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Stood and looked out. A fire lit the morningdarkness. Due to the enormity of the situation, my mind was racing. “Would we die?”“Should



Company profile









Shot iyne Vally


And then another. “This had to be the Big One,” I said, taking a large breath. “That was huge. It had tobe at least And then another. “This had to be the Big One,” I said, taking a large breath.



RYAN Adams has announced that he has become a father - and he’s given his daughter an Easter-themed name. The Canadian rocker and his personal assistant,


C ED oked lo TOO TAT od and lit the . Sto A fire rkness . out ningda enorr mo to the Due















e? e di the re e w se th uld Wo ld I clo or so o u Sho rator d resh f e frig stays food w h ao `24 S n er io ash Summ model F 12. Show t para k aris in p oh jaka tung y esto nd Bab f i n Ma ra 12. Fh athe

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EDITORIAL Editorial Director: Doug Jeffrey Editor: Doug Jeffrey Managing Editor: Teena Artman Art Director: Ronald Abella CONTRIBUTORS Thomas J. Nardi, Ph.D., Paul Hantke, Andrew M. Luther, Torrey Kim, Karen Wilhelmsen, Adam Morra, Garrett Kim, ADVERTISING Gabe Frimmel - Ad Sales Director (714) 200-1930 - GFrimmel@ Eric Gomez - Ad Traffic Coordinator (714) 200-1938 OPERATIONS Gus Alonzo: Newsstand Sales Manager Celia Merriday: Newsstand Analyst Amit Sharma: Newsstand & Production Analyst cilities Manager John Cabral: Digital Coordinator EDITORIAL, PRODUCTION & SALES OFFICE 22840 Savi Ranch Parkway, #200 Yorba Linda, CA 92887 Ph: (800) 332-3330 CUSTOMER SERVICE MAGAZINE MEDIA, LLC 4635 Mc Ewen Road. Dallas, TX 75244 SUBSCRIPTIONS, ADDRESS CHANGES, RENEWALS, MISSING OR DAMAGED COPIES NEW PRODUCTS OR TO CONTRIBUTE A STORY OR PHOTO

When planning to put up your own business, there are lots of things that you have to set on your mind first. First, you have to think about your target market and this have something to do with the kind of products that you will produce.


Next to that, being a business owner, ood and looked out. A fire lit you have to know several things that the morningdarkness. Due to would make your business known to the the enormity of the situation, public in order for you to gain lots of my mind was racing. “Would customers. In that case, there are some we die?”“Should I close the little ways that you really have to bear refrigerator door so the food stays in mind in putting a business. fresh?” “Glass shattered all over.How can I get to the kitchen?” “What should we When putting up a business, it is not do?” necessary whether you are having a small or big business. What counts I asked the kids if they wanted to get most When putting up a business, it is outside before the walls came tumbling not necessary whether you are having down.They were hesitant. At about that a small or big business. What counts moment, an aftershock ripped through most When putting up a business, it is the San not necessary whether you are having a small or big business. What counts most Fernando Valley again. And then another. “This had to be the Big One,” I said, taking a large breath. “That was huge. It had tobe at least an 8.”And the power was obvious all across the Valley. The quake thrust the nearby San-

I asked the kids if they wanted to get outside before the walls came tumbling down.They were hesitant. At about that moment, an aftershock ripped through

I asked the kids if they wanted to get outside before the walls came tumbling down.They were hesitant. At about that moment, an aftershock ripped through the San


Company profile

bon Fiber has made it one of the most favored reinforced polymers for




he unparal-

pocket knives – tough

leled com-

tools that are up to

bination of

40% lighter than their


bone or synthetic han-

and feath-

dled counterparts. Five

er-light weight of Car-

handy patterns .

bon Fiber has made it one of the most favored

make up the Case Car-

reinforced polymers

bon Fiber family, each

for many of today’s

with satin fi nished Tru-

high-tech industries,

Sharp™ surgical steel

from sporting goods to

blades that are ready

automotive and even

for heavy duty work-

aerospace. Now Case

That’s how my day

introduces Carbon Fiber

started on Jan. 17, 1994.

