16th Annual Who's Your Daddy Shorthorn Bull & Female Sale

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16th Annual



Shorthorn Bull & Female Sale

Thursday, April 4, 2019 1:00pm Saskatoon Livestock Sales

Who’s Your Daddy 2019 Bull & Female Sale Thursday, April 4, 2019 – 1:00pm

Saskatoon Livestock Sales – Saskatoon, SK (5 miles west on Highway #14)


Welcome to the 16th Annual "Who's Your Daddy" Shorthorn bull sale. In this catalogue you will find 67 thick, easy fleshing Shorthorn bulls. These bulls represent the top cut from over 400 purebred Shorthorn females that are raised under commercial conditions. They are bred to go out and sire cattle that can survive and produce with a minimum of feed and labor, the two biggest costs facing our industry today. If you have any questions about the offering or are unable to attend the sale, feel free to contact the sales staff or consignors and we will be happy to assist you. The bulls will be available for viewing Tuesday and Wednesday.

-Bull Sale Consigners Delivery: Free delivery to central locations within 300 miles of Saskatoon. Delivery over 300 miles at cost. $100 off purchase price of your bull if you haul him home sale day. (Bull must be paid for in full in order to receive the discount). U.S Buyers: A $300.00 per lot will be applied to your purchase. This will include all necessary vet inspections, health papers, brokerage fees and delivery to Minot, North Dakota or Billings Montana. We will guarantee that your bull will be eligible to export to the USA or we will refund your purchase price. For our American buyers the U.S. dollar enjoys a premium over the Canadian dollar. Exchange rate will be announced sale day. Buyer Specific Bull Sale Service: If you are unable to attend the sale we would be more than happy to help select a bull to suit your needs. If you are not happy with the bull upon delivery, we'll load him up and take him home. If you are not happy, we aren't happy. Buyers Option: Buyers may leave the bulls at the farm at their own risk until May 1, 2019 at no cost. Bulls left at the farm must be insured. Insurance: Will be available sale day. Page 2

Sale Staff Michael Fleury – Auctioneer – (306) 382-8088 Home: (306) 253-4242 Harvey Welter – Ringman – (306) 227-8684 Bill Brand – Ringman – (306) 827-7624 Dr. Bert Moore – Special Rep – (701) 541-5035 Rolly Batemen – Sale Consultant – (306) 320–7466 Sale Consultant & Stockman’s Insurance Larry Toner – (306) 834-7652

Bell M Farms The Moellenbeck’s

Box 47 Englefeld, SK. S0K 1N0 Richard 306-287-3420 Richard’s cell 306-287-7904 Russell 306-287-7768 Ryley 306-287-7219 Vince 306-287-4004

Muridale Shorthorns The Muri’s

Box 4, Site 11, Swift Current, SK. S9H 3X7 Russell’s cell 306-741-1727 Scot 306-553-2244 Scot’s cell 306-741-6833 Casey 306-677-7102 Tanner 306-677-7755

Saskvalley Stock Farm The Lehmann’s

Box 566 Rosthern, SK. S0K 3R0 Wes’ cell 306-232-7725 Carl’s cell 306-232-3511 Murray’s cell 306-232-7131 306-212-0240 Barry’s cell Page 3

2018 Buyers List

Alvin Soderberg, St. Louis, SK Creekside Shorthorns, Holden, AB Creative Genetics of California Inc., Oakdale, CA, USA Diamond Creek Cattle Co, Weyburn, SK Schutz Cattle Co, Yellowhead County, AB Wayne Davie, Peace River, AB Eldon Neudorf, Aberdeen, SK Munroe Lehne, Amisk, AB George LaClare, Edam, SK Majestic Shorthorns, Gadsby, AB Joel Abraham, Delisle, SK Tom Wall, Winnipeg, MB Robert Loranger, St. Lina, AB Ross Skori, Kinsella, AB Bill & Carol Cline, Young, SK Ray Armbruster, Rossburn, MB Levitt Ranching, Hayter, AB Tower Farms, Smoky Lake, AB Stankeviech Ranches, Trochu, AB Dolan Brook Farms, Prince George, BC Ron Vaneck, Stockette, MT, USA Bender Shorthorns, Neudorf, SK Alec Broadbendt, Lac La Biche, AB Levi Marcinek, Stauffer, AB South Valley Stock Farms, Cayley, AB Langco Land & Cattle, Viking, AB Van Ridge Cattle Co, Elm Creek, MB Tom Langford, Spruce Home, SK Tyler May, Manning, AB Chris Leighton, Streamstown, AB South River Shorthorns, Melfort, SK Brian Fendelet, Hafford, SK Gordon Turner Farms, Blackie, AB Nickolas Marin, Gore Bay, ON Ray Rintoul, Simpson, SK Dale Minhinnick, Invermay, SK Janell Shorthorns, Stettler, AB Zane Lammers, Perdue, SK Thornbark Farm, Crystal City, MB Rivendale Cattle, Saskatoon, SK Allan Greenwood, Barrhead, AB Double Star Stock Farm, Lacombe, AB Duane Neufeldt, Biggar, SK Bergstrom Shorthorns Farm, Sheridan, WY, USA

Social Media :Bell M Farms :Muridale Shorthorns Find us on :Saskvalley Shorthorns Facebook

Videos Can be found on each farm’s individual Facebook page and website Page 4

Muridale Shorthorns

The Muri’s, Swift Current, SK At Muridale we raise our cattle the simple way. By doing that we developed functional cattle that do not require a lot of fuss. Majority of our cows calve in April out on the pasture with limited monitoring. Our calves grow on grass and good mother’s milk with no creep feeding. We wean our calves in November and feed our bull calves a grain and hay ration until May. We kick our bulls out of the pens and put them in a pasture and as yearlings they graze grass until the beginning of winter. The bulls are brought back into the yard and feed a grain/hay ration until the bull sale. These bulls spent a lot of their life grazing grass which we think keeps the ruminant healthy, keeps the bulls fit, and that equals longevity. This is our 92nd year we have been raising purebred Shorthorns and we are proud of the sires of this group of bulls, some are trait leaders. The dams of these bulls are easy keeping, good uddered cows. We have EPD’s, and performance weights to view. You are welcome to come to our farm and view the bulls prior to the sale. Our bulls are THF and PHA and DS free by pedigree. We will have our bulls DNA typed so you do not have to mess with that. The bulls are all tested Myostatin free unless noted.

-Muridale Shorthorns

1 Muridale Primo 5E lot

480466 Polled March, 28 2017 Roan

Saskvalley Ultra 12J X - roan Saskvalley Primo 40P X - roan Saskvalley Patsy 250M - rwm Saskvalley Tradition 106T - red Muridale Jeaney 81X X - red Muridale Jeany 8T X - roan BW: 106

205-Day Wt: 697

F.S. 7.2

Smooth polled. Muridale Primo 5E is a powerful bull with tremendous growth. He is sired by the great AI bull Saskvalley Primo 40P.

CE 8

BW 3.7

WW 62

YW 97


Page 5 20 Page 5

$CEZ 20.61

$BMI 119.67

$F 58.76

2 lot

Muridale Raw Hide 6E

480468 Polled March, 19 2017 Red

Bonnyview Hero 7Z X - roan Muridale Iron Man 4X X - roan Muridale Molinari 8P - red Alta Cedar Ultimate 130K X - red Muridale Mocha 57W X - red Muridale Mocha 37S X - roan

BW: 88 205-Day Wt: 553 F.S. 5.4 Smooth polled. Muridale Raw Hide 6E has caught our eye from day one. He checks a lot of boxes including his depth of rib, muscling, big testicles and a great dam. He is a maternal brother to Muridale Matt 37Y. Selling full possession, retaining 50% semen interest. CE 13

BW -1.0

3 lot

WW 47

YW 75

M 19

$CEZ 44.15

$BMI 116.07

$F 51.57

Muridale Lad Primo 11E

480402 Polled March, 24 2017 Roan

Saskvalley Ultra 12J X – roan Saskvalley Primo 40P X - roan Saskvalley Patsy 250M X - rwm Cumberland Gay Lad X - roan Muridale Collena 6A X - roan Muridale Collen 55S X - roan

BW: 92 205-Day Wt: 569 F.S. 5.9 Smooth polled. Muridale Lad Primo 11E is a long roan bull that will add pounds and color to your herd.

