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Business Briefs
The Business Times SePtember 16-29, 2021 n PUBLIC ACCOUNTING AND ADVISORY FIRM
Dalby, Wendland & Co., a regional public accounting and business advisory firm based in Grand Junction, now offers wealth management services. DWC Wealth Advisors integrates wealth management services with estate planning, retirement and tax services. “The combination of having a CPA advisor and wealth advisor on the same team and collaborating to provide advice on every aspect of your tax and financial planning and legacy goals is rare and incredibly beneficial,” said Chris West, chief executive officer of Dalby, Wendland & Co. “There is oftentimes a gap in communication between tax and business advisors, the client and outside wealth advisors. We understand that the success of our clients’ finances, goals and strategies start with coordinated communication and coooperation among unified professionals who always have the client’s best interest and excellent service in mind.” DWC Wealth Advisors engaged two independent financial planners — Kevin Price and Jason Stanfield — to help clients. Each brings more than 20 years of financial and wealth planning experience to their roles, including financial planning for wealth accumulation and preservation as well as investment and portfolio analysis. DWC Wealth Advisors offers fee-based services. Advisors don’t receive commissions from selling specific investment or insurance products.
“We maintain a proactive, long-term and purpose-driven planning approach with our wealth services versus a beat-the-market mindset,” West said.
For more information, visit www.DWCWealthAdvisors.com. n APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED THROUGH OCT. 15
Applications will be accepted through 5 p.m. Oct. 15 for the latest round of grants from the Bray Cares Foundation.
Grants of $500 to $5,000 will be awarded to qualified, tax-exempt organizations working to address housing needs in Mesa County. Grants will target projects that provide emergency shelter and rent assistance, offer affordable housing for those dealing with special needs and help seniors and veterans stay in their homes.
Now in its third year, the Bray Cares Foundation has awarded a total of $40,000 in grants. The foundation plans to award $35,000 this year to bring total grant distributions to $75,000 in celebration of the 75th year of business for Bray Real Estate in Grand Junction.
Bray Real Estate established the Bray Cares Foundation and works with the Western Colorado Community Foundation to raise funding and award grants to address housing needs in Mesa County.
For more information, including grant applications, log on to https://wc-cf.org/nonprofits/grantmaking/BrayCares. Opinion
Business Briefs Business PeopleSHARE YOUR NEWS The Business Times welcomes submissions for free Almanac NOTEWORTHY publication in Business Briefs. Email submissions to phil@thebusinesstimes.com or submit a news release online at the website at www.thebusinesstimes.com. A Colorado real estate investment firm has secured a $15 million loan to construct an apartment complex and RV park in Grand Junctiion. Four Points Funding received n PUBLIC FUND-RAISING CAMPAIGN UNDER WAY the loan from FirstBank for the FOR TWO RIVERS WILDFIRE COALITION Eddy at Grand Junction. The project will include a 96-unit A public fund-raising campaign is scheduled to continue apartment complex and 74-unit through Sept. 30 for the Two Rivers Wildfire Coalition. RV park.The Western Colorado Community Foundation will match “Grand donations up to $5,000. Funding also will enable the coalition to Junction has pursue larger grants. all the key A collaborative effort of federal, state, local, nonprofit and private fundamentals agencies, the coalition strives to protect Mesa County communities to benefit from and natural resourcs through wildfire fuels reduction projects as well the migration as response and recovery. to Colorado’s “Our next step is to bring in grant monies to support mitigation Western Slope,” across land ownership in our high-risk communities,” said Pete Firmin, said Stephanie fund-raising and grants chairman of the Two Rivers Wildfire Coalition. Copeland, a “So many of these grants require a match or they reimbuse costs, and partner at Four we need this seed money to make that happen.” Points Funding. “Good schools, Emily Orbanek, programs director for the Western Colorado exceptional hospitals, outdoor Community Foundation, said the foundation was pleased to recreation, a recently expanded support the coalition. “The coalition’s work is urgent as Western airport and a growing small Colorado grapples with more frequent wildfires.” business community make For more information about the coalition and its fund-raising Grand Junction an attractive campaign, visit www.TwoRiversWildfireCoalition.org. place for young people and families seeking an alternative n ROCKY MOUNTAIN GUN CLUB ANNOUNCES to the density of the Denver and IT’S CLOSING GRAND JUNCTION FACILITIES Boulder markets.” Stacey Novak, vice Rocky Mountain Gun Club has closed its indoor ranges and president at FirstBank, said she other facilities in Grand Junction. was excited to work with Four The club announced the closure in a news release, citing Points Funding on the project. challenges over the past two years. “This is a heartbreaking reality “We’ve been watching Grand for us all, ownership, members, staff and the community we serve.” Junciton’s growth trajectory for The club announced plans to reimburse unused membership some time and recognize how dues as store credit or cash, contact the owners of consigned items much housing resources are to return their items as well as arrange with storage tenants to needed to help this wonderful move their recreational vehicles and boats. community continue to be a The actions are scheduled for completion by Sept. 30. great place to live, work and For more information, call 523-7642. play for many Coloradans. We know Fourt Points will make a n WESTERN COLORADO UNIONS SPONSOR sizable impact, and are excited MOBILE COVID VACCINATION CLINIC to bring their vision to life.” Four Points Funding The Western Colorado Trades and Labor Assembly will focuses on Colorado projects join with Colorado WINS, the International Brotherhood of located in opportunity zones Electricians, IBEW Local 111, CEA and Colorado Department offering tax incentives for of Public Health & Environment to sponsor a mobile COVID-19 investments. Most of those vaccination clinic in Grand Junction. projects involve multifamily The CDHPE vaccine bus will offer free vaccinations from housing developments in areas 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sept. 19 in the former Sutherland’s parking lot experiencing rapid population at 2405 Patterson Road. No appointments, health insurance or and economic growth. identification cards will be required. For more information about Incentives will be offered, including vouchers for fishing Four Points Funding, log on to licenses and parks passes. www.fourpointsfunding.com.F
Chris West
Kevin Price S. Copeland Jason Stanfield