Portfolio Rozálie Červenková

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Bachelor Thesis | Areas along the railway line in the inner city

Design Studio III | Forest Promenade

Design Studio II | Wilderness in the Courtyard

Workshop | Znojmo - Máchovo square

Design Studio II | Private garden

Design Studio I | University campus

Project Studio of Planting Design and Maintenance II|

Restoration of composed landscape near Lednice ponds Plant Use

Rozálie Červenková



2024 to 2026 University of Copenhagen

Faculty of Science

field of study: Landscape architecture

Master‘s studies

2020 to 2024 Mendel University in Brno

Faculty of Horticulture

field of study: Landscape architecture

Bachelor‘s studies

2012 to 2020 Malostranské gymnázium

selective high school

2007 to 2012 Základní škola a Mateřská škola Barrandov

primary school


Czech – C2

English – C1 (CAE certificate)

German - B1

Other certifications

certified medical practitioner by TOM Kasiopea

certified volunteering organizer of the Brontosaurus Movement

driver‘s licence


MS Office

LibreOffice Calc, L.O. Writer

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe InDesign

Adobe Illustrator






Affinity Photo, A. Publisher

Adobe Fresco


Work Experience

summer 2020, 2021, 2022 Jasan realisations and greenery management company

VIII-IX/2023 atelier Partero internship

lanscape studio dealing with public and private spaces of different scales

VII/2024 RIVIERA architects



summer 2018, 2019 – WWOOF, Workaway - volunteering at an ecological

smallholdings in York, England and Brugges, Belgium

2022 to the present time - Brontosaurus Movement volunteering

travelling, photography, gardening, yoga, drawing

Areas along the railway line in the inner city

The work deals with the areas along the railway line in the urban area of the city. In the theoretical part, it outlines the historical development of railways in the Czech lands, presents terminology and technological and legislative contexts with an emphasis on anti-noise measures, as well as social-urbanistic, ecological and landscape-forming contexts. At the end, current trends in the development of the topic and reference examples are presented. In the practical part, some findings are used in the design of a model area in the northeast of Brno, the output of which is a study.

Section of the treated area with a proposed connection of the railway underpass with a footbridge over the stream bed to Myslínova Street

Physical model as a process method for designing an ideal solution for the area along the railway line at the Brno-Královo pole railway station

A footbridge connecting to the underpass from the railway station

Park for cemetery visitors

The proposal presents a new arrangement of the street profile in Myslínova Street, addressing traffic calming, eliminating conflicts between pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists, and allowing comfortable use of the space by people with reduced mobility and orientation. The proposal also includes the construction of a footbridge over the creek bed, connecting to the planned extension of the underpass from the railway station. The proximity of the railway line is addressed in the proposal not only by separating the path so that the public does not come closer than 2.5 meters from the axis of the outermost track but also by a green noise barrier. This barrier is designed for the area least screened by vegetation and which does not offer views as valuable as other parts of the area.

A community area with chess tables, a fire pit, garden beds, a pergola, a tea pavilion overlooking the Ponávka creek, a children‘s playground, a beach volleyball court with bleacher, and a basketball hoop


A widened creek bed with concrete seating steps

A noise barrier made of willow weaving

Gardens for residents living across the street

A covered service bike rack with signboards

Myslínova Park with a children‘s playground, a workout area, table tennis, and picnic seating

The existence of a significant water feature in the history of the area inspired the partial removal of the concrete bed of the Ponávka creek and its accessibility in the form of concrete seating steps. Additionally, a diverse program responding to the presence of cyclists and tourists, as well as locals, has been added to the area.

The proposed elements include, among others, a shelter for cyclists, toilets, the modification of two children‘s and two sports playgrounds, a fire pit, a new outdoor gym, a picnic table, chess tables, raised beds with a well and a composter, a pergola, a tea pavilion over the Ponávka creek bed, and a small park in front of the cemetery.

Brno-Královo Pole railway station

/7 Design Studio III | Forest Promenade

Třída Generála Píky is an avenue located in the north of Brno. It connects Halasovo square in the Lesná district and the intersection at the Lesnická stop in the Černá pole district. The study deals with the southern section of the street between the Bieblova public transport stop, where the Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies can be found, and the Lesnická public transport stop, where the rest of the Mendel University campus is located.

