Vienna Study Trip 2022 Booklet

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Cobe Study Trip 2022 Austria Vienna

Planning team: Lærke Kramer Lola Rieger Katharina Deisting Mariam Al Gorgi Romila Strub Rrita Pula Valentina Rapuano

+45 +45 +46 +43 +45 +45 +46

21752924 30110213 793130865 69911478720 50103013 51890640 793350139 2





In the debate on a new housing issue, Vienna is often presented as an exception: Housing in this city is largely municipally regulated and decommodified, and affordable housing is found all over the city. The practice of reforming the city with the help of housing goes back about a hundred years, which is not specific to Vienna. What differentiates Vienna from other major European cities is the extent and the degree to which the project of (local) state housing production was pursued by the “expanded state.” The city’s housing reform was a major effort of the “expanded state”. Unlike in many cities, social housing was not abandoned or the stock even sold, but repeatedly updated as an instrument of regulation and reform and adapted to the respective social, political and economic conditions. In international discussions, the Viennese housing system is primarily associated with social housing. It is repeatedly emphasized how large this sector is compared to other cities and what positive effects this brings to the city: comparatively low rents, moderate housing cost burdens and low socio-spatial segregation. And indeed, the share of social housing - defined as housing provided by the public sector or nonprofit organizations for low-cost housing - is larger in Vienna than in most other European capitals. According to this definition, around 43 percent of the apartments in the Austrian capital belong to this sector, with around half in the form of municipal buildings owned by the city and the other half owned by nonprofit developers. In Europe, only Amsterdam currently has a similarly large stock. The positive effects of such an extensive social housing sector, such as controlled lower rent and housing costs or the dampening influence on socio-spatial segregation processes, are well documented. 4

TER OF SOCIAL HOUSING GENOSSENSCHAFTEN: Cooperative apartments are an option for those people who do not want to move into a temporary privately financed rental apartment and cannot afford to buy a condominium. As a member of a cooperative, you live at lower ongoing housing costs. BAUGRUPPE is a german for “building group” – stands for a long tradition of self-initiated, community-oriented living and the shared responsibility of building. Every project differs in its financing, social make-up, the wishes and desires of the group, and the project’s resulting architectural and urban qualities. BAUTRÄGERWETTBEWERBE / 4 PILLAR (SÄULEN) MODEL: Developer competitions specify specific topics based on the needs of the population. Alongside the property advisory board, public developer competitions are among the most important instruments for subsidized new housing construction in Vienna. To be able to assess a project, a 4-pillar model with the criteria social sustainability, architecture, ecology and economy is used. IBA is the International Building Exhibition. In the middle of the 19th century it became customary to present innovations in building technology at world exhibitions. Since then there have been a number of International Building Exhibitions at irregular intervals. What they all have in common is that they have always been mirrors of their time in terms of social, technical and cultural trends and developments. The IBA is a field for experimentation. 5



JUNO is an association by and for separated and single parents in Vienna. In subsidised housing in Vienna, they develop and accompany single-parent housing projects. They work together with non-profit property developers and plan and arrange compact, low-cost flats for single parents in Vienna. NEUNERHAUS neunerhaus is a social organisation in Vienna. It enables homeless people and people at risk of poverty to lead a self-determined and dignified life with medical care, housing and counselling. The aim is to help those affected to help themselves in order to improve their living situation in the long term. Neunerhaus is committed to combating the exclusion of homeless people. SUBSIDISED HOUSING is the term used to describe the state-subsidised construction of housing, especially for social groups that cannot meet their housing needs on the open housing market. WOHNBAUINITIATIVE: with this Housing Initiative (WBI for short), the City of Vienna launched an additional programme for the subsidised construction of new flats in 2011. The developers are supported by the City of Vienna, and in return the housing offers meet the highest quality standards and the rents are lower than on the private housing market - similar to subsidised housing.


TER OF SOCIAL HOUSING GEMEINDEBAU is an german word for municipality building. It refers to residential buildings erected by a municipality in Austria, especially in Vienna, to provide public housing. Apartments in the building can be rented from the respective municipality. FUN FACTS FROM THE GEMEINDEBAU • 610 hectares of green space equals 854 soccer fields • approx. 68,000 trees are located in the courtyards of the apartment buildings • 7,900 elevators, which when stacked equal 2 times the height of the Himalayas • 1,300 playgrounds equal to 3 times the sum of the playgrounds of all provincial capitals • 5,500 clothes dryers lined up in a row equal the length of Vienna’s Ringstrasse SERVICE KEY FIGURES PER YEAR • 10,000 rental contracts concluded • 120,000 reports of problems • 1 million calls received • 80,000 customers in the service center CURRENT COMMUNITY HOUSING PROJECTS AND INITIATIVES IN VIENNA: Baugruppen, Frauenwohnpojekt ro*sa, Kolokation, Mauerseglerei, Wien 23, MONA21, Quartiershaus Hauptbahnhof Wien, Verband B.R.O.T, Vis a vis, Wohnprojekt Wien, Wien 20, Wohnbuddy, Wohnprojekt Rosegarden, Willdawohnen, Sargfabrik Wien, Treibhaus Donaufeld & more 7


Karl M


Alt Erlaa




Karl Marx Hof


Freie Mitte Nordbanhof




ACT Find your way around

You can tell which district you are in by looking at the number written on the nearest street sign.

If you don’t find your way around…

Getting a cab in Vienna is fairly cheap, if you don’t feel like walking or taking public transport.

The night is yours!

The subway operates the whole night and there are night busses replacing the trams when it’s very late.

Late Night Snacks

If you order “A Eitrige, an Bugl, an Krokodü und a 16er Blech” after a night out at a “Würschtelstand”, you’re practically Viennese! You’ll be served a sausage filled with cheese, a piece of dark bread, a pepperoni and a can of beer. Make sure to ask for some “Kren” (freshly grated horseradish)

How to drink your Spritzer

When the temperatures reach a certain level, Austrians like to drink a “Spritzer”, which is a mix of ½ sparkling water and ½ white wine. Theres even something called “Sommerspritzer” with ¾ sparkling water and ¼ white wine. Give it a try, you’ll be thankful the morning after!


A 10% tip is expected. Tell the waiter how much tip you would like to give when you’re paying, instead of leaving change on the table when you leave. 10

...LIKE A LOCAL Keep cash on you

“Nur Bares ist Wahres” is a typical saying in Austria, translating to “Only Cash is Real”. Withdraw some money when you see an ATM, as it’s not possible to pay by card sometimes.

