5 good practice booklet 09 01 2014

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Grundtvig Learning Partnership 2012 – 2014

Report: Active Ageing

REBOOT: Good Practice Brochure Belgium Italy Poland Turkey UK

Table of contents Table of contents ...................................................................................................................................... 2 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 3 Description of the project and results ...................................................................................................... 4 1. Situation of the elderly people in partner countries ........................................................................ 4 2. The demands of elderly people on active ageing in the partner countries. ..................................... 5 3. Services provided to the elderly people in the partner countries. ................................................... 7 Legislation/National Programmes .......................................................................................................... 14 Project Partners and Local network ....................................................................................................... 18 Good practices ........................................................................................................................................ 22 Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................. 48


Introduction Europe is the fastest ageing region in the world and life expectancy and trends in healthy ageing differ greatly between countries. The promotion of policies and activities on active and healthy ageing is becoming a priority in most of European countries. Active ageing is strongly promoted by the European Commission and it evokes the idea of longer activity, with a higher retirement age and working practices adapted to the age of the employee. This trend affects different aspect of the civic society like labour market, health sector, urban services, etc.. The Reboot partnership intends to present the policies, services and needs related to the ageing population and pensioners in partners countries and work on the term of total social inclusion. In this Good Practice Booklet the project and the partners will be presented in order to give a complete overview of the intense research phase carried out by the partnership and its results. The Reboot partners summarized some of the main products of the Reboot project and the results achieved. The first result presented is the report on the situation of the elderly in partners countries. This document, based on a desktop research, shows a comparison of various elements in different countries, like the labour market participation of older adults, the social inclusion, the use of ICT and some others indicators. The second product is a report based on a research that highlight the needs of the elderly in partner countries. The research is based on a questionnaire filled in by 155 people in all partner’s countries. The third product is a collection of the various services provided to the elderly in partners countries. The services cover different areas: employment, education, health, cultural and social activities, accommodation and daily care, transport. A specific section is dedicated to the national legislations that regulate the various aspects of the elderly life: health, retirement, accommodation etc etc... These material give an overview of the general situation of elderly in partner countries assuming different points of view: stakeholders, policy makers, elderly, associations etc... The reports give some remarks and insights useful to lead the project activities. However the results cannot be generalized and it is not possible to reach specific conclusions about elderly people in partners countries. The partnership is presented with a brief description of each partner and the local network involved in the project. The main section of the document consists of a collection of relevant case studies related to active ageing. Each partner has provided at least 3 case studies in order to highlight some best practices in active ageing. The activities presented could be shared and implemented by other people all over Europe.


Description of the project and results The Reboot project is a Grundtvig Partnership with the aim to address the needs of older people in order to give them alternative opportunities to access adult education and increase their active participation in lifelong training. The partners will share ideas, good practices and challenges . One important objective of the Partnership is to improve the management of adult education institutions. This means analyzing the work done in the institutions and finding ways to do the work in a sustainable way. One aspect of active ageing is active participation in activities and also development of know how in terms of practicing other languages to develop innovative ICT based practices for collaborative learning, both for staff and learners. Within the project the different results have been elaborated and summarized below. 1. Situation of the elderly people in partner countries In this product the partner institutions of the REBOOT-­‐project have analysed the policies and services for the ageing populations and pensioners in their countries and compared the partner countries in terms of active ageing policies. This is the result of a desktop research with the aim to suggest standards for the concept and a pilot implementation of a chosen good practice in partner countries. The main findings of the report are the following: The European Union’s (EU’s) population structure is changing profoundly. In general the proportion of older adults in our European society is significantly increasing. The Reboot research demonstrated that in partner countries there is the same general trend: the numbers of older people in Europe is constantly increasing. One of the main challenges regarding active ageing is the labour market participation of older adults. The main reason for inactivity in all partner countries is retirement, except for Turkey where almost half the people state that “other family or personal responsibilities” are the main reason for inactivity. Illness or disability is also an often stated reason, specifically in the UK and Poland. When retired, older adults are generally more at risk of poverty. In general, almost half of the Europeans judge the provision of pension as very bad or rather bad. Comparing the five countries again significant differences appear. Whereas in Belgium and the UK approximately 3 out of 10 judge their pensions as insufficient, this is about 6 out of 10 and 7 out of 10 for Italy and Poland and Turkey. The social inclusion and participation is a key factor for the individual wellbeing at old age. Therefore, improving the social participation of older people is an important goal regarding ‘active ageing’. Social 4

participation can include many activities: being a member of an organizations, sport, culture etc. but also volunteering, informal care and political participation. Volunteering by older people is associated with positive outcomes such as improved health and reduced risk of mortality, higher levels of quality of life, greater well-­‐being, a sense of purpose, feeling less lonely, and having more social resources than their non-­‐volunteering peers. The research show that the situation seems quite different in partners countries. In general older people are involved in an active manner to society through different forms of active ageing. In some partner countries a large number of older people are members of one or more formal association or are involved in some physical activity. In other countries older people face barriers to participatory activities and experience poor social relations and social exclusion. Another specific challenge of the ageing population is the significant increase in the number of people requiring care and meeting the costs associated with this demand for care. Within this respect healthy ageing and more specifically health promotion and preventive health care are crucial to reduce the risk of dependency. Age friendly environments can play a key role within this respect. A particularly innovative means of promoting independent living is through the development of home-­‐based ICT support systems. Local and regional actors can access a range of European research programs to support such activities. ‘Intelligent’ homes, digital and web-­‐based services aim to support older people in living independently and increase the efficiency of service delivery by better identifying specific needs. The research indicates a deterioration of older people’s economic status. In almost all partner countries the risk of poverty for older people has increased a lot and the measures taken by the state are insufficient. The opportunities for young and old to meet each other and exchange are often scarce. the general attitude towards old age tends to be negative: older adults are only a cost to society. Fostering intergenerational solidarity therefore is an important goal. Local communities can play a key role in this process by promoting initiatives which bring together several generations. 2. The demands of elderly people on active ageing in the partner countries. The report on the needs of elderly people is one of the main result of the Reboot project. It aims to become familiar with elderly people’s situation regarding their living conditions, employment status, their health, engagement in the civil society and the concept of active ageing they share, and specifically their views on some policy measures that could facilitate or enable or at least encourage elderly persons to lead an active life and to realize what the obstacles are that hinder such attitudes. The first step in order to promote active ageing processes is to understand the elderly people’s needs and their situation in daily life. The results were important in order to plan specific actions and measures with the aim to improve social and learning activities.


They are based on the research undertaken in the partner countries. The research was based on a simple questionnaire handled to a small (about 30 persons) group of elderly persons in Belgium, Italy, Poland, Turkey and the UK. The research covered a group of 155 respondents in five countries: Belgium, Italy, Poland, Turkey and UK. Almost 60% of them were women. In various countries female respondents prevailed especially in Poland (80%) and in Belgium (67%). There were slightly more men than women in Turkey. The age-­‐span of the target group was quite wide: 55 to 85+ years, although in most of the countries the larger group was aged 66-­‐65 with an exception of Italy where respondents from the age group 66-­‐ 75 prevailed. In the older age group (85+) there were only 4 persons: 1 from Belgium and 3 from Turkey. Most of the respondents placed themselves in one of the younger groups 55-­‐65 (46%) and 66-­‐ 75 (38%). As to their marital status, most of the respondents were married (65%), 1/5 – widowed and less than 10% were divorced, single or co-­‐habiting. Almost half of the participants of the research are younger than the retirement age (65 in most of the countries). Still, only 26% of the respondents were still active participants in the labour market. The responses were very similar in most of the countries, with an exception of the UK where 54% persons declared they were still working. The majority of respondents have had a long working career of 31-­‐45 years (45%). One fourth has worked between 16 and 30 years and slightly more enjoyed a long, 45-­‐years working life than a short –15 years only. The main findings of the research are the following:

Active lifestyle, health and financial situation The respondents presented themselves as a group of rather active persons, who do not complain too much about their health or financial situation. They would like to keep the level of activity they have currently or in some cases, to be even more active. It is not easy to draw one consistent picture of active ageing. Some of the respondents underlined the leisure aspect of activity, like participation in social and cultural events, doing sports etc. However we can see that professional activity plays a more prominent role e.g. voluntary work and political engagement.

The new technologies The new technologies help the elderly persons to keep social bonds, get information or for pure entertainment rather than to learn or for work. Perhaps for this group of persons learning and getting new skills should rather be connected to social activity, possibility to interact with others than study alone in front of the computer. This could be especially important in these groups where older


generation does not have many opportunities to meet younger people, where family bonds are not too strong and a neighbourhood is no longer associated with a group of friends or acquaintances.

