue or green backgrounds.
The sun’s UV rays can damage the delicate structures of the eye, such as the lens and the retina. This damage can lead to cataracts and macular degeneration in later life. UV FACTS •
UV penetrates clouds so even when you can’t see the sun your eyes may still be damaged unless you protect them
Decisions, decisions! Handy hints to help you choose.
UV is most intense between 10am and 2pm. Make sure that your eyes are protected during this time.
UV is more powerful at high altitude
By Louise Addison
The effects of UV are amplified in reflective environments: snow, sand, water and concrete.
Contact us: Amanda: 01788 440015
A4071, Coventry Road, Cawston, Rugby, CV23 9JP
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A different type of dementia care at Anya Court At Anya Court, General Manager Stephen Neal has been taking his team on a journey to explore ways of supporting the feelings and emotions of people living with dementia, enabling them to provide a different type of dementia care. The team recognise they are building a relationship with the person living with dementia and their family. Recognising the importance of keeping occupied, ensuring physical and emotional needs are met sensitively with dignity.
Almost every week we hear on the news or read in the papers about the increasing numbers of people living with dementia and the challenges faced by the people who love and care for them. Suddenly from being a loving husband, wife, son or daughter you assume the role and label “carer”. In addition, the person you love becomes a “patient” – even though they are much the same as they have always been, apart from the short term memory loss. The journey we take with dementia is as unique and individual as we are. The person you love remains just that – your shared precious memories remain intact for the time being but the events of today seemingly, mysteriously evaporate from the memory as they happen . There is an increasing reliance on feelings, emotions and instinctive reactions. Our loved ones have always been “busy”, “doing” people. Inside their mind they are still young and vibrant; they still want to be in control – taking the control away from someone who has been independent all of their adult life can result in conflict.
Care is planned with the person receiving care, and those they choose to support them. Stephen’s team understand personality is built on life experiences, knowing the person helps to build trusting relationships. When a resident moves in to Anya Court they complete the ‘About Me’ book, this enables the team to get to know a resident and make the move into care a smoother transition. The team at Anya Court offer exceptional dementia care in a small, friendly, homely environment; they share the journey so you can enjoy your relationship with your loved one. Customer Relationship Manager, Karen Handley, is a trained Dementia Friend who offers support to those with relatives living with dementia. She aims to help people to understand the changes their loved one is going through and offer support and advice on supporting them to live life to the full. For more information on why Anya Court is a care home with a difference go to, call Karen on 01788 811976 or drop by for a visit at 286 Dunchurch Road, Rugby CV22 6JA.
Contact us: Amanda: 01788 440015
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Top Tips For Nice Hands 10
A healthy diet is important. Eating proteins, and food or supplements that contain vitamins B and E will help you have healthy, strong nails and soft and supple skin. Regularly moisturise your hands with a good quality product. Winter tends to dry out our skin so use a heaver lotion during the colder months. Massage lotion in when you apply it to help it soak in. If your hands are particularly rough add Vaseline. Protect your hands with gloves when washing up, cleaning, gardening or doing other chores. Use lukewarm water when washing your hands and never use normal dish soap as this tends to be too harsh and can dry the skin. Trim your nails every two weeks or more often if required. When filing your nails file in one direction rather than using a seesaw action. Apply a scrub to your hands with a good exfoliating agent once a week to get rid of dead skin. In addition to moisturisers, hand creams and scrubs try a cuticle cream or lotion to stop cuticles drying out. If you paint your nails, always use a base coat so that your nails don’t stain. For extra pampering, go for a manicure once a month. by Susan Brookes- Morris
The Reader
by Bernhard Schlink
This year sees the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz and the horrors of the Holocaust came to the world’s attention. In the intervening years many great pieces of literature have been written to explore why it happened, and the consequences of it. One such book is The Reader by the German author, Bernhard Schlink. Set in West Germany in 1958, Michael, a 15-year-old falls ill with hepatitis and befriends a 36-year-old woman, Hanna. They develop a close relationship until she suddenly disappears a few months later. The narrative then skips to six years later where Michael, now a law student, is observing a war crimes trial. On trial are a group of female SS guards who served at Auschwitz. Michael has to battle his emotions and the reader is asked, along with the protagonist, to question why such atrocities were allowed to happen and how can we stop them happening again. The issue of how ordinary Germans carried out Nazi orders is one that Germans have struggled to come to terms with and Schlink explores this in a touching manner. The style of writing is sparse at times – with little explanation offered to the reader at times. It can appear blunt, but offers a clarity that forces the reader to engage with the subject matter. It reflects how the post-war generations in Germany have struggled to come to terms with the actions of ordinary Germans during the war.