Drink loads of water

Yes, you can drink the water from the tap. Some even say it is the best in the world, as it comes from the mountains Rax, Schneeberg and Scheealpe. There are also several fountains throughout the city where you can fill your water bottles.

Dare to speak!

The Viennese dialect might sound a bit foreign, but German is in fact their mother tongue! Every Austrian will be happy if you try greeting them in German. Typically, you’d just say “Hallo”, “Guten Tag”, “Servus” or even “Grüß Gott”. A special note for our German friends: Jause = Brotzeit = Snack Tschick = Kippe = Cigarette Beisl = Kneipe = Bar Weckerl = Brötchen = Sandwich Oida = Alter = a word for almost every emotion

Austrians love their sweets!

They love them so much that they often serve desserts as main dishes. Make sure to try a Kaiserschmarrn (Cut-Up Pancake with Raisins), a Germknödel (Yeast Dumpling with Poppyseeds), Palatschinken mit Marillenmarmelade (Pancakes with Apricot Jam) or Mohnnudeln (Sweet Poppy Seed Noodles). 11

TRAVEL FLIGHTS: GROUP 1 OS308 - CPH-VIE: 07:05-08:45 OS307 - VIE-CPH : 21:00-22:40* *The bus from 25hrs Hotel to the airport leaves at 18.00h

GROUP 2 OS302 - CPH-VIE: 09:05-11:30 OS305 - VIE-CPH : 17:35-19:15* *The bus from 25hrs Hotel to the airport leaves at 14:30h

HOTELS: 25Hours Hotels Vienna Lerchenfelder Strasse 1-3 1070 Wien Ne uba uga sse


Hotel am Brilliantengrund Bandgasse 4 1070 Wien



25 Hours Hotel



Hotel am Brillantengrund


DINNER & PARTY 20.05.2022 18:30 DINNER Melker Stiftskeller Schottengasse 3, 1010 Wien 20.05.2022 22:00 FRIDAY BAR “If dogs run free” Gumpendorfer Str. 10, 1060 Wien 21.05.2022 18:30 DINNER Heuriger Hans Maly Sandgasse 8, 1190 Wien


DAY 1 20.05.2022 10:00 Group 1: arrival at the hotels 11:00-12:00 Group 1: free time to explore the city (see tips p.70-83) 12:00 Group 2: arrival at the hotels Subway to Seestadt (U2 – Seesstadt, 40-50Min.)

14:00 Seestadt Aspern FABRIK: Sonnenallee 137, 1220 Wien 14:15 Intro Lecture Peter Hinterkörner (Wien 3420 Aspern Development) Andreas Marth (AllesWirdGut), Erik Meinharter (PlanSinn), Elisabeth Graf & Melania Zeni (Dietrich Untertrifaller), Sascha Bradic (NMPB), Bence Horvath (Querkraft) 15:30-16:30 Guided tour with the architects & landscape planners Subway to the City Center: Melker Stiftskeller (30 Minutes)

18:30 Dinner Melker Stiftskeller: Schottengasse 3, 1010 Wien Walk through the City Center to the Cocktail Bar (30 Minutes)

22:00 Cocktails at the bar “If Dogs Run Free” with Tzoui & Gregorio (Tzou Lubroth Architects)



Seestadt Aspern

Melker Stiftskeller 25h Hotel Hotel am Brillantengrund IKEA

If Dogs Run Free

Wohnpark Alterlaa




Masterplan: Tovatt, 2005 (Redefinition in 2012) + Gehl (Public Space) Seestadt Aspern is situated in the 22nd district and is one of Europe’s largest urban development projects. It’s a multi-phase plan that is being developed and will be within the next decade. It foresees the creation of high-quality housing for over 25,000 people and, eventually, thousands of workplaces. Built on a foundation of innovative concepts, this city-within-a-city combines high quality of life with economic drive. It aims at being diverse, open and planned for the future, with excellent transport links.



As part of the master plan for the urban development of Seestadt Aspern, the City of Vienna designated a building plot for about five self-initiated housing groups. Self-initiated housing groups could apply for building plots with corresponding concepts and had to present them to an expert jury. Finally, five of them were selected by the jury and asked to find a common solution for the division of the building plots and the design of the common open space. We will introduce you to some of them in the following pages.



Maria Tusch Straße 2/1/1, 1220 Wien Architecture: Roland Hampl, Self-Initiated Housing, 2013 – 2017 Landscape: LAND IN SICHT Que[e]rbau aims at meeting the requirements of queer people and plans to include and support old and young, singles and partners as well as all types of families – rainbow, patchwork, foster families. In choosing the WBV-GPA project-developer model (subsidised rented apartments with purchase option), the Que[e]rbau-group combines the advantages of financial security and low living costs with joint decision-making. Everyone can join in planning their respective apartment as well as the communal areas in and around the Que[e]rbau. 18


Maria-Tusch-Straße 8, 1220 Wien Architecture: WUP_wimmerndpartner, Self-Initiated Housing, 2015 Landscape: zwoPK LiSA limits the architectural specification and therefor offers a high degree of liberty for the users. It essentially consists of two parts: a compact house and an open structure. The flat sizes and floor plans were defined by the users. As you enter the flats through the terraces, an exciting play of private/half-private and public is created. There are various communal spaces that are managed by the residents.



Hannah-Arendt-Platz 9, 1220 Wien Architecture: Franz Kuzmich, Self-Initiated Housing, 2010-2014 Landscape: zwoPK B.R.O.T. has 40 residential units close to the Hannah-Arendt-Park, where about 100 people live. The house has numerous common rooms, such as an exercise room, meditation room, playing room, youth room, music room, etc. The development was limited by the zoning and development plan to a height of 21 m and a floor area density of 2.1. The future residents decided on a central staircase with central corridor access. This allowed for very economical floor plans in terms of the ratio of flat size to number of rooms.