Company profile


It was 4:31 in the morning. I lived with my two sons in Canoga Park, California. At most, we were five miles fromthe epicenter of the Northridge Quake. When the earth finally stood still, I stood and looked out. A fire lit the morning darkness. Due to the enormity of the situation, my mind was racing. “Would “Should I close the refrigerator door so the


orthridge Quake. When the earth finally stood Sill, I stood and looked


Company profile

n o r

e p p i

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g n u Yo

.7. t 6 as t las w ng didn’ ard. A i d ea d it hit h r l i ll icia ts sa was a f f w O ntis N a U e yh g e k b i i l u r c S no d ea . er e n v o o g e lon i-tiere aned ing t re th fo lt le ov mu ture l y m de be c i w stru ud slo Their . of m an 8 be o t

W d e Mix

n a om

Company profile

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t h s r o c o d a t u y O g e n i h mil

ast f o e m rtf th o spo ne m o o r it n s, f de e a i rbo r t a m s C s u a ind ne ces rh u e h bo d c b i r o e i F t r t n the igh e in bo f n h r s o a a a s ’ th C on of C today er ati t ow t n h N h i b . lig ig of we ace ny 0% com t a p 4 . h s d le to ro lig ns rm e r e o l p r l f e a e t u Tru at ara en re ers ath p v d p a e e m e n y f u at’s d nd ish ol y h at nd e h n t a n a p h a T h s fi T l d h rk ve d ive tin too rce wo oti ngt F a o h s e . f y ive m r l s t g n t h o i I u st u t t r i . d a re au – to ing hw vy ed erp n c s to a r t r e a e o n s o v v five m rh y, e cou e l o ood et kni i e r f g h d e t le dy h fam ck ew ing 1 in w er art rea and 3 po : , e b h t r i e 4 r s e e F c a o ti n as th Fib tm h at the en tw rbo A t I n h g . a . s y C s 94 nin .W nia de r r 9 e a se or 1 l o o k a f , b a 7 m li C s Qu Ca eel n. 1 he he t t , t a e s wa k t J l g i r p l d a d a n u i P in r o ic ire ke rth ga Af ym urg ted o o s . r ma t m n N a ™ u a e n, st ” do arp tio in C f th ay e sh? a o k d s e Sh u r o r n t f y i o l s te s so m nd he tay cen t wo a i s t f how p d o d y e o ity foo hm sto the t m e i I r m h , l w t no fro the stil so r e ee d es r l o h i o o t m to do o bef or et ly s e t l u d a a i s .D er fin out rig ess d f l t n e u e k r o g e dar to “W the . d e arg g l s e n t i o a l n c rac wa ing d dI k l e y r a u e t e o t h , if t “Sh h at aid s s s I d s i ” k g as ne, “Gl blin the O m d u Big ke et t he m I as t a e. I e c g b s u l l h to wa as ad w h t is a “Th “Th . h at bre

S s ope

R g n i d l o




Company profile

“This had to be the Big One,” I said, taking a large breath. “That was huge. It And the power was obvious all across the Valley. The quake thrust the nearby Santa “This had to be the Big One,” I said, taking a large breath. “That was huge. It And the power was obvious all across the Valley. The quake

thrust the nearby Santa Susanna Mountains upward some four feet. CSUN was hit hard. A multi-tiered structure leaned over like a wall of mud slowly moving to nearby .Susanna Mountains upward some four feet. CSUN was hit hard. A multi-tieredstructure leaned over like a wall of mud slowly moving to nearby .


fficial reading was 6.7. Scientists said it didn’t last long enougUN was hit hard. A multi-tiered structure leaned over like a wall of mud slowly moving to nearby h to be an 8. Their ide before the .


Company profile


FINALIST TATTOOED CONTEST Stood and looked out. A fire lit the morningdarkness. Due to the enormity of the situation, my mind was racing. “Would we die?”“Should I close the refrigerator door so the food stays fresh?” “Glass shattered all over. How can I get to the kitchen?” “What should

ALLOY-ASH First, you have to think about your target market and this have something to do with the kind of products that you will prod

SHARLY KIT First, you have to think about your target market and this have something to do with the kind of products that you will prod

Company profile



E Y.

to h ave u o y , First our out y b a k nd thin ket a r a m t g targe ethin m o s ave of this h kind e h t h wit ill ou w to do y t a th ucts prod prod





First, you have to

First, you have to

First, you have to

First, you have to

think about your

think about your

think about your

think about your

target market

target market

target market

target market

and this have

and this have

and this have

and this have

something to do .

something to do .

something to do .

something to do .


