==== ==== Find your perfect match with online dating for FREE! http://budurl.com/onlinedating1 ==== ==== Online Dating Tips that don't go for the Status Quo It can be tough going out on a first date. You know you're supposed to be expressive, fun and "in the moment", but you also hear a lot about how you need to be a good listener and appear kind of dignified and cool. You know you are supposed to be friendly, but you shouldn't be too friendly. You need to say enough interesting things but not say anything controversial. What do you do? Well, these online dating tips should help. The thing is, you're not actually just trying to get someone into bed on a date (unless that's exactly what you're trying to do). You're also trying to find someone who is compatible as a romantic match for the long term. So basically, you don't want to try too hard to be "that perfect person". To begin with, it's pretty difficult to pull that off. And even if you do pull it off, it isn't much fun keeping it up for a long time. So basically, you just want to be who you are and find someone who's okay with that. Yes, that's not fun advice because it makes finding a romantic partner that much more difficult. But that's the problem we've had forever with online dating tips they give you shortsighted advice. That's the kind of thing that leads to all the breakups and divorces. Online dating tips should be written with an eye to long-term compatibility. Now you just need to look at the radio and television programming we have these days to find out what happens when people just say things that they believe will please everyone you get terribly boring stuff. The programming on TV today is just such sure-shot stuff they don't take chances with new kinds of programming like they used to. Its the same thing with popular music too, these days. When experts look at how people write online to each other on the dating websites, they are struck by how bland and uncontroversial everything is. How can anyone write to each other for weeks about where they went to college or what their hobbies are or where they grew up, without really speaking their minds and saying something challenging or interesting? The same people, when they get married, can't agree on one single thing. The truth is that they're just holding back, trying to not rock the boat so that they can get into a relationship. That would be a very bad idea, of course. Online dating tips should instead be telling people to take chances. They should tell them to speak their minds. Just imagine if you asked a new online acquaintance on a dating website about how many partners they'd had or how it felt to have their heart broken, wouldnt the conversation be much more satisfying? That's the way to go forward.
==== ==== Find your perfect match with online dating for FREE! http://budurl.com/onlinedating1 ==== ====