Barbara-Prammer-Alle 9, 1220 Wien Architecture: Einszueins, Self-Initiated Housing, 2019-2021 Landscape: DnD Landschaftsplanung Leuchtturm Seestadt is a self-initiated housing project that was developed together with the developer Schwarzatal. Great value is placed on communal living as the basis for social sustainability. A good mix of different age grops and household sizes is therefore of particular importance and promises a lively coexistence of all generations. 21


Maria-Tusch-Straße 2, 1220 Wien Architecture: NMPB, 2015 Landscape: Rajek Barosch The three-part division of the building structures represents a reinterpretation of the characteristic façade of a Gründerzeit (founder period) building. Different flat types, each with special, assigned open spaces, are stacked to form a new typology. All flats are assigned an individual open space. The individual flat types are protected from someone looking inside by their orientation and spatial closures (loggias).



Wangari-Maathai-Platz 1, 1220 Wien Architecture: Rüdiger Lainer, 2016-2019 HoHo Vienna signals a firm commitment to innovation, sustainability and modernity by combining the vision of an ecological and forward-looking building in a 84 m (24 storeys) wooden highrise. The hybrid construction consisting of wood and concrete has also been efficiently implemented in financial terms: The progressive timber technology permits the spruce wood used to build the walls, ceilings and supports to remain completely exposed, giving the interior a unique cosy feeling.



Maria-tusch-strasse 11–13, 1220 Wien Architecture: AWG, 2013-2015 Landscape: PlanSinn Five independent structures are figured into one large urban form, but are connected in the basement by a common bicycle garage. Inside, there are high-quality and flexibly usable residential, working and commercial areas that ensure urban life. The flexible floor plan system enables a combination of working and living in many areas. The tree grove inside the courtyard forms the green centre of the building site and is easily accessible from the surrounding paths via staircases and ramps.



Architecture: Berger+Parkkinen, Querkraft, 2015 Landscape: idealice The complex with a total of 213 apartments and eight shops consists of a group of clearly recognizable individual timber houses in the form of slender, compact individual volumes. The strong articulation of the building volumes creates a lively, south-facing open space that offers a variety of spatial relationships. The inner courtyard is a semi-public zone that forms the common heart of the complex, which is connected to the pedestrian zone and is surrounded at ground floor level by the common spaces. Meeting places are formed at junctions in front of entrance areas, laundries and the playground for small children. Hills, trees and shrubs with small crowns protect the private terraces. 25


Janis-Joplin-Promenade 14, 1220 Wien Architecture: Pesendorfer & Machalek Architekten, Martin Mostböck, 2017-2019 Landscape: DnD Landschaftsplanung The building forms the framework for the landscape concept. In the courtyard, paths made of concrete walkways and wooden decks, grasses and tall trembling poplars stand in gravel fields. All rainwater is led to these areas so that the plants can immediately take it up. The “green vein” starts on the ramp and runs in a large sweep along the edge of the building to the green roof. A high-tech system consisting of many sensors permanently measures humidity and temperature and thus controls the irrigation throughout the year. 26


Fahngasse 8, 1220 Wien Architecture: Sophie and Peter Thalbauer Architektur, Thaler Thaler Architekten & Alfred Charamza, 2009-2019 Landscape: rajek barosch For around 100 years until the 1990s, the area was cultivated by gardeners. Based on that, the idea of the edible city was developed. This focus is particularly evident in the open space: fruit trees, herbs and berries are most present. With its large communal pergola, a fountain and planting beds of various sizes, it offers the ideal playground for experimentation and the opportunity for exchange for the residents and neighboring residents who can also garden here. The open, smallscale urban structure remains moderate in height development - with two to a maximum of four upper storeys.



Janis-Joplin-Promenade 22, 1220 Wien Architecture: querkraft architekten, 2019 The residential building lakeside is named after its location by the lake. A compact volumetry and the big cantilevering of the balconies allows a view of the lake from every unit. The balconies are made of a single precast concrete element with a length of up to 3.30 meters. The different volumes of the building are also characterized with different tonalities of grey and white. Most of the residential units in the tower have double height living rooms up to 5.40m. This makes for a specially generous space, bringing the outside into the living area.



Eva-Maria-Mazzucco-Platz 4, 1220 Wien Architecture: fasch und fuchs architekten, 2017 The school building is designed as a flat, terraced green landscape, an accessible educational hill. On three sides it follows the boundaries of the site and on the fourth it opens up with a sweeping gesture towards the park. The airy glass house with its terraces, which also serve as escape routes, gives back the greenery on the roofs. The roofed main entrance area faces the small urban square and leads into the multi-storey assembly hall with its open staircases and open learning islands. The permeability from north to south is not only spatially essential, but also urbanistically.


AST ASPERN SEESTADT Aspernstraße, 1220 Wien

Arch: AllesWirdGut, 2009-2011 Landscape: PlanSinn AST has a a clear, compact form with a distinct presence that creates identity in the midst of the rather unclear surrounding built structure. All apartments are accessible from the courtyard. A „Laubengang“ connects a maximum of eight apartments each to small sub-communities. The paths along the façade expand in places and become balconies that can be used by neighbouring apartments for communal activities. A roof garden, accessible via the elevator, offers residents space for communal activities.



Seestadt Aspern, 1220 Wien Architecture: Dietrich Untertrifaller Architekten, 2019-2021 Landscape: Kieran Fraser Landscape Design Am Seebogen consists of an elongated, fiveto six-story row building and a compact, higher free-standing structure, connected in the basement. The curving row building defines an attractive forecourt and at the same time clearly delineates the distinctive high point. To the south, the bend creates another green space that sections the public area off from the inner courtyard, thus defining the location for the residential buildings. Mineral relief facades, inset loggias and height variations create a varied picture. The structures acquire a powerful plasticity and at the same time respond to the scale of their surroundings.


Melker Stiftskeller

Schottengasse 3, 1010 Wien Dinner 18:30 The Melker Stiftskeller is a traditional Gasthaus in the very city center of Vienna. You can expect a cozy dinner with favourites from the Viennese cuisine such as Tartar, Schnitzel, Stelze, asparagus and Apfelstrudel. The buffet will be served in the brick cellar, where we will sit along long tables and enjoy the food untill we are full and satisfied!


