2022-2023 COVID-19 School Protocols Updated August 5, 2022 With consideration of the COVID-19 Guidance set forth by the Florida Department of Health, the following guidelines are provided at this time. It is our goal to continue to operate as close to pre-COVID standards as safely as possible. These guidelines are not “fixed” and may be adjusted if needed. COVID-19 Positive - Isolation Guidance If a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19 and is symptomatic: ● The student or staff member should stay home and away from others for 5 days from the date symptoms began. The date of symptom-onset is day 0. ● Students will be provided self-guided work to complete at home during their isolation period. ● The student or staff member may return to school days 6-10, wearing a well-fitting mask indoors, as long as they are fever-free for at least 24 hours and all symptoms are resolving. If a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19 and is asymptomatic: ● The student or staff member should stay home and away from others for 5 days from the date of the positive test. The date of the positive test is day 0. ● Students will be provided self-guided work to complete at home during their isolation period. ● The asymptomatic student or staff member may return to school days 6-10, wearing a well-fitting mask indoors. COVID-19 Exposure If a student or staff member is exposed to someone with COVID-19: ● If asymptomatic, the student or staff member does not need to quarantine, but should be closely monitored for symptoms for 10 days after exposure.
● If any symptoms of COVID-19 develop, stay home. ● Follow the guidance outlined above if a positive test is received or any symptoms develop. Additional Information Please note: ● Students who become ill at school, with COVID-like symptoms will be sent home. ● Students who have a fever should stay home until they are fever-free, without medication, for at least 24 hours. ● Students who are not COVID-positive, but are symptomatic or ill should stay home and rest. ● A doctor’s note is not required to return to school. ● Riverside encourages all eligible students and adults to be vaccinated and boosted. ● Masks are optional for all students and adults on campus. ● Please check our COVID-19 Dashboard for up-to-date reporting of cases on campus. Communication of COVID-19 Cases In an effort to most efficiently communicate COVID-19 cases impacting campus, RPDS will send a grade-level email notification if a positive case of COVID-19 is confirmed in a class. The COVID-19 dashboard on myRPDS will be routinely updated and reflect the total number of cases impacting school at a given time. If your child is identified as a close contact of a case you will be notified directly and provided additional information.
Contact To notify the school of a positive case of COVID-19 or receive additional information, please contact: Denise Brennan dbrennan@rpds.com 904-353-5511