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2024 Probate & Property Index

2024 Article Index

Adler, Robert J., Fixing Damaged ILITs (Plus a Checklist to Avoid Problems), Jul/Aug at 36.

Baron, Andrew L., Challenges in Estate Planning with Investment Real Estate, Sep/Oct at 36.

Beaton, Travis A., An Introduction to Operating Expenses in Commercial Leases, Jan/Feb at 32.

Beyer, Gerry W., The Viability of Inserting Descriptive Photos in Wills: A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words, Mar/ April at 26.

Bigge, Stephen J., Understanding and Using Financial Statements in Valuations and Planning, Mar/Apr at 31.

Blair, Laurel R.S., Fiduciary Considerations in ESG Investing, Jul/Aug at 18.

Blosser, Scout S., The Viability of Inserting Descriptive Photos in Wills: A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words, Mar/April at 26.

Bove, Alexander A., Jr., Springing Trust Protectors— Now You See ‘Em, Now You Don’t, Sep/Oct at 10.

Bronza, Timothy K., Understanding and Using Financial Statements in Valuations and Planning, Mar/Apr at 31.

Brown, Carol Necole, Investigating Appraisal Discrimination, May/Jun at 54.

Bruton, Jennifer J., Commercial Office Lease Drafting and Negotiation—Tenant Pitfalls to Avoid, Nov/Dec at 30.

Cerise, Jonathan B., Protecting against Competition: Exclusive Use Clauses and Radius Restrictions in Commercial Leases, Jul/Aug at 6.

Clapp, Allison R., Advance Directives: Drafting and Implementation, Jan/Feb at 28.

Cody, Marnie Christine, Billboard Leasing, May/Jun at 26.

Crowfoot, D. Joshua, Leases and REAs, COREAs, and Operating Easements: Considerations for Drafting and Negotiating, Mar/Apr at 6.

Cunningham, Barry J., Intangible Assets in Property Tax Appeals, Mar/Apr at 52.

Drennan, William A., The Law of a Last Request: Bury Me with My Favorite Toy, Part 2, Jan/Feb at 6.

Earthman, Abigail R., Understanding and Using Financial Statements in Valuations and Planning, Mar/Apr at 31.

Everist, Abbie M.B., Enhanced Relief and Streamlined Procedures: A Review of the Final GST Exemption Allocation Relief Regulations, Nov/Dec at 44.

Everist, Abbie M. B., Solving Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Problems: Five Practical Remedies to Resolve Exemption Allocation Issues, Jan/Feb at 39.

Farach, Manuel, Present Day Loan Workouts, Jul/Aug at 26.

Fersko, Jack, Cannabis Leases: Landlord and Tenant Considerations, Jan/ Feb at 18.

Fielding, Scott W., An Introduction to Operating Expenses in Commercial Leases, Jan/Feb at 32.

Frazier, Bryanna C., Understanding the Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings Deduction, Jul/Aug at 40.

Greene, Robert, What Attorneys Need to Know About Handling Pet Care in Estate Wills, May/Jun at 12.

Guest, Paxson C., What Landowners Need to Know about Solar Leases, Nov/Dec at 8.

Hamlin, Richard F., Billboard Leasing, May/Jun at 26.

Hausman, Michael J., Fixing Damaged ILITs (Plus a Checklist to Avoid Problems), Jul/Aug at 36.

Hoffman, Debbie, Bequeathing Bitcoin: Storing and Transferring Cryptocurrency upon Death, Nov/Dec at 20.

Holinstat, Steven H., Novel Fiduciary Liability Risks under the Corporate Transparency Act, Nov/Dec at 38.

Kaufman, Beth S., Enhanced Relief and Streamlined Procedures: A Review of the Final GST Exemption Allocation Relief Regulations, Nov/Dec at 44.

Krause, Dale M., Crisis Planning: The Oxymoron That Could Save Your Client, Mar/Apr at 48.

Lanzel, Ashley F., Advance Directives: Drafting and Implementation, Jan/Feb at 28.

Miester, Alvin C., III, Protecting against Competition: Exclusive Use Clauses and Radius Restrictions in Commercial Leases, Jul/Aug at 6.

Miller, Justin T., Don’t Guess and Make a Mess with QSBS, Jul/Aug at 46.

Mouland, Anna, Bequeathing Bitcoin: Storing and Transferring Cryptocurrency upon Death, Nov/Dec at 20.

Nashiwa, Karen M. T., Leases and REAs, COREAs, and Operating Easements: Considerations for Drafting and Negotiating, Mar/Apr at 6.