If dogs run free

Gumpendorfer Str. 10, 1060 Wien Architecture: Tzou Lubroth Architekten Cocktails 22:00 The generously proportioned space is modeled after a black box theater with the main focus on the ceiling plane rather than on an actual stage. In addition to its function as a bar, the owners wanted to provide a space where people have access to new ideas in art and design outside the traditional context of a gallery or the academy. The ceiling plane is reserved for artists and designers to create site specific installations. The patchwork of tiles shifts in tone creating two interwoven color gradients, multiplied by mirrors attached to the wall behind the bar counter. Below the ceiling, dark, unadorned surfaces are used to emphasize the presence of the ceiling plane. The lighting is a flexible system of stage spots and construction strobes. 33

DAY 2 21.05.2022 09:30 Arrival at the Sonnwendviertel Meeting Point: Motorikpark, Helmut Zilk Park, 1100 Wien 10:00 - 12:00 Site Visits Sonnwendviertel *open house with the architects Mio* Group 1 (name A-G) 10:00 Group 2 (name H-Ma) 10:30 Group 3 (name Me-Y) 11:00

At.C21* 10:30 11:00 10:00

Stadtelefant* 11:00 10:00 10:30

Sonnwendviertel to Karl-Marx-Hof (around 40 Min.)

14:00 - 15:00 Karl Marx Hof Tour (30min) 15:00-18:00 Spritzer in the Vineyards Walk up Kahlenberg to see Vienna from above! The best Heurigen locations with a view: Mayer am Nussberg, Sirbu, Feuerwehr Wagner am Nussberg 18:30 Dinner at the Heuriger Maly Sandgasse 8, 1190 Wien




Heuriger Maly Karl Marx Hof

25h Hotel Hotel am Brillantengrund





1100 Wien Masterplan: Hoffmann/Hotz/Wimmer, 2004 Redefinition in 2012 by ARTEC, Franz Denk, Gasparin + Maier, Rüdiger Lainer und Partner, Studio Vlay und maxRIEDER Landscape: Hager Landschaftsarchitektur The Sonnwendviertel is a 34ha big quartier in the 10th district of Vienna. It is characterized by its proximity to the central train station and mostly car-free planning. The holistic aproach to the planning of the site created a mixture of social and private housing for 13.000 inhabitants, 20.000 workplaces, schools, shops, self-initated housing , such as social and cultural attractions. The west side of the area have a block perimeter development to create a clear edge to the street and protect the inner semi-private courtyards. 36

The masterplan to the area was created 2004 abnd has been revisited 2012 by a large group of planningexperts, to tackle shortcomings and create an even more diverse urban plan with a special focus on sustainability in all its aspects. The mobilit concept sees a car-free connection through the site, while the pedestrian promenade connects all the plots and winds within the single courtyards and squares. Most of the buildings do not have an underground parking and mobility hubs were created along the edges to additionally create a noise barrier. The East is characterized by its small scale and self-initated housing allow alternative typologies of quarter houses and accomodate not only apartments, but a quantity of different uses for the area and the surrounding city. The area is well connected to the city center through the tramline and the train station with all its transportation possibilities.


HELMUT-ZILK-PARK Hlawkagasse 2, 1100 Wien

Landscape: Hager Landschaftsarchitektur, 2012-2017 Created on the former train track system, the new people’s park consists of few clear elements. The park meadow is enclosed by a row of small-crowned trees that create a step and so a human scale between the park and the housing complexes, while allowing a wide horizon over the area. The park creates the connection to the whoe Sonnwendviertel and a green meeting point for the inhabitants. Additional common gardens, a motion park, playgrounds and a café add value to the park.


WOHNZIMMER SONNWENDVIERTEL Sonnwendgasse 21, 1100 Wien

Architecture: StudioVlayStreeruwitz & Riepl Kaufmann Bammer, 2009-2014 Landscape: Rajek Barosch Living room of the Sonnwendviertel: Can the extraordinary ambition of one client liberate subsidized housing from the corset of neoliberal logic? This project accomodates 450 apartments with over 3000m2 of shared facilities, ranging from childcare spaces to a cinema, library, climbing park or even a wellness center that are connected through a threedimensional network of paths with the apartments. Together with the attractive landscape, which is at times integrated into the buildings, these paths form the actual living room of the neighboorhood.



Bloch-Bauer-Promenade 4, 1100 Wien Architecture: PPAG, 2020 Landscape: Carla Lo The aim for Open Up! was to create an educational building, which corresponds most closely to the demands of modern education with free learning and projectbased lessons, assisted by an undirected square shape of the classrooms. Each education facility consists of a cluster with four classrooms, one project room, and a team room for teachers, which are arranged around the market-place, a fully furnishable common area that can be used for teaching. Bay windows allow the students to have a nest to retreat and common spaces allow contact between the age groups.



Bloch Bauer Promenade 13, 1100 Wien Architecture: feld72 & transparadiso, 2018-2021 Landscape: Carla Lo The building consists of two parts – the cluster house (feld72) and the residential group house (transparadiso), which are connected by a common, commercially used city base zone. In addition to the individually used apartments, offices and workshops, people have access to extensive communal facilities, open spaces and the city balcony as a central outdoor space. Room heights of up to 4.2 m allow different upgrading or furnishing variations by future tenants through the vertical expansion. 41


Bloch-Bauer-Promenade 20, 1100 Wien Architecture: StudioVlayStreeruwitz, 2015-2019 Landscape: Idealice How can a building - the “Quartiershaus” - as a single object within the city become a long-term adaptive generator of urbanity? In order to charge the new quarter progammatically, so-called “quarter houses” (Quartiershäuser) were put out to tender in distinctive locations as part of a competition for which property developers and planners had to present a concept together. For the active ground floor with mandatory low rents, the actual users had to be specified. The quarter house offers a robust structure to use fur varied and changeable spectrum of uses going beyond conceptional housing. 42


Emilie-Flöge-Weg 4, 1100 Wien Architecture: Architekturbüro Reinberg 2017-2020 Landscape: PlanSinn As part of the habiTAT apartment block syndicate, the house project Bikes and Rails creates self-organized affordable living and working space for many generations. The project aims at enabling ecologically, socially and economically sustainable living, and therein become part of a future-oriented social change. The project celebrates the bicycle as an inexpensive, socially just and climate-friendly form of mobility and helps to establish the city and bicycle as a logical combination. The ground floor is transparent and provides space to complement the public areas in the form of a covered terrace and outdoor area. There is a bicycle café and a bicycle workshop as well as a common room.



Bloch Bauer Promenade 22, 1100 Wien Architecture: Einszueins, 2015-2019 Landscape: YEWO LANDSCAPES Under the motto “Setting the course together”, the co-housing project Gleis 21 was planned in a participatory manner with the future residents, from urban development to the socket outlet. Extensive communal areas represent the focus of the communal aspect and offer space for common and individual use: from the communal kitchen to the library and sauna on the top floor to the workshop, studio and fitness room in the basement. The project was designed as a compact, zero-energy house in a wood-hybrid construction and was built in a resources saving way.