Forest Promenade

The concept narrows the oversized four-lane road into two lanes to create pedestrian and bicycle connection of the Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies with the rest of the Mendel University in Brno campus by a publicly accessible route. This path is not only an operational connection, moreover it becomes a walking promenade covered with treetops, complete with numerous seating areas and a viewpoint looking into the adjacent arboretum.


The chosen solution aims to attractively connect the Mendel University in Brno campus outside the arboretum on the třída Generála Píky. The proposal tries to respect the integrity and atmosphere of the arboretum and the privacy of its visitors as much as possible, and offers passers-by the opportunity to se the inside without paying, just by means of a wooden viewpoint, color-matched to the elements in the arboretum. The curves, which are fragments of the ellipses used in the arboretum and match in color to the viewpoint and selected furniture, are painted on the surface of the promenade. The modification of the park at the Bieblova tram stop improves access to the tram and also offers a place to rest.


It is proposed to narrow the oversized třída Generála Píky from 4 lanes to 2 and Drobného Street from 7 lanes to 4. In addition to these changes, reducing the speed to 50 km/h and adding several traffic lights will result in the possibility of designing pedestrian crossings, which will turn the street, which was now mainly used for the passage of motor vehicles, into a promenade favouring pedestrians and cyclists The one-way lane at the University of Defense campus with a new speed

limit of 30 km/h and more clearly defined 31 parking spaces will allow pedestrians to pass safely even on the sidewalk on this side of the street.

Terrain work

The proposal leaves most of the original terrain and only adjusts the cross slope of the individual lanes of the grade. In the place of the mixed path for pedestrians and cyclists, there is a more pronounced leveling of the terrain and in some places a slight shift of the slope beyond the border of the promenade in places. Even on the other side of the street and in the park, the terrain is slightly modified for the purpose of better draining and treating of rainwater.


The reduction in the number of road lanes has created space for green belts planted with oak, which was chosen because it mimics the potential forest cover that would be found in these places. The Hungarian oak species (Quercus frainetto) was chosen owing to the fact that it tolerates the urban environment well and, compared to our domestic oaks, does not cause so many problems with the fall of large fruits on the road. This oak has a robust and tenacious appearance and will ensure a pleasant microclimate and forest atmosphere of the entire promenade. Branching of trees up to 10 m will ensure the smooth passage of all means of transport and create the impression of a forest canopy above the promenade. Beautifully blooming cherry trees Prunus avium ‚Plena‘ were then selected for the park in the northwestern part of the planned area near the Bieblova station and further along the tram line towards the north. Prunus avium ‚Plena‘ also tolerates the urban environment well and will delight the residents of the adjacent houses in the spring. At the intersection of Lesnická, Provazníkova, třída Generála Píky and Drobného streets and at the entrance to the arboretum near Bieblova station, two large perennial flowerbeds with prairie character planting were created. On the rest of the green areas, including the tram belt, there is a park lawn designed.

/11 Design Studio II |

Wilderness in the Courtyard

The new concept of the courtyard is to introduce elements of the wild nature - wilderness into the austere geometric urban environment, mainly by using wilder and more original types of vegetation. By working with water elements, it supports the improvement of the microclimate, owing to solving the traffic and parking situation, it makes passing through the site and spending free time more pleasant.

Traffic and parking solutions

One of the most significant changes is the relocation of parking spaces underground. Passenger cars enter the underground from Grohova Street and exit at Čápkova Street. For supplies and other large vehicles, a traffic light is placed at the exit to Čápkova Street, so that they can also use this exit for entry. In this way, the residents of the inner block are spared the noise from car traffic and the morning supply of the store, and collisions between pedestrians and cars are prevented.

Pedestrian movement

Pedestrians‘ movement in the area is also facilitated by the distribution of areas in such a way that they respect the natural trajectories of movement. The main pedestrian movement in the northeast direction is accentuated, but a smooth passage to the central part of the territory is possible from every house entrance. For each house, there is one barrier-free entrance to the front garden area, which can always be used to reach the second entrance. A seating area inspired by the Czech tradition of sitting on the dooryards has also been newly added here.


The use of mobile furniture enables the use of the space according to the needs of the residents. In contrast to the round tables used in Čápkova Street, rectangular tables are used in the courtyard so that they can be easily connected. The colors of the furniture complement the colours of the local facades, and the mortar surface used also adheres to the prevailing warm colours.


