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Business Briefs
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The Business Times Opinion March 10-23, 2022 Business Briefs Business Peoplen COMMUNITY HOSPITAL ACQUIRES ROBOTIC SURGICAL SYSTEM Almanac NOTEWORTHY St. Mary’s Medical Center
Community Hospital in Grand Junction has in Grand Junction has earned acquired a da Vinci Xi robotic surgical system recognition for nursing and for use in minimally invasive procedures. patient care.
“We are thrilled to offer robotic surgery St. Mary’s at Community Hospital and look forward received Magnet to continuing to bring the Grand Valley and n THIRD FREDDY’S OPENS IN GRAND VALLEY recognition surrounding areas advanced minimally invasive WITH NEW RESTAURANT IN CLIFTON through a program surgical treatment options,” said Joe Gerardi, administered by the chief operating officer and nursing officer. A third Freddy’s Frozen Custard & Steakburgers restaurant American Nurses
Surgeons control the system, which has opened in the Grand Valley. Credentialing translates hand movements into the smaller, The newest operation is located at 3232 Interstate 70 Business Center. more precise movements of tiny instruments inside patients’ Loop in Clifton. “Earning bodies. The system can be used for general surgery as well as “We look forward to serving guests in Clifton with the same Magnet recognition procedures in the areas of gynecology, oncology and urology. friendly service and great taste that they’ve come to love at our is an honor that
The Xi System expands on core da Vinci System features, Freddy’s restaurants in Grand Junction,” said David Giesen, franchise reaffirms St. Mary’s including wristed instruments, intuitive motion and an ergonomic owner. culture that values design. The Xi System also provides surgeons with magnified The 2,631-square-foot restaurant can seat up to 80 guests with the integral role views, virtually extending their hands and eyes into patients. additional seating available on a patio. Drive-through service also is that nurses play
Overhead instrument arms are designed to accommodate available. Hours of operation run from 10:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday in caring for our anatomical access from any position. Smaller, thinner arms with through Thursday and 10:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday. community every newly designed joints offer a greater range of motion. A simpler Giesen also owns Freddy’s locations at 737 Horizon Drive day,” said Michelle and more compact endoscope design offers improved visual clarity and 2489 U.S. Highway 6 &50. Shiao, chief and the ability to attach the endoscope to any arm, providing “We’re excited to bring the community a third area location, nursing officer flexibility for seeing the surgical site. and we feel like Clifton is a great fit for our concept,” Giesen and vice president
For more information about Community Hospital, visit the said. “The family friendly atmosphere of our restaurants make of patient care services. “This website at https://YourCommunityHospital.com. us a great place for guests looking to celebrate a birthday or get process was both rigorous and together after a game. Our team will do everything they can to thorough for all involved — from n REALTOR GROUP ESTABLISHES SCHOLARSHIP ensure you enjoy your experience at Freddy’s.” the bedside nurse clinicians IN MEMORY OF GRAND JUNCTION EXECUTIVE In addition to frozen custard and cooked-to-order steakburgers, to the department leaders, Freddy’s serves shoestring fries, beef hot dogs and other fare. executive team and members of
The Colorado Association of Realtors has established a Founded in Kansas in 2002, the franchise has grown to a total of the board of directors.” scholarship program in memory of Pat Teck, the former executive more than 400 locations in 34 states. For more information, visit Bryan Johnson, president of director of the Grand Junction Area Realtor Association. https://freddysusa.com. St. Mary’s, said the entire team
The Pat Teck AE Institute scholarship will assist Realtor can be proud of the recognition. association executives attend the National Association of Realtors n VETERINARY PRACTICES JOIN IN EFFORT “Magnet designation is an Association Executive Institute. TO OFFER DISCOUNTED STERILIZATIONS impressive and important
Before her death in 2020, Teck served 24 years as executive distinction for our organization director of the Grand Junction Area Realtor Association. Her Grand Valley veterinary practices have joined with Mesa and associates as well as the career with the Realtor board spanned more than 40 years. She was County Animal Services to offer spay or neuter procedures at a communities we serve.’’ selected three times as the representative of association executives reduced price. To achieve Magnet to the Colorado Association of Realtors executive committee. The Animal Assistance Foundation has provided funding accreditation, St. Mary’s for pet sterilization procedures. Participating veterinary practices participated in a process over n ROTARY CLUB DONATES $6,000 IN PROCEEDS have agreed to offer those procedures at a reduced rate, resulting several years that required FROM GRAND VALLEY ALE TRAIL PROGRAM in a fee of $25 to pet owners. participation from every discipline Participating practices have been issued a limited number and across every level of the
The Horizon Sunrise Rotary Club donated $2,000 each to the of vouchers for 2022. Vouchers are offered at the discretion of organization. The process included Center for Children, Meals on Wheels and Roice-Hurst Humane veterinarians and are valid through Sept. 30. Pet owners could be an electronic application, written Society, proceeds from the Grand Valley Ale Trail fund-raising asked to support they have financial needs or communicate why patient care documentation and program offering deals from breweries, restaurants and wineries. they face unique circumstances to receive vouchers. a virtual site visit and review by
The free Grand Valley Ale Trail app is available from Apple or Pet owners are required to provide proof of rabies vaccinations the Commission on Magnet Google stores. For $20, users receive electronic coupons good at for their pets to use the vouchers. The cost of vaccinations isn’t Recognition.each location along the trail. Proceeds go to local charities. covered by the vouchers. St. Mary’s received
Participating businesses include: Ale House, Carboy Winery, The participating veterinary practices are: All Pets Center, additional recognition in the Colorado Vintner’s Collection, Cooper Club Brewing, Edgwater Animal Birth Control, Arrowhead Veterinary Hospital, CLAWS form of five Magnet Exemplar Brewery, Handlebar Tap House, Kannah Creek Brewing, Monumental (cats only), Cottonwood Veterinary Hospital, Footprints Animal accolades. Magnet Exemplars Beer Works, Octillo Restaurant + Bar, Palisade Brewing, Peach Street Hospital, Grand View Animal Hospital, Monument View are stories that highlight Distillers, Ramblebine Brewing, Rockslide Brewery, Scotland Yard Veterinary Hospital, Orchard Mesa Veterinary Hospital, Redlands excellence in nursing practice Cigar & Spirits and Suds Brothers Brewery. For more information, visit www.donortrail.com/gvat. Pet Clinic and VCA Tiara Rado Animal Hospital. See BRIEFS page 29 with positive outcomes.