Bloch Bauer Promenade 23, 1100 Wien Architecture: Franz und Sue, 2016-2018 The Stadtelefant “cityelephant” is not only an office building, but a creative cluster and meeting point for multiple offices. A public space in the ground floor allows connections within the building and offers also the possibility to invite the public to events, meetings and discussions between architects and interested. The high ceilings that are inspired by the traditional Viennese Gründerzeit buildings add to a positive working environment. The façade consists of prefabricated concrete components, with the insulation layer in 45 between.


Maria-Lassnig-Straße 33, 1100 Wien Architecture: Werner Neuwirth, 2020 Landscape: Rajek Barosch The Atelierhaus C21 dissolves the typical limits of work space and living space and offers as a building type a neutral framework for various visions of how to work or live or both, which the user shapes and forms into images of how to use the space on their own. As individual units from 40 to 120m² or combined, the ateliers create a place for anyone, who seeks a open and flexible spatial structure for living. The roof terrace, landscaped areas, foyer with salon, café and galery are for open use by the building community. 46


Maria-Lassing-Straße 36, 1100 Vienna Architecture: Einszueins, 2015-2019 Landscape: Carla Lo The focus point of the Gesundheits. Quartier is health and wellbeing of the inhabitants of this housing project. The wooden construction and facade reduces the primary energy consumption and adds to the wellbeing within the natural material. Natural light is of major importance and big windows and high ceiling hights allow the space to be well lit. The public ground floor and common roof terrace give the inhabitants additional open space that is often used for different movement classes. The housing block creates a connection between the street space and park, while being an island of relax.



Alfred-Adler-Straße / Sonnwendgasse, 1100 Wien Architecture: Geiswinkler & Geiswinkler, 2012-2016 Landscape: Auböck + Kárász Landschaftsarchitekten The Smart Wohnen “Clever living” housing complex is situated on a highly trafficed street, where the airy facade creates a connection between the public and private. A wide passage and common rooms connect the city quartier to the courtyard and its buildings. The access to the apartments is granted via the an arcadeand an open staircase in the courtyard, which also accomodates the colorful common rooms along the facade. The functions of the colourful boxes can be laundry rooms, play-rooms or meeting points for the inhabitants.



Wohnbebauung Hauptbahnhof, 1100 Wien Architecture: s&s architekten, 2013 Landscape: Auböck + Kárász Landscape Architectur As the title “Mitbestimmt” (co-choosing) already suggests, is the main concept of this housing project the participation of the inhabitants in the planning of the building. Not only was there a great freedom in adapting the apartments but also the common spaces. The balconies, which are of different green shades structure the facade and create cohesion in the otherwise free plan. Common activities strenghten also after the planning and building process the connection between the inhabitants. Energy efficiency and ecological high standards make it a prime example of a housing complex. 49

BARBARA-PRAMMER HOF Fontanastraße 3, 1100 Wien

Architecture: NMPB, 2015-2019 Landscape: PlanSinn The Barbara-Prammer Hof is the first new Viennese municipal housing complex after a long break. This project tries to have a minimum of structural elements to allow a maximum of flexibility in the development and consists of tree building blocks connected by their courtyards. As any good Viennese municipal housing complex, is also this one characterized by generous progrmmed outdoor spaces, communal terraces, playgrounds and urban gardening. Common activities for the inhabitants are organised to fortify the community feeling and create a supporting neighbourhood. 50

KARL-MARX-HOF Architecture: Karl Ehn, 1930 Karl-Marx-Hof (English: Karl Marx Court) is one of the best-known Gemeindebauten (English: municipal housing complexes) in Vienna. At over a kilometre in length (1,100 metres) Karl-Marx-Hof is one of the longest single residential buildings in the world. It held 1,382 apartments (with a size of 30–60 m2 each). Only 18.5% of the 156,000 m2large area was built up, with the rest of the area developed into play areas and gardens. Designed for a population of about 5,000, the premises include many amenities, including laundromats, baths, kindergartens, a library, doctor offices, and business offices.



Spritzer in the Vineyards 15:00-18:00 The real Viennese “Heuriger” is a wine tavern. Numerous songs have been dedicated to them; they have served as a backdrop for many films. However, in the legendary comfortable atmosphere, they primarily offer the Viennese and their guests entertainment, fine Viennese wines and the fitting culinary accompaniment. A place in which to feel good, in which everyone is warmly welcome. The word “heurige” does not just describe the tavern itself, but also the wine from the current vintage, which – in accordance with tradition - may be so-called until 11 November (St Martin’s Day). Alongside the pleasant wine by the glass, the Viennese heurige also offer their guests fine wines sold in “bouteillen” (0.75 litre bottles), reflecting the richness of the variety and the special Viennese climate, and corresponding glass and tableware. And sometimes, with a little luck, “live music” can even be heard in the secluded gardens or homely parlours.


HEURIGER HANS MALY Sandgasse 8, 1190 Wien Dinner 18:30 Heuriger Maly is a typical Viennese Heuriger with a beautiful courtyard and a nice atmosphere. It offers local wine and authentic food and on special weekends typical “Wienerlied” music concerts.


DAY 3 22.05.2022 09:30 Arrival at Nordbahnhof Wohnprojekt, FLEXraum, Krakauer Str. 19, 1020 Wien 10:00-11:00 Nordbahnhof Lecture Freie Mitte - Nordbahnhof: Lina Streeruwitz & Bernd Vlay (StudioVlayStreeruwitz) Wohnprojekt: Markus Zilker (Einszueins Architektur) 11:00-13:00 Guided tour with the architects - Freie Mitte (StudioVlayStreeruwitz) - Wohnprojekt (Einszueins) - Hauswirtschaft (Einszueins) - PaN (Werner Neuwirth, Ballmoos Krucker, Sergison Bates) - Baugruppe Kohlenrutsche (Studiourbanek) Nordbahnhof to the Hotels (30 Minutes)

14:30 Group 1: Free time to explore the city (see tips on p.70-83) *The bus to the airport leaves from 25hrs Hotel at 14:30h (Group 2) and 18:00h (Group 1) Departure: 17:35h (Group 1) and 21:00h (Group 2)




Freie Mitte Nordbanhof

25h Hotel Hotel am Brillantengrund



Nordbahnhof - “Freie Mitte - vielseitiger Rand” former North Railway Station, 1020 Wien, 2011 - 2025 Architecture & Urbanism: StudioVlayStreeruwitz Must density and the creation of open space contradict each other? The existing urban planning mission statement for Vienna’s Nordbahnhof (North Railway Station) from 1994 provided for an area-wide block edge structure on the former railway station site. Approximately half of this mission statement was implemented in a modified form. For the remaining 32 hectares, an ideas competition was launched to update the master plan due to change framework conditions.


