Dublin Business School
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Web page with an individual author
Cloud computing is evolving into a commercially Waxer, C. 2010. The benefits of cloud computviable alternative for companies (Waxer 2010). ing. [Online]. Available from: <http:// www.webhostingunleashed.com/features/cloudcomputing-benefits/> [Accessed 24 November 2010].
Web page with an Visitors should be aware of the continuing threat Department of Foreign Affairs 2010. Tajikistan organisation as from terrorism which Tajikistan faces country profile [Online]. Available from: <http:// author (Department of Foreign Affairs 2010). www.dfa.ie/home/index.aspx?id=442> [Accessed 26 November 2010]. Web page with no ...can only be traded on a recognised exchange author and/or no (A Reuters guide to Equity Derivatives, no date) date
A Reuters guide to Equity Derivatives (no date). Available from: <http://www2.reuters.com/ productinfo/s/equity_derivatives/> [Accessed 23 November 2010].
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Article from a print journal
There was very little provision for people Kelly, B. 2010. The apparent increase in with mental illness in Ireland in the eight- insanity in Ireland in the 1800s: why and how? Irish Psychiatrist. 11 (3), pp135eenth century (Kelly 2010). 142.
Article from an online journal
Kirwan and Conboy (2009) maintain that there is little evidence of business strategy driving Internet adoption among SMEs.
Kirwan, O. and Conboy, K. 2009. An action research case study of the facilitators and inhibitors of e-commerce adoption. International Business Research [Online]. 2 (2), pp58-64. Available from: <http://ccsenet.org/journal/ index.php/ibr/article/view/1117> [Accessed November 24 2010].
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Article from a print newspaper
...to curb their public debts and deficit spending (Peel 2010).
Peel, Q. 2010. Berlin pushes for global curbs. Financial Times. May 21, p6.
Article from an online newspaper
The European Central Bank itself is now the biggest lender to Irish banks (Keenan 2010).
Keenan, B. 2010. Markets have decided that massive bailout won't work. The Irish Independent [Online]. 24 November. Available from: <http:// www.independent.ie/opinion/ columnists/brendan-keenan/brendankeenan-markets-have-decided-thatmassive-bailout-wont-work2432958.html> [Accessed 26 November 2010].