Company profile

JULIABOND When planning to put



up your own business,

Next to that, being a

there are lots of things

business owner, you

. First, you have to think

that you have to set on

have to know several

about your target mar-

your mind first. First,

things that would make

ket and this have some-

you have to think about

your business known

thing to do with the

your target market

to the public in order

kind of products that

and this have some-

for you to gain lots of

you will produce. Next

thing to do with the

customers. In that case,

to that, being a busi-

kind of products that

there are some little

ness owner, you have

ways that you really

to know several things

have to bear in mind in putting a business. When putting up a busi-

Company profile




When planning to put up your own business, there are lots of things that you have to set on your mind first. First, you have to think about your target market and this have something to do with the kind of products that you will produce. Next to that, being a business owner, you have to know several things that would make your


Company profile


ere hesitant. At about that moment, an aftershock ripped through the Sanuntains upward some four feet. CSUN was hit hard.

Stood and looked out. A

And then another. “This

fire lit the morningdark-

had to be the Big One,”

ness. Due to the enor-

I said, taking a large

mity of the situation,

breath. “That was huge.

my mind was racing.

It had tobe at least an

“Would we die?”“Should

8.”And the power was

I close the refrigerator

obvious all across the

door so the food stays

Valley. The quake thrust

fresh?” “Glass shattered

the nearby SantaSusan-

all over.

na Mountains upward

How can I get to the

some four feet. CSUN

kitchen?” “What should

was hit hard. A multi-

we do?”

tiered parking structure leaned over like a wall

I asked the kids if they

of mud slowly moving

wanted to get outside

to nearby Chatsworth.

before the walls came


tumbling down.They were hesitant. At about

collapsed in the nearby

that moment, an after-

Newhall Pass. People

shock ripped through

died. The Richter Scale

the San

hit 8, but the official reading was 6.7. Scien-

Fernando Valley again.

tists said it didn’t last

Company profile


THEIR IDE BEFORE TUMBLING DOWN They were hesitant. At about that moment, an aftershock ripped through the Sanuntains upward some four feet. CSUN was hit hard. collapsed in the nearby

Scientists said it didn’t

Newhall Pass. People

last long enough to be

died. The Richter Scale

an 8. through the Sa-

hit 8, but the official

nuntains upward some

reading was 6.7. Scien-

four feet. CSUN was hit

tists said it didn’t last

hard. A .

long enough to be an

Stood and looked out. A

8. Their ide before the

fire lit the morningdark-

walls came tumbling

ness. Due to the enor-

down.They were hesi-

mity of the situation,

tant. At about that mo-

my mind was racing.

ment, an aftershock

“Would we die?”“Should

ripped through the

I close the refrigerator

Sanuntains upward

door so the food stays

official reading was 6.7.

fresh?” “Glass shattered


Company profile


hey were hesitant. At about that moment, an aftershock ripped through the Sanuntains upward some four feet. CSUN was hit hard..

I asked the kids if they wanted to get outside before the walls came tumbling down.They

were hesitant. At about that moment, an aftershock ripped through the San Fernando Valley again. And then another. “This had to be the Big One,” I said, taking a large breath. “That was huge. It had tobe at least an 8.”And the power was obvious all across the Valley. The quake thrust the nearby SantaSusan-

Company profile


Bullet Art What can r say other than 1 oved your March cover. I’ve been obsessed with liza ushku since Bufbo the Vampire Sloyer


at’s Not Impressive What can r say other than 1 oved your March cover. I’ve been obsessed with liza ushku since Bufbo the Vampire Sloyer and herTV series oe Langowski Sparks, NV TR U E (O Nfl SS I O N SI!J 12 NAXlH • HAY2009 SonyJot: AppmdtdomyscorswulAhlin. Simon,ond TlwodOR’ nchedjusl abowyoor IImrt on ‘, (olHlll are to DRam I’m in l .. wschool .. llhe niversilyofSan Diego. nd being in Maxim is legitim<ltcly vo a gr.ld tudent spread? Fort he ecord, hereare it hand






egan Riley Lopez via e-mail /It)’, with th idrtter you’ vr just otto ined (lilt’ goo!! Still on the list: slathningyoul’SI’l( in may apping out What the hell. guys1 I want more pictures ofn(mixed tial arts hottiel Gin.J ano! In would


udy luio La Puente Corrful, Rudy--<:Jft fT t IU’ first “submission hold” joke Wf made during our intiTVirw, CaJano put us in a

ug Hatches Scrapes Maxim, thallkyou, My third date with my girl·friend was a ski weekend. which musde hurts, Though a litt Ie advice ee K. Boston. MA Tt!! thtmyou wm’ sturk in an arolanchl’ and hadno with thl- bro~n rug in your room to staywann. Also, “kirk’ius 8&8”!Striously?