The recources coup open centre - multi-purpose edge proposes a spatial concept based on the cross-coupling of recources. This will enable the municipality and developers to implement exceptional standards and qualities. The infrastructural strategy maximizes the valorisation of the area by literally putting the open space in the center: the impressive openness of the Nordbahnhof area is seen as a future added value for the surrounding quarters. Instead of fully developing the area, it is returned to the city as a unique open space. In return, the necessary investments in roads and technical infrastructure are redcued to a minimum.


Freie Mitte Urban wilderness

Leystraße 157, 1020 Wien The “Freie Mitte” is a special landscape park that is being created on the site of the former northern train station. On about 10 hectares, the wild “Gstettn” will be preserved as an important habitat for numerous animal and plant species and at the same time recreational space will be created for the residents of the district.In order to preserve the special character of this area, the water tower and the former coal chutes as well as individual sections of track, switches, water indicators, electricity pylons and the railroad bridge remain. A “city balcony” overlooks part of the park, stones of the wall become seating steps and from almost everywhere you can enjoy the wide view up to the Kahlenberg.


Rudolf Bednar Park Krakauerstrasse 19, 1020 Wien Landscape: Hager Landschaftsarchitektur AG Zürich The main characteristic of the park is a “veil of trees” which defines the Rudolf-Bednar-Park as an independent area within this emerging part of the city. The southern part of the park is designed as a zone for use by young people, with a skate park and streetball courts. Running parallel to the “axis Radingerstraße” are “reed parks”, which remind of the natural Danube landscape. A zone with a waterbound gravel surface, towards the “Wohnen am Park” apartment buildings to the north, is dedicated to more quiet uses. In the eastern part of the park the lawn is dotted with beautifully clipped flower bushes.


Wohnprojekt Krakauerstrasse 19, 1020 Wien Architecture: Einszueins Architektur, 2013 Landscape: DnD Landschaftsplanung The project brings together different generations, languages, cultures and professions under one roof. “We are breaking new ground in terms of sustainability” is the vision. On the structural level, this means, among other things: participatory housing planning and comprehensive common rooms; Resource-saving building material and low heating requirements and living and working under one roof. This overall concept has also convinced others - the residential project in Vienna was awarded the Austrian State Prize for Architecture and Sustainability, among other things. 60

Baugruppe Kohlenrutsche

An den Kohlenrutschen 7, 1020 Wien Architecture: Studio urbanek, 2019 Landscape: Carla Lo Landschaftsarchitektur A communal housing project was created on the Vienna Nordbahnhof site. The house is characterized by a large number of rooms that can be used jointly: internal areas (work studio, workshop, children’s playroom, etc.) are supplemented by programs that radiate into the urban space (children’s group, cultural room, food coop). The special building structure with the cores and outer walls creates a high level of flexibility in the floor plan. It allows individual units and a number of intelligent floor plan types suitable for everyday use and with a long-term adaptability.


PaN - Wohnpark Ernst-Melchior-Gasse 11, 1020 Wien Architecture: Werner Neuwirth, Ballmoos Krucker, Sergison Bates 20112013 Landscape: DnD Landschaftsplanung “In a free interpretation of the principle of ‘intercultural living’, the architects built a tripartite ensemble. The buildings, facing one another, enclose and define an open space, each one containing 28 to 32 dwellings. The basic layout of the buildings represents togetherness (concrete base with spacious entry porches, flat perforated facades with plaster finish, unified colour scheme), while the differentiation of the dwellings (interlocking ceiling heights, circulation) signals maximum individuality.” 62

Die Hauswirtschaft

Taborstrasse/Bruno Marek Alle 1020 Wien Architecture: Einszueins Architektur, 2023 Landscape: zwoPK Landschaftsarchitektur The HausWirtschaft combines living and working, the living areas are closely interwoven, common rooms and open spaces are used jointly. The tradespeople and residents are intensively involved in the planning process, with the focus on the common whole and the use of synergies. The project also opens to the urban space and is open to events. The HausWirtschaft will house a kindergarten and a number of other businesses, thus ensuring a lively exchange with the surrounding area. This project is funded by the Climate and Energy Fund and carried out as part of the “Smart Cities Demo Living Urban Innovation 2018” program.



Engerthstrasse 26, 1020 Wien Architecture: NMPB, 2009 Landscape: DnD Landschaftsplanung Wilhelm Kaserne dissolutes the typical block structure and allows for more permeability between the building components. The overlapping of the concrete plot and the open space results in a complex urban structure. The large coherent interior space offers differentiated public and semi-public areas and forms a green carpet in the area of the quiet courtyard that extends over the sloping surface of the ramp to the green terrace of the quiet inner courtyard. 64


Vorgartenstraße 122-128, 1020 Wien Architecture: PPAG, 2009 Creating individuality and neighbourhood despite size, and singularity despite standards. Wohnen am Park was one of the pioneers of the development in the Nordbahnhof area with a privileged location directly bordering the quarter’s park. Following simple grammatical rules, they produce a similar overall façade, yet do not look the same anywhere. Interdependency of joint decisions produces an organismic whole – a well-founded order. If one thing changes, everything has to change. Standards create singularity and build a place’s identity, thus clearly refuting the notion of the neutral.


Bike & Swim

Haussteinstraße 1, 1020 Wien Architecture: Lautner + Kirisits, 2012-2014 “Bike & Swim” is aimed primarily at residents who would like to travel predominantly by bicycle or public transport. The resulting savings could be invested in community facilities, such as a spacious spa area in the roof area. The 231 subsidized rental apartments - multi-story and maisonette apartments ranging in size from around 44 to 120 m² - are distributed over seven upper floors and a recessed attic with gallery. Bicycle parking spaces in front of the apartments and extra-wide elevator cabs allow residents to bring their own bicycles right up to the door. The own funds for the subsidized rental apartments are 480 euros/m², the rents average 6.83 euros/m².