The professional activity Some of the interviewed persons were still active in this field, but at the same time many indicated that the workplace was not adapted to the changing needs of elderly persons. Perhaps one of the keys to a longer career are not only measures that protect these person from unlawful dismissal but rather allowing them to change the character of their work, to slow down the pace of work and to profit from their experience, something that they could share with younger workers. The role of the state Given the fact that participation in society is very important for the wellbeing of older adults, they were asked if the government should provide stimulating measures (financial interventions for membership, infrastructure for organizations, free transport,). 83% of them agreed with the statement and just 11% did not. The national answers to this question are very interesting. The strongest support for the state role can be seen in Poland, perhaps as a legacy of dozens of years of centrally planned economy and in Italy. The largest number of respondents who were opposed to the role of the state can be found in Belgium. Certainly one of the very important aspects of active ageing is the possibility to live independently in one’s own house or a flat. Assistance at home For those who cannot cope with daily chores on their own a better solution is to adapt their house or to move to a smaller one rather than to give up their current lifestyle. Perhaps a possibility to obtain assistance in their own home would also be preferable than moving to their children’s homes or to a nursing home. From the replies we can also suppose that even in these cases where the respondents declare that the younger generation should take care of the older one, this is to a certain extent perceived as a burden, which should be taken over an institution (the state or private ones) or an expression of desire for stronger social bonds. The policy measures undertaken should therefore aim at enabling the elderly persons to live independently as long as it is possible, by providing them with assistance or to facilitate adaptation of their homes to their specific needs. 3. Services provided to the elderly people in the partner countries. Another product of the Reboot project is desk research undertaken in the partner countries with the aim to present services provided by various bodies (public bodies, local governments, NGOs) to the elderly persons in six different areas: employment, education, health, cultural and social activities, daily care and accommodation, transport. The choice of the areas was defined by the result of the needs analysis phase, carried out by a


questionnaire. Bearing in mind that there are innumerable and diverse initiatives in all the countries participating in the project in each of the areas mentioned, we have decided to base the following description on the information, forwarded by out Project Partners trusting, that the selection they make is representative for each country. Employment Older persons are not very active on the labour market. Although retirement age is around 65 year for most of the countries, our previous questionnaire had shown that only 26% of the respondents were active on the labour market. Indeed the employment rate for older workers (55-­‐64) is low in the EU compared to the general employment rate. Governments in all of the countries encourage employment among workers aged 50+ either through legislation of specific programs promoting lifelong learning, encouraging employers to invest in older workers and the workers to start their own enterprise if they have difficulties in finding a job. Recognition that many older people retire and still have skills which they can offer and use for benefit of community and themselves. Being active and avoiding social isolation can ensure we all lead longer and healthier lives. For example In Italy the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies presented the "Active aging” program, to outline a map of main interventions for workers over-­‐50 and to analyze the actions implemented or planned by the Services for work, public and private, with regards to the continuation of active life. In Poland the Government promotes the employment of 50+ workers. They have the priority to use employment offices or services to find a job, training and counselling activities. The government take also some economic measure (reimbursement for training, incentives for entrepreneurs etc.) In the UK the National Careers Service provides online career development and lifelong learning support. The Government Department of Work and Pensions introduced new services and initiatives for the older unemployed, to help and support older jobseekers to return to work. There are also initiatives directed to specific groups of workers, e.g. older women, as well as many private employment agencies and another organisations including trade unions, and voluntary organizations. Other initiatives support business creation by the over 50s through mentoring, networking and sharing good practices. Education In general adults have the opportunity to improve their education in public and private schools for adults of all types (primary school, secondary school, basic vocational school, technical school, supplementary technical school, high school, high school and post-­‐secondary school supplementary) and out of school. One of the most important forms of education for elderly persons are Third Age Universities, which exist in most of the project countries.


Currently there are almost 110 Universities of the Third Age all over Poland, which bring together 25,000 students. In UK U3A is a large national network of regional self-­‐help, self-­‐managed lifelong learning co-­‐ operatives for older people no longer in full time work. In Italy, besides a dense network of associations involved in the field, there is also a University of the Third Age. There are also ‘Universities of Third Age’ in Belgium. They are organized by several universities and university colleges. At the local level, local communities often offer specific courses for older adults (often organised by local relief centres). In all partners countries there are also specific educational activities for older people organised by public and private organisations that aim to encourage all adults to engage in learning of all kinds. Specific lifelong service programmes exist in Turkey, Poland, UK Health Health care for the elderly should cover all aspects of physical, psychological, functional and socio-­‐ economic development. There are some important differences between partners countries as to the involvement of private and public bodies as well as costs of the health care services and insurance. In Belgium health costs are being covered by the health insurance, however they do not comprise hospitalization costs, which are covered by a separate, non-­‐obligatory insurance. The health care insurance also covers a part of meditation costs and a specific arrangement called “Maximum invoice” is adopted: when the health costs of a family exceed a certain limit, additional costs do not have to be paid. In Italy the regulations also cover health services for the elderly. Elderly aged over 65 years who belong to a family with a certain annual income have the right not to pay public medical and health expenses (Law 537/1993 and subsequent amendments and supplements). The specific legislation is transferred to each region in the country. In addition to this, there is an intense activity carried out by voluntary associations that offer – free of charge or at reduced rates health services for elderly. In Polish law, several laws, including the constitution, speaks of universal access to free health services. Article 68 of the Constitution guarantees equal access to health care for all citizens of the country. It also indicates that special care should be included pregnant women, children, the disabled and the elderly. In Poland there are specific measures for elder people like, for example the Panel on gerontology (established by the Ministry of Health), which includes the best national experts in the field to prepare (in the form of the Minister of Health) changes in the area of health care for the elderly and standards of comprehensive geriatric care.


In Turkey the health services are free of charge for the financially disadvantaged 65+ people according to the national legislation. Among the institutions that provide health care to elderly people in Turkey are Family Physicians, State Hospitals, University Hospitals, Home Care Services and Community Health Centres (Geriatric Care Centre, Geriatric Policlinic, Geriatric Care Units). In the UK health care is covered by plentiful of legal acts such as one regulating functioning National Health Service (NHS) of 1947, Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970, National Framework 2007 – revised 2013.NHS and Community Care Act. -­‐ Human Rights Act providing for Fair access to Care. Concerning day-­‐to-­‐day services, the British patients enjoy primary health care or hospital care, which is covered by the health insurance. Patients do not have to pay for eye tests, and there is no charge for prescriptions, Chiropody is free for older people but there is not enough staff available so appointments tend to be few and far between. Cultural and social activities This area, usually, is not regulated by the law but in all partners countries the national or local Governments promote discounts and facilitations for the elderly in order to use some the existing facilities of social infrastructure: schools, libraries, all public institutions aimed at satisfying the needs of residents of the community. For example in Belgium at the regional level (Flanders): persons from age 55 enjoy discount on cultural activities. In Turkey since 03.09.2012 due to a decision by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism people who are at the age of 65 and over can enter public museums and historical ruins free of charge. In Poland there are days of free access to museums, use of libraries is free of charge and many cinemas, theatres, public events organisers offer discounts for seniors. In Italy a specific Decree for the promotion of cultural sites provides for free entrance to public museums or parks for people over 65. Some Municipalities enable specific free services to enhance the capacity and autonomy of the guests, like transportation, services for personal hygiene, pedicure and hairdressing and meals. In Great Britain Local Authorities provide leisure facilities such as libraries, allotments and parks. For the use of swimming pools, tennis courts, football pitches etc. 60+ get concessions. They also enjoy free entrance to museums and art galleries. Also a large number of associations, private organisations and companies organise special offers targeted to seniors, at a discount on tickets to all state museums, the creation of "senior-­‐friendly places" in cafes, restaurants, museums, and all the other cultural institutions, The majority of Belgian older adults are members of a (local) association or club. Sport associations also get involved in specific campaign for older adults. In Italy there are also many associations that promote social and recreational activities for elderly. Among them, for example, we can highlight, “Società cooperativa sociale onlus Bethlem” -­‐ http://www.bethlem.it/progetti.html .


In Turkey there are many associations that support elderly people by social activities. Two most famous of these associations are Türk Geriatri Derneği (Turkish Geriatric Association) and Alzheimer Derneği (Turkish Alzheimer Association). In most cinemas elderly people get a 30% discount, most private museums give 50% discount for elders (for ex. Pera Museum or İstanbul Museum of Modern Art) or some of them are free (for ex. Sabancı Museum in İstanbul). Accommodation and daily care The research highlighted that in all partners countries there are several measures aimed at helping older citizens to live on their own and to provide care or assistance at the same time, supported by public authorities or private associations and companies. In Belgium several authorities at different levels (regional, provincial and local level) provide extra allowances for adaptations to houses. There are also different types of accommodation for older persons such as centres for short residencies or serviced flats. It is also possible to obtain day or night care. In UK, Liverpool City Council transferred all of its housing stock to Registered Social Landlords but still have duty to provide for certain groups of people under Housing Act – also responsibility under Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act. There is Housing Strategy for Older People. Assistance in the home, respite in various forms, day care, night sitting services, care in a care home, provision of aids and equipment to help with daily living tasks and for home safety is usually available. (However with government cuts many of these services are being cut back.) Provision of home adaptations, prepared meals delivered to the home, advice and information about services and benefits, assistance in placement in various types of supported housing. Community transport, services in connection with health and social care needs, i.e. personal care, washing, dressing, prompts regarding medication. Local Authorities do not provide many of these services but act as brokers. In Italy the individual municipalities offer various social welfare services to third age people. There are nursing homes (Residenze Sanitarie Assistenziali -­‐ R.S.A.), which are retirement homes -­‐ non-­‐hospital facilities with some traces of healthcare services that offer permanent accommodation to senior citizens in need of care and assistance. R.S.A. are meant for not self-­‐sufficient people who are over 65 years old besides their services that are hotel type, assistance, health and rehabilitation services are also integrated. In Poland a large proportion of seniors own their own apartment or a house. Some of them live in an apartment or house, which is jointly owned (children, grandchildren, parents). A smaller part of the apartment there could be a tenant, accommodation facility, a rented room or house or a flat. Older