CE 10

BW 1.7

WW 58

YW 94

M 17

Page 6

$CEZ 28.89

$BMI 116.53

$F 56.49

4 lot

Muridale Advantage 12E 480467 Polled March, 24 2017 Roan

Saskvalley Bonanza 219M X - roan Muridale Robert 35U X - red Muridale Robby 12P - red Creekside Shocker 17Y X - red Muridale Roan Jay 1A X - roan Muridale White Jay 3Y X - roan

BW: 71 205-Day Wt: 526 F.S. 5.6 Smooth Polled. Muridale Advantage 12E is a long bull that we used on a group of heifers. CE 17

BW -4.0

5 lot

WW 42

YW 66

M 23

$CEZ 57.16

$BMI 123.31

$F 48.10

Muridale Dealers Choice 31E 480397 Polled March, 31 2017 Roan

Bonnyview Hero 7Z X – roan Muridale Hero 31Z X - red Muridale Mocha 37S X - roan Ash Valley President 1233 X - red Muridale Secret 50C X - roan Muridale Secret 98S X - roan BW: 71 205-Day Wt: 650

F.S. 4.9

Smooth polled. Dealers choice should be your only choice for your heifers this spring. He is top 1% for both $CEZ and $BMI. Out of a hard working President daughter who has been making a name for her self. We were so confident in this bull we used him on a group of heifers last year and should have calves on the ground by sale day. CE 22

BW -5.0

WW 43

YW 61

M 22

Page 7

$CEZ 75.26

$BMI 148.64

$F 51.08

6 lot

Muridale Bueno 61E

480385 Polled March, 24 2017 Roan

Acc Legend 1U X - roan Hatfield Governor 17X X - roan Alta Cedar Julia Ann 35L X - roan Saskvalley Bonanza 219M X - roan Muridale SB Jenny 58Z X - red Muridale Jeaney 8T X - red BW: 89

205-Day Wt: 622

F.S. 5.4

Smooth Polled, Muridale Bueno 61E is a masculine bull that is deep ribbed, well balanced, docile, great feet and legs and very easy keeping. A lot of visitors pick out his dam in the pasture as a favorite, she also has a lot of depth and is very easy keeping. Selling full possession , retaining 50% semen interest. CE 9

BW 1.1

WW 54

YW 78

M 17

$CEZ 29.03

$BMI 122.17

$F 54.38

7 Muridale Teal 63E lot

480394 Polled April, 11 2017 Roan

Bonnyview Hero 7Z X – roan Muridale Hero 31Z X - red Muridale Mocha 37S X - roan Saskvalley Bonanza 219M X - roan Muridale Goose 32R X - roan Muridale Swan 54N X - white BW: 88 205-Day Wt: 533

F.S. 5.4

Scurred. True herdsire here, thick and stout and a proven pedigree. Out of Goose 32r who produced the $28,000 Muridale Thermal Energy bull who went on to do great things across the world in the Shorthorn breed. Teals sire is a calving ease wonder and past those traits on to this breed changing herdsire. Top 1% for $CEZ and top 3% for $BMI. Carries the Myostatin E226X gene. CE 20

BW -3.1

WW 45

YW 64

M 17

Page 8

$CEZ 69.59

$BMI 142.42

$F 52.69

8 lot

Muridale Producer 78E 480386 Polled April, 18 2017 Red

Muridale Briggs 25W X - red Muridale Matt 37Y X - red Muridale Mocha 57W X - roan Saskvalley Bonanza 219M X - roan Muridale Linda 126Z X - red Gar-Lind Linda 10W X - red

BW: 84 205-Day Wt: 582 F.S. 5.6 Smooth polled. Power bull here add some length and weight to your calves next spring. Can’t go wrong being out of a Bonanza daughter. CE 8

BW 0.1

9 lot

WW 45

YW 63

M 21

$CEZ 29.85

$BMI 116.41

$F 48.55

Muridale Smoky 87E

480404 Polled April, 21 2017 Roan

ACC Legend 1U X – roan Hatfield Governor 17X X - roan Alta Cedar Julia Ann 35L X - roan Saskvalley Bonanza 219M X - roan Muridale Prairie 47T - red Muridale Prairie 16P - red

BW: 101 205-Day Wt: 632 F.S. 6 Scurred. Muridale Smoky 87E ,is a thick, long bull and is a maternal brother to Muridale Jaxson 4A.

CE 6

BW 3.0

WW 60

YW 88

M 20

Page 9

$CEZ 16.00

$BMI 121.30

$F 57.24

10 lot

Muridale Evolve 307E

480425 Horned April, 06 2017 Roan

Six S Wyoming 41W X - roan Six S Zipper 25Z X - roan Six S Romaine 46R X - roan Saskvalley Bonanza 219M X - roan Muridale Sissy 71Z - red Muridale Jessie 86T - red

BW: 84 205-Day Wt: 685 F.S. 5.6 We used 307E on our purebred cows. He has lots of bone, big spring of rib and stout. His dam is an extremely deep bodied Bonanza cow. CE 12

BW -0.2

11 lot

WW 61

YW 94

M 21

$CEZ 36.87

$BMI 131.70

$F 56.51

Muridale Epitome 311E 480465 Polled April, 10 2017 Red

Saskvalley Bonanza 219M X – roan Muridale Robert 35U X - red Muridale Robby 12P - red Muridale Buster 14K X - roan Muridale Sasha 15B X - red Muridale Sasha 61P X - red

BW: 94 205-Day Wt: 619 F.S. 5.5 Scurred. 311E is a thick bull that will sire functional cows just like Muridake Buster14K, Saskavalley Bonanza, and Alta Cedar Ultimate 130k that are in his pedigree. His sisters are doing a tremendous job in our herd. CE 10

BW 1.0

WW 54

YW 83

M 19

Page 10

$CEZ 30.72

$BMI 117.01

$F 53.66

12 lot

Muridale Electro 314E

480426 Polled April, 12 2017 Roan

Six S Wyoming 41W X - roan Six S Zipper 25Z X - roan Six S Romaine 46R X - roan Muridale Johnny 22X X - roan Muridale Willow 96Z X - red Muridale Willow 43X X - red

BW: 85 205-Day Wt: 693 F.S. 6.2 Smooth Polled. 314E is a massive bull, long, meaty, big testicles, and lots of performance. From a cow family that is noted for early gestation. CE 13

BW -0.9

13 lot

WW 58

YW 88

M 23

$CEZ 40.21

$BMI 133.86

$F 55.05

Muridale Encore 315E

480412 Polled April, 13 2017 Red

Lehne Achiever 49Y X – red Muridale Brawn 59B X - red Muridale Sue 83Y X - roan Saskvalley Tradition 106T X - red Muridale St Momba 38A X - roan Muridale Momba 82T X - roan

BW: 96 205-Day Wt: 595 F.S. 5.2 Smooth Polled. 315E is a beefy bull, he is a full bother to our show bull that we sold in last years sale to Levi Marcinek. A very docile bull like his bother. CE 10

BW 1.7

WW 51

YW 73

M 21

Page 11

$CEZ 32.07

$BMI 123.05

$F 51.90

14 lot

Muridale Empower 325E 480405 Polled April, 25 2017 Red

Lehne Achiever 49Y X - red Muridale Brawn 59B X - red Muridale Sue 83Y X - roan Saskvalley Bonanza 219M X - roan Muridale Sissy 80W X - roan Muridale Sissy 43L X - roan

BW: 103 205-Day Wt: 645 F.S. 5.4 Smooth Polled. 325E looked like a herd bull from day one, masculine, deep and long bodied. His dam has produced a lot of good herd bulls. CE 6

BW 3.8

15 lot

WW 60

YW 85

M 22

$CEZ 19.10

$BMI 127.33

$F 55.16

Muridale Esteem 327E

480388 Polled April, 27 2017 Roan

Lehne Achiever 49Y X – red Muridale Brawn 59B X - red Muridale Sue 83Y X - roan Saskvalley Tradition 106T X - red Muridale Snicket 66A X - roan Muridale SB Snicket 15S X - roan