Bike City

Vorgartenstrasse 130-132, 1020 Wien Architecture: königlarch architekten, 2008 Landscape: rajek barosch The first floor zone of the “Bike City” was dedicated entirely to the theme of cycling and wellness and kept free of residential use. In addition to a fitness room with sauna, solarium and relaxation room, the residents of the approximately 99 apartments have access to a community room with adjacent children’s play and youth area. Large bicycle rooms, freely usable outdoor workplaces with compressed air and water connections are also part of the concept, as is a contact point for car-sharing.



Katsushikastraße 1, 1210 Wien Architecture: StudioVlayStreeruwitz & Freimüller Söllinger, 2015-2022 Landscape: CarlaLo The performative Brise-Soleil: How can inner-city density be designed in a place between a motorway and a arterial road, so that the label “city meets village” becomes lived substance? A development structure with maximum open space and residential quality was to be developed for the highly exposed plot between a motorway and an arterial road. Within the framework of an existing zoning, which restricts the scope, the specified high density had to combined with the strict noise insulation requirements. 68



Woinovichgasse, 1130 Wien Hoffmann, Schütte-Lihotzky, Rietveld, Loos largest building exhibition in Europe built during the red vienna era


Nordmanngasse 25-27, 1210 Wien ssplus, 1999 first carfree housing settlement in Austria


Anton-Baumgartner-Straße 44, 1230 Wien Harry Glück & more, 1973-1985 Showpiece project of the functioning satellite city HUNDERTWASSERHAUS Kegelgasse 36-38, 1030 Wien Friedensreich Hundertwasser, 1985 unique social housing project with special


Rabengasse 3, 1030 Wien Aichinger & Schmid, 1925 - 1928 one of the largest building complexes of the Red Vienna Era


Katsushikastraße 1, 1210 Wien StudioVlayStreeruwitz & Freimüller Sollinger Showpiece social housing project of the functioning satellite city 70


Währinger Str. 19, 1090 Wien gaupenraup, 2012 experimental co-housing project for students and formerly homeless persons


Laufbergergasse 12, 1020 Wien AllesWirdGut, 2017 hotel with focus on integration of refugees


Matteottipl. 4, 1160 Wien Theiss, Hoppe, Jaksch, Krauss,.. 1924 - 1928 the largest municipal building from Red Vienna in the interwar period


Margaretengürtel 100–110, 1040 Wien Hubert Gessner, 1924 - 1926 Social housing from Red Vienna with architectural cues from castles and palaces


Guglgasse 6, 1110 Wien Jean Novel, Manfred Wedhorn,etc., 1999-2001 102-y.-old gasholder houses converted into a urban complex for mixed use & housing


Goldschlagstraße 169, 1140 Wien BKK-3 Architects, 1996 one of the first self-initiated and -managed communal apartment project in Vienna 71


Michaelerplatz 3, 1010 Wien Adolf Loos, 1911 one of central buildings of Viennese Modernism


Arsenalstraße 1, 1030 Wien Karl Schwanzer/Adolf Krischanitz,1955/2008 modernist style museum


Ottillingerpl. 1, 1230 Wien Fritz Wotruba, 1976 brutalist church built by a former scultpor


Kärntner Durchgang 10, 1010 Wien Architect: Adolf Loos, 1908 Art déco bar


Donau-City-Straße 1, 1220 Wien Dominique Perrault, 2014 250m high hotel building with a panoramic view


Praterstraße 1, 1020 Wien Ateliers Jean Nouvel, 2010 planned as a reference to stephansdom with a sky bar & a panoramic view 72

BEYOUND HOUSING Ikea Wien Westbahnhof

Europaplatz 1 , 1060 Wien querkraft, 2021 first carfree IKEA in the middle of the center

SECESSION Friedrichstraße 12, 1010 Wien Joseph Maria Olbrich, 1897 architectural manifesto for the Vienna Secession, a group of rebel artists

MAJOLIKAHAUS / WIENZEILENHÄUSER Linke Wienzeile 40, 1060 Wien Otto Wagner, 1898-1899 Viennese Jugendstil


Georg-Coch-Platz 2, 1010 Wien Otto Wagner, 1905 important building of Vienna Secession


Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Wien Zaha Hadid Architects, 2013 eccentric library next to the prater park


Albertinaplatz 1, 1010 Wien Hans Hollein, 2003 museum with nice outdoor space around it 73

















THE RED VIENNA ERA (1919-1934)

The history of communal housing begins in the interwar period. In order to get the catastrophic housing situation in Vienna under control - around two thirds of the population lived under conditions that were unimaginable at the time - the newly elected social democratic city government decided in the early 1920s to build several thousand apartments. This laid the foundation for Vienna’s municipal housing. The aim was to create affordability and quality in housing. Apartments, business premises and social facilities such as kindergartens or libraries have found and still find space in countless municipal buildings. Renowned Austrian architects were commissioned to plan the urban housing complexes. Their well thought-out designs still characterize the urban housing complexes today: They are anything but architectural mass-produced goods - on the contrary, Vienna’s municipal buildings are a trend-setting example of municipal housing in 20th century Europe and an important part of Vienna’s culture. 76


Architecture: Schütte-Lihotzky, Loos, Hoffmann, Frank, Rietveld, Neutra, Lurçat, Häring, Lichtblau, Strnad, Plischke,... In the summer of 1932, the “largest building exhibition in Europe” was on display on the western outskirts of Vienna. The Werkbund housing estate was an international showcase of modern housing and a manifesto of the New Living. It was created as a social and aesthetic utopia of a better life out of the spirit of modernity - in the middle of an economic crisis, when the political and cultural constriction of the following years was already becoming apparent. 80 years after the opening of the Werkbundsiedlung, the historical, socio-critical and cultural-political background of the housing show is illuminated for the first time. 77

ADOLF LOOS & MODERNISM One of the most famous breaks from tradition in history was the precedent set by Adolf Loos and his desire to break away from Viennese tradition with his strong dissent of ornament in architecture in favor of simplicity, and his literary discourse that lay the cornerstone for the modernist movement in architecture. We can see here the Haus am Michaelerplatz with no ornaments.