by Morris Gleiztman Adult literature is not alone in dealing with the Holocaust, and there are in fact many pieces of children’s literature that aim to introduce the events and the effects of them. One such book is Once by Morris Gleiztman. It is the first is a series of four books which tell of the life of Felix, a 10 year old Polish Jew in 1942. For three years, Felix has lived in an orphanage, waiting for his parents return for him. They own a book shop and Felix believes that this is why they had to leave him. He has seen Nazis burning books and figures out that it must be dangerous to be a bookseller. His parents must have sent him to the orphanage to keep him safe. However, he soon learns that it is not being a bookseller that is dangerous. Gleiztman is very careful to write at an appropriate level for his young audience whilst not sanitising the dreadful events that Felix finds himself caught up in. The young reader will learn, along with Felix, exactly what is taking place across Europe. Yes, it is shocking, yes it is moving, and yes, be prepared for questions from a child who is reading this. It is aimed at readers in their first year or two at secondary school and offers a good ageappropriate introduction to a subject that they will most likely encounter in History or RE lessons. By Willow Coby
Contact us: Amanda: 01788 440015
We have a superb selection of stoves, gas fires, electric fires, surrounds and fireplaces on display in our large Rugby showroom. • Full design and installation service • Stoves from 15 manufacturers available • In house HETAS Installers and Surveyors • Highly efficient fires and stoves
Please visit our friendly team at: 22-24 Lawford Road, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 2DY Tel: 01788 577005 Fax: 01788 546655 Email:
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Contact us: Amanda: 01788 440015
B A R LE Y M O W N EW B O L D, R U G B Y, WAR WICKSH IR E Simon and Kelly at the Barley Mow are pleased to launch the Barley Barn Function Venue. Perfect for any occasion, Weddings, Anniversaries, Christenings and Parties.
FREE VENUE HIRE Subject to terms and conditions. 9 en-suite letting rooms | Restaurant | Fully stocked bars Adventure playground | Sunday carvery.
Tel: 01788 544174 or email:
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Join us For our Bible discussions held on Sundays at 3pm (God Willing) at ‌
Women’s Institute Hall, Southam Road, Dunchurch, Rugby, CV22 6NG Please contact us for details of subjects that will be covered
organised by: Web
@dunchurchdelphs Twitter
Contact us: Amanda: 01788 440015
Easter Cup Cakes These cute cakes make an Easter treat. Makes: 12 cupcakes Preparation time: 15 minutes Cooking time: 15-20 minutes Cooling time: 15 minutes Decorating time: 10-15 minutes Ingredients For the cakes 115g (4oz) softened butter or margarine 115g (4oz) caster sugar 2 eggs, lightly beaten 85g (3oz) self-raising flour 25g (1oz) cocoa powder (optional - for chocolate cupcakes) For the topping 85g (3oz) softened butter 175g (5oz) icing sugar 25g (1oz) cocoa powder 1 tablespoon milk 3 drops vanilla extract 2 packets mini eggs Method Preheat the oven to 180 C / Gas 4. Place the butter in a mixing bowl with the sugar. Beat until light and fluffy. Then gradually beat in the eggs, a little at a time. Sift the flour and cocoa powder (if using) into the mixture. Fold them in with a large spoon until combined. Use a teaspoon to dollop the mixture into silicon cases, or paper cases, lining a patty tin. Bake in the preheated oven until well risen and firm to touch, 15 to 20 minutes. Keep checking them so they don’t burn. Transfer to a wire rack to cool. To make the buttercream topping, place the butter in a bowl. Sift in the icing sugar and cocoa, and then add the milk and vanilla essence. Beat until really light and fluffy. When the cupcakes have cooled, ice the cakes. It looks good if the icing is piped on into a nest shape, but this is optional. Place chocolate eggs in the centre of each nest to decorate.
