the energy of light HEALING WITH BIOPHOTONS Illness belongs to life. In many cases, healing is possible, but in just as many cases, it is not. Earthly healing is relative and subject to human shortcomings, to the world of opposites. Obviously, a person seeks comfort, healing and solutions. Therapy with light waves may offer relief, but only complete self-surrender to the Light is able to be a real help.
ithout light, there is no life. Every living cell needs energy, not only for all its functions, but also for maintaining its structure. Every human cell – and the human body has 60 to 100 billion of them – receives this energy via light as well as via the food that has grown through light. Without this light energy, life would immediately cease and the cellular structure would collapse. It would mean the end of life on earth. Last summer, the international magazine ODE reported on healing with biophotons, the weak light waves that emanate from cells. Is this the form of healing of the future? It is a fact that modern medicine, despite its chemical treatment of symptoms, is ultimately powerless against many chronic diseases, caused by our modern life style. Einstein explained that a problem could never be solved on the same level on which it was created. During the 1920s, the Russian Alexander Gurvitch proved that all cells of the human body radiate a very weak light that he called ‘biophotons’. It is also true that all information, needed for controlling the extremely complicated, biochemical processes in every cell of the body, is present in the light. In the beginning of the 1980s, the German physicist, Fritz Albert Popp, showed that disturbances in the light disturb the biochemical processes, which subsequently may cause illnesses (think of winter depression).
clusion of the Dutchman, Johan Boswinkel, was that, if bodies consist of frequencies, it should be possible to measure these frequencies, to ‘remove the illnesses from them’ and to return the ‘repaired light’ to the body. In 1983, he built an instrument to measure and restore the emission of light of a body. Earlier, Popp had developed an ingenious amplifier that, on a microscopic level, showed that cells emit either a coherent, healthy light or a chaotic light that points to an illness. However, the human body consists of billions of cells and emits a varied spectrum of radiation. This is why Boswinkel used the fact that the electromagnetic tension at acupuncture points deviates from the tension of the surrounding skin. If we take measurements there, two results are possible: a straight line (caused by a strong, continuous tension) or a hyperbole, as proof of a decreasing tension ‘Much is asked of you; a new mode of life, a completely different mode of life is proposed to you, a life according to the Sermon on the Mount! However, if you begin with this without making this light field the centre of your being, you will not accomplish the new mode of life. […] The light field wants to manifest itself to you, and then the light field’s activity makes the new mode of life possible: From a life of faith to a life of power, from a life of power to a life of Light; this is the course of development on the path. Isn’t this logical, isn’t this scientifically irrefutable? Life comes from light, and not light from life, not light through life.’ (Gnosis in Present-day Manifestation, chapter 6)
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