Newman, Norman R., Representations and Warranties in Real Estate Sales Contracts, Jan/Feb at 44.

Newman, Richard A., The Charitable Trust Doctrine: Application to Unrestricted Gifts, Jan/Feb at 50.

O’Reilly, Mary P., Challenges in Estate Planning with Investment Real Estate, Sep/Oct at 36.

Plasha, Hope K., Purchase Agreement Pitfalls to Avoid—Traps for the Unwary, Sep/Oct at 22.

Roussel, Randy P., What Landowners Need to Know about Solar Leases, Nov/Dec at 8.

Ruffalo, Rachel, Five Common GST Allocation Mistakes and How to Avoid Them, Sep/Oct at 46.

Ruffalo, Rachel, Solving GenerationSkipping Transfer Tax Problems: Five Practical Remedies to Resolve Exemption Allocation Issues, Jan/Feb at 39.

Sander, Richard, Investigating Appraisal Discrimination, May/Jun at 54.

Sanford, Misty M., Purchase Agreement Pitfalls to Avoid—Traps for the Unwary, Sep/Oct at 22.

Saponaro, Joseph M., Leases and REAs, COREAs, and Operating Easements: Considerations for Drafting and Negotiating, Mar/Apr at 6.

Stavile, Patrice D., Commercial Office Lease Drafting and Negotiation—Tenant Pitfalls to Avoid, Nov/Dec at 30.

Stedronsky, H. James, Intangible Assets in Property Tax Appeals, Mar/Apr at 52.

Sugiyama, John H., AI and the Formulation of Critical Data for Trust Mediations, Sep/Oct at 32.

Tannahill, Bruce A., Understanding and Using Financial Statements in Valuations and Planning, Mar/Apr at 31.

Tubbs, Eric R., Corporate Transparency Act: Understanding the Act and Its Implications, May/Jun at 48.

Waldman, Amber M., Enhanced Relief and Streamlined Procedures: A Review of the Final GST Exemption Allocation Relief Regulations, Nov/Dec at 44.

Waldman, Amber M., Five Common GST Allocation Mistakes and How to Avoid Them, Sep/Oct at 46.

Waldman, Amber, Solving GenerationSkipping Transfer Tax Problems: Five Practical Remedies to Resolve Exemption Allocation Issues, Jan/Feb at 39.

Warley, Carol G., Five Common GST Allocation Mistakes and How to Avoid Them, Sep/Oct at 46.

Warley, Carol, Solving GenerationSkipping Transfer Tax Problems: Five Practical Remedies to Resolve Exemption Allocation Issues, Jan/Feb at 39.

Wenig, Damon J., The Value of Adding Basic Funeral Planning to Your Practice, Sep/Oct at 52.

Wonn, Jacob E., Novel Fiduciary Liability Risks under the Corporate Transparency Act, Nov/Dec at 38.

Wright, Glenn D., Billboard Leasing, May/Jun at 26.

Zelenock, Katheryne L., Charging Forward! EV Charging Stations on Commercial Properties Create Real Estate Questions, May/Jun at 40.

Zive, David L., Strategies for Remediating Loan Defaults, Mar/Apr at 44.


Advance Directives

Allison R. Clapp and Ashley F. Lanzel, Advance Directives: Drafting and Implementation, Jan/Feb at 28.

Dale M. Krause, Crisis Planning: The Oxymoron That Could Save Your Client, Mar/Apr at 48.

Artificial Intelligence

John H. Sugiyama, AI and the Formulation of Critical Data for Trust Mediations, Sep/Oct at 32.

Corporate Transparency Act

Steven H. Holinstat and Jacob E. Wonn, Novel Fiduciary Liability Risks under the Corporate Transparency Act, Nov/Dec at 38.

Eric R. Tubbs, Corporate Transparency Act: Understanding the Act and Its Implications, May/Jun at 48.


D. Joshua Crowfoot, Karen M.T. Nashiwa, and Joseph M. Saponaro, Leases and REAs, COREAs, and Operating Easements: Considerations for Drafting and Negotiating, Mar/Apr at 6.

Environmental Issues

Bryanna C. Frazier, Understanding the Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings Deduction, Jul/Aug at 40.

Paxson C. Guest and Randy P. Roussel, What Landowners Need to Know about Solar Leases, Nov/Dec at 8.

Katheryne L. Zelenock, Charging Forward! EV Charging Stations on Commercial Properties Create Real Estate Questions, May/Jun at 40.