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Business Owners Coming Together
BBX helps entrepreneurs turn spare capacity into additional revenue.
FREE offer worth £397 Contact us: Amanda: 01788 440015
A fresh approach to family law... Why choose New Leaf Solicitors? We can help and advise you with divorce proceedings, contact with your children or If you are unmarried and want advice on your claims on the family home you shared with your partner we can help you. We also offer a fixed fee for a divorce or a . If you and your spouse or partner are in agreement
Why are we different? We understand that it is not always easy or possible
17 you advice in clear and simple terms – jargon as possible! Amanda Weaver is a qualified and experienced solicitor and an accredited specialist in family law. She is also a member of an
therefore we can advise you outside of normal office hours such as evenings or weekends if you prefer, disputes in a nonplease just ask. If you would like a ‘face to face’ For help and advice please call or email Amanda for an appointment. in Rugby we have Skype to meet your needs. t: 01788 555042 e:
fabulous OFFERS Treat yourself this Easter!
Gelish £15.00 Calgel £24.00 Luxury Pedicure & Gels £16.00 Polish – Toes £9.00 / Nails £11.00 Waxing £5.00 – £20.00 Tinting £8.00 Truly Scrumptious 60 The Square Dunchurch, Rugby, Warwickshire CV22 6NU
Eyelash Extensions £10.00 (Be a model) GIFT VOUCHERS AVALABLE £10 – £50
Tel: 01788 815113
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Bringing choice & independence to everyone over 50, their family and carers. 18
Information & Advice can help to improve the quality of older people’s lives, providing answers and support on a wide range of topics. We offer free & confidential Information & Advice on many issues, including, benefit entitlement, form filling, housing, health, care & local services. We offer a drop in service, Monday – Friday, 10am – 3pm. Appointments are necessary for
more lengthy enquiries. If you are unable to access our drop in or telephone service, we may be able to arrange a home visit. Claremont Centre 43 Clifton Road Rugby CV21 3QE Tel. 01788 552542
Rugby Forget-Me-Not Friends We know that living with dementia can be isolating. RFF aims to help fill the gap with a weekly visit from our carefully selected, trained volunteers. If you live with your carer then we can send two people to spend time with you! These visits are home-based but how you choose to spend your time is up to you – maybe just a chat over a cup of tea, or perhaps you'd prefer to share some hobbies or reminiscence activities? The RFF service is provided jointly by Age UK Warwickshire and Rugby Dementia Support Group – between us we have lots of experience in supporting older people. If you are over 55 and you live in the Rugby area, and you have a diagnosis of dementia (or you are a carer for somebody who has), and you are unable to attend social clubs and activities, then we might be able to help!
Call Alice or Ray for a chat on 01788 552 545 or email us
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Contact us: Amanda: 01788 440015
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Contact us: Amanda: 01788 440015
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Contact us: Amanda: 01788 440015
RUGBY FINALS THIS MONTH The Young Enterprise groups are continuing with their businesses, having just delivered their Interim Presentations at Lawrence Sheriff School on 25 February. These presentations were an ideal opportunity for the groups to reflect on what they’ve achieved so far, and also for them to plan for the critical second half of the programme. The programme culminates with the Rugby Finals which are to be held at Rugby High School on 23 April 2015. Throughout the programme, the groups have been lucky enough to have access to business premises to hold their weekly meetings. By meeting on business premises, the students are taken out of their school ‘comfort zone’, and are placed in a commercial business environment, which hopefully encourages their entrepreneurial spirit rather than viewing the sessions as another lesson at the end of the school day. The organisations that have enabled us to hold the weekly meetings on business premises this year are:
Brethertons Solicitors on Clifton Road Morgan Sindall on Corporation Street Asda on Chapel Street Intec Business College on Pennington Court HSBC on Church Street Without the support and co-operation of these organisations, Young Enterprise in Rugby wouldn’t be the success that it is. If you’d like to know more about Young Enterprise in Rugby, would like to attend the Rugby Area Finals, or would like to get involved in the programme, please contact Rosie Callaway at Belvoir on 01788 57945 or email
Contact us: Amanda: 01788 440015
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Check out for more up to date information!
