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A French manufacturer of starting and timing systems for bicycle motocross has

Page 4 PAGE 4 The THE Business Times BUSINESS TIMES OctOber 8-21, 2020 JANUARY 15-28, 2015 THE BUSINESS TIMES Administrator brings
WE OFFER COMPLIMENTARY HOME & OFFICE DELIVERY/PICK UP! The Business Times is published twice monthly and distributed throughout Grand The Business Times 609 North Ave., Suite 2, Grand Junction, CO 81501 Telephone: (970) 424-5133 FAX: (970) 424-5134 www.thebusinesstimes.com The Business Times 609 North Ave., Suite 5 Grand Junction, CO 81501 (970) 424-5133 www.thebusinesstimes.com The Business Times is published twice monthly and distributed throughout Phil Castle The Business Times as well as New England and Canada. Whidden said people who work in information technology aren’t just “geeks,” well-rounded perspective to new Mesa County role
Delivery Hotline: 970-314-8356 Junction, Fruita and Palisade. Advertising rates and deadlines are available upon request. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, editor, staff or advertisers. Copyright © 2015 — All rights reserved. Grand Junction, Fruita and Palisade. Advertising rates and deadlines are available upon request. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the writers and don’t necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, editor or advertisers. Frank Whidden brings what he considers a well-rounded perspective to his new job as Mesa County administrator. Whidden worked in information but offer an important perspective because they’re familiar with nearly every aspect of operations and how work gets done. They also tend to think about new and potentially better ways of doing things in asking and 599 Patterson (25 Road & Patterson) Copyright © 2020 — All rights reserved technology and holds a master’s degree in answering “what if ” questions. “They know how to effect change in an organization.” computer information Whidden expects to bring that same systems. But he also approach to his duties as administrator. Prostart supplied an electric starting gate for a bicycle motocross facility on holds a doctoral Whidden said it’s his role to help the Colorado Mesa State University campus. The French manufacturer plans to degree in applied county commissioners make and then open an office in Grand Junction to serve clients in the United States as well as management and implement decisions. The commissioners Canada and Mexico. (Photo courtesy Grand Junction Economic Partnership) decision making and worked for more than in turn represent the residents of the county and express their will, he said. “We Frank Whidden BMX manufacturer opens 20 years as a minister. Whidden has worked for large and small organizations in both the private and public sectors. work for the people.” Whidden said he also considers himself a liaison between the commissioners and Grand Junction operation Whidden expects to draw on all of his A French manufacturer of starting county staff, and one of the priorities is to would be easier to operate in the U.S. He experiences in helping Mesa County and timing systems for bicycle motocross make sure employees feel valued. Whidden considered Denver, Montrose and Salt Lake commissioners make and carry out decisions. plans to open its first United States office said he hopes not only to improve morale, City before deciding on Grand Junction. Valuing staff and making the county in Grand Junction. but also take steps that will make Mesa Grun said he enjoyed working with an employer of choice is among the The Grand Junction County an organization for which people GJEP. “I know I can ask anything. It is very priorities, Whidden said. So is planning Economic Partnership, want to work. transparent and you are just here to help.” that results in sustainable funding and which assisted with the Meanwhile, Whidden expects the Grun plans to officially relocate balanced budgets on a long-term basis. move, announced the county to continue policies and initiatives to Grand Junction next year pending Meanwhile, Mesa County will opening of the Prostart that support local business and economic approval of an E2 visa, which he expects continue to pursue efforts that promote a office and warehouse on development. There are additional steps in December. An E2 visa enables people friendly business environment and 25 Road. that can be taken to make it easier for local to come to the U.S. to set up a business, economic development, Whidden said. Owner Quentin businesses to sell products and services to practice or office. He said the company has
Let’s create something Whidden officially began working as county administrator at the beginning of the year. He succeeds Tom Fisher, who was Grun said he learned about Grand Junction when he sold a timing Quentin Grun the county, he added. Mesa County will keep working with other government entities, organizations invested at least $100,000 in its operations in the Grand Valley, which was required to apply for the visa. ...for your home, business, or toys! hired as county manager in Summit County, Utah. system to the cycling team at Colorado Mesa University four years ago and developed and institutions on fostering an environment that supports existing businesses and He expects to hire one employee in the Grand Junction office early next year. Whidden joined Mesa County in a relationship with Brian Flaherty, team attracts new businesses, he said. Prostart will continue operations in August 2011 as information technology director. Grun said he also knows several Whidden said there could be a France to serve European and international director. In April 2014, he became deputy BMX riders who live in the area. opportunities to encourage the additional clients. The company will serve the county administrator for resource Grun said he initially considered development of businesses that provide U.S., Canada and Mexico from its Grand SOLAR POWERED management in a staffing reorganization that eliminated four director positions. Canada for his North American operations. But with 80 percent of sales on the continent services to the agricultural industry as well as promote Mesa County as a distribution Junction office, Grun said. Prostart serves clients in 20 states, he said. 1707 I-70 Business Loop Before joining Mesa County, in the United States, he said he realized it center for the region. F Grand Junction 970-243-6310 allmetalswelding.com Whidden worked for a company providing information technology services to colleges and universities. In that role, he managed IT systems and services for institutions in Alabama, Arizona, Illinois The important thing is to consider issues from a well-rounded perspective, Whidden said. “We won’t be myopic as we look at things.” ✦ Construction proceeds on Palisade Plunge Construction continues on a trail that will take mountain bike riders and other users 34 miles between the top of the The first phase of the trail will soon open on the lower half of the route from the Lands End Road crossing on the western Grand Mesa and downtown Palisade. flank of the Grand Mesa to the Palisade The Colorado Plateau Mountain Bike Rim Trailhead. The second phase of the Trail Association (COPMOBA) and nearly trail connecting the Mesa Top Trailhead a dozen other organizations and government to the first phase section is scheduled for entities joined in a media event to offer an completion in December. The third phase Life is Precious update on the Palisade Plunge. Scott Winans, president of COPMOBA, involves a paved portion connecting the Palisade Plunge Trail to the Colorado called the singletrack trail a jewel for Riverfront Trail in Palisade. Western Colorado. By one estimate, the trail COPMOBA has worked for nearly will attract users that in turn will contribute 10 years to spearhead the project. Other
Serving families of the Western Slope $5 million annually to the local economy. “The Palisade Plunge Trail will partners have included he U.S. Bureau of Land Management and Forest Service, challenge users through a truly unique and Colorado Parks and Wildlife and the for more than 100 years. unforgettable trail experience, providing Colorado Tourism Office, Mesa County, access to remote public lands while the cities of Fruita and Grand Junction, the traversing stunning alpine to high desert town of Palisade, the Outdoor Recreation terrain as it connects the top elevations of Coalition of the Grand Valley and Grand the Grand Mesa to the Town of Palisade Junction Economic Partnership. 6,000 feet below,” Winans said. F