Estate Planning

Robert Greene, What Attorneys Need to Know About Handling Pet Care in Estate Wills, May/Jun at 12.

Debbie Hoffman and Anna Mouland, Bequeathing Bitcoin: Storing and Transferring Cryptocurrency upon Death, Nov/Dec at 20.

Mary P. O’Reilly and Andrew L. Baron, Challenges in Estate Planning with Investment Real Estate, Sep/Oct at 36.

Damon J. Wenig, The Value of Adding Basic Funeral Planning to Your Practice, Sep/Oct at 52.

Generation Skipping Tax (GST)

Beth Shapiro Kaufman, Abbie M.B. Everist, and Amber M. Waldman, Enhanced Relief and Streamlined Procedures: A Review of the Final GST Exemption Allocation Relief Regulations, Nov/Dec at 44.

Carol G. Warley, Abbie M. B. Everist, Rachel Ruffalo, and Amber M. Waldman, Solving Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Problems: Five Practical Remedies to Resolve Exemption Allocation Issues, Jan/Feb at 39.

Carol G. Warley, Amber M. Waldman, and Rachel Ruffalo, Five Common GST Allocation Mistakes and How to Avoid Them, Sep/Oct at 46.


Robert Adler and Michael J. Hausman, Fixing Damaged ILITs (Plus a Checklist to Avoid Problems), Jul/Aug at 36.


Jack Fersko, Cannabis Leases: Landlord and Tenant Considerations, Jan/Feb at 18.


Scott W. Fielding and Travis A. Beaton, An Introduction to Operating Expenses in Commercial Leases, Jan/Feb at 32.

Patrice D. Stavile and Jennifer J. Bruton, Commercial Office Lease Drafting and Negotiation—Tenant Pitfalls to Avoid, Nov/Dec at 30.

Alvin C. Miester III and Jonathan B. Cerise, Protecting against Competition: Exclusive Use Clauses and Radius Restrictions in Commercial Leases, Jul/ Aug at 6.

Katheryne L. Zelenock, Charging Forward! EV Charging Stations on Commercial Properties Create Real Estate Questions, May/Jun at 40.


Jack Fersko, Cannabis Leases: Landlord and Tenant Considerations, Jan/Feb at 18.

Richard F. Hamlin, Marnie Christine Cody, and Glenn D. Wright, Billboard Leasing, May/Jun at 26.

Paxson C. Guest and Randy P. Roussel, What Landowners Need to Know about Solar Leases, Nov/Dec at 8.

Real Estate

Mary P. O’Reilly and Andrew L. Baron, Challenges in Estate Planning with Investment Real Estate, Sep/Oct at 36.

Real Estate—Appraisals

Richard Sander and Carol Necole Brown, Investigating Appraisal Discrimination, May/Jun at 54.

Real Estate—Lending

Manuel Farach, Present Day Loan Workouts, Jul/Aug at 26.

David L. Zive, Strategies for Remediating Loan Defaults, Mar/Apr at 44.

Real Estate—Sales

Norman R. Newman, Representations and Warranties in Real Estate Sales Contracts, Jan/Feb at 44.

Hope K. Plasha and Misty M. Sanford, Purchase Agreement Pitfalls to Avoid— Traps for the Unwary, Sep/Oct at 22.


Barry J. Cunningham and H. James Stedronsky, Intangible Assets in Property Tax Appeals, Mar/Apr at 52.

Justin T. Miller, Don’t Guess and Make a Mess with QSBS, Jul/Aug at 46.


Robert J. Adler and Michael J. Hausman, Fixing Damaged ILITs (Plus a Checklist to Avoid Problems), Jul/Aug at 36.

Laurel R.S. Blair, Fiduciary Considerations in ESG Investing, Jul/Aug at 18.

Alexander A. Bove Jr., Springing Trust Protectors—Now You See ‘Em, Now You Don’t, Sept/Oct at 10.

Richard A Newman, The Charitable Trust Doctrine: Application to Unrestricted Gifts, Jan/Feb at 50.

John H. Sugiyama, AI and the Formulation of Critical Data for Trust Mediations, Sep/Oct at 32.


Stephen J. Bigge, Timothy K. Bronza, Abigail R. Earthman, and Bruce A. Tannahill, Understanding and Using Financial Statements in Valuations and Planning, Mar/Apr at 31.


Gerry W. Beyer and Scout S. Blosser, The Viability of Inserting Descriptive Photos in Wills: A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words, Mar/April at 26.

William A. Drennan, The Law of a Last Request: Bury Me with My Favorite Toy, Part 2, Jan/Feb at 6.

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