At 28 Regent Place, Rugby. Drop in centre providing support for anyone affected by cancer. Open Thursdays 10.00am – 4.00pm. Visit for more info.
Rugby Federation of Small Businesses (FSB)
All businesses welcome. Network and do business over breakfast on 4th Friday of the month (except December) at 7am at Rugby College. Discounts for early booking or 1st time visitors. Contact Paul Miles Rogers (Branch Chair) 01788 523840 or
Clifton-upon-Dunsmore Memorial Hall, Clifton (Wednesdays 10.00am – 11.30am) All welcome. Breastfeeding support available (suggested donation £2.00).
The Sacred Heart Church, Lime Tree Avenue, Bilton every 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm. For more info call Linda on 01788 814289
Rogers Hall, Deerings Road, Hillmorton every 1st Tuesday of each month at 1.30pm. For more info call Josephine on 01788 542378
RUGBY 1ST THURSDAYS begins! 5.00 pm – 8.00pm – TOWN CENTRE. See you there!
Friday 3rd
Monday 6th
11th – 18th
RugbyTheatre, Henry Street present a stage production of the British comedy ‘Noises off’. (7.30pm) No performance on Sunday 12th. Tickets £12.00 - £13.00.
Sunday 12th
Daffodil Sunday at Newnham Paddox, Monks Kirby, the home of the Earl and Countess of Denbigh (11.00am – 4.00pm). The Friends of the Revel Churches host the event which includes exhibitions, music, garden walks, refreshments and a variety of stalls. Lots to keep everyone entertained. Adults £3.00, Children £1.00. Free Parking
Friday 17th
Quiz & Supper @ Dunchurch Sportsfield & Village Hall, Rugby Roaad, Dunchurch (7.00pm for 7.30pm start). Hosted by The Rotary Club of Rugby. Tickets £10.00 pp including supper (please advise if a vegetarian option is required). Licensed bar. Teams of up to 6. Proceeds to The Bradby Club for young people. RSVP by 10th April to John Vickers on 01788 815926 or
Sunday 19th
International Segway Polo Tournament at Rugby College, Technology Drive (12.00pm – 5.30pm). Great tournament AND fun attractions for the family including stalls, food/drink, face painting and the chance to have a go on a SEGWAY. Book your free tickets at www. or call 01926 493246.
Friday 24th
Bilton Silver Band in concert with Bilton Silver Training Band performing at Princethorpe College, Princethorpe (7.30pm) in aid of Guide Dogs for the Blind. Tickets £5.00 from Bilton Pharmacy, band members or on the door.
24th – 25th
Rugby Theatre, Henry Street present a cinema showing of ‘The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel’ (PG) Tickets £4.00 - £5.00. (Fri 7.30pm, Sat 5.00pm and 8.00pm).
Sunday 26th
Family Fun Day at Rugby College Sports Hall. Technology Drive (11.00am – 3.00pm). Raising funds for Help for Heroes. Bouncy castle, soft play for babies and toddlers, face painting, lots of stalls including food and create and make craft stalls.
Contact us: Amanda: 01788 440015
Useful Local Information Around Rugby
When you’ve finished reading Around Rugby why not keep it as a useful local guide to businesses and services. You could also pass it on to someone who may not have read it.... and always remember to put old editions in your recycle bin!
