2010-4 Pentagram English

Page 39

the gnosis in present-day manifestation


hroughout human history, there have been periods, during which the world of the spirit approached humanity very strongly. Our time is also such a period. In such times, there are always a few special people who, on the basis of their great longing to serve humanity, form a field of contact and encounter, in which the world of the spirit and the world of change ‘go together’ for some time. In and through this field, seeking people are enabled to go up into the world of the spirit consciously. All original religions, including Christianity that was wholly ‘gnosis’, formed such a field of encounter. The Gnosis in Present-day Manifestation describes the formation, construction and development of this field of encounter in our modern age, on the basis of the history of the genesis of the Spiritual School of the Rosycross. The field of encounter is a ‘living body’. It is a consciously maintained system of thinking, attuned to the world of the spirit, of experiences and forces that sustain this living whole. It reflects an image of the properties and forces of the spiritual human being; the field of the living body is a structure of lines of force that corresponds to that of the true man. With its help, a human being who comes into contact with it, is enabled to approach the structures of the true, spiritual human being and realise them within himself. In this field of encounter between the spirit 38 pentagram 4/2010

field and the natural world, the human being inwardly experiences each stage of development step by step and is able to realise each of them. There are seven stages, corresponding to the seven ‘rays’ of the spirit, while one state is always the condition for the next one. Yet, all the seven stages are present simultaneously and stimulate each other. In addition, the field of encounter has two poles that correspond to the two aspects of the perishable world. One pole is found here, in our world, and is kept alive by the group of striving people gathered in the school of the Rosycross. The other pole is free and can be found in the tenuous realms. The world of the spirit makes contact with people in one realm as well as with soul humanity in the other. The living body constitutes a strong electromagnetic field, a bipolar sphere. As one pole has been formed by those who exist in the free spirit field, it is able to attract the forces from the spiritual world, which are put at the disposal of all who want to work on themselves. The Gnosis in Present-day Manifestation extensively describes the historical as well as the inner development of this magnetic structure, because its intensity was not immediately present from the beginning, but had to be built up first. It began with a group of people who had heard the call of the spirit in their consciousness and reacted to it with their thinking and feeling. This reaction was ex-

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