BW: 84 205-Day Wt: 631 F.S. 5.4 Smooth Polled. 327E has the guts and nuts to be a herd bull and its all in a nice roan package with a small masculine square head. His dam has the perfect udder, small teats, tucked and weans a big calf every fall. CE 9

BW 2.4

WW 57

YW 82

M 25

Page 12

$CEZ 28.58

$BMI 134.41

$F 55.18

16 lot

Muridale Buster 14K

468530 Polled March, 4 2000 Roan

Lanalta Whiteout 1C X - white Eionmor Ideal 69F X - roan Eionmor Mochican Hazel 42B X - roan Ramsholt Reward 30E X - roan Muridale Robin 57G X - red Muridale Dove 33C X - red I get a lot of request for Buster 14K semen. He left great females with beautiful udders and masculine bulls. His semen is very limited. Homozygous polled. Selling 3 straws. Only Canadian qualified semen. Stored at Alta Genetics. CE 11

BW -1.1

WW 53

YW 80

M 14

$CEZ 36.72

$BMI 129.27

$F 54.78


Best Western Blairmore Hotel Saskatoon, SK 306-242-2299 When booking ask for the S.L.S. rate

Look for the hospitality room Wednesday night Page 13

Reference Sires

Muridale Robert 35U

Muridale Hero 31Z

Muridale Brawn 59B Page 14

Saskvalley Stock Farm

The Lehmann’s, Rosthern, SK Once again we are bringing you a group of bulls that have been bred to perform on grass in the summer and a moderate growing ration in the winter. These bulls have never been pushed for maximum gain. As calves they ate only grass and their mother’s milk, NO CREEP. After weaning they were brought up slowly to a ration designed with an energy level of 50 Mcal/cwt NEgain (For frame of reference, we feed our heifer calves a ration that has an energy level of 40 Mcal/cwt NEgain and expect them to gain 1.75 pounds per day. Most feedlots in western Canada feed a fattening ration that is 60 Mcal/cwt NEgain). Other than 380E, whom we showed, these bulls were kept on this ration until they were turned out onto grass in May. During the summer they ate only grass, salt, and mineral. They did not receive any protein or energy supplements. At the end of October they were once again slowly brought up to a ration with the same energy level as they received during their first winter. We are trying to breed cattle that can survive and reproduce with a minimum of labor and feed. Videos of the bulls can be seen on our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/saskvalleyshorthorns/videos

-Saskvalley Stock Farms

17 Saskvalley Equity 4E lot

480289 Polled April, 7 2017 Red

Saskvalley Ultra 12J X - roan Saskvalley Banjo 268B X - white Saskvalley Maggie 73R X - roan Muridale Cumberland 5X X - roan Saskvalley Flower 96A X - rwm Saskvalley Flower 2W X - red BW: 86

205-Day Wt: 498

365-Day Wt: 1105

F.S. 5.25

REA: 11.01 FT: 0.20 IMF: 2.586 RF: 0.241 LY: 63.21 Feb. 20, 2019 Weight. 1775 CE 14

BW -0.4

WW 49

YW 76


Page 5 18 Page 15

$CEZ 46.64

$BMI 120.35

$F 51.29

18 Saskvalley Entourage 15E lot

480757 Polled April, 8 2017 RWM

Muridale Hero 31Z X - red Muridale Control 305C X - red Muridale Molinari 91A X - red Saskvalley Oatmeal 4Z X - red Muridale Minnie 321C X - red Uphill Minnie 2Y X - red BW: 90

205-Day Wt: 552

365-Day Wt: 1119

F.S. 5

REA: 13.13 FT: 0.40 IMF: 3.571 RF: 0.292 LY: 59.89

Feb. 20, 2019 Weight. 1610 CE 15

BW -0.4

WW 49

YW 72


Page 5 18

$CEZ 50.35

$BMI 132.56

$F 52.66

19 Saskvalley Emotion 23E lot

480274 Polled April, 11 2017 Red

Saskvalley Ramrod 155R X - red Saskvalley Yellowstone 12Y X - red Gar-Lind Dandy 53U X - red Saskvalley Sequel 59S X - rwm Saskvalley Raggedy Ann 227X X - roan Saskvalley Raggedy Ann 423T X - roan BW: 74

205-Day Wt: 525

365-Day Wt: 1149

F.S. 7

REA: 12.68 FT: 0.20 IMF: 2.934 RF: 0.267 LY: 64.61

Feb. 20, 2019 Weight. 1890 - Twin CE 9

BW 2.1

WW 61

YW 93

M 15

Page 16

$CEZ 25.38

$BMI 122.38

$F 56.16

20 Saskvalley Emphatic 42E lot

480317 Polled April, 15 2017 Roan

Saskvalley Apollo 34A X - roan Saskvalley Cincinnati 155C X - rwm Saskvalley Genda 290A X - rwm Uphill Gussy 24Y X - red Saskvalley Norma 249C X - roan Saskvalley Norma 76W X - roan BW: 90

205-Day Wt: 567

365-Day Wt: 1168

F.S. 6.25

REA: 14.54 FT: 0.24 IMF: 1.966 RF: 0.293 LY: 64.94

Feb. 20, 2019 Weight. 1740 CE 12

BW 0.9

WW 63

YW 99


Page 5 20

$CEZ 34.30

$BMI 136.58

$F 57.47

21 Saskvalley Excess 44E lot

480284 Polled April, 15 2017 RWM

Muridale Master 24M X - red Saskvalley Ramrod 155R X - red Saskvalley Darling 70M X - red Creekside Candy Man 2U X - roan Saskvalley Marianne 44Y X - rwm Saskvalley Marianne 538U X - roan BW: 102

205-Day Wt: 623

365-Day Wt: 1162

F.S. 6.5

REA: 13.95 FT: 0.29 IMF: 2.401 RF: 0.274 LY: 63.30

Feb. 20, 2019 Weight. 1910 CE 8

BW 1.7

WW 61

YW 90

M 19

Page 17

$CEZ 25.35

$BMI 130.99

$F 55.78

22 Saskvalley Exchange 54E lot

480307 Polled April, 16 2017 Roan

Saskvalley Transport 399T X - red JT Trans X 28X X - red JT Hester 34G X - rwm Saskvalley Youngblood 93Y X - red Saskvalley Raggedy Ann 54C X - roan Saskvalley Raggedy Ann 90U X - roan BW: 100

205-Day Wt: 549

365-Day Wt: 1094 F.S. 5.75

REA: 10.54 FT: 0.26 IMF: 2.565 RF: 0.292 LY: 61.57

Feb. 20, 2019 Weight. 1790 CE 16

BW 2.9

WW 60

YW 86


Page 5 17

$CEZ 50.28

$BMI 142.00

$F 57.39

23 Saskvalley Editor 75E lot

480294 Polled April, 18 2017 Roan

Saskvalley Ultra 12J X - roan Saskvalley Banjo 268B X - white Saskvalley Maggie 73R X - roan Muridale Cumberland 5X X - roan Saskvalley Blossom 295A X - roan Saskvalley Blossom 206S X - rwm BW: 80

205-Day Wt: 549

365-Day Wt: 1116

F.S. 4.75

REA: 14.08 FT: 0.25 IMF: 2.193 RF: 0.297 LY: 64.58

Feb. 20, 2019 Weight. 1560 – Used on commercial heifers. CE 14

BW -1.9

WW 49

YW 76

M 22

Page 18

$CEZ 50.92

$BMI 129.73

$F 50.82

24 Saskvalley Edge 86E lot

480298 Polled April, 19 2017 Roan

Saskvalley Ramrod 155R X - red Saskvalley Yellowstone 12Y X - red Gar-Lind Dandy 53U X - red Muridale Seal 23W X - roan Saskvalley Jennie 36B X - roan Saskvalley Jennie 152P - rwm BW: 86

