‘And I, behold, I make you this day a fortified city, an iron pillar, and bronze walls, against the whole land, against the kings of Judah, its princes, its priests, and the people of the land.’
This is what the prophet Jeremiah writes about his city.
His city is Jerusalem, but it is also an ideal place, not made by hands; a city of God, a for tified place where all, who truly seek illumination, can come into free and unimpeded contact with the higher field of the spirit. In this issue, the pentagram examines the outer as well as the inner aspects of the ideal city.
The ‘Secret words that Jesus spoke to Didymus Thomas’ are well-liked by seeking readers because they are pro- found and free from dogma and from rules. On page 20, the reader will find a discourse about context and origin of the gospel, and a logion about the beginning and the end of man.
Even further back in time, but nevertheless very topical
to us, are probably The Golden Verses of Pythagoras.The philosopher Pythagoras advises us, first