What NOT To Do In Network Marketing Introduction

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All rights reserved. Copyright Š 2007, Tim Kaelin & Rob Couty No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author/s or publisher/s. While all attempts have been made to provide effective, verifiable information in this document, neither the Author/s nor Publisher/s assumes any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional. The information contained in this package does not make any claims or guarantees. The author/s do not make any promise of your personal success.


author/s have no control over what you may or may not do with this information and therefore cannot accept the responsibility for your results. Any and all references to persons or businesses, whether living or dead, existing or defunct, are purely coincidental.


Table of Contents From The Authors – page 5 How To Read This Book – page 9 Introduction – page 11 Chapter 1 - page 15 “What NOT To Do” In Assessing Your Skill Sets For Network Marketing Chapter 2 - page 21 “What NOT To Do” In Picking The Right Company Chapter 3 - page 39 “What NOT To Do” In Prospecting / Recruiting / Sponsoring Chapter 4 – page 69 “What NOT To Do” In The Business Building Process Chapter 5 – page 109 “What NOT To Do” In The Training Process Chapter 6 – page 121 “What NOT To Do” In Taking Your Business To The Next Level Chapter 7 – page 131 “What NOT To Do” When Using Advanced Business Building Techniques Summary – page 14


FROM THE AUTHORS What NOT To Do… Such simple words, but what painful memories those words stir in us. Sometimes Tim and I wonder how different our lives would be today if we had heard those words and understood their meaning long ago. One can't live in the past, but it sure makes us think about what could have been. The great thing for you is we didn't give up. We kept moving forward, searching for that “magic formula.” Of course no such formula exists, but for a time we certainly thought it did. At least the search didn't go to waste because it ended up being the basis for what you have in your hands right now, this book. The idea for this book actually came about during one of the more frustrating times in our Networking journey. One particularly frustrating day I called Tim and jokingly said, “Tim, since we've both gone through so much in this industry we should write a “What NOT To Do In Network Marketing” book someday.” We both laughed and said, “Well we're certainly qualified to write it!” We got a kick out of it and said someday we'll do just that. That was in early 2001. At that time we were still focused on building our Networking Empire. A Networking empire that was going to throw out big chunks of cash to us each and every month for years to come. Once we accomplished that, then we would write the book. Well, look at us now. Six years later and much wiser from the journey. But as it turns out, now is the time for this book. Why? Because the industry of Network Marketing is in a state of flux, a transitional phase and it needs help. It needs some repairing. It needs someone to finally


tell the truth about what's going on within the industry. Tim and I have accepted this challenge and this book is one of many to come from us that will reveal all one needs to know about the Network Marketing industry. We do this because we love the industry. It offers so many positives. But unfortunately it has been abused on a massive scale.

Of course the $50,000 question is; “Can this book make a

difference?” Our answer is an unequivocal and emphatic ... Yes! It's a massive undertaking and we realize that, but one we feel is worth the effort. We also realize we're going to step on some toes. That's O.K. too because we realize change and growth in anything is painful and it will be no different here. So how does this book help that cause? Because it's going to show you exactly “What NOT To Do In Network Marketing.” Why is that important? Because once you know “What NOT To Do” you'll be able to focus on the “right things to do”.

Imagine the time, money and

heartache that's going to save you! Those reasons alone are enough to read the book. But we feel there is one reason and one reason only to read this book – to learn what to avoid so you can stay focused on what activities will make you MONEY in any networking company or opportunity. And that's what this industry is about isn't it?


money? Sure it is. But we feel there's so much more to gain from the book than those lessons alone. We feel it will help the industry as a whole. For the first time ever people will know when to stay with a company and when to


get out. They will know which opportunity will give them the best chance to succeed, and which ones will hold them back. The tables will have turned because now the people are the ones in charge and empowered to make the right decisions.

Decisions that can change their lives


That's a powerful thing and one that will have a positive impact on the entire industry. So yeah, it's worth the fight. Don't you agree? We thought so too. So let's begin our journey... Tim K. & Rob C.


How to Read This Book We know. It sounds silly telling people how to read a book. We realize that most everyone has read a number of books in their lifetime but this one is different. Allow us to explain. Almost everyone has been told their whole life, “What To Do” or “Do This” or “Do That.” Many of us are conditioned to accept this type of instruction and guidance without ever questioning the process. Well you're about to read “What NOT To Do” in a business that could change your life.

Because of the importance of this information it's

worth addressing the conditioning you've encountered during your life. If we don't address this issue now you may totally miss the purpose of this book, the lessons being taught, and the effect those lessons can have on your business and life. With that being said we urge you to take the time to really read the book thoroughly. We suggest you find someplace quiet to read so you can concentrate on the material. Here's why. You may have already noticed each bullet paragraph starts with a bold “What NOT To Do.” Reading this heading over and over can mesmerize you a bit and cause you to lose sight of the lesson being taught in that bulleted paragraph. The “What NOT To Do” lead in heading is there for a purpose (to help get you over your lifelong conditioning of the “Do This” or “Do That” mentality we talked about earlier) but it can be a deterrent if you let it.