205-Day Wt: 502

365-Day Wt: 1035

F.S. 5.5

REA: 10.27 FT: 0.28 IMF: 2.718 RF: 0.396 LY: 61.11

Feb. 20, 2019 Weight. 1670 – Used on commercial heifers. CE 10

BW -0.4

WW 49

YW 75


Page 5 14

$CEZ 35.13

$BMI 108.64

$F 50.99

25 Saskvalley Eighteen Wheeler 94E lot

480309 Polled April, 20 2017 Roan

Saskvalley Transport 399T X - red JT Trans X 28X X - red JT Hester 34G X - rwm ACC Rock Candy 47A X - white Saskvalley Mistress 65C X - roan Saskvalley Mistress 289W X - rwm BW: 88

205-Day Wt: 561

365-Day Wt: 1100

F.S. 5.25

REA: 11.69 FT: 0.29 IMF: 4.159 RF: 0.298 LY: 61.88

Feb. 20, 2019 Weight. 1760 – Used on commercial heifers. CE 18

BW 0.0

WW 56

YW 81

M 16

Page 19

$CEZ 57.96

$BMI 142.64

$F 57.12

26 Saskvalley EMOney 97E lot

480288 Polled April, 20 2017 Red

Saskvalley Ramrod 155R X - red Saskvalley Yellowstone 12Y X - red Gar-Lind Dandy 53U X - red Eionmor Ideal 82T X - red Eionmor Springtime 63A X - red Eionmor Springtime 75R X - roan BW: 98

205-Day Wt: 662

365-Day Wt: 1207

F.S. 6.75

REA: 14.54 FT: 0.22 IMF: 1.407 RF: 0.192 LY: 65.60

Feb. 20, 2019 Weight. 1910 CE 8

BW 3.0

WW 69

YW 104


Page 5 17

$CEZ 19.62

$BMI 134.19

$F 59.19

27 Saskvalley Empire 112E lot

480282 Polled April, 21 2017 Roan

JSF Top Hand 34R X - roan Bell M Foreman 30A X - white Bell M Misty 57P X - roan Muridale Master 24M X - red Saskvalley Dora 326S X - rwm Saskvalley Dora 12K X - roan BW: 102

205-Day Wt: 588

365-Day Wt: 1161

F.S. 6

REA: 12.74 FT: 0.26 IMF: 3.509 RF: 0.283 LY: 63.33

Feb. 20, 2019 Weight. 1815 CE 8

BW 2.8

WW 66

YW 100

M 17

Page 20

$CEZ 20.01

$BMI 132.63

$F 60.72

28 Saskvalley Embassy 156E lot

480311 Polled April, 25 2017 Roan

Saskvalley Transport 399T X - red JT Trans X 28X X - red JT Hester 34G X - rwm Saskvalley Imperial 64X X - red Saskvalley Sindy 82C X - roan Saskvalley Sindy 14Y X - roan BW: 88

205-Day Wt: 525

365-Day Wt: 1098

F.S. 5.75

REA: 11.46 FT: 0.35 IMF: 2.327 RF: 0.385 LY: 60.46

Feb. 20, 2019 Weight. 1650 – Used on commercial heifers. CE 19

BW -0.6

29 lot

WW 51

YW 75


Page 5 18

$CEZ 63.17

$BMI 139.61

$F 53.24

Saskvalley EMbargo 162E 480314 Polled April, 25 2017 RWM

Saskvalley Transport 399T X - red JT Trans X 28X X - red JT Hester 34G X - rwm Saskvalley Apollo 34A X - roan Saskvalley Genda 188C X - rwm Saskvalley Genda 22A X - red BW: 82

205-Day Wt: 551

365-Day Wt: 1050

F.S. 5.5

REA: 12.75 FT: 0.32 IMF: 2.071 RF: 0.353 LY: 61.88

Feb. 20, 2019 Weight. 1650 – Used on a few commercial heifers. CE 20

BW -1.5

WW 52

YW 74


Page 5 20 Page 21

$CEZ 66.67

$BMI 151.30

$F 53.08

30 lot

Saskvalley Emblem 169E 480304 Polled April, 26 2017 White

Saskvalley Ultra 12J X - roan Saskvalley Banjo 268B X - white Saskvalley Maggie 73R X - roan JT Trans X 28X X - red Saskvalley Sindy 219B X - roan Saskvalley Sindy 62Z X - roan BW: 78

205-Day Wt: 542

365-Day Wt: 1087

F.S. 6

REA: 12.68 FT: 0.28 IMF: 2.615 RF: 0.267 LY: 63.02

Feb. 20, 2019 Weight. 1650 – Used on purebred heifers. CE 18

BW -2.4

31 lot

WW 50

YW 73

M 22

$CEZ 60.27

$BMI 144.95

$F 52.14

Saskvalley Echo 178E

480281 Polled April, 26 2017 Roan

Saskvalley Imagine 65X X - red Saskvalley Battery 292B X - roan Saskvalley Victoria 53T X - roan Saskvalley Watchman 94W X - red Saskvalley Daisy 287Y X - red Saskvalley Daisy 68W X - rwm BW: 86

205-Day Wt: 539

365-Day Wt: 1095

F.S. 5.5

REA: 12.30 FT: 0.25 IMF: 2.011 RF: 0.268 LY: 63.45

Feb. 20, 2019 Weight. 1670 CE 10

BW 10

WW 60

YW 91


Page 5 16 Page 22

$CEZ 29.53

$BMI 125.17

$F 55.73

32 lot

Saskvalley Email 195E

480290 Polled April, 27 2017 Roan

Paintearth Rama 53U X - roan ACC Rock Candy 47A X - white ACC Candy’s Winegum 14W X - roan Saskvalley Yosemite Sam 3Y X - red Saskvalley Heroine 104A X - rwm Saskvalley Heroine 86X X - roan BW: 88

205-Day Wt: 579

365-Day Wt: 1112

F.S. 6

REA: 10.42 FT: 0.38 IMF: 4.338 RF: 0.410 LY: 58.94

Feb. 20, 2019 Weight. 1710 CE 8

BW 0.5

33 lot

WW 53

YW 78

M 20

$CEZ 27.10

$BMI 113.22

$F 55.30

Saskvalley Envoy 196E

480325 Polled April, 27 2017 Roan

Paintearth Rama 53U X - roan ACC Rock Candy 47A X - white ACC Candy’s Winegum 14W X - roan JT Trans X 28X X - red Saskvalley Tina 43A X - red Paintearth Tina 101Y X - roan BW: -

205-Day Wt: 593

365-Day Wt: 1104

F.S. 6.75

REA: 13.31 FT: 0.19 IMF: 2.586 RF: 0.149 LY: 65.63

Feb. 20, 2019 Weight. 1795 - Twin CE 11

BW 2.1

WW 62

YW 90


Page 5 13 Page 23

$CEZ 32.78

$BMI 126.44

$F 58.08

34 lot

Saskvalley Everest 205E 480272 Polled April, 27 2017 Roan

Saskvalley Imagine 65X X - red Saskvalley Battery 292B X - roan Saskvalley Victoria 53T X - roan Saskvalley Volcano 57U X - roan Saskvalley Myrtle 155X X - roan Saskvalley Myrtle 19U X - red BW: 96

205-Day Wt: 539

365-Day Wt: 1106

F.S. 7

REA: 12.42 FT: 0.21 IMF: 4.069 RF: 0.220 LY: 64.49

Feb. 20, 2019 Weight. 1835 CE 11

BW 1.3

35 lot

WW 58

YW 86

M 19

$CEZ 34.11

$BMI 133.85

$F 58.48

Saskvalley Endeavor 206E 480318 Polled April, 27 2017 Roan

Saskvalley Transport 399T X - red JT Trans X 28X X - red JT Hester 34G X - roan Saskvalley Apollo 34A X - roan Saskvalley Paprika 262C X - roan Saskvalley Paprika 3A X - red BW: 82

205-Day Wt: 577

365-Day Wt: 1105

F.S. 5

REA: 11.20 FT: 0.36 IMF: 2.920 RF: 0.358 LY: 60.00

Feb. 20, 2019 Weight. 1575 – Used on purebred heifers. CE 20

BW -1.9

WW 51

YW 73


Page 5 21 Page 24

$CEZ 67.45

$BMI 146.54

$F 53.27

36 lot

Saskvalley Eagle 212E

480269 Polled April, 28 2017 White

Saskvalley Ultra 12J X - roan Saskvalley Banjo 268B X - white Saskvalley Maggie 73R X - roan Saskvalley Ramrod 155R X - red Saskvalley Sindy 2X X - roan Saskvalley Sindy 42T - roan BW: 86