people largely independent run the household. Nursing homes in Poland are public or private, can be run by (after having received consent by the governor) local governments, the catholic church or other religious organizations, foundations and associations, other legal entities and individuals. In Turkey even if a widespread service is provided in the field of institutional care, works for improving nursing at home and new implementation examples such as adjusted housing for elderly people are beginning to be seen. Usually services are offered for those who can no longer live on their own and require assistance. In İzmir province, one centre of a governmental nursing home, rendering daily care service to elderly who are in need of care has started. There are also commitments to establish daily care centres for elderly belong to municipalities. In Italy there is a dense network of associations that work to provide day care for the elder. Among them, for example, we can highlight Fondazione Centro di Accoglienza per Anziani -­‐ Onlus. It offers the following types of services: medical and nursing assistance; social-­‐welfare services; physiotherapy, psychomotor, animation, counselling room, restaurant, religious assistance; hair dressing and pedicures. In Poland there are over 200 private nursing homes with more than 13,000 residents. The cost of staying in a private home or boarder is paid by the family. Conditions, including the fees depend on individual arrangements, the standards prevailing in the home, as well as the patient's health. The more treatments and extra-­‐curricular activities of the paying guest, increases the cost. In Turkey daily care service is not widespread but it seems to developing. A YHM centre is available with 15 members only within the body of a private institution. Private institutions announce that they can render daily care service, there are two centres trying to provide daily care service in a limited way in İstanbul and İzmir belong to Alzheimer Association Meetings are held to increase this service and studies are carried out on this subject in other cities. In Great Britain many charities provide services for the elderly. Age Concern provides domiciliary care and shopping services, residential and nursing home facilities are now predominantly in the private or charitable sector. Some intermediate care is provided in local nursing homes which are owned by private sector. Residential and nursing care is means tested. If nursing care is necessary you can receive an allowance towards the fee. If your needs are identified as severe, then the clinical commissioning group can consider an application for full cost of care, either at home or in an institute, under the continuing health care duties as laid down in The National Health Service Commissioning Board responsibilities. Transport Transport services are essential: those who cannot travel easily do not take advantage of many other services designed to increase quality of life of elderly persons.


Very often the most convenient means of transport is an own car. In many countries, like Belgium or Poland there is no age limit for a driving license and one can obtain the licence and hold it even in quite advanced age, as long as one’s physical condition allows it. In Great Britain at the age of 70 people must renew their driving licence. There are also special provisions facilitating parking in the city for disabled drivers. There are special parking places and for example in Great Britain there are no parking fees “Blue badge” holders. A good alternative for a private car is public transport, especially in big cities where traffic is intense and parking spaces scarce. In all the countries there are regulations that provide for cheaper access to public transport. The Municipalities in the partners’ countries provide special offers and discounts for people aged 65 or more. In Belgium people aged 65 or more get a discount on their train tickets and can travel free on local buses. In Italy those who turned 60 have discounts on the urban transport, that can vary according to income and age. They have also discounts and allowances for the train network and national airlines. Thus there are specific benefits for the elderly and each municipality has its own legislation. In some Municipalities the over-­‐70 can travel for free on public transportation. There are also private associations whose mission is to provide better mobility to people on a temporary or permanent basis. In Poland a pensioner can get a discount on LOT Polish Airlines for passenger flights. They offer pools of tickets at a special price, allocated for seniors. These tickets are for people who are at least 60 years of age. Discounts are granted up to 25 percent. In Poland transport services are covered by the rebates for older people, especially pensioners and the disabled. Discounts on travel by public transport are determined on the basis of the resolutions of the City Council. In Turkey due to the Legislation of Metropolitan Municipality dated 10.07.2004, services are performed in accordance with the situations of the disabled, elderly, hospices and people who have low income. According to the Municipality Legislation in three metropolitan municipalities, Ankara, İstanbul and İzmir, for those who are 60 and over 60, transport is provided by a special card, named “Age 60 Card”. Elderly people pay 10 TL (4 Euros) to get a card and pay 100 TL (40 Euros) to use all means of public transportation all year round. For normal citizens one usage of any public transportation vehicle costs 1,85 TL. (0,80 Euros). Furthermore all metropolitan municipalities have special regulated buses considering elders with low steps and wide free field for wheelchairs. On domestic train lines people who are at the age of 60 or over have a 20 % discount and could travel unlimitedly in a month by Train Tour Card at discount rates.


Legislation/National Programmes Belgium Older adults and their well being is a responsibility at the regional level. On the Flemish level (Dutch speaking) there is a Minister responsible specifically for older adults. A specific campaign, focussing on the active participation of older adults in our society and a positive image, is currently running, naming “Generation now”. There is also a Flemish Council for older adults. They have several functions: 1) advising the government, 2) informing older adults, 3) sensibiliser, 4) signalling specific needs and 5) research on the needs of older adults. Italy The Ministry of Labour and Social Policies intends, through the "Active aging" (a bill presented to the Senate presidency on 10th October 2012) program, to outline a map of main interventions for workers over-­‐50 and to analyze the actions implemented or planned by the Services for work, public and private, with regards to the continuation of active life. “Active ageing” means, in fact, the process that has as its ultimate goal to achieve optimum realization of physical, mental, social and economic potential of elderly. http://www.lavoro.gov.it/Lavoro/md/AreaLavoro/occupazione/politiche/over50.htm Elderly aged over 65 years who belong to a family with a certain annual income have the right not to pay public medical and health expenses (Law 537/1993 and subsequent amendments and supplements). The specific legislation is transferred to each region in the country. In addition to this, there is an intense activity carried out by voluntary associations that offer – free of charge or at reduced rates -­‐ health services for elderly. In Italy, at governmental and regional level, a legislation finalized to ensure active services for cultural and social activities for elderly people does not exist. A specific Decree for the promotion of cultural sites: “Decreto Ministeriale 11-­‐12-­‐1997 n. 507 Regolamento recante norme per l'istituzione del biglietto d'ingresso ai monumenti, musei, gallerie, scavi di antichità, parchi e giardini monumentali dello Stato. Pubblicato nella Gazz. Uff. 12 febbraio 1998, n. 35” exists for entrance fees in public museums or parks where people over 65 do not pay their ticket. Some municipalities located on the national territory, in line with their own reference standards, promote specific activities in the field. There are “Day care centres for elderly” (reference legislation is regulated by the individual municipalities) structures that offer various social welfare services to third age people. They are


intended to be a meeting point, for aggregation and are a useful tool for social integration and serenity. The centres for elder people started in the seventies as places for socialization and meeting with other people. They started because there was a growing demand on behalf of the retired and elder, that with the initiation of the municipalities managed to set up a structure that can keep them company and can engage their time. Another service that municipalities offer is to provide information, activate services and guide the elder towards a service that responds to its needs. In addition, there is an intense activity carried out by voluntary associations that offer care services to the elder free of charge or facilitated rates. The nursing homes (Residenze Sanitarie Assistenziali -­‐ R.S.A.) are retirement homes and are non-­‐ hospital facilities, however with healthcare characteristics that offer permanent acceptance to senior citizens in need of care and assistance (Guidelines schemes for residential care for the elderly -­‐ published by the Ministry of Health on May 31, 1991, subsequent laws, amendments and supplements). R.S.A. are meant for non self-­‐sufficient people whom are over 65 years old. Besides their services that are like a hotel, assistance, health and rehabilitation services are integrated into the provision. For those who have turned 60, the urban transport plan provides, in many municipalities, badges that allow older people to take advantage of special offers and discounts, that can vary according to income and age. Thus there are specific benefits for the elderly and each municipality has its own legislation. The national airline offers a reduced Senior fare to all people over age 65. A 30% discount is applied on domestic flights, while cost reduction varies for international flights depending on the final destination. Discounts and allowances, are offered by Trenitalia (National Railway Company) in favour of elderly over 60. In Italy there is no specific legislation at both central and decentralized level for the education of the elder people. Poland In Poland, a wide range of activities for older people at the central, regional and local level is undertaken, taking into account the important role of non-­‐governmental organizations. These tasks are carried out in terms of the labour market, the tax system, education system, infrastructure solutions, as well as the activities of the State in the field of tourism, culture, sports and volunteering. However, the older generation is poorly represented in representative bodies -­‐ the Sejm, the Senate and local government at all levels. There are some examples of legislation’s solutions dedicated to older people: -­‐ The National Health Fund (NHF) is the only institution in the Polish health care system, which is responsible for funding health services and reimbursement of medicines; there are some preventive