School Holiday Dates Spring Term Term starts – Tuesday 6th January 2015 Half Term – Monday 16th February to Friday 20th February 2015 Term ends – Friday 27th March 2015 SUMMER TERM Term starts – Monday 13th April 2015 Half Term – Monday 25th May to Friday 29th May 2015 Term ends – Friday 17th July 2015
Rugby Library and Information Centre Little Elborow Street, Rugby, CV21 3BZ Tel: 0300 5558171 Current Opening Hours Monday 09.00 - 17.30 Tuesday 10.00 - 19.00 Wednesday 09.00 - 17.30 Thursday 09.00 - 17.30 Friday 09.00 - 17.30 Saturday 09.00 - 16.00 Sunday 12.00 - 16.00 Library Services by Phone Monday to Friday 08.00 - 20.00 Saturday 09.00 - 16.00 Sunday 12.00 - 16.00
Emergencies Police, Rugby Station: 01788 541111 (number for the Deaf 01926 415 369) Police, Northants: 01327 300300 Fire, Warwickshire: 01788 572727 Fire, Northants: 01327 300222 Water, Severn Trent: 0800 7834444 Water, Anglian: 08457 145145 Gas: Emergencies 0800 111999 Electricity, Warwickshire: 08457 331331 Electricity, East Midlands: 08457 363363 NHS Direct: 111 (for non-emergencies) Hospital of St.Cross: 01788 572831
Useful numbers
Rugby Borough Council: 01788 533533 Warwickshire County Council: 01926 410410 Northamptonshire County Council: 01604 236236 Rugby Art Gallery & Museum: 01788 533201 Benn Hall: 01788 533719 Rugby Theatre: 01788 541234 Cineworld: 0871 2208000 Rugby Tourist Information: 01788 533217
Clock Towers Shopping Centre, Rugby Tel: 01788 572 867
9am – 5.30pm
Boots The Chemist
Junction 1 Retail Park, Leicester Road, Rugby Tel: 01788 567385
9am – 8pm (lunch 2.30 – 3.30) Saturday 9am – 6pm Sunday 10.30 – 4.30pm
Co-op Pharmacy
Rugby Health & Wellbeing Centre Drover Close, Rugby CV21 3HX Tel: 01788 577889
9am – 6pm Saturday 9am – 1pm
Paddox Pharmacy
316 Hillmorton Road, Rugby Tel: 01788 542632
9am – 6pm Saturdays 9am –1pm
Dudley Taylor Pharmacies Ltd
37 The Green, Bilton, Rugby Tel: 01788 814224
9am – 6pm
Lister Chemists
Bow Fell Shopping Centre, Brownsover, Rugby Tel: 01788 569046
9am – 6pm (lunch 1pm – 2pm) Saturday 9am – 1pm
Lloyds Pharmacy
Clifton Road, Rugby Tel: 01788 543268
9am – 6.30pm
Lloyds Pharmacy
Morton Gardens, Lower Hillmorton Road, Rugby Tel: 01788 572362
8.45am – 6.30pm Closed Saturday
Rowlands Pharmacy
58 The Square, Dunchurch Tel: 01788 810745
9am – 6pm (lunch 1pm – 2pm) Saturday 9am – 1pm
Rowlands Pharmacy
156 Oxford Street, Rugby Tel: 01788 576123
9am – 6pm (lunch 1pm – 2pm)
Rowlands Pharmacy
Bennfield Road, Rugby Tel: 01788 543918
9am – 6pm (lunch 1.30pm – 2pm) Saturday 9am – 1pm
Rowlands Pharmacy
Central Surgery, Corporation Street, Rugby Tel: 01788 574236
8.30am – 6.30pm (lunch 1pm – 1.30pm) Saturday 8.30am-5.30pm
Tesco Pharmacy
Tesco Store, Leicester Road, Rugby Tel: 01788 207447
Monday 8am – 10.30pm Tues – Fri 6.30am – 10.30pm Saturday 6.30am – 10pm Sunday 10am – 4pm
Sainsbury’s Pharmacy
385 Dunchurch Road Rugby Tel: 01788 203 119
Mon-Fri, 7am - 11pm Sat, 7am - 10pm Sunday, 10am - 4pm
Knights Pharmacy
30-31 Sheep Street, Rugby Tel: 01788 542808
9am – 6pm Saturday 9am – 5pm
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