205-Day Wt: 553

365-Day Wt: 1086

F.S. 5.75

REA: 11.43 FT: 0.25 IMF: 2.803 RF: 0.221 LY: 62.80

Feb. 20, 2019 Weight. 1650 CE 15

BW -1.6

37 lot

WW 53

YW 76

M 22

$CEZ 49.55

$BMI 143.19

$F 52.77

Saskvalley Exception 213E 480280 Polled April, 28 2017 Red

Saskvalley Ramrod 155R X - red Saskvalley Yellowstone 12Y X - red Gar-Lind Dandy 53U X - red Saskvalley Roughneck 154R X - red Saskvalley Sindy 119Y X - roan Saskvalley Sindy 42T X - roan BW: 94

205-Day Wt: 601

365-Day Wt: 1163

F.S. 6.25

REA: 12.86 FT: 0.30 IMF: 2.705 RF: 0.364 LY: 62.60

Feb. 20, 2019 Weight. 1720 CE 12

BW 0.1

WW 60

YW 88


Page 5 17 Page 25

$CEZ 37.21

$BMI 136.58

$F 57.42

38 lot

Saskvalley Element 238E 480267 Polled April, 30 2017 Roan

Muridale Sterling 4Y X - roan Muridale Stretch 99A X - red Muridale Red Cedar 94U X - red Saskvalley Roughneck 154R X - red Gar-Lind Kimberly 7W X - red Kenbar Kimberly 21F X - roan BW: 88

205-Day Wt: 525

365-Day Wt: 1119

F.S. 5.5

REA: 12.77 FT: 0.33 IMF: 3.300 RF: 0.275 LY: 62.05

Feb. 20, 2019 Weight. 1600 CE 10

BW 1.1

WW 50

YW 75

M 21

$CEZ 31.67

$BMI 121.99

$F 53.64

39 Saskvalley Energy 280E lot

480273 Polled May, 3 2017 Red

Muridale Sterling 4Y X - roan Muridale Stretch 99A X - red Muridale Red Cedar 94U X - red Saskvalley Sequel 59S X - rwm Saskvalley Myrtle 160X X - rwm Saskvalley Myrtle 59P X - rwm BW: 106

205-Day Wt: 617

365-Day Wt: 1196

F.S. 6.75

REA: 12.35 FT: 0.31 IMF: 2.744 RF: 0.483 LY: 62.17

Feb. 20, 2019 Weight. 1870 CE 8

BW 2.9

WW 57

YW 86


Page 5 17 Page 26

$CEZ 23.16

$BMI 115.29

$F 55.06

40 lot

Saskvalley Essential 302E 480295 Polled May, 7 2017 Roan

Paintearth Rama 53U X - roan ACC Rock Candy 47A X - white ACC Candy’s Winegum 14W X - roan Saskvalley Yellowstone 12Y X - red Saskvalley Marianne 7B X - red Saskvalley Marianne 44Y X - rwm BW: 92

205-Day Wt: 559

365-Day Wt: 1126

F.S. 6

REA: 12.47 FT: 0.24 IMF: 2.749 RF: 0.324 LY: 63.94

Feb. 20, 2019 Weight. 1760 CE 8

BW 1.7

41 lot

WW 59

YW 86

M 18

$CEZ 23.77

$BMI 120.76

$F 56.12

Saskvalley Engine 319e 480268 Polled May, 9 2017 Red

Muridale Sterling 4Y X - roan Muridale Stretch 99A X - red Muridale Red Cedar 94U X - red Saskvalley Shadow 320S X - red Saskvalley Myrtle 112W X - red Saskvalley Myrtle 21T X - red BW: 98

205-Day Wt: 535 365-Day Wt: 1102

F.S. 6.25

REA: 12.60 FT: 0.25 IMF: 4.084 RF: 0.358 LY: 64.01

Feb. 20, 2019 Weight. 1640 CE 10

BW 1.5

WW 52

YW 78


Page 5 17 Page 27

$CEZ 33.51

$BMI 119.50

$F 54.74

42 lot

Saskvalley Eclipse 321E 480296 Polled May, 10 2017 Red

Muridale Sterling 4Y X - roan Muridale Stretch 99A X - red Muridale Red Cedar 94U X - red Saskvalley Shadow 320S X - red Saskvalley Tina 16B X - red Paintearth Tina 101Y X - roan BW: 90

205-Day Wt: 538

365-Day Wt: 1117

F.S. 5.5

REA: 12.51 FT: 0.39 IMF: 2.685 RF: 0.358 LY: 60.55

Feb. 20, 2019 Weight. 1650 CE 10

BW 1.3

43 lot

WW 52

YW 78

M 21

$CEZ 33.70

$BMI 118.92

$F 53.21

Saskvalley Edison 347E 480263 Polled May, 14 2017 Roan

Paintearth Rama 53U X - roan ACC Rock Candy 47A X - white ACC Candy’s Winegum 14W X - roan Saskvalley Sequel 59S X - rwm Saskvalley Heroine 91U X - rwm JT Heroine 94M X - red BW: 92

205-Day Wt: 559 365-Day Wt: 1041

F.S. 6

REA: 12.44 FT: 0.32 IMF: 2.360 RF: 0.181 LY: 62.17

Feb. 20, 2019 Weight. 1610 CE 10

BW 0.5

WW 54

YW 75


Page 5 16 Page 28

$CEZ 33.48

$BMI 125.41

$F 52.52

44 lot

Saskvalley Elite 349E

480302 Polled May, 14 2017 Roan

Muridale Sterling 4Y X - roan Muridale Stretch 99A X - red Muridale Red Cedar 94U X - red Muridale Seal 23W X - roan Saskvalley Myrtle 118B X - roan Saskvalley Myrtle 112W X - red BW: 92

205-Day Wt: 565

365-Day Wt: 1070

F.S. 6

REA: 11.94 FT: 0.37 IMF: 2.569 RF: 0.341 LY: 60.60

Feb. 20, 2019 Weight. 1620 – Used on a few commercial cows. CE 9

BW 1.2

WW 50

YW 74

M 15

$CEZ 31.50

$BMI 111.23

$F 52.24

45 Saskvalley Escape 380E lot

480277 Polled May, 19 2017 Roan

Saskvalley Imagine 65X X - red Saskvalley Battery 292B X - roan Saskvalley Victoria 53T X - roan Saskvalley Ultra 12J X - roan Saskvalley Dora 26Y X - rwm Saskvalley Raggedy Ann 367S X - rwm BW: 100

205-Day Wt: 619 365-Day Wt: 1271

F.S. 6.75

REA: 13.38 FT: 0.34 IMF: 2.824 RF: 0.434 LY: 62.68

Feb. 20, 2019 Weight. 1905 - Shown at Old's Fall Classic and Brandon Ag Ex Fall 2018. CE 8

BW 2.2

WW 67

YW 104


Page 5 17 Page 29

$CEZ 21.31

$BMI 126.10

$F 60.90

46 lot

Saskvalley Echelon 410E 480287 Polled May, 27 2017 Roan

Saskvalley Imagine 65X X - red Saskvalley Battery 292B X - red Saskvalley Victoria 53T X - roan Muridale Cumberland 5X X - roan Saskvalley Kimberly 4A X - red Gar-Lind Kimberly 7W X - red BW: 106

205-Day Wt: 671

365-Day Wt: 1216

F.S. 6.5

REA: 11.46 FT: 0.43 IMF: 4.239 RF: 0.342 LY: 59.30

Feb. 20, 2019 Weight. 1760 CE 7

BW 4.0

WW 67

YW 101

M 18

$CEZ 17.20

$BMI 122.74

$F 61.65

47 Saskvalley Edition 417E lot

480300 Polled May, 28 2017 Roan

Paintearth Rama 53U X - roan ACC Rock Candy 47A X - white ACC Candy’s Winegum 14W X - roan Saskvalley Yosemite Sam 3Y X - red Saskvalley Myrtle 64B X - red Saskvalley Myrtle 10Y X - red BW: 92

205-Day Wt: 520 365-Day Wt: 1099

F.S. 6

REA: 12.18 FT: 0.34 IMF: 3.695 RF: 0.274 LY: 61.81

Feb. 20, 2019 Weight. 1635 CE 6

BW 1.8

WW 55

YW 82


Page 5 17 Page 30

$CEZ 20.21

$BMI 107.68

$F 55.59

Reference Sires

Saskvalley Yellowstone 12y

Saskvalley battery 292b

Saskvalley Banjo 268B Page 31

Bell M Farms

The Moellenbeck’s, Englefeld SK Building Better Beef is what this industry is all about. Here at Bell M Farms, only 20% of our bull calves are retained as bulls. They are selected on size, quality, feet, legs, testicles, color and disposition. These bulls are grown out on a high roughage (straw) grain and a 32% beef supplement mixture along with a limited amount of hay. Remember grown out, not fattened. These bulls will be able to serve a large number of females for you to help Build Better Beef. As with all the bulls born at Bell M Farms #1 you have to be born unassisted to make the first hurdle to keep your nuts. Then we start looking at birth weight (they get weighed with a scale. No tape or eyeballing) Structure, horns, color, performance, disposition, etc. The replacement females we have on offer are from the heart of our heifer pen. They will go on to make excellent females. Building Better Beef is our goal.