programs dedicated to elderly; for example: the National Programme for Prevention and Treatment of Diseases, Cardiovascular – POLKARD; -­‐ the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy reduced labour costs for employees of older workers and flat rate of income tax rate for people over 60 years of age; -­‐ the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy has taken a number of actions to promote the idea of volunteering between generations, specially older people; -­‐ the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage is implementing a number of projects in support of social activity, for example a program called "50 + New Age Culture". Turkey The legislation related to the elderly people in Turkey gets its roots from The Constitution of The Republic of Turkey. The Constitution states that actions for the benefit of the children, elderly people and disabled people do not have to comply with the equality principle.(Positive discrimination for the disadvantaged groups) (Law No:10/2) The Regulation of Occupational Health and Safety, clause: 15 says that “Women, children, disabled people, elderly people and other people in risk groups are protected against dangers that particularly affect them. Social Security Institution Law (2006) (Law No:5510), The Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Law (2006-­‐2008) (Law No: 5489), Pension Fund for Poor, Needy, Disabled and Elderly Citizens Above 65 Years of Age Law (1976) (Law No:2022) guarantee a free health service for the financially disadvantaged 65+ people. The Ministry of Health prepared a “National Plan of Action” on services for ageing and health care for the elderly in 2011 to povide improved health services for the elderly. They also developed “Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines for Elderly People” within the scope of implementing the family practitioner scheme. In addition, trainers’ guidelines for geriatric health have been prepared for trainers to be assigned to public training programmes. In Turkey since 03.09.2012 due to decision of Ministry of Culture and Tourism people who are at the age of 65 and over can enter public museums and historical ruins free of charge. (http://dosim.kulturturizm.gov.tr/TR/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?F6E10F8892433CFFAAF6AA849816B2E F073F52E6932F1252) The regulations regarding Daily Care that will be provided on Elderly Service Centres and Home Care Services were entered into force on official gazette issued 07.08.2008/26960. Purpose of this regulation is to determine the standards of daily care and home care services for elderly people who do not prefer nursing home care and determining the procedures and principles regarding units and personnel . Article 61 of 1982 constitutional law introduces the provision of prioritizing the elderly people in need of protection, nursing, help and rehabilitation. The regulation of Nursing Homes and Elderly Care and Rehabilitation Centres (21.02.2001/24325) regulates the work of nursing homes and how the elderly people in need should be accommodated. The Legislation of Metropolitan Municipalities dated 10.07.2004, urban services are performed in accordance with the situations of the disabled, elderly, hospices and people who have low income. United Kingdom


As life expectancies in the UK increase, people will face lengthy periods of retirement with proportionally less pension provision, unless they stay economically active for longer. Recent UK-­‐wide legislation ensures employers cannot dismiss older workers on grounds of age and aims to encourage workers to remain in the labour market. There may be health and social benefits associated with staying active through work, provided that working conditions are not in themselves a cause of ill health. Older people who wish to remain in employment often face practical, cultural, organisational and psychological barriers to finding and staying in work. Policies to extend working lives will require changes to working practices, job design and cultural attitudes if they are to succeed.


Project Partners and Local network The partnership consists in 6 partners from Belgium, Italy, Poland Turkey and UK. The partner institutions come from different sectors. They are education institutions, universities, VET centres and public authorities. The partner institutions come from across Europe. Their countries are different in economical growth and in culture. They have joined EU in different periods of time. Because of that they can offer a wide range of experiences and situations related to the elderly people. All the partners promote and deliver various aspects of adult education and training at local/national and European level. They are all acutely aware of the ageing population, economic, social and cultural challenges facing them today. European cooperation is seen as an essential way of improving each partner’s understanding and expertise concerning these issues. Each partner is committed to their target groups, which come from various level of society. It is the intention of all the partners who have substantial experience in working with elderly workers and retired persons in different European cultures and backgrounds. It is very appropriate for all the partners to carry out the tasks and activities proposed in this project and provide benefits from the findings to the European communities and individuals. The partnership aims to address the needs of older people and those who have left education without basic qualifications, in order to give them alternative opportunities to access adult education and increase their active participation in lifelong training. The partners will share ideas, good practices and challenges concerning course planning, course content and implementation, and thus improve their pedagogical approaches and promote and transfer innovative practices for teaching and training about active ageing. The Reboot Project partners are: Turkey Narlıdere District Governorate is the coordinator of the project. It is the highest public authority in Narlıdere, which has a population of 64000. Narlıdere is most preferred by the elderly to live in due to its location which is close enough to the İzmir city centre to access all the facilities that a big city can present and far enough to live a peaceful and quiet life in modern apartment blocks surrounded by thick pine forests and the bay of İzmir. Narlıdere houses 18 public schools, a Life Long Education Centre, and the biggest and the most modern Resting and Nursing Home in Turkey with over 1000 “Retired But Not Tired” elderly people. Belgium Thomas More Kempen formed an association with the Catholic University of Leuven, 11 other University college. Together, its partners have more than 70 000 students in 23 cities across Flanders.


There are 4 campuses in the Kempen area, Geel, Turnhout, Lier and Vorselaar with 9 departments and 7400 students. The Bachelor after bachelor in the elderly coaching programme includes: an appreciative approach of elderly, the elderly as a person, a sociological view of elderly and an historical and international approach. Three major options are: participation, rights and autonomy Other research about elderly that is undertaken covers, Vonk3: Flemish research and knowledge centre of the third age with the main themes of, empowerment, social inclusion, technology and education Italy Training 2000 is a VET (Vocational Education and Training) centre, certified in the Marche Region-­‐Italy, with experience in vocational training and continuous education with emphasis on socially and economically disadvantaged groups. Since 1994, Training 2000 has been involved in research and development of new tools and methodologies in education and distance learning as well as pedagogical aspects of teaching and learning in adult education. This Institute has participated in several international projects with partners from all European countries in areas related to the environment, teacher training, e-­‐learning/blended learning, Life Long Learning and continuous education for adults and differently able people. Poland University of Business and Administration named by Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski in Gdynia was established by the decision of Minister of National Education no.DNS 3-­‐0145/TBM/1 0/4 from 15th,June,1994 on the basis of a bill on higher education issued on 12th,September,1990. The school was registered as a non-­‐public school of higher education with the number 38. Thousands of students have graduated from our University. Many of them are returning to the school to study for Master degree or to do post-­‐graduate studies. At the moment they educate students from Poland and other UE and Non-­‐EU countries at 8 faculties (at first and second degree courses as well as at 5-­‐year Master courses), we also offer 20 different post-­‐graduate courses and numerous training and language courses. Apart from typical academic and educational activities they organize regional, national and international conferences. They invite, visiting lecturers and professors, top celebrities of education, business, politics and culture to give lectures. United Kingdom Pacificstream Information C.I.C. (a Community Interest Company) is a social enterprise based in Liverpool. Pacificstream is committed to regional development, supporting regeneration projects and assisting with the development of sustainable social enterprises on Merseyside and the NW by: Promoting the creative and digital content industries in the NW, with a particular focus on technological development and business support.


Facilitating access to a range of European and UK-­‐based research and development projects by members of both the business and education sectors. They have particular interest in the development of enterprise projects for marginalized groups, regional regeneration and sustainability through the use of new technologies for enterprises and organisations. Pacificstream has expertise in the use of social networks, emerging web technologies and on-­‐line support as effective tools for groups and organisations. Pacificstream works closely with the local and regional authorities and universities in the city of Liverpool. Pacificstream is based in a deprived area of the city and works with the ethnic and support communities.

Local networks Belgium Thomas More Kempen has a large local network on the topic of older adults and active ageing. The research centre involved has an advisory board consisting of representatives of local and federal organizations working with and for older adults. They meet 5 times a year to discuss current projects and research results. In addition, Thomas More Kempen organizes the University of the Third Age for older adults. During each year 25 lectures are being held on several topics. Hundreds of older adults from the region attend these lectures. Italy The local network is composed of different organizations (residential centres for elderly people, associations of SMEs, associations of elderly, private training providers, public schools, VET training centres and public educational authorities). In particular four actors were directly involved in the project: CNA Pesaro e Urbino, Centro Residenziale Anziani Santa Colomba, Residenza protetta Casa Aura and CNA Pensionati. The CNA is a SMEs association with the role to connect the Reboot activities with companies and labour market. Within the association the “CNA Pensionati” deals with activities and initiatives specifically oriented to the elderly. The “Centro residenziale Anziani Santa Colomba” and “Residenza protetta Casa Aura” are residential centres for elderly people that organize different activities and services for elderly. The organisations locally involved in the project are a very efficient network both in terms of competencies and experience. The network will be very useful in leading the piloting, dissemination and sustainability of the Reboot project. Poland The Reboot project is achieved by Academy for Every Generation which started its activity within the University of Business and Administration in Gdynia during the academic year 2011/2012. This offer is addressed to people who are in „40+” age, who wants to educate themselves, extend their knowledge and develop their interests irrespective of their education, specially it is focused on elderly people.


