1 minute read

From The Editor

the feeling of sadness envelops you. Yes, it’s okay to not be okay, but only for a while; because eventually life must go on. Allow yourself to grieve and then you pick up from where you left off, go back to your daily grind, and breathe.

For all its worth, I have realized that life indeed is short and fleeting. That nothing is permanent or forever thus we should make the most of our time. Be happy. Pursue your passion. Be grateful even for the little things that you have. Take risks. Appreciate the beauty of life. Because we only live once.


Ruth Chua

“ Black Spot”

" Black spot."

I am really enjoying these creations as I am never sure how they will work out. In this piece what interested me was the black spot in the middle of it, it was not intentional but when I finished I saw it and now it stands out. Black spot is an interesting piece.

Mixed media collage on watercolour paper. 19cm x 26cm.

We need to make work that matters for the people who care about our Art. It is easy to be average it takes little effort and low risk, but it will always be average work.

To make work that matters takes risk and emotional energy and we invest something in it that average doesn’t have, the desire for constant improvement.

Average does not have to improve, it’s just average and that is easy to do and nobody cares. Consistent improvement can be measured, we will see the improvement in our work, because it matters to you the creator and to the people who care about your Art. It always matters.

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