-Bell M Farms



BELL M Trend Setter 14F 481720 Polled January, 26 2018 Red

MF Payday 140 X - red Bell M Crossfire 26E X - roan Bell M Lucky Cathy 18B X - white Star P Andy 10P X - roan Bell M Sally 105W - red Bell M Sally 47H - red

BW: 96 205-Day Wt: 539 365-Day Wt: 964 A little blast from the past. Crossfire worked very well for many years here at Bell M. Solid red, this guy is a maternal brother to the Skechers bull.

CE 7

BW 2.6

WW 48

YW 64

M 17

Page 32

$CEZ 24.89

$BMI 117.72

$F 49.45

50 lot

BELL M Direct Dial 33F

481719 Polled February, 8 2018 Red

Waukaru Orion 2047 ET X - red HC Bluebook 22B X - red HC FL Sparkle Delight 2X X - rwm Alta Cedar Trademark 59T - red Bell M Marion 47A - rwm Bell M Marion 23T X - white BW: 101 205-Day Wt: 554 365-Day Wt: 1029 By the popular Bluebook bull. If you want a bull to dial in on adding performance this is your guy. Dam is a top Trademark daughter. CE 6

51 lot

BW 3.3

WW 58

YW 87

M 17

$CEZ 16.34

$BMI 113.59

$F 53.91

BELL M Functionality 25F 481781 Polled February, 3 2018 Red

Muridale Xcel 29X X - red Clythe Mane Boomer 11B X - red Clythe Mane Tillie 19W X - roan Bell M Martin 11Y X - rwm Bell M Asthon 33D X - red Bell M Asthon 17Y - red BW: 76 205-Day Wt: 556 365-Day Wt: 1045 His name says it all. Herdbull written all over him. He continues to impress us everyday. You’ll wear out a pickup looking for a complete red bull. Nice spread from birth to weaning to yearling. CE 12

BW -0.2

WW 50

YW 78

M 21

Page 33

$CEZ 39.25

$BMI 125.76

$F 52.62

52 lot

BELL M Trainer 17F

481670 Polled January, 29 2018 Roan

Muridale Xcel 29X X - red Clythe Mane Boomer 11B X - red Clythe Mane Tillie 19W X - roan Bell M Cornucopia 154B - white Bell M Patsy 137D X - roan Bell M Patsy 77S X - roan BW: 90 205-Day Wt: 581 365-Day Wt: 1002 Smooth made boomer son. His dam is a paternal sister to the Skechers bull that is breeding so well here. CE 10

53 lot

BW 0.6

WW 54

YW 76

M 20

$CEZ 33.10

$BMI 128.71

$F 53.23

BELL M Savage 21F

481718 Polled January, 31 2018 Roan

Muridale Xcel 29X X - red Clythe Mane Boomer 11B X - red Clythe Mane Tillie 19W X - roan Bell M Foreman 30A X - white Bell M Marion 28D X - roan Bell M Marion 23T X - white BW: 91 205-Day Wt: 546 365-Day Wt: 1000 From a first calving Foreman daughter. These Boomer sons should work well on heifers. CE 9

BW 1.4

WW 57

YW 82

M 21

Page 34

$CEZ 27.62

$BMI 130.39

$F 54.94

54 lot

BELL M Editor 30F

481672 Polled February, 7 2018 Roan

Muridale Xcel 29X X - red Clythe Mane Boomer 11B X - red Clythe Mane Tillie 19W X - roan Glenford Universal 13A X - rwm Bell M Brook’s Binnie 74D X - roan Bell M Brook’s Binnie 70B X - roan BW: 88 205-Day Wt: 585 365-Day Wt: 1067 Showed this fall at Agribition where he was 2nd in class. Super complete roan bull. Editor can write a column on his lineage, second to none. CE 13

55 lot

BW 0.0

WW 57

YW 82

M 20

$CEZ 41.27

$BMI 137.28

$F 54.98

BELL M Lonestar 36F

481506 Polled February, 9 2018 Roan

Muridale Xcel 29X X - red Clythe Mane Boomer 11B X - red Clythe Mane Tillie 19W X - roan Glenford Universal 13A X - rwm Bell M Vera 16D X - roan Bell M Vera 24B X - roan BW: 85 205-Day Wt: 613 365-Day Wt: 1049 Just out of a first calf heifer. She put everything into her calf and did he perform! Lonestar has had herdbull written all over him since he was born. He’s in a class of his own, Lonestar!!! CE 14

BW -1.3

WW 59

YW 85

M 21

Page 35

$CEZ 46.18

$BMI 143.36

$F 56.03

56 lot


*25590 98.3% Polled January, 15 2018 Roan

SBR Hi-Definition 16X X - roan 3BC Happy Days 1594 X - roan 3BC Mintsage 0912 X - red Bell M Visonary 127Y X - roan Bell M Raggedy Ann 48B X - roan Bell M Raggedy Ann 4Y X - roan BW: 96 205-Day Wt: 506 365-Day Wt: 942 This bull is packed full of outcross genetics on his top side, plus backed up by the proven Raggedy Ann cow family. A structurally complete bull; long bodied, big footed, strong topped and wrapped in a stylish roan package. CE 12

57 lot

BW 0.0

WW 51

YW 74

M 22

$CEZ 41.60

$BMI 133.55

$F 53.10

BELL M Enterprise 65F

*25789 98.3% Polled February, 28 2018 Red

SBR Hi-Definition 16X X - roan 3BC Happy Days 1594 X - roan 3BC Mintsage 0912 X - red Lehne Trophy 38Y X - red Bell M Brook’s Binnie 103C - red Bell M Brook’s Binne 37X X - red BW: 100 205-Day Wt: 593 365-Day Wt: 1014 Maternal brother sold in last years sale to Bill Cline, Young, Sk. Deep red bull CE 8

BW 3.0

WW 62

YW 88

M 18

Page 36

$CEZ 25.81

$BMI 131.91

$F 56.34

58 lot

BELL M Titanium 47F

481518 Polled February, 15 2018 White

Bell M Cornucopia 154B X - white Bell M Skechers 87D X - roan Bell M Sally 105W - red Bell M Foreman 30A X - white Bell M Marion Delight 48D X - roan ACC Marion Delight 27X X - roan BW: 76

205-Day Wt: 634

365-Day Wt: 1115

Titanium and Marion Delight were a very popular last fall, ending with Senior Champion Female at Agribition with Titanium. Titanium has the look and the numbers to back him up. Impressive numbers. If you are in the market for a serious herdbull, here he is. Terms to be announced. CE 13

59 lot

BW -2.1

WW 48

YW 69

M 23

$CEZ 43.91

$BMI 133.91

$F 50.93

BELL M Relaxed 55F

481717 Polled February, 22 2018 Roan

Bell M Cornucopia 154B X - white Bell M Skechers 87D X - roan Bell M Sally 105W - red Alta Cedar Trademark 59T - red Bell M Marion 123C X - red Bell M Marion 74S X - red BW: 81 205-Day Wt: 543 365-Day Wt: 1013 The Skechers calves are stamped all the same, smooth, wide based attractive calves. This guy has been popular by many. Dam is one of the top Trademark daughters CE 11