Academy for Every Generation provide very close cooperation with many institutions: -­‐ City Hall in Gdynia, -­‐ non-­‐governmental organizations, -­‐ other Third Age Universities, -­‐ private companies. During last academic year Academy for Every Generation organized lectures from various fields of science and meetings with experts. The Academy invited people, who can help solve the problems experienced by older people in their daily life. The experts answered every questions and tried to find the best solution. The Academy hosted lawyers specialized in inheritance law, cardiologists and dieticians, foundation support the fight against breast cancer or nuclear experts. All the activities above were non-­‐ profit and pro-­‐social actions. All the Reboot project research and reports are achieved with close cooperation with senior – students from Academy for Every Generation. Turkey Narlıdere District Governorate is the highest public authority in Narlıdere and it regulates all the public services in the town. The local network of the governorate can be listed as follows: The Province Director of the Ministry of Family and Social Policies is one of the local learners of Reboot. He holds a key role to disseminate the outcomes of Reboot throughout the institutions and organisations under the management of the directorate throughout the city of İzmir. Narlıdere hosts the biggest nursing home for the elderly with a capacity of 1060 beds. This nursing home is one of its kind in Turkey and piloting of new care models are implemented here. The staff is open to innovations and eager to learn. Two of the assistant directors and one of the social service staff are the local learners of Reboot and they disseminate the project through their workmates. Narlıdere Health Office is another network in Reboot. The office is responsible for all the health issues of the citizens of Narlıdere. One of the specialist doctors of the office is a Reboot learner and he disseminates the project not only in Narlıdere but also in İzmir Health Office as he also works there. Narlıdere also hosts the biggest thermal physical treatment centre with a staff of 75 doctors, nurses, physicians, etc. The head doctor of the centre is one of the Reboot learners. He disseminates the outcomes of the project in this thermal treatment centre that gives health service to patients both Turkish and Norwegian. United Kingdom UK governments claim to hold volunteering in high esteem. Over recent years, governments have introduced a range of programmes and initiatives aimed at encouraging more people to volunteer at a local level, particularly those groups and communities that have been underrepresented, such as people from black and minority ethnic (BME) communities and older people. Better Government for Older People (BGOP) started in 1998 and is now a UK-­‐wide networking partnership of voluntary groups, local authorities and central government that allows older people as citizens to engage in decision making and in the development of strategies and services for an ageing population. Locally there have been many initiatives, for example independent groups that meet regularly to feed in the older person’s perspective to local councils and to promotes lifelong learning. 21

Good practices Belgium OCMW Arendonk (public service) in cooperation with Thomas More University College Geel, Vormingplus Kempen ( support organisation), the Senior Council and the Red Cross Flanders. GENERATIONS FOR EACH OTHER September 2012 – December 2012 +June 2013 (first presentation of results) and ongoing follow-­‐up project. The project use students of the Thomas More University College to research loneliness among older people in Arendonk and what they are looking for in life. At at study day results were shared and the continuation of the project was presented: this autumn the project will try and raise social participation among olders, involving other generations.

Research showed that involvement in social life (collective activities, clubs,…) is quite low in Arendonk. People experience social loneliness, as well as emotional loneliness. They more explicitly mention the social loneliness. They often feel lonely in winter or when the weather is bad, summer is a time to look forward to. Health is the main factor to miss out on social contact, which has an influence on the people’s mobility. Taking a step to find new contacts is another difficulty. Most times they don’t want to go to certain activities because there are too many people involved. Most older people say that they feel the need to have a good conversation, a talk with the neighbours, someone to go out with. Very important is to have “a click” with someone else and activities should consider their health. This project wants to support good practices to meet these demands in a sustainable sense: Connecting people in the neighbourhood, community: mapping the supply and demand and then match through a “neighbourhood-­‐ desk” or something similar.

Achievements The typical stereotype of loneliness was broken and older people felt very involved in this project, being able to give their point of view. Different generations got in contact with each other learning what intergenerational solidarity can mean for them. tools The Thomas More University College provided a social researcher and students to do the research. Vormingplus Kempen and OCMW Arendonk provided the possibility to organise a study day for all interested people. Connecting people in the neighbourhood, community: mapping the supply and demand and then match through a “neighbourhood-­‐ desk” or something similar. Contacts www.generatiesvoorelkaar.be


Belgium Bpost (the Belgium postal service) and Thomas More University College GROCERIES AND MEDICATION @ HOME May 2012 – December 2012 (first part), September 2013 – Ongoing (second part) Bpost, the national postal service in Belgium, launched a new service in 2012 called “bpost on demand” which had the mailman deliver groceries and other orders at home. The target group are people with restricted mobility which in reality means a lot of older people. The service was tested in Turnhout, a local area in Flanders. 20 local dealers provided food, readymade meals, home care equipment, a laundry service,…. Participants were able to place their orders on paper, by phone, at the local dealer or online, deliveries were done 3 times a week on moments suitable for the buyer. Other services included picking up empties, home care equipment and library books. Research showed that there was a need to expand this towards medication. This will be tested in the coming period. Achievements The intention is to support older people and others with mobility problems in order for Older people and others with mobility them to be able to remain living in their problems were able to remain more trusted home. A research team investigated autonomous and independent. They were very whether these goals were met. They conclude satisfied with the service. that the quality of the service is high and that the majority of the participants felt it gave a Number of participants surplus value to their autonomy and independence. Bpost has now taken initiative 90 (first part), to be decided in second part to do expand this for medication. A new research will evaluate this new service. Tools Additional tools will be developed in order to compensate for the reduced contact between The Thomas More University College with a patient and pharmacist, like video phoning, the social researcher. ability to ask questions from distance, Bpost delivery service. exchange of medication schedules. Local shops and services; Pharmacists Contacts https://www.bpostopafspraak.be/


Belgium Farion (developers) – Thomas More University College – Welzijnszorg Kempen (organisation of public services) – Wit-­‐Gele Kruis Antwerpen (home nursing) – Flanders’ Care ZORGSLOT September 2012 – September 2013 “Zorgslot” can be translated as “Carelock”. It’s an electronic lock which can easily be installed into most doors. Most people prefer to grow old where they live now and some of them receive care at home in order to achieve this. The lock provides a way for nurses to enter the home of their clients when needed with special attention towards safety. Research shows that is lock is a very good solution and that people feel safer. People find solutions in hiding keys around the house, leaving the door open or giving a key to the care provider. These however are not safe solutions. With the door open people with bad intensions can easily enter and a hidden key is often quickly found. Giving a key to the nurse is no better, as the key can’t be labelled and therefore it’s difficult for the nurse to find the right one. They often do their work carrying a lot of keys, not to mention the problems when different nurses come to the home and they have to exchange those keys. In addition, when a key is lost, the lock on the door has to be replaced in order to stay safe. With the “Carelock” every nurse just has one badge (instead of a key). That badge contains the codes to enter the homes of people with a “Carelock” where they are allowed. They don’t have to swap keys anymore and if a badge gets lost, it’s code is simply taken out of the system and no one with bad intentions can do anything with it. To help the older person or someone with a mobility problem feel safe, the lock remembers who enters the house, so that at any time people can ask for a list of all the people that visited and at which date and time. The older people get a badge for themselves, as well as anyone they feel that needs to have one, like their family and informal care takers

or neighbours. A social researcher took questionnaires from all participants before and after using the lock. Achievements The results show that older people feel quite safe already but still the “Carelock” increases their safety feelings significantly. All participants where very satisfied with the lock. The nurses who provided care to these people were also questioned. They think it is a great solution and state that they would wish that every patient has one. In this way people can remain longer in their trusted home. Number of participants 50 Tools The Thomas More University College with a social researcher. Wit-­‐Gele Kruis and other organisations who give home care provided the participants. Farion developed the lock and gave the technical support. Contacts


http://www.flanderscare.be/nl/showcases/de Italy


Centro residenziale anziani Santa Colomba, Residenza protetta Casa Aura (Residential Centre for Elder People ) SHOPPING AND BREAKFAST AT IPER ROSSINI Ongoing The activity foresees bringing the guests to the shopping centre in order to stimulate and maintain certain functional independence. cases finalized to buy products that will subsequently be used to carry out (in the premises) a cooking laboratory. The goals related to the shopping activity are several: foster interpersonal relationships, stimulate self-­‐esteem through the development of specific competences, keep active the cognitive sphere related to numbers and to the ability of using money, encourage decision making autonomy. Achievements This activity is carried out each week and it is lead by the animator of the facility, with the aid of voluntary workers and relatives taking turns. All the guests, with a degree of slight or moderate deterioration are involved, which have expressed the desire of taking part in this activity. The day before the activity the guests involved are informed about it so that each one of them can make a list of the products they intend to buy. The day starts at about 9:00 leaving with the bus, it includes eating breakfast at the bar and shopping once they have reached destination. The guest can autonomously choose what he/she wants to buy, comparing the costs and the various brands. Those who can, go to the check-­‐out counter to pay, others are helped by the operator. The grocery shopping is in some

the activity described above has produced good results since it awakened motivation and interest which were part of the guest’s life during the period before entering the care home. some of the people involved for long time in this activity, can even today shop autonomously and make simple decisions without relying on the help of others. Number of participants Group is composed of 8 people. Tools/resources Means of transportation (mini van), animator, social carers, volunteers and relatives.