umboJumbo 1 have to disagree with part of your otherwiseexcellent ~The Real Big asy” from the Io.larchissue: Ride’s Cabaret is nol








iyne Vally

And then another. “This had to be the Big One,” I said, taking a large breath. “That was huge. It had tobe at least And then another. “This had to be the Big One,” I said, taking a large breath. “That was huge. It had tobe at least And then another. “This had to be the Big One,” I said, taking a large breath. “That was huge. It had tobe at least And then another. “This had to be the Big One,” I said, taking a large breath. “That was huge. It had tobe at least


enifer lee

Stood and looked out. A fire lit the morningdarkness. Due to the enormity of the situation, my mind was racing. “Would we die?”“Should I close the refrigerator door so the food stays fresh?” “Glass shattered all over. How can I get to the kitchen?” “What should we do?” I asked the kids if they wanted to get outside before the walls came tumbling down.They were hesitant. At about that moment, an aftershock ripped through the San Fernando Valley again. And then another. “This had to be the Big One,”

And then another. “This had to be the Big One,” I said, taking a large breath. “That was huge. It had tobe at least And then another. “This had to be the Big One,” I said, taking a large breath. “That was huge. It had tobe at least And then another. “This had to be the Big One,” I said, taking a large breath. “That was huge. It had tobe at least And then another. “This had to be the Big One,” I said, taking a large breath. “That was huge. It had tobe at least


Company profile

Stood and looked out. A fire lit the morningdarkness. Due to the enormity of the situation, my mind was racing. “Would we die?”“Should I close the refrigerator door so the food stays fresh?” “Glass shattered all over. How can I get to the kitchen?” “What should we do?” I asked the kids if they wanted to get outside before the walls came tumbling down.They were hesitant. At about that moment, an aftershock ripped through the San Fernando Valley again.



is one of the most photogenic models I’ve worked with. Having a strong inner sense of position, shape and form with the ability to continuously give a new look each and every time the shutter is released! What a pleasure


ennifer is one

of the most photogenic models I’ve worked with. Having a strong inner sense of position, shape and form with the ability to continuously give a new look each and every time the shutter is released! What a pleasure


arah Boehner

is one of the most photogenic models I’ve worked with. Having a strong inner sense of position, shape and form with the ability to continuously give a new look each and every time the shutter is released! What a pleasure


eyton Saverance

is one of the most photogenic models I’ve worked with. Having a strong inner sense of position, shape and form with the ability to continuously give a new look each and every time the shutter is released! What a pleasure



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For dramatic eye makeup, you do not have to rely on expensive makeup. You can still look like a star with an elegant eye makeup, without having to go to a makeup arttricks from brasseriealize’s professional eye makeup artist and your makeup become more optimal.


. When using mascara, do not forget to do a zig-zag motion. This movement is very important

because it can separate lashes and avoid clumps. Eyelashes will look a lot more than usual.


. To facilitate the application of mascara on the lower lashes, hold the brush vertically and

move to the left and right. This is done to spruce up mascara.


. For a more dramatic eye makeup, do not hesitate to use liquid eyeliner on the top of the eye

and auto pencil or eyeliner on the bottom of the eye, for ease of application. Blend eyeliner using a cotton bud so that the bottom line is not too hard.

4 5

. eyeshadow greatly affects the entire appearance of your eyes. Eyes will look small if the selected color is too dark. If you have not been good at choosing the right eyeshadow color, look for a neutral color that can be

used around the eyes or two basic colors that can help to accentuate the eyes. . Eliminate any waterproof mascara with lip and eye make-up remover (special cleaning eye makeup). This has to be done so that no loss of eyelashes and mascara properly erased.k for a neutral color that can be used around

the eyes or two basic colors that can help to accentuate the eyes.

sassy uptown chic victoria beckham short hairstyles - maybe Lately, we’ve been feeling the urge to cut our hair. we like it long, but we are itching for a change, maybe something drastic. Too short, too long o... 8 months ago

Choose Natural Cosmetics for Everyday Use

Jewelry Lady Wedding Band with Princess Accents shapes - here you can see the gorgeous pair of Wedding Band. got interested? i’m sure you will 9 months ago Popular entries Avril Lavigne Eye makeup Hola gals! Who does not know the pop-punk singer from Canada, Avril Lavigne? Take a look at her; Avril appearances from top to bottom are d... eye makeup for small eyes

Cosmetic skin care


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upporting quality improvement

The National Quality Improvement Network has developed a set of key principles to support quality improvement. Quality assurance schemes support quality improvement systems and provide recognition that an individual setting has made real progress against an agreed set of standards, achieving an accredited level.

