how the new reality r The seven spirits in the work of Jakob Boehme and in the Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross
n Jakob Boehme’s book Morning Redness in the Rising of the Sun, which he published in the year 1612 and which was later called ‘Aurora’, he wrote that he had been permitted to look ‘into the centre of the hidden nature’. There he saw, as he wrote, ‘not with my ordinary eyes, but with the eyes of the Spirit’, how God’s power works everywhere in creation through, what he called, ‘the seven primordial spirits’. From second to second, these seven primordial spirits, emanating from the one source, sustain, irradiate and further develop creation. The universal teachings, too, speak of the seven rays of the universal sun that illuminate the all. We can only try to approach such a great mystery with, we might say, our imaginative power. This is not a kind of effort to seize something by any means, but rather: to understand something, suddenly seeing something that had been there all along. Jakob Boehme writes: ‘If you want to know or fathom something, you should simply place yourself before it, with a deep longing to understand. If you do so, you will discover that you will receive two things: insight and power, the insight you asked for and the power to do something with this new insight.’ The fact that new insight is always linked with new power is clearly demonstrated by Jakob Boehme in his description of the sixth primordial spirit. He says that the sixth primordial spirit causes every being to emit, indeed, that he must emit a sound. This sound expresses
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