key west life June/July edition Key West, Florida, place where every hour is happy hour!
over 100 Bars and restaurants to choose from.
Principlesof and PrinciPles elements elements Of design and design
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Table of Contents
Design Thesis
About the Editor
Elements of DesignPrinciples of Design Pages
Line 7-10 Texture 11-14 Light 15-18 Color 19-22 Space 23-26 Shape 27-30 Form 31-34
Balance Harmony Emphasis Massing Rhythm Proportion Scale
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s i s e h T n g i s e D
The idea of this magazine is for readers to understand the elements and principles of design by looking at images from the real world. The main objective is to give readers and designers new ideas by showing how each element and principle are important in creating an idea.
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aBout the editor my name is rosendo molina But people call me ro for short. i was Born in florida But most of my life i have Been living in north carolina. during the last couple of summers i have gotten the opportunity to travel to nice vacations spots. my favorite out of all will have to Be Key west, florida. the contents of this magazine will consist of the elements and principles of design i saw while visiting Key west. the florida Keys are very Beautiful and are lots of fun. i enJoy having fun with my friends and Key west is the numBer one spot to do so.
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Elements Of Design
Hor izontal V E R T I C A L
Cur ved Flowing
Horizontal L i n e s Horizontal lines areseen all over theplace. As you can see in thetop image, the cruiseship has horizontal lines going from thefront to therear of theship. The middleimageis wherethe cruiseship dock and where peopleget off on to land. The imagebelowisthe world famous 7 mileFlorida Keysbridge. Thebridge itself is thehorizontal line.
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Vertical Lines
Palm trees in Florida can be seen just about every where. The long and tall tree is a perfect example of vertical lines.
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s e n i L g n i w o l F d e v r Cu The flow of curved
lines in this image make the environment uniform. The curved banana tree leaves make your eye go down to the curve of the pool below. Pg. 10
Te xture
Sur face Quality Implied Ref lective
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Surface Quality Texture
Key West is known for having roosters and chickens roaming free in the streets. These feathers creatures have smooth textured feathers, which is why I chose them for surface quality texture. The parrot here is also a bird you can find in Key West. During my visit, I was walking through the streets and saw this gentleman with a colorful parrot on his shoulder. Parrots are beautiful animals, because of their feathers and characteristics.
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Implied Texture
Many artist in Key West like to show their artwork in galleries. Here is a gallery I walked into and saw this piece where it seemed to be like fire and different textures. Although it was only paint, the picture gave it a Pg. 13 texture feel to it.
R E F L E C T I V Te xture Key West is known for its beautiful waters and stupendous sea life. The reflection on the water is a great example e of reflective texture. Pg. 14
Natural Track/colored combustion
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Natural Light
The Key West sunset is the prettiest sunset I have ever witnessed. When the sun goes behind the island, the rays of the sun make the most natural light ever. Pg. 16
tracK and colored lights
Key West offers many tourist attractions. One place tourists like to visit is Willie T’s restaurant and grill. It is home of the dollar bills stapled to the walls, bar, columns, chairs, trees and anywhere else possible. Above ton the ceiling are track lights that give off colorful lighting.
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Combustion Lighting
The man in this picture is one brave man. He plays with fire for money. He attracts hundreds of people to watch him perform doing crazy stunts with burning fire. The image was taken from a video I recorded of him doing his stunt.
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Color Analogous Neutral palette Direct Complimentary
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All throughout this image there is an analogous color scheme. Basically, it is many of the colors on the color wheel in the same room or environment.
analogous color scheme Pg. 20
N E U T R A L P a l e t t e
many restaura nts in Key west have outdoor patios for people to eat at. so this means pigeons can Join you while you have Brunch. pigeons are usually neutral color Birds. the floor tile also is a neutral color. the chair seen has a Beige and Blue color that also maKe it neutral. Pg. 21
Direct Complimentary Blue and orange on the color wheel are complimentary colors. The orange crabs compliment the royal blue table top. Camille's is one of the best restaurants to eat breakfast and all you can eat crab for a low price.
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Positive Negative Crowding ter r itor iality
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S e v i t i s o P
e c a p
Positive space is the space that is actually taken by an object. In this image the Unites States Coast Guard boat is the positive space in this vast ocean.
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S e v i t a g e N
e c a p
Negative space is the space that is not filled with an object. It is the space around the positive space. In this image the open ocean is the negative space.
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Crowding Ter r itor ialit y
Willie T’s is the spot to go to when needing a good mojito. They are the home of the best mojitos on the island. Many tourist go here which makes it that’s a crowding territoriality space.
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A bstract Geometr ic Natural/Org anic
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Abstract Shape Shape
Abstract shapes can be found just about anywhere. The shape of this New York strip is abstract because it does not come in a regular geometric shape. Pg. 28
This geometric shaped pizza is from a restaurant in Key West called Island Dogs. It has one of the best pizzas on the whole island.
Shape Pg. 29
Natural/Organi c Shape
The natural shape of vegetables is the best example here. String beans have the curved , long shape, corn has small square shapes and beans have an oval shape. The shrimp also has its own organic shape . This dish is from Blue Heaven, a restaurant in located here in Key West.
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Natural Geometr ic A bstract
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Natural Form
The mango tree has always been my favorite tree since I can remember. Being from Florida I would always see them in peoples back yards. The mangos that grow on these beautiful trees have the most natural form of a fruit. It is nice to look at up in the tree, but when they are ripe, they also make a good snack.
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Geometric Form
The geometric shapes found in this image are triangles and rectangles. This sail boat was floating on the ocean while I was on another boat getting ready to see the Key West sunset. Pg. 33
Abstract Form
There are hundreds of different types of trees in Key West. This particular tree caught my eye because I have never seen one in this shape or form. It has a fan look to it which makes it unique from other trees in the area.
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s e l p n i g c i n s i r e P D