There are several larger areas with wilder perennial plantings and natural-looking trees, which can also attract birds and other animals with their fruits. Among these trees are juneberry (Amelanchier x lamarckii), elderberry (Sambucus nigra), common hazel (Corylus avellana), sea-buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) and rowan (Sorbus aucuparia).

Other trees used that can withstand the shallow soil on the roof of the underground car park are silver birch (Betula pendula), field maple (Acer campestre) and coomon hornbeam (Carpinus betulus). In order for nature to reach the windows of the higher floors, a small-leaved linden (Tilia cordata) is planted in the central part of the courtyard, which is allowed to grow to a higher height thanks to the preservation of space for the roots in the form of a wide column in the area of the underground parking lot.

Microclimate, energy and water elements

The new solution also tries to support a pleasant microclimate in the otherwise hot center of the city, be it a stream winding through the entire courtyard or greenery on parts of the roofs of local buildings. Solar panels are located on other parts of the roofs, and water is harvested from the rest into a retention tank with a root cleaner. From there it is then used for then stream mentioned above. Additional water is collected in a ditch near the children‘s playground in the north of the treated area. Pleasant seating is also supported by the arrangement of trees in such a way that they act against the existing north-easterly wind flow.

An interesting detail is the use of cut-out corten sheets for crossing the water stream in the places of the most frequent movement. In addition, the stream is highlighted by backlighting at night.

Znojmo - Máchovo square

Urban Development and Landmarks of the City City Green System and other Public Spaces

Concept of Bicycle Transformation


Furniture and other Technical Elements

Jana Bilíková, Barbora Černá, Rozálie Červenková, Karolína Koňárková, Natálie Kruckovyčová

Design Principles

trvalkové výsadby

podpora biodiverzity

podpora biodiverzity

podpora herních aktivit

Perrenial beds

trvalkové výsadby


trvalkové výsadby

podpora biodiverzity

obměna a doplnění mobiliáře

podpora herních aktivit

podpora herních aktivit

odhlučnění Rooseveltovy ulice

obměna a doplnění mobiliáře

podpora biodiverzity

místo k setkávání, místo ke hře

interaktivní vodní prvek

obměna a doplnění mobiliáře

obměna a doplnění mobiliáře

místo k setkávání, místo ke hře

interaktivní vodní prvek

místo k setkávání, místo ke hře

omezení znečištění psy

omezení znečištění psy

Reduction of parking spaces

redukce parkovacích míst, podpora cyklodopravy

interaktivní vodní prvek

interaktivní vodní prvek

omezení znečištění psy

16 Pohledčást hřiště pro nejmenší

/19 Design Studio II |

Private garden

wood burning sauna
concrete ground-covering perennials
pavement lawn green roof
path made of wooden prisms
pedestrian entrance drive way
metal fence fence with climbing plants
wooden terrace
flower beds
pergola with grapevine
garden house outdoor shower fireplace with stools wooden bench with storage space
new woody plant
brick fence
table with chairs
deck chair
shrub fruit tree
deciduous tree
existing woody plant
transplanted woody plant

Sectional view


/23 Design studio I | University campus

Solution concept: Water ripples

The basic motif of the design are circular water ripples.

The surfaces form concentric circles, with the central circle being the water surface, which is also a view-through from the lower covered seating level up through the upper seating level to the sky, from where the light penetrates through the water.

Section CC‘

/25 Project Studio of Planting Design and Maintenance II| Restoration of composed landscape near Lednice ponds

The proposed restorations are inspired by the state of the Rybniční Château surroundings from 1938. Sightlines and views of the water surface are being restored, and the paths to the Rybniční Château are being returned to their more favorable positions from 1938. In certain areas, tree clearing is being conducted primarily for health reasons, and plantings of historically appropriate taxa are also being proposed. The composition is enriched with a program that respects the history of the site and supports the recreational potential of the area.

Jana Bilíková, Barbora Černá, Rozálie Červenková, Karolína Koňárková, Natálie Kruckovyčová

/27 Plant Use II | Proposal for the use of nature-like plant elements

A plant vegetative feature inspired by the T3.4D biotope Broad-leaved dry grasslands, stands without significant occurrence of orchids and without common juniper (Juniperus communis) (Chytrý et al., 2010)
A plant vegetative feature inspired by the T3.3A biotope Sub-Pannonian steppe grasslands (Chytrý et al., 2010)
A plant vegetative feature inspired by the K4B biotope Low xerophilous shrubs, secondary stands with dwarf almond (Prunus tenella) (Chytrý et al., 2010)




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