For more information

email: m.vagnini@comune.pesaro.pu.it Animator: Santi Mercede

Dr. Marina Vagnini

Italy Centro Residenziale Anziani Santa Colomba Residenza protetta Casa Aura READING THE NEWSPAPER AND REMEMBERING Ongoing Weekly reading of newspaper and remembering for guests with a slight or moderate cognitive impairment Achievements The guests are involved every week in the activity of reading the newspaper and Elders involved in this activity have, in time, remembering, lead by a psychologist. the reacquired certain functional independence; session always starts with a brief presentation some for example choose to read the of each one, then the leader recalls the date newspaper individually when they want, just and place where they are. the participants can like it was when they lived at home. the choose the type of articles they would like to activity of reading the newspaper and read, starting from the national or local remembering has furthermore facilitated the section. after the reading time, group access to some personal memories, which have discussion takes place; the critical sense of thus found a new way of expression through each participant is stimulated through the group sharing, in a cozy and non judgmental collection of personal opinions and environment. impressions. starting from the contents emerged, the leader asks questions to the Number of participants participants finalized to re-­‐activate various aspects from long term memories; there are 10 several references made to personal history (autobiographical memory) and to events Tools/resources which are more or less relevant to their personal life (episodic memory). This activity Newspapers aims at awakening the interest of the elder towards reality, towards what is happening, Contacts introducing a temporary dimension which Dr. Marina Vagnini includes both the present and the future , Email: m.vagnini@comune.pesaro.pu.it where often time dimension is no longer Psychologist: Antonella Ianneo decisive and meaningful. 26

Italy – United Kingdom Regional health department -­‐ Marche (Italy) AGES 2.0 November 2012 – November 2014 Promote and guide the participation and inclusion of elders through the use of social media. The goal of the project is to define how new dedicated to phase 1: preparation and start of technologies, and mainly Internet and social the project, improving the complete training networks, can promote social inclusion and package (Easy PC) for elders; training the staff communication of elders, and to evaluate the that will assist the supply of the social effects on their health and well-­‐being. AGES experimentation. Phase two is (months 5-­‐20) 2.0 is an experimental research which aims at to supply training Easy PC for elders that testing the efficiency of the methodology “Easy receive residential and home care assistance, PC”, developed by a research group of the while in parallel an evaluation with a group of University of Exeter (United kingdom). “Easy the same size and type is carried. In the last PC” consists in a training program on the use of four months (phase 3), the data collected Internet and social network, moulded, in this during the study are analyzed in order to project, on two distinct groups of elders in the answer to the key questions and to the two countries involved in the research -­‐ Italy predictions of our research. Monitoring and (Marche Region)and United Kingdom. The evaluation of the activities and the results users are followed and trained by specialized concerning the research are carried out with social carers, and are monitored for the the support of stakeholders involved in the progress that took place concerning social project (phase 4 – months 1-­‐24). relationship, basic computer skills and health. Achievements One group is composed of elders that live in nursing homes, and another is composed of The results of the project will be subject to an elders that live in their own house. Totally assessment on transferability and feasibility there will be 240 elders involved (120 in Italy and real costs for training. AGES will be able to and 120 in United Kingdom). The project is supply stakeholders with relevant tools to articulated in five steps, which include the strengthen their ability to give services that development of the project, supplying the promote social integration and higher levels of social experimentation, data analysis, the health and wellness among older adults in a general evaluation of the project and its local, national and European environment. dissemination. The first four months are 27

Number of participants

120 pcs with EASYpc – 120 digital cameras – 120 INTERNET keys

240 elders in total – Elders involved in old age homes Santa Colomba and Casa Aura n.4 Tools/resources

Contacts Lucia Difuria: Regional Health Office – Marche Region e-­‐mail: lucia.difuria@regione.marche.it Dr.ssa Marina Vagnini: c.r.a. s. Colomba, e-­‐mail: m.vagnini@comune.pesaro.pu.it


Italy Centro Residenziale Anziani Santa Colomba -­‐ Residenza Protetta Casa Aura Short visits in the city Ongoing The short visits to the city involve people with independent functionalities discreetly preserved which have expressed the desire of visiting certain places which are particularly dear to them. of the places, landscapes, people. the goals of this activity are: to foster space-­‐time orientation, stimulate autobiography memories, semantic and episodic, Foster socialization, keep alive the sense of belonging to their own environment. Achievements The participants show enthusiasm towards what is suggested during the visits. all this has a positive effect on humour, it awakes motivation, containing and reducing isolation risks and the loss of interest for reality. Number of participants

This activity is carried out all year, every two weeks and is lead by the animator of the premises in cooperation with volunteers and relatives. The places indicated by the guests often belong to the history of each one of them: the school they attended, bar or tavern where they met after work, the square of their own neighbourhood, the parish, the cinema. The animator visits the places beforehand to see if there are physical barriers and even to make arrangements with restaurants, if the program includes for example lunch. During the excursion the guest will observe the change of the territory and almost always they notice innovations and the elements which have remained unchanged in time. On the bus they talk about elements from their memories

8 Tools/resources Mini van, volunteers, relatives Contact Dr. Marina Vagnini – m.vagnini@comune.pesaro.pu.it Animatrice: Santi Mercede


Poland Economic foundation in Gdynia, co-­‐financed from the funds received from the ministry of labour and social policy WINDOW ON THE WORLD II August 2011 -­‐ May 2012 Primary objective is to mobilize 60 people over 60 years of age by enabling them to participate in a series of workshops: interpersonal, computer and the Internet. The project involves the cooperation of volunteers whose mission is to teach older For the volunteers was scheduled two days of people the basics skills of navigate the training "How to teach a group?" about Internet, use web browsers, e-­‐mail, the use of individual skills under the supervision of portals, installation and use of instant practicing coaches. messaging, use the shops and online pharmacies, safe traffic on the network. Volunteers taking part in the project received Achievements. diplomas, references and acknowledgments, That project was a big opportunity for coaching manuals and additional gifts. The intergenerational solidarity provided to the Foundation also provided them with health seniors. insurance, meals during the workshop and travel expenses for non-­‐Gdynia. Number of participants Contacts 60 http://fungo.com.pl/projekty/projekty-­‐ Tools zakonczone.html In 2012 the organizers invited to the cooperation about 12 young people (pupils, students, graduates).


Poland Municipal Centre of Social Service in Tczew TIME BANK -­‐ BANK OF KINDNESS 2007 – ongoing The aim of the project was to active a group of elderly and disabled people to more independent participation in society through a network of social support. Time Bank participant can give and take music therapy). support tailored to individual abilities / needs Achievements in the catalogue of services , each hour of work is of equal value . The main idea of Time Bank is that the elderly The Bank can share with others your free time and the disabled, previously isolated and and skills . undervalued, now encourage others that they The services are developing various forms of should go out and spend time working activity of people with disabilities and the together, learning entertainment. elderly: the assistance in the daily living (household The value of Time Bank activities is also unique works including repair, baking cakes, cooking, capital like kindness . visits at home, work in the garden, help in organizing family events, walking, ironing, help Number of participants in performing official acts) acting on behalf of the community 160 (information point about tourism in the city or revitalization , research and social diagnoses, Tools duty at the phone called “Bankowicz”, creating thematic support groups) The groups organize regular integration development activities of the knowledge and meetings (1 x 2 weeks ). practical skills (participation in training in the field of computer with internet access, use Contacts Skype, workshops about healthy lifestyle, http://www.mops.tczew.pl/ methods to create the image, in preparation http://www.bankczasu.mops.tczew.pl/index.ht for public speaking, recreational activities, ml


Poland Senior activity centre in Gdynia CLUB "SENIOR WITH THE IDEA" 2005 – ongoing Seniors in Gdynia have many new ideas for spending free time. They not only want to use the ready-­‐ made offers, but they want to create new activities. They need to demonstrate their abilities, interests and experiences. Achievements In Gdynia the best known institution focused on older people is Senior Activity Centre (almost 2500 members). That unit is subordinated to City Hall of Gdynia and financed by city budget. Currently SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER carries out the tasks of 42 partners. These are non-­‐ governmental organizations, schools, universities, recreational, cultural or health centres. SAC activity is based on understanding the needs of the elderly, the flexibility and openness to innovative initiatives to reinforce their activities and to build a common system of support for seniors based on a strong network of local partnerships.

SAC project initiated by seniors CLUB "Senior with an idea” is very popular among creative seniors, full of enthusiasm for organizing thematic meetings. Topics are selected from proposals gathered by the seniors. For now seniors have completed 16 topics. All were interesting and unique in its expression. Below are some of them: • "I can tell jokes" • "My ideas for the Easter table decoration" • "Unusual trophies of my trip" • "The book that had an impact on my life" • "Unusual childhood" • "Antiquities in my house" • "Wedding photos" • "The Adventure of my life"

Number of participants


20 Tools

The thematic meetings, which are held once a month. Meetings are opened, anyone interested in a particular subject can take an active part. Contacts http://www.cas.gdynia.pl/