The Business Times welcomes submissions for free publication in Business Briefs. Email items to phil@thebusinesstimes.com or submit a news release online at www.thebusinesstimes.com. Joe Gerardi Michelle Shiao Bryan Johnson
Continued from page 28
Pinnacol Assurance contributed a total of more than $1.5 million and 1,150 volunteer hours to organizations and individuals in Colorado in 2021, the workers’ compensation insurer announced. “At Pinnacol, caring is part of our company culture,” said Edie Sonn, vice president of communications and public Edie Sonn affairs. “For us, it’s a natural extension of our business to invest in the local communities where we work and live. We’re grateful to all the Pinnacol employees who volunteered, donated, organized and supported our efforts to care for Colorado in 2021.”
Pinnacol contributed $507,000 to programs promoting employee health and safety, economic vitality and work force development. Pinnacol also donated $100,000 to fund set up to help victims of the Marshall Fire in Boulder County.
The Pinnacol Foundation awarded a total of $347,150 in college scholarships to 75 students across Colorado for the 2021-2022 academic year. The program provides scholarships to students whose parents have been killed or injured in work-related accidents.
Employees involved in the Pinnacol in Action program volunteered a ttoal of 1,150 hours. Pinnacol matched $137,634 in money donated by employees to nonprofits for a total contribution of $272,528.
For more information about Pinnacol Assurance, visit the website at www.pinnacol.com. n SMOKIN’ OAK WOOD-FIRED PIZZA
The Smokin’ Oak Wood-Fired Pizza restaurant in Grand Junction will join in fund-raising event planned as part of Pi Day on March 14.
Smokin’ Oak will sell wood-fired pizzas for $3.14 to guests who donate either $1 or a canned food item to a charity with which local franchisees will partner.
In Grand Junction, the Smokin’ Oak restaurant is located at 2478 U.S. Hightway 6 And 50. The franchisee will support Steppin’ It Up, a nonprofit program providing life skills training to people with disabilities.
Pi Day is an annual celebration of the mathematical constant pi. Pi Day is observed on March 14 since three, one and four are the first three significant digits of pi.
Based in Florida, Smokin’ Oak Wood-Fired Pizza opened its first franchise location in Iowa in 2017. For more information about Smokin’ Oak Wood-Fired Pizza, visit https://smokinoakpizza.com.
The Home Builders Association of Western Colorado has scheduled its spring show.
The Western Colorado Home & Garden Expo is set for April 30 and May 1 at the Mesa County Fairgrounds, 2785 U.S. Highway 50 in Grand Junction.
The show will include indoor and outdoor home and garden interactive exhibitors, demonstration, food trucks and a VIP opening event.
Exhibitors and sponsors are sought for the show. For more information, contact Megan at 245-0253 or send an email to office@hbawesternco.com. n STAFFING COMPANY ANNOUNCES
Express Employment Professionals, a staffing company whose operations include locations in Grand Junction and Montrose, announced record-breaking sales of $4.16 billion in 2021.
The company also employed 586,000 people last year.
Express Employment Professionals has a total of more than 850 franchises in the United States and four other countries.
Nina Anderson operates a franchise with offices at 725 Pitkin Ave. in Grand Junction and 525 E. Main St. in Montrose. For more information, call 242-4500 in Grand Junction or 249-5202 in Montrose or visit https:// www.expresspros.com/grandjunctionco or https://www. expresspros.com/montroseco.
The Orchard Mesa Lions Club will sponsor a youth speech contest.
The contest is open to any student of high school age and will include local-, district- and state-level competitions. Winners will receive cash prizes.
Entrants must submit by March 14 a manuscript or annotated outline of their speeches based on the topic “Your passion becomes your legacy when you serve others ... Why is community service important?”
The local contest is scheduled for the Orchard Mesa Lions Club meeting on March 21.
For more information about the contest, send an email to Kathy at Turkeytrots2@gmail.com. F
Trends Contributors Opinion Business BriefsBusiness People Almanac
MARCH 10-23, 2022
2 In this issuen Booking it A Grand Junction resident has literally written the book on helping girls and young women become entrepreneurs.n Award winnersA Grand Valley business and three individuals won awards from the Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce. VOLUME 29, ISSUE 5 6 8 Colorado Gov. Jared Polis offered praise as well as promises in a state of the state address in Grand Junction.n FARM coming Remodeling is under way in a building that will be converted into the Fruita Arts Recreation Marketplace. n Diverging trendsTwo trends diverge in the Mesa County real estate market: decreasing sales, but increasing dollar volume.n Legislative updateAlong with what’s in place, Colorado legislators have introduced more measures that could affect employment law.
Almanac 30-31Business Briefs 28-29Business People 30-31Contributors 21-25News 2-18Opinion 26-27Trends 19-20

n Praise, promises
19 21
n Departments
High-flying venture n With incentives, West Star expanding. See page 2 West Star Aviation repairs, maintains and refurbishes a variety of aircraft at facilities located at the Grand Junction Regional Airport.
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