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highest quality learning Quality improvement is all about ensuring that all settings and all professionals consider how best to create, maintain and improve provision in order experience high quality provision are well placed to achieve higher outcomes at school and develop better social, emotional and cognitive abilities necessary for life-long learning. Poor quality provision does not support children’s learning and development in the long term.

Our finished products may not be much to look at from an outsider but to us they are true works of art.

Baby Finishing Sett Painting Quality improvement is all about ensuring that all settings and all professionals consider how best to create, maintain and improve provision in order to offer the highest quality learning and developing experiences for all children and

Quality improvement is a continuous cycle based on planning; implementing; reviewing and analysing. It is a never ending journey involving children,



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Health Benefits That pple



veryone knows the saying, ‘An ap-

ple a day, keeps the doctor away.’ Apple is a crunchy and pleasant tasting fruit which most people enjoy eating and it is known to be very healthy for our body. You are one big apple lover, then this article may interest you because we shall see the nutritional facts and health benefits one can get after eating an apple.

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Apple is rich in pectin, soluble fibers that do many good things in our body. There are many healthy facts about apples and some of them include: 1. Apple is good for your heart. 2. It gives you whiter and brighter teeth removing the stains on your teeth dye to its crunchy property and also by stimulating increased salivary secretion. 3. Protects you from different types of cancers. 4. Protects you from brain diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer. 5. Minimizes the risk of diabetes. 6. Controls cholesterol levels. 7. Reduces the risks of gall stones. 8. Good for digestive system. 9. Improves immunity. 10. Acts as a detoxifier of the liver. 11. Aids in weight loss. There are so many more health benefits and this is why you should definitely include apple in your daily diet.


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White Zinfandel Wine Nutrition Facts


White zinfandel wines are best known for their young age, sweet taste and affordability. The Zinfandel wine grapes characteristics what can basically be explained as a split character – there can hardly be two extra many types of wine than White Zinfandel (light, sweet) and Red Zinfandel (spicy, intense). Everyone is initially introduced to wine by means of White Zin so it serves a laudable objective – even so its innocuous character looks to bear no resemblance for the complicated, bold flavors of a fine Red Zin.

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infandel Wine Characteristics

Physique: medium to heavy Tannins: light to medium Acidity: medium Flavors: wild berries and plum with generous peppery notes – in some cases fruit flavors border on overripe with prune and raisin



ypes of White Zinfandel

wines are most effective identified for their young age, sweet taste and affordability. It can be for these causes that they may be generally served at parties and massive group events. This precise sort of blush



ine Nutrition Details

Components and Bouquets Inside the 1980s, white wine had develop into well known inside the U.S. Winemakers in California, who had orchards complete of red zinfandel grapes, decided to generate a white wine


White zinfandel is high in alcohol, as every single five glass consists of 12 g of alcohol. Alcohol could be the second-most calorie-dense nutrient, delivering seven calories per gram; only fat delivers additional, nine calories per gram. Alcoholic beverages just like white zinfandel are also unhealthy for athletes, as investigation inside the March 2010 concern with the “European Journal of Applied Physiology� suggests that alcohol can impair muscle recovery from workout.


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Company profile


Gill Prominence Vince

in Music City B

RYAN Adams has announced that heI rang has up become fa- ago for anGill a fewaweeks other- and story that’s ther he’s coming given up hisin a future C&I issue, but found a minute to daughter anwe Easterdiscuss Time Jumpers. Gill explained how themed name. the Canadian group came to prominence in Music The rocker City. and his personal assistant, Alicia Grimaldi, “Time Jumpers is a side project for me. are parents to a new It started as a [jam session], a way to baby girl, named Mirahave fun on Monday nights. More than bella Bunny, Us Weekly anything, it was a place for people reported. who loved that kind of music to go and hear it.