Turkey Narlidere Nursing Home for the Elderly (NNHFE) Turkish German Culture and Education Foundation High School – (TAKEV) Narlidere Life Long Learning Centre (NLLLC) TEACHING ME TEACHING YOU October 2012 -­‐ January 2013 Students aged 14-­‐18 from TAKEV assisted the seniors in learning how to use computers and the Internet. A team from the participant organizations individual achievement basis. All the seniors came together to plan the activities. Then the learned the basics of computer use and how to students were given a course on use SKYPE. More than half had the self-­‐trust to communication with the seniors including use the MHRS website. 6 seniors enjoyed what to talk, how to talk, how to behave and working with MS Word. 3 seniors started what not to talk and how not to behave. They planning their budget on MS Excel. 10 seniors were also lectured about the risks of learning started using their email accounts. or asking for the credit card numbers or the Achievements bank account numbers and any pin codes. After that the seniors were determined by the The seniors learned the basics of computer social planner and they were given information using. The use of social media applications on what is to expect from the course by the IT encouraged them to be internet-­‐friendly. Some teacher. They were also informed about the had the chance to talk online with their involvement of the students in the learning grandchildren and children who live in process. They were also warned about the risks different cities of Turkey and abroad. That also of giving personal information such as the bank served as a means to at least see their family account numbers, credit card numbers and pin members through the Internet. The seniors codes to the students. also had the chance to talk and spend some The courses were held 2 hours for 15 weeks on time with children aged 14-­‐18 that helped Thursday afternoons. The course contents communication between different generations. were mainly the basics of computer using, MS The students completed their Social Word and MS Excel basics and Internet Responsibility tasks assisting seniors in using Explorer. The course also included the use of the Internet which the children of that age are Google, SKYPE and Facebook. How to get an addicted to using. That means they also appointment on The Central Hospital enjoyed it. The students also had to chance to Appointment System (MHRS) website How to listen to seniors and learn from their life send emails were also practiced in the course. experience. The IT teacher led the course and the students assisted the seniors one-­‐to-­‐one. Number of participants The achievements of each senior was evaluated one by one by the IT teacher on 34

16 students aged 14-­‐18 from TAKEV 16 seniors aged 65-­‐80 living in NNHFE 1 Guidance Counsellor from TAKEV 1 Teacher of Information Technologies from NLLLC 1 Social Planner from NNHFE Tools

connection. The room had also a projector that is connected to the main computer used by the teacher. Contacts Yasemin Seymenoglu email: yaseminseymenoglu@gmail.com http://www.narliderehuzurevi.gov.tr/index.ph p#&panel1-­‐1

An IT classroom was prepared by the NNHFE with 17 computers all with Internet


Turkey Municipality of Balçova (bb) 9th September University Faculty of Medicine (DEUTF) THE HEART OF BALÇOVA (BAK) May 2007 -­‐ ongoing (10 years) BAK aims to use proactive methods in preventing cardiovascular diseases among the citizens of Balçova Actions to raise awareness were also held. Promoting physical exercise and facilitating to access easy and free physical exercise, healthy diets were also encouraged by the project. Achievements

A protocol between the participant organizations was signed. After that, a team from the participant organizations came together to plan the activities. The BAK Coordination Centre was opened and a medical doctor from DEUTF was assigned as the coordinator of the centre. The next activity was to determine cardiovascular disease risks (CDR) of 36187 people aged 30+ living in the district of Balçova. CDR was measured via a software with the inputs; smoking habits, nutrition, physical activities, blood glucose levels, blood pressure, weight, height and the belly circumference. . All the data obtained from the target group was saved to a software and analyzed. After that the target group was divided into different CDR level groups. Different action plans for different CDR level groups are designed. These included directing the CDR high target group to medical centres, individual counselling for CDR medium groups.

30 % of the initial smokers stopped smoking by the end of the first year of the project. 22 % of the target group are attending morning physical exercise sessions organized by the municipality. The CDR levels of the target group has lowered due to stopping smoking and doing physical exercise and getting health service. The project is still going on. Number of participants 36187 people aged 30+ in Balçova, İzmir 19 community leaders in Balçova


3 doctors from DEUTF 5 nurses from DEUTF

measurements blood glucose level and blood lipids level measuring were done. Framingham CDR Equity scale was used to determine CDR. Training on raising awareness on cardiovascular diseases were organized. Questionnaires were prepared and given to the target group to help determine their CDR levels. The project has been disseminated through the local media, posters, and the website of BB and DEUTF. Contacts


http://web.deu.edu.tr/halksagligi/index.php?SI D=Proje&ID=14&FID= http://www.balcova.bel.tr/Pages/ProjelerDeta y.aspx?ProjeID=22&ProjeTip=1

Medical tests such as blood pressure measuring, weight, length, belly circumference, hip circumference


Turkey Ministry of Family and Social Policies (MOFASP) ASSISTED LIVING AREAS (ALA) January 2013 -­‐ Ongoing ALA aims to assist seniors to live in adjusted and assisted flats in the social inclusion context. encouraged to socialize with their neighbours by the help of social service staff. Achievements

MoFaSP has started ALA project as a pilot implementation to diversify the both the quality and the quantity of services provided to the seniors. ALAs emerged from the need to have alternative to institutional care models. The seniors have all individual differences that lowers the satisfaction level from the services provided in institutional care models. The ALA apartment flat is accepted as an annex of a Nursing Home nearby. First, The ALA apartment flat is rented within the reach area of a Nursing Home. Then the apartment flat is adjusted according to the needs of the seniors. The seniors that will be housed in assisted and adjusted apartment flats are determined by the social service department and the health department of the Nursing Home. After that the seniors start living in ALA apartment flats. Each senior has its own room and share the living room and the kitchen. They are


The ALA project is a very new one. So far there are some feedbacks from the seniors living in ALA flats. They say that ALA flats are more like homes compared with the nursing homes and they are happy to live in these flats. Number of participants By October 2013, there are 29 ALa apartment flats that house 73 female and 45 male seniors with a total number of 118. Tools

The key tool in ALA project is social inclusion. Although the seniors who live in Residential and Nursing Homes are mostly satisfied with the services provided, they still feel they are in a boarding school or a hotel environment. Their demand is to live within the social context and included in social life with more social responsibilities and roles.

Contacts Mr. Zafer YILDIRIM, Director of Family and Social Policies, İzmir http://www.eyh.gov.tr/tr/22777/Ankara-­‐da-­‐ Ikinci-­‐Yasli-­‐Yasam-­‐Evi-­‐Hizmete-­‐Basladi


United Kingdom Sefton Carers Centre SEFTON CARERS VOLUNTEERS July 2008 -­‐ ongoing The mission statement for the organisation is: Based upon an analysis of our external operating environment, consultation with stakeholders, our internal review, local demographic changes, and performance information, we have concluded that the following six strategic priorities are the most appropriate for the period 2013 – 18. 5 Develop collaborative partnerships with health & social care organisations that will benefit Carers 6 Identify and support the most vulnerable hidden Carers

Christmas thank you celebration with volunteers

Centre focused 1 Reduce the Centre’s financial dependency upon Sefton Council and our local NHS by raising income from other sources. 2 Continuously improve the Centre’s management and service performance. 3 Prepare the Centre for a future in which all Carer’s services are commissioned by competitive tender Carer Focused 4 Increase the influence that Carers have over the services that affect their lives and those they care for

Definition of a carer is: What do we mean when we say ‘carer’? Carers singing in the choir at the annual review

A carer is a person who is unpaid and looks after or supports someone else who needs help with their day-­‐to-­‐day life, because of: • their age • a long-­‐term illness • disability • mental health problems • substance misuse


Volunteers are an integral part of the organization. Volunteers have to go through an interview process. They are successful on the support of 2 references. They are given an induction and are provided with a role Volunteers support the activities and services offered at the centre. We offer : • Art • Craft • Coffee Mornings • IT • Filing • Singing • Drama • Listening Ear • Counselling • Day trips We offer our services to help prevent carer break down and to provide a safe and supportive environment for carers to attend. There are many services that have been discontinued due to cuts, by using volunteers we have been able to increase the support we offer. Achievements

description and a volunteer handbook. The organisation offers support through supervision and yearly reviews. We are currently working towards our Investors in Volunteers quality mark. Providing training opportunities Over the past 3 years volunteers have given 15873 worth of hours. Using a basic wage figure of £6.19 per hour this amounts to £ 98253 or €116882 Number of participants

Volunteers finding employment Social connections Reducing social isolation

60 Tools Sefton CVS -­‐ www.seftoncvs.org.uk/ Volunteer England -­‐ www.ncvo.org.uk/ Carers UK -­‐ www.carersuk.org/ contacts Petra McCauley Email: petra.mccauley@carers.sefton.gov.uk Tel: O151 288 6066


