Body, Land & Water by Rozita Fogelman

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B o d y, L a n d & W a t e r

ROZITA FOGELMAN a b s t r a c t p a i n t i n g s 2005-11




ROZITA FOGELMAN a b s t r a c t p a i n t i n g s 2005-11

.................................................................... copyright © 2011 Rozita Fogelman


Red Body #I a (detail), 2007 ¦ acrylics on canvas 24"x 24"

Red Body #I b (detail), 2007 ¦ acrylics on canvas 24"x 24"

Pink Body #II a, and b (detail), 2005-08 ¦ acrylics & sand on canvas 2(24"x 24")

The Code is Pink

As little girls we dressed into pink, and as mature

I was looking into hidden places, thinking pink.

mothers, we dress our daughters by the same dress

Pink is a provocative color. In Western society, the

code. As an artist, and woman, I too grew out of pink,

color pink is associated with the female gender.

and since my early twenties, the color pink was for

Throughout human evolution, our challenge to

years almost completely eliminated from my

identify for the sake of classification grew out of

palettes. Looking Into Hidden Places was an

idealistic simplification into categorization. Humans

experimental project, which concentrated on

are the only species that mark their newborns by

rediscovering this disregarded and long forgotten

their genital identification with two distinctive hues;

hue. Coming back into my 'Pink period' marked a

pink for girls and blue for boys.

great transformational point in my life. Rediscovering

It is not just a fashion; it is the silent voice of a dress

the very basic of my working surface, rediscovering

code passed on from mothers to daughters.

the basic hues of my inside-out body space led me

However, when examining the human body closely,

to a greater healing process. Surrounding myself and

regardless of gender or race, our inside-body

rediscovering the power of this magnificent hue

consists of millions hues of pink. Pink marks the

became a deep transformational journey of my life

opening of the most sensitive places in human body.

that reconnected my feminine power with the

We are all pink from inside out. Pink is the universal

forgotten universal power of my hidden space.

color of a hidden life.

Rozita Fogelman

Pink Body #I a (detail), 2006 ¦ acrylics & sand on canvas 2(24"x 24")

Pink Body #I b (detail)

O Pink Body #I a (detail), 2007 ¦ acrylics & sand on canvas 18 x 18 , 18 x 18

O Pink Body #I b (detail)

Quilted with Pink Body #I a (detail), 2007 ¦ acrylics & sand on canvas 24" x 24 , 24 x 18

Quilted with Pink Body #I b (detail )

Magenta Body #I a (detail ), 2007 ÂŚ acrylics & sand on canvas 24" x 24"

Magenta Body #I b (detail)


Land Dialogues by Grace Munakata of rain drenched earth worked over rhythmically with Rozita Fogelman is currently working on a series

tools. Although she is selective about the colors she

of mixed media abstract paintings based on our

uses, their hues/contrast shift significantly when dry,

collective connection to land and water (our

a metaphor for spiritual changes and the impact of

environment) and to each other. These dark,

weather and time on land.

multilayered and strongly textured works repeat

She believes the distractions of our multi-tasking

horizontal rhythms and incorporate a central band of

culture need balance, and hopes to create a quiet,

clustered stones.

interactive space where viewers can respond to the

Although individual pieces are slightly different in

artwork in a meditative manner, perhaps reminding

size, the central horizontal stripe of stones will

us of our actual connection and dependence on

create a continuous path. Earth hued works on either

elements of earth and water and of our collective

side will flank paintings in cooler colors evoking

consciousness as a society. Interestingly, the


components (paintings) must be a collective

She is also interested in the inherent change in the

assemblage for her idea to be understood.

appearance of the work while it is literally wet, and

Although they will function as independent artworks,

after each layer dries. The work must be done on a

the message of dryness/earth/water will operate

flat surface allowing for heavy textures reminiscent

when all the pieces are in dialogue in actual space.

Land Dialogues by Rozita Fogelman

I want to create a connection between past s collective ideas and

In Hebrew, adama, maem, dam and

knowledge with our current disturb-

adam; translated as ― land, water, and

ing reality, a grounding place where

body, ― all connected and share the

one can reconnect with all and with

same root.

the concept of living in duality and balance.

My series, Land Dialogues, is my attempt to create a space addressing

What seemed so obvious and straightforward to my

the need to reconnect the link

ancestors who knew how live together as one

between human body, land and water.

big family is no longer so evident in the present days. I wondered, why?

Land Dialogues # I (detail), 2010 ÂŚ mixed media: stones, sand, marble dust, acrylics on canvas 24 x 30

Land Dialogues # II (detail), 2010 ÂŚ mixed media: stones, sand, marble dust, acrylics on canvas 24 x 30

Land Dialogues #III (detail), 2010 ÂŚ mixed media: stones, sand, marble dust, acrylics on canvas 24 x 30

Land Dialogues #IV (detail), 2010 ÂŚ mixed media: stones, sand, marble dust, acrylics on canvas 24 x 30

Land Dialogues #V (detail), 2010 ÂŚ mixed media: stones, sand, marble dust, acrylics on canvas 30 x 40

Land Dialogues #VI (detail), 2010 ÂŚ mixed media: stones, sand, marble dust, acrylics on canvas 30 x 40

Land Dialogues #VII (detail), 2010 ÂŚ mixed media: stones, sand, marble dust, acrylics on canvas 36 x 48

Land Dialogues #VIII (detail), 2010 ÂŚ mixed media: stones, sand, marble dust, acrylics on canvas 36 x 48

Philosophy of Art after J. Kosuth by Rozita Fogelman

The artist is a philosopher.

Art is not mechanical or automatic.

The artist is not a craftsman.

Art is the artist s analyses.

The artist is not a synthetic machine.

Art is the artist s humor and critique.

The artist is not an artifact maker.

Art is an examination of the artist being.

The artist is a witchdoctor.

Art is the artist s conscious hallucination.

The artist is a healer.

Art is the artist s unconscious fantasy.

The artist is the thinker.

Art is an awareness of intellectual being.

Art is not for recreation.

Art is an awareness of the artist s higher being.

Art is not for decoration.

Art exists because the artist had the vision.

Art is not about highlighting objects,

Art is the artist's seeing and observation.

or repetition of the previous.

Art is the artist's dream.

Art is the idea or a suggestion of something new.

Art is a dream.

Art is a pure idea of the artist s imagination.

Art for the artist is to be.

Art is the action of the artist s thoughts.

Art for the culture is to dream.


Water #V (detail) 2011 ÂŚ acrylics & sand on canvas 36 x 36

Water #VI (detail) 2011 ÂŚ acrylics & sand on canvas 36 x 36

Water #I (detail) 2011 ÂŚ acrylics & sand on canvas 36 x 36

Water #II (detail) 2011 ÂŚ acrylics & sand on canvas 36 x 36

Water #VII (detail) 2011 ¦ acrylics & sand on canvas 36 x 36

Water #VIII (detail) 2011 ¦ acrylics & sand on canvas 36 x 36

Water #III (detail) 2011 ¦ acrylics & sand on canvas 36 x 36

Water #IV (detail) 2011 ÂŚ acrylics & sand on canvas 36 x 36


................................................................... Rozita Fogelman Š 2011

Rozita Fogelman Š 2011

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