What are the qualities of a Good Reporter? It’s a fact that news reporting is an art and to master this art a reporter has to boast certain traits even after a successful degree course from any institute for Mass Communication & Journalism. A news reporter always has to be fair as well as objective. They should not have any pre-conceived notions or biases and they should always approach a news story with an open mind as well as judge all the possibilities. They should also restrain from passing any form of judgment or comment that could seriously undermine the story. A good News reporter should crosscheck their facts and make sure they are accurate in having all the info. In journalism, they say that the fact is sacred and comment is free. Therefore a reporter should be careful with his/her facts. A reporter should cultivate their own sources. These sources help in the extraction of news or other details that might have been missed out. To be a good reporter, one needs to be a very knowledgeable person even after they have scored good marks in their masters or bachelor in mass communication. They should be well versed with all the important issues affecting the country. They should also be aware of all the important incidents that have already taken place in our country or incidents that have helped in shaping our country. Source: http://www.masscommunicationcollege.in/ Search Terms: Institute for Mass Communication & Journalism, bachelor in mass communication, colleges for mass communication in delhi