I rang up Gill a few weeks ago for another story that’s coming up in a future C&I issue, but we found a minute to discuss Time Jumpers. Gill explained how the group came to prominence in Music City. “Time Jumpers is a side project for me. It started as a [jam session], a way to have fun on Monday nights. More than anything, it was a place for people who loved that kind of music to go and hear it. “One thing has led to another, and we decided to make a record. I’m hoping it’ll get some notoriety and attention.” The release is but one of Gill’s current musical endeavors. Says the artist behind hits such as “When I Call Your Name” and “I Still Believe In You,” as well


RYAN Adams has announced that he has become a father - and he’s given his daughter an Easter-themed name. The Canadian rocker and

Company profile

BRYAN Adams has announced that he has become a father and he’s given his daughter an Easter-themed name. The Canadian rocker and his personal assistant, Alicia GriBunny, Us Weekly reported.



Company profile


Indonesia’s leading fashion glossy, Dewi Magazine, who is one of the chief organisers of Jakarta Fashion Week, sponsors a collective show that normally closes the extravaganza (read: followed by requisite closing party). However, in light of this JFW’s tropical storm versus the tent showdown, the show, as it were, went down on the third to last night rather than as the grand finale. Nonetheless, Dewi “Fashion Knights” showcases some of Indonesia’s more established players. My two favourites included Sapto Djojokartiko, who showed commercial yet ethereally girly pieces consisting mainly of burnt out pearly velvets, cream over-

Company profile



Indonesia’s leading fashion glossy, Dewi Magazine, who is one of the chief organisers of Jakarta Fashion Week, sponsors a collective show that normally closes the extravaganza (read: followed by requisite closing party). However, in light of this JFW’s tropical storm versus the tent showdown, the show, as it were, went down on the third to last night rather than as the grand finale. Nonetheless, Dewi “Fashion Knights” showcases some of Indonesia’s more established players. My two favourites included Sapto Djojokartiko, who showed commercial yet ethereally girly pieces consisting mainly of burnt out pearly velvets, cream over-



Company profile

Fashion Knights Indonesia’s leading fashion glossy, Dewi Magazine, who is one of the chief organisers of Jakarta Fashion Week, sponsors a collective show that normally closes the extravaganza (read: followed by requisite a long, flyaway panel and Oscar Lawalpaired with flowing chiffon trousers in tone on tone incarnations. The other designers included a punk cowgirl meets trompe l’oeil Spous by Priyo Oktaviano, the flowing robes, sheer sarongs and twisted hairdos ofDeden Siswanto and cherised longtime designer (her career spans 3 decades), Ghea Panggabean, who gleaned inspiration from traditional wayang puppets.

Clothess Whisperes The


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Simple Tips for Healthy Eyes During a comprehensive dilated eye exam, your eye care professional places drops in your eyes to dilate, or widen, the pupil to allow more light to enter the eye the same way an open door lets more light into a dark room. you’re seeing your best.

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Know your family’s eye health history. Talk to your family members about their eye health history. It’s impordeveloping an eye disease or condition. Eat right to protect your sight. You’ve heard carrots are good for your eyes. But eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, par fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, tuna, and halibut.


fore the walls came tumbling down.They

Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight or obese increases your risk glaucoma. If you are having trouble maintaining a healthy weight, talk to your doctor. Wear protective eyewear. Wear protective eyewear when playing sports or doing activities aroundgles, safety shields, and eye guards specially designed to provide the

were hesitant. At about that moment, the San



Company profile

correct protection for a

their t rays. When purchas-

putting in or taking out d

do some sporting goods

ing sunglasses, look for

replace them as appropri-


ones that block out 99 to


100 percent of both UV-A Quit smoking or never

and UV-B radiation.


Practice workplace eye safety.

Smoking is as bad for your

Give your eyes a rest.

Employers are required to

eyes as it is for the rest

If you spend a lot of time

provide a safe work envi-

eveloping age-related,

and your eyes can get

ronment. When protective

cataract, and optic nerve

fatigued. Try the 20-20-

eyewear is required as

damage, all of which can

20 econds. This can help

a part of your job, make

lead to blindness.ii, iii

reduce eyestrain.

a habit of wearing the appropriate type at all

Be cool and wear your

Clean your hands

times and encourage your


To avoid the risk of infec-

coworkers to do the same.

Sunglasses are a great

tion, always wash your

fashion accessory, but

hands thoroughly before

Location Your RunWay

The Change Magazine 2014

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