BW 0.0

WW 49

YW 71

M 20

Page 37

$CEZ 37.27

$BMI 124.55

$F 51.20

60 lot

BELL M Zeus 104F

481502 Polled March, 14 2018 White

Muridale Seal 23W X - roan Saskvalley Bongo 115B X - roan Saskvalley Brenda 75Y X - red Paintearth Walter 58W X - red Starbright Abigail 11A X - roan Starbright Vanilla 4W X - white BW: 97 205-Day Wt: 556 365-Day Wt: 1055 His mother is a smaller hard working female bringing in a good calf every year. Real complete bull. CE 10

BW 1.6

61 lot

WW 54

YW 83

M 16

$CEZ 31.72

$BMI 118.32

$F 52.99

Bell M Slick 105F

481522 Polled March, 15 2018 Roan

JSF Top Hand 34R X - roan Bell M Foreman 30A X - white Bell M Misty 57P X - roan Four Point Major X - rwm Bell M Mysterious Majorette X - red Bell M Mysterious Missie 63P X - red BW: 105

205-Day Wt: 534

365-Day Wt: 1005

Full brother to the bull we showed this fall, Bell M Captain 139D. Captain was Reserve National Champion Bull and has taken over Foreman's spot in the breeding plans. His dam has sent many bulls through this sale over the years. Predictability built in. CE 8

BW 1.9

WW 50

YW 74

M 20

Page 38

$CEZ 27.25

$BMI 124.56

$F 52.69

62 lot

Gar-Lind Foreman 10F

481618 Polled March, 7 2018 White

JSF Top Hand 34R X - roan Bell M Foreman 30A X - white Bell M Misty 57P - roan Glenford Universal 13A X - rwm Bell M Kathryn 10C X - roan Bell M Kathryn 113A X - roan BW: 94 205-Day Wt: 579 365-Day Wt: 1065 From one of the lease cows from Gary and Linda Rose. Long bodied individual. Foreman 30A is a trait leader for marbling. Perfect uddered dam. CE 10

63 lot

BW 1.1

WW 60

YW 84

M 22

$CEZ 31.97

$BMI 143.15

$F 56.76

BELL M Franklin 67F

481512 Polled March, 1 2018 White

JSF Top Hand 34R X - roan Bell M Foreman 30A X - white Bell M Misty 57P X - roan River Acres Mist 2W X - white River Acres Cathy Joyful 3B X - roan River Acres Cathy Joyful 2 14X X - roan BW: 91 205-Day Wt: 581 365-Day Wt: 1028 Larger framed Foreman son. His dam has sent a few bulls through previous sales. Lots of maternal power in this guy. CE 7

BW 2.0

WW 56

YW 79

M 20

Page 39

$CEZ 22.56

$BMI 129.09

$F 54.03

64 lot

Bell M Roosevelt 71F

481521 Polled March, 3 2018 Roan

JSF Top Hand 34R X - roan Bell M Foreman 30A X - white Bell M Misty 57P X - roan Four Point Major X - rwm Bell M Athena’s Majorette 6U X - red Bell M Athena 21H X - roan BW: 100 205-Day Wt: 524 365-Day Wt: 1021 A full brother sold to Clythe Mane Shorthorns a few years ago who is doing wonders for their herd. You should expect Roosevelt to follow suit. CE 12

65 lot

BW 0.6

WW 48

YW 70

M 21

$CEZ 39.45

$BMI 133.56

$F 51.72

BELL M Virgo 84F

481673 Polled March, 7 2018 Roan

JSF Top Hand 34R X - roan Bell M Foreman 30A X - white Bell M Misty 57P X - roan Alta Cedar Trademark 59T - red Bell M Brook’s Binnie 81Y X - red Bell M Brook’s Binnie 79L X - red BW: 100 205-Day Wt: 605 365-Day Wt: 1039 Full brother sold to Ray Armbruster, Rossburn, MB in last years sale. I love this bull for his overall depth of body, width and dimension. When you breed Foreman to red cows you will most likely get this color. CE 7

BW 3.3

WW 58

YW 86

M 19

Page 40

$CEZ 22.48

$BMI 125.48

$F 56.21

Two-Year Old's

66 lot

Bell M Calibre 130E

480558 Polled April, 2 2017 Roan

JSF Top Hand 34R X - roan Bell M Foreman 30A X - white Bell M Misty 57P - roan Bell M Golden Andy 7S X - rwm Bell M Madonna 103W X - red Bell M Madonna 49R X - red BW: 102

205-Day Wt: 598

365-Day Wt: 1118

REA: 10.89 FT: 0.27 IMF: 3.907 RF: 0.279 LY: 61.45 Full brothers have sold through this sale to Brock and Sandy Larson, Simmie, Sk. and Darcy Bulicz, Choiceland, Sk. He has that muscle expression of his sire. Used on a few purebred cows. CE 7

BW 2.6

67 lot

WW 57

YW 82

M 21

$CEZ 20.54

$BMI 126.14

$F 55.40

Bell M Rockstar 62E

480430 Polled March, 7 2017 Red

Red Rose Gold Spear Ruffian X - roan Bell M Martin 11Y X - rwm Bell M Melissa 68S X - red Bell M Forty Five Below X - red Bell M Madonna 103W X - red Bell M Dawn 20U X - red BW: 94

205-Day Wt: 508

365-Day Wt: 1011

REA: 10.63 FT: 0.21 IMF: 3.461 RF: 0.324 LY: 62.00

A real Rockstar. Smooth made Martin son that should work well on heifers. Used on purebred cows in replace of Bell M Martin 11Y. CE 13

BW 0.2

WW 49

YW 74

M 25

Page 41

$CEZ 43.03

$BMI 133.90

$F 52.73

68 lot

BELL M Eli 140E

480562 Polled April, 11 2017 Roan

Red Rose Gold Spear Ruffian X - roan Bell M Martin 11Y X - red Bell M Melissa 68S X - red Saskvalley Wampum 254W X - red River Acres Cathy Joyful 8A X - rwm River Acres Cathy Joyful 41R X - red BW: 98

205-Day Wt: 552

365-Day Wt: 1071

REA: 9.62 FT: 0.18 IMF: 4.019 RF: 0.251 LY: 62.85

Eli has developed into a real deep bodied, wide topped individual which is indicative of his sire and grandsire. Used on commercial cows. CE 11

BW 1.2

WW 52

YW 81

M 21

$CEZ 36.62

$BMI 130.04

$F 53.89

Look to our Facebook page for ultrasound data and Frame Scores

Page 42

Replacement Females

We are offering a group of females that are from the heart of the heifer pen. They represent many of our top cow families. In many cases there are either full sisters or maternal sisters in the herd. Take these heifers home and breed them to the bull of your choice and reap for the profits. The delivery program we have in place for the bulls will not be applied to the heifers, but we will assist you with your purchases.