United Kingdom BROADGREEN HEART SUPPORT GROUP STAYING ACTIVE AND CONNECTED FOLLOWING HEART SURGERY 1998 – ongoing In July 2011 the four UK Chief Medical Officers (CMOs) published new physical activity guidelines in a joint CMO report ‘Start Active, Stay Active’ covering early years; children and young people; adults; and older adults. These guidelines have a renewed focus on being active every day and spell out the recommended minimum levels of activity for each age group. 'Start Active, Stay Active' includes for the first time in the UK, guidelines for early years and older people. The flexibility of the guidelines creates new ways to achieve the health benefits of an active lifestyle. For all age groups, they highlight the risks of excessive sedentary behaviour. diagnostic clinics and tests to patients in their local GP practice or Community Health Centre. Following heart surgery, patients are encouraged to undertake a structured cardiac rehabilitation programme run by a team of specialist staff at the hospital. On completion this can be followed up in the community through the GP referral system whereby cardiac patients can access subsidized and supervised activities at their local leisure centre. THE BROADGREEN HEART SUPPORT GROUP LIVERPOOL HEART & CHEST HOSPITAL The Broadgreen Heart Support group was set Liverpool Heart & Chest Hospital (LHCH) NHS up by patients in 1998. Its aim is To promote Foundation is situated in the Broadgreen area and support the wellbeing of heart patients of Liverpool in the northwest of England. It is and their families and in particular to one of the largest specialist hospitals in the UK, encourage mobility and combat isolation. The providing world class heart and chest services. group consists of a committee and In 2012 LMCH was awarded the highly approximately 150 members and is affiliated to prestigious title of ‘Provider Trust of the Year’ the British Heart Foundation. at the Health Service Journal Awards. Description of the activities Each year the staff at LHCH conduct 55,000 These have evolved over time in response to outpatient appointments and perform 12,000 the needs of patients and their families and inpatient procedures. The Trust has recently aim to achieve a balance between physical and moved into community based services, offering 42

social events. The committee regularly consults with members regarding new activities. Current activities include:-­‐ Fund raising to supplement and complement the resources available to the cardiac rehabilitation team based at the hospital. Monthly Social Events take place at a local community centre. These include a book sale, refreshments and a programme of visiting speakers or other activities proposed by members. Coach trips have been organized by the Secretary to places of interest in the UK. An Annual Holiday in the UK enabled members to get away for a week. Exercise /gym sessions at a local leisure centre. These were developed and are led by one of the members who is a qualified fitness instructor. The programme has been approved by the medical team at the hospital and the sessions are well attended. Latin & Ballroom Dancing is the latest activity starting in May this year. This is a response to the above research regarding the benefits of an active lifestyle and the risks of excessive sedentary behaviour. It is run by a qualified instructor from a local dance school. Achievements

report benefits from getting together and socializing through the other activities. Mobility – Both the exercise/gym sessions and the dancing have improved fitness levels in those who take part. In light of the above research and guidelines, the venue and timing of the dance sessions have been changed to make them more accessible to more members, especially during the winter months. Isolation – The range of activities on offer ensure that members can select their preferences and stay connected. However not all members are mobile and some are housebound. All members receive a monthly newsletter to help them keep in touch. Number of participants The group currently has 150 members About a third of these attend the monthly meetings Approximately 20 members attend the weekly gym session The coach trips are always oversubscribed and the forthcoming Xmas meal is already full The most recent activity ballroom dancing has about 12 regular participants and is gathering momentum. Tools

Purchase of a fridge for the patients’ room at the Cardiac Rehabilitation Centre Purchase of a monitor in the waiting room of the centre to keep patients informed and up to date Wellbeing – members attending the gym and dance session report an immediate sense of wellbeing following activity. Members also

The Secretary produces a monthly newsletter which is disseminated to all members Contacts Secretary: Kathy Grice Email: joe@joegrice.plus.com


United Kingdom Sefton Pensioners Advocacy Centre SEFTON PARTNERSHIP FOR OLDER CITIZENS (S.P.O.C.) 2002 – ongoing The concept of the Forums is to involve older people in the planning and shaping of services which affect their quality of life and well being. Through 3 Older Persons Forums held in different parts of the borough, members meet once a month and are provided with relevant information on a variety of relevant subjects. Up to 12 members of the forums are then elected as representatives on the Sefton Partnership for Older Citizens. (S.P.O.C), this is a strategic multi-­‐agency partnership set up with the express intention of bringing together support for older people and providing them with the direct opportunity to be part of the planning of services. S.P.O.C, which meets bi-­‐ monthly, consists of 50% of older people (forum members) and 50% Statutory and Voluntary sector representation, (e.g. Sefton Council, Social Services, Merseytravel, N.H.S One group taking part in consultation on Strategy for etc) The intention is to listen and respond to Older People older citizens needs, wishes or views. The purpose of the Forums is to provide an Achievements effective voice for all older people in Sefton. This is done by: providing information monitoring plans, services and other developments which affect older people to provide opportunities for older people to feedback to statutory services and others to influence policy and practice at a local and national level. One o f 8 f orum t eams f or ‘ Older P ersons O lympics’ – Our aim is to maximize the role of older people held on Older Persons Day in October 2013 in the provision of public services, whilst improving the social and financial wellbeing of The Forums have participated as a focus group all our older citizens. in work including Sefton Council’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, Sefton’s Housing Strategy and at present they are actively co-­‐


operating in Sefton Council’s new Strategy for Older People. After the Strategy has been agreed by Council, S.P.O.C. will follow an ‘action plan’ based on the 7 objectives to ensure they are achieved. Forum members also take part in many consultations and they have recently made their voices heard on such subjects as the proposed closure of public toilets and the public libraries. Both of these proposals would have increased social isolation – the forum was successful in preventing the toilets being closed and the libraries are an ongoing issue. S.P.O.C. has been responsible for various publications for older people e.g. Ways to Enjoy Life and Stay Healthy, Active and Safe in

North and South Sefton Essential Living Handbook for older people in Sefton. A d.v.d. has also been produced to show the work done by S.P.O.C. Number of participants 400 Tools The Forums meet monthly in three different areas of Sefton S.P.O.C. meets bi-­‐monthly Contacts margaret@spacadvocacy.or.uk


United Kingdom Age Concern Liverpool and Sefton. THE COMMUNITY HEALTH AMBASSADOR TEAM.(CHATS.) 2005 – Ongoing. CHATS – A team dedicated to improving the health of Liverpool communities basing their work and outcomes on Liverpool health priorities cancer, alcohol, mental health and wellbeing, child poverty as outlined in Liverpool’s, Health and Wellbeing Strategic Plan. CHATs is funded by Liverpool health authorities service users living in supported and works with groups promoting and accommodation. Poverty often plays a huge encouraging an part in determining lifestyle choices and active and healthy lifestyle. For the past 8 dedicated staff are available to advise on years they have worked in some of the most income maximization. deprived areas of the city . Recognising that Other programmes/courses include not everyone responds to formal approaches cycling(including help to provide bikes), on life changes and that many groups are walking, healthy eating, art, craft , confidence socially isolated, they reach out to people by building, cookery courses, internet /computer locating in supermarkets, church halls, car skill training. Courses may run for 12 weeks parks , hostels. No group or individual is and planning on making each course or event refused support and once CHATS have sustainable is ongoing. This includes advice on identified what a community has already, they training volunteers to continue the good work, discuss with them what they feel they need applying for ongoing funding encouraging and and taster sessions are provided indicating advising on undertaking formal applications for how this need may be met. This often results in grants. Local partnerships are forged and built a dedicated course identifying a community’s on and CHATS has worked with over 300 strengths and the continual message is that partners in the statutory, community an staff work WITH communities not FOR them. voluntary sectors since its inception. This informal , non threatening approach is Achievements crucial to building links and the results following CHATS involvement often means • Healthier communities. communities taking responsibilities for • No group or individual refused /health themselves. advice support encouraging all age Links are made and encouraged with other participation, e.g older local groups and a positive example of • peoples/ faith groups bus drivers, partnership working is working with Liverpool schools, domestic violence victims, Community Food Team and the creation of 5 groups from Liverpool’s rich 12 week courses around healthy eating on a • and diverse ethnic community budget. • Barriers to social isolation lowered Another successful partnership was “Cook and Taste ”sessions with a group of mental health 46

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Generational barriers lowered , if needed age related signposting occurs . Community strengths are emphasized and encouraged using process Asset based Community Development Income maximization is seen as priority. Many participants accept and enjoy the responsibility of control over their health and wellbeing Signposting of individuals to appropriate health resources has resulted in some receiving life saving urgent medical treatment Service provided by creditable ,well established agency which access to their wider resources. Transfer of knowledge between staff groups has greatly enhanced the overall service. Staff/volunteers at all levels have gained from the knowledge and appreciation of different cultural groups. Targets set by funders have not only been reached but excelled.

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Number of participants Numbers 10,000 Tools •

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Service provided by well known and local agency with excellent reputation and wide range of other resources.. Fully qualified staff committed into sharing skills with volunteers, who are also offered agency training.


Links into partnership agencies, Mental Health Consortium, Healthy Communities , Active Cities, Collaborative Cancer Liverpool Dementia Alliance, Senior Citizens Forum, and many neighbourhood , faith and multi-­‐ cultural groups. Local knowledge of communities shared with partnership agencies. Full written evidence of service is available.

Conclusions The Good Practice Booklet aims at providing some insights related to the situation of elderly people in partners country. The remarks of this booklet cannot be generalized and extended to the whole elderly population both in partner countries and in Europe. However, it allows to guide the design and implementation of active ageing activities. The document gives an overview of the situation of the elderly in partners countries considering different points of view: policy makers and public authorities, legal framework and services for the elderly, no profit associations and private organizations. The activities highlighted also the point of view of elderly, their situation and needs. The main section of this document concerns the description of good practices. Each partner suggested some best practices implemented in their own countries with the aim to share ideas and experiences. The various good practices highlight the key elements like the title, organizations involved, timing, a description of the activities, people involved, achievement and contacts. The good practices could give inspiration and support to other organisations, training providers, public authorities and associations in order to implement effective active ageing activities. Every country has its own specific situations, policies, initiatives and solutions. Nevertheless all of the countries face the same challenge: Europe is the fastest ageing region in the world. The results of the Reboot project will give us the opportunity to learn from each other and maybe respond to the social challenge of an ageing population in Europe.

With the support of the LLP – Socrates programme of the European Union This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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