So to get the most out of your reading time we suggest you read one chapter at a time starting with Chapter 1.

As a matter of fact we

encourage you to read Chapter 1 and then come back a little bit later


and read that same chapter again. We feel this will give you the mental break necessary to clear your mind of this new approach to taking in material.

That way you won't miss the important message each

paragraph provides. Or if you choose you could start with the chapter you feel would help you the most first. Obviously we feel you'll get the most out of the book by reading it from beginning to end, but do what will help you the most. That's what really matters.

Whatever approach you choose just make sure you take the time to understand the message and guidance the book is conveying. If you do you'll be better prepared to pick the right opportunity for you while also increasing your chances for prolong success in this great industry. With that, let's move on to the book.


Introduction So you want to be a Networker? Well Congratulations on your decision! You’re about to embark on one of the most exciting journeys of your life. But, at the same time you are about to challenge yourself like never before. We have no idea what your success learning curve will be, but if you stick with this business and do it right the rewards will be unlike anything you've ever experienced before. ` We would like to preface this next statement by saying that we rarely use the word "promise" because life just doesn't work on promises. But this is one time we feel it's appropriate. "We promise that you will NOT be the same person at the end of your Networking journey that you were when you started.� Why? Because in order for you to build a successful long term residual income that you and your family can depend on for years to come, you must become a teacher, an enabler and a leader of many people.

And to be honest, most of you do not currently posses

the necessary skills to be that person. But don't fret. There's an abundance of tools available that can help you acquire those skills. That is of course, if you’re willing to learn them. We can confidently add that there are plenty of teachers in Network Marketing that are more than willing to mentor a willing student.


what we're basically saying is the only limitation on your future in this industry is... you!


Now you’re probably wondering, “Well if there are so many tools available to help me why do I need this book?” Good question, easy answer. Because there's so much crap floating around out there that it's getting to the point where the average person has no idea what's right or wrong, who to follow, what system to use, what pay plan to choose... well, you get the idea. Think about it, how do you know what's right in this industry if you don't know what's wrong in it? Allow us to clarify. As you know we've already addressed how most of us were conditioned throughout our lives by being told "What To Do." "Do This, Do That.” “Because I Said So." Remember? Well just as important in life is; "What NOT To Do."

Do you also

remember your parents saying, "Don't Touch That, It's HOT!" or "Don't Walk Out In Front Of Cars!" Now wouldn't you say those lessons were just as important if not more important than a lot of "What To Do" instructions you learned over the years? Duh Yeah! We don't know about you but we feel a lot of "What NOT To Do's" are life saving and life changing in nature. With that being said Tim and I want your life changing events in Network Marketing to be positive ones. In order for that to happen you must know the difference between right and wrong.

Supposedly you've

already been taught the right things to do in Network Marketing. Well, how's that going for you so far? Not to good you say? Well join the crowd, and just to let you know, it's a BIG crowd!

Here's what we

suggest you do. Find a nice quite place, sit back with something to drink or munch on and allow us to help you learn "What NOT To Do In Network Marketing."


In our teachings we'll be sharing things we learned first hand by personal experience, not hearsay.

That being said, let's make it

perfectly clear right now that every step and every move we made in this industry was exactly as we were told to do by our sponsors or up-line leaders. We didn’t take it upon ourselves to deviate from what we were taught. We believed in those above us and in their systems. They were successful, so why not follow a successful person, right? On the other hand, we're not stupid. When we realized the system they were using or endorsing wasn't working, we moved on to something else. We hoped each move would bring us closer to that missing piece we so desperately needed to be successful, but unfortunately they didn't. Now Tim and I as individuals know we're part of the reason for our failures and successes we've experienced over the years. We take full responsibility as professionals for both results. But it wasn't until we finally realized "What NOT To Do In Network Marketing” that we finally started experiencing the type of success we expected from ourselves. This simple yet powerful realization turned our Networking careers around and we feel it may do the same for some of you. That's why we're sharing this information with you. In conclusion, we feel this is the only industry that truly offers everyone a fair and level playing field. It truly doesn't matter who you are, what you have or don't have, what your past success or failures may have been, what race you may be, what education you may have or what age you are. All that matters is activity, more precisely Correct activity That’s it, pure and simple. So it's vitally important you learn "What NOT To Do In Network Marketing" so you'll know "What To Do" in Network Marketing. Once you understand both there will be no reason you can't


achieve whatever goal you want in this great industry. Best Wishes, Tim K. & Rob C. P.S. Tim and I have added the following special features for you throughout the book. Items of a (CRITICAL) nature or that may have potential legal issues are highlighted in bold and underlined so you need to pay particular attention to them. This is our way of telling you to - WATCH OUT! We've also highlighted in bold and capitalized HIDDEN/INSIDE secrets of the Networking world.

These are things you, the general public,

would never know about or be exposed to so pay particular attention to these as well.


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