69 lot

Bell M Kathyrn 11F

*25582 98.3% Polled January, 25 2018 Roan

SBR Hi-Definition 16X X - roan 3BC Happy Days 1594 X - roan 3BC Mintsage 0912 X - red Saskvalley Vision 535Y X - roan Bell M Kathryn 154C X - roan Bell M Katryn 145S X - red BW: 90 CE 12

70 lot

BW 0.6

WW 48

YW 72

205-Day Wt: 460 M 22

$CEZ 38.97

$BMI 125.10

$F 51.44

BELL M Merry Maid 24F

*25788 98.3% Polled February, 2 2018 Red

SBR Hi-Definition 16X X - roan 3BC Happy Days 1594 X - roan 3BC Mintsage 0912 X - red Bell M Forty Five Below 3W X - red Bell M Merry Maid 100Z X - red Bell M Merry Maid 60R X - red BW: 93 CE 11

BW 1.0

WW 52

YW 77

205-Day Wt: 498 M 21

Page 43

$CEZ 36.42

$BMI 131.11

$F 53.12

71 lot

Bell M Raggedy ANn 117F

*25586 98.3% Polled March, 19 2018 Red

SBR Hi-Definition 16X X - roan 3BC Happy Days 1594 X - roan 3BC Mintsage 0912 X - red JT Umpire 85U X - red Bell M Raggedy Ann 91Z X - roan Bell M Raggedy Ann 77T X - roan BW: 91 CE 11

72 lot

BW 1.9

WW 58

YW 87

205-Day Wt: 532 M 19

$CEZ 33.00

$BMI 133.36

$F 56.24

BELL M Flower 90F

697575 Polled March, 9 2018 Roan

Red Rose Gold Spear Ruffian X - roan Bell M Martin 11Y X - rwm Bell M Melissa 68S X - red River Acres Mist 2W X - white River Acres Flower 15B X - white River Acres Flower 20X X - roan BW: 90 CE 10

BW 1.8

WW 51

YW 78

205-Day Wt: 494 M 21

Page 44

$CEZ 33.17

$BMI 127.97

$F 53.11

73 lot

Bell M Cathy Joyful 168F 697667 Polled April, 12 2018 Roan

JSF Top Hand 34R X - roan Bell M Foreman 30A X - white Bell M Misty 57P X - roan River Acres Mist 2W X - white River Acres Cathy Joyful 7C X - roan River Acres Cathy Joyful 2 14X X - roan BW: 101 CE 5

74 lot

BW 3.9

WW 54

YW 77

205-Day Wt: 447 M 20

$CEZ 14.90

$BMI 119.76

$F 53.18

BELL M Talcott Joyful 152F 697640 Polled April, 5 2018 Roan

Lehne Trophy 38Y X - red Bell M Mainstream 114D X - red Bell M Talcott Joyful 10X X - rwm TM Gus 36S X - white Bell M Talcott Joyful 18Y X - roan Bell M Talcott Joyful 98T X - roan BW: 89 CE 10

BW 1.3

WW 60

YW 88

205-Day Wt: 528 M 18

Page 45

$CEZ 30.13

$BMI 130.14

$F 56.32

75 lot

Bell M Flower 88F

697369 Polled March, 8 2018 Red

Muridale Seal 23W X - roan Saskvalley Bongo 115B X - roan Saskvalley Brenda 75Y X - red Bell M Martin 11Y X - rwm Bell M Flower 18B X - rwm River Acres Flower 3Y X - roan BW: 92 CE 10

76 lot

BW 1.7

WW 57

YW 90

205-Day Wt: 521 M 19

$CEZ 30.38

$BMI 124.43

$F 55.53

BELL M Vera 69F

697375 Polled March, 1 2018 Red

Muridale Seal 23W X - roan Saskvalley Bongo 115B X - roan Saskvalley Brenda 75Y X - red Lehne Trophy 38Y X - red Bell M Vera 79C X - rwm Bell M Piston’s Vera 36X X - rwm BW: 97 CE 7

BW 3.2

WW 65

YW 99

205-Day Wt: 520 M 14

Page 46

$CEZ 19.58

$BMI 120.23

$F 58.52

Reference Sires

Bell M Foreman 30A

Clythe Mane Boomer 11B

Bell M Skechers 87D Page 47

EPDs Birth Weight (BW) At the basic level, birth weight is nothing more than an indicator trait for calving ease, but the emphasis on birth weight can be overdone. Economically, over selecting for low birth weights can take us in the wrong direction; cattle still sell by the pound. Use BW EPD in conjunction with calving ease. Phenotypic traits like length of body, shoulder design, head shape, circumference of bone and even frame score play a significant role in determining birth weights and calving ease. Weaning Weights (WW) Put simply, weaning weight is the ability of a bull’s calf to dry off, stagger to its feet, and grow like mad. Finding a sire with a strong WW that also excels in other economically relevant traits important to your breeding program is a key element to success. Yearling Weight (YW) This trait is economically important since it is more indicative of growth potential through market weights taken early in the animals life. Single trait selection for YW can lead to serious problems that can affect bottom line profit. Mature must be monitored when selecting a bull for performance via YW EPD. Cow maintenance costs, calving difficulty, and even breeding problems can result. YW EPDs can be very influential if you understand your environment conditions or if you are retaining ownership in your calves from birth to slaughter. Milk (M) A bull’s Milk EPD is determined by his daughter’s ability to wean heavier calves than her contemporaries. Just because a cow weans a heavier calf each year does not necessarily mean her Milk EPD should be the highest in the herd. The performance of her calf can also be attributed to the dam’s or sire’s growth genetics or a number of environmental factors. Milk EPDs can be too high for your environmental conditions especially in severe environmental conditions and can have a negative impact on rebreeding rates. $Value Indexes $ CEZ – ($ Calving Ease) This index assumes a bull will only be mated to heifers, not cows. The potential profitability of the sire is measured by the incidence of live calves at birth. Moderate mature size is also emphasized in the index., but performance is not a priority. This index is also a good measure of Shorthorn females’ ability to produce calving ease sires. Overemphasis of $CEZ may cause unwanted depression of weaning and yearling performance $BMI – ($ British Maternal Index) As the name implies, this multitrait selection index attempts to measure a bull’s potential profitability when complimenting the British cow base (Angus, Red Angus, Hereford, etc.). Shorthorn females can likewise be gauged at adding value to British or British-composite bulls of other breeds. A balance of growth and carcass traits is desired with a strong maternal component aimed at optimum reproductive efficiency and cow longevity. $F – ($ Feedlot) Similar to a Terminal Sire scenario, $Feedlot places strong emphasis on growth and carcass traits. This multi-trait index assumes the sire will be mated to a mix of heifers and cows and attempts to measure profitability when progeny are sold on the fed market. On the female side, mature size should be monitored closely when selecting for $F. Over-selection may cause detrimental harm to longevity, reproductive efficiency, and fleshing ability.

Winter 2019 CSA Shorthorn Non-Parents Average EPD’S CE 10

BW 1.5

WW 54

YW 80

M 19

$CEZ 31.53

$BMI 123.11

$F 53.69

- Denotes top 20% of Shorthorn breed EPDs Page 48

Terms & Conditions Location: The sale will be held at Saskatoon Livestock Sales (5 miles west of Saskatoon on Hwy 14). Date & Time: Thursday April 4, 2019 Air Travel: Saskatoon Airport is serviced by all major airlines, check with your travel agent for further details. We will be happy to look after you but please give us sufficient time if you require assistance. Sale Day Phone: (306) 382-8088 Terms: Terms of the sale are cash or cheque, payable at par at the sale location. The right of property shall not pass until after settlement has been made; no invoicing on buyers in attendance, unless previous arrangements have been made. Every animal sells to the highest bidder and in cases of disputes, the auctioneer’s decision will be final. Announcements from the auction block will take precedence over the information in the catalogue. All monies are in Canadian funds. Mail, Phone or Wire Bids: Bidders unable to attend the sale may phone, wire or mail their bids and instructions to the sale manager, auctioneer or special representatives. Bids must be received in sufficient time prior to the sale. Breeding Information: All cattle of breeding age are guaranteed to be breeders. All calfhood vaccinates are noted in the catalogue. Any export tests will be arranged after the sale, at the seller’s expense. The standard guarantee as endorsed by the Canadian Shorthorn Association will apply. TH Status: All sale lots have been tested and are TH Free or declared TH Free by pedigree. Pedigrees: The Canadian Shorthorn Association certificate of registration will be furnished with each animal sold, duly transferred to the purchaser after payment has been made. Proper instructions must be provided at the conclusion of the sale. Extensions granted on order bids only. Costs incurred due to incorrect transfer will be borne by the purchaser. Insurance: Agents will be in attendance in insure your purchases. We strongly recommend that insurance is purchased for full value. Delivery: Every assistance will be given in arranging the shipping and delivery of your purchases. Each animal becomes the risk of the purchaser as soon as sold. Errors: All announcements at sale time, written or oral, supersede any written material in the catalogue. Liabilities: Who’s Your Daddy, their consignors, sale staff and representatives accept no responsibility for any accidents that occur. All persons attend the sale at their own risk.

Join us for lunch prior to the sale. We would like to thank all our bidders and buyers for their support. Page 49


Catalogue designed by: Royce Moellenbeck

Who’s Your Daddy Box 47 Englefeld, SK S0K 1N0

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