The Frankfurt Kitchen was designed 1927 like a laboratory or factory and based on contemporary theories about efficiency, hygiene, and workflow. In planning the design, Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky conducted detailed time-motion studies and interviews with housewives and women’s groups to understand their needs and wishes. Her primary goal in the design of the Frankfurt Kitchen was to reduce the burden of women’s labor in the home and allow them enjoyable free time.

FRIEDENSREICH HUNDERTWASSER & CLIMATE AKTIVISM Hundertwasser’s popularity is not only based on his colourful paintings, but also on his interventions on nature- and environment protection.Hundertwasser elucidated his concerns regarding an architecture in harmony with nature and man. In the focus of his ecological activities was the idea of restoring nature, through tree planting and greening (forestation of roofs, tree tenants). 1977 he got the opportunity to buildi his first housing project.


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OTTO WAGNER & VIENNAS METRO Otto Wagner had a huge influence on the Viennese architecture and design. Perhaps his largest project was the design of the Stadtbahn that today can be seen along the metro lines U4 and U6. The pavilion on the metro Station Karlsplatz is a great example for the the Vienna Secessionists’ vision of the Gesamtkunstwerk, the idea of the complete artwork, or as we would say today “corporate identity” for the Stadtbahn. 79

COBE Clubs: Grelle Forelle Spittelauer Lände 12, 1090 Wien Tanzcafe Jenseits Nelkengasse 3, 1060 Wien SASS Music Club Karlsplatz 1, 1010 Wien Volksgarten Volksgarten, 1010 Wien Bars: Monami Theobaldgasse 9, 1060 Wien Miranda Bar Esterházygasse 12, 1060 Wien DonauTechno Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse 10/A, 1070 Wien krypt. Berggasse, Wasagasse, 1090 Wien Loos american Bar Kärntner Durchgang 10, 1010 Wien 80

GO OUT Restaurants: Ulrich Sankt-Ulrichs-Platz 1, 1070 Wien Adlerhof Burggasse 51, 1070 Wien Amerlingbeisl Stiftgasse 8, 1070 Wien Mochi Praterstraße 15, 1020 Wien Cafés Kleines Café Franziskanerpl. 3, 1010 Wien Café Central Herrengasse 14, 1010 Wien Café Hawelka Dorotheergasse 6, 1010 Wien Café Prückel Stubenring 24, 1010 Wien Café Alt Wien Bäckerstraße 9, 1010 Wien 81

FLIGHTS GROUP 1 Albert Lauf Holm Aleksandra Warowna Aleksandra Aasen Roenning Alicia Meier Andreas Lyngsøe Andrew Ryle Anna Jo Banke Anton Levinsen Arendse Steensberg Axel Theman Bertram Stubbergaard Mørk Bryce Boho Cara Hunter Carola Eija Rieger Casper Borg Christian Nygaard Schmidt Cristina Gimenez Martin Eliana Nigro Elin Vertetics Emanuele Biscaro Emilie Van Daele Emilie Zinck Munksgaard Emily Crichlow Fabian Koppers Francisco Tirado Giovanni Alexander Sarria Hugo Lebrunet Jie Zhou Joanna Anna Jakubowska Josefine Østergaard Kallehave Juan Arcila Justyna Krokowska Katarzyna Maria Starczewska Katharina Deisting

+0045 31540106 + 0048 697542460 +0045 81719969 +0049 17650201021 +0045 25646556 +0046 724430114 +0045 20763051 +0045 26240526 +0045 26121478 +0045 23104914 +0045 52551134 +1 2622972291 +0045 26372224 +0045 30110213 +0045 2678 7395 +0045 24664092 +0045 91823662 +0039 3460937405 +0046 706378676 +0045 91411348 +0045 50277175 +0045 26705331 +0045 52689515 + 0046 709725994 +0045 52650536 +0039 3516899945 +0045 20477285 +0045 91678067 +0045 28735474 +0045 22345462 +0045 55201364 +0045 71313544 +0045 81914805 +0046 793130865 82

CPH-VIE: 07:05 – 08:45 VIE-CPH: 21:00 – 22:40 Kelly Skaggs Lærke Kramer Lauren Catterson Lene Zingenberg Liva Egholm Keis Magnus Nyström Lindé Marco Buonocore Mariam Al Gorgi Mariana De Soares e Barbieri Cardoso Mario Steiner Mathilde Sakura Ballegaard Michala Lietavová Oliver Hannibal Garmark Pauline Carstens Peter Yding Rasmus Rosenblad Romila Faye Strub Rrita Pula Sidsel Hellstrøm Weihrauch Signe Sønderby Ravnholt Tamara Kalantajevska Trine Emilie Sørensen Valentina Rapuano Vitus Karsten Bjerre Yannick Courtin


+0045 91957479 +0045 21752924 +0045 28976396 +0045 22822727 +0045 42461802 +004 706405032 +0045 52754868 +0043 69911478720 +0045 24298346 +0045 91671436 +0045 29431242 +0045 26783838 +0045 26783838 +0045 91453434 +0045 30914499 +0045 30914499 +0045 50103013 +0045 51890640 +0045 29432159 +0045 26737139 +0045 26737139 +0045 53656264 +0045 21667376 +0046 793350139 +0045 29675746 +0045 50125913

FLIGHTS GROUP 2 Alberte Marie Hansen Danvig Alexander Ejsing Andreas Benn Andreas Kloster Birk Folke Daugaard Caroline Nagel Claes Nilsson Dan Stubbergaard Hansen Daniel Braat Carlsen David Boss Jessen Eik Bjerregaard Freja Holm Brandt Gabrielle Nadeau Gitte Kjer Mårtensson Hjalte Thorn Bidsted Huiru Huang Ina Matilda Andersson Io Maria Andersen Schønherr Jacob Blak Henriksen Jeppe Bonne Olsen Johanne Dahl Holmsberg Joseph Haberl Karoline Liedtke Kasper Mikkelsen Kristian Hollmann Kristoffer Harling Mads Sørensen Mads Birgens Kristensen Mads Herskind Møller Maiken Høj

+0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 84

30269891 51512192 31719497 26850164 27620300 30112283 40973089 28719474 29244329 51841054 40540683 28446005 25104454 61779298 78746116 50320293 25303414 26270611 25337823 25155025 24826964 71706556 31872368 61466621 51838038 26288680 22337410 26214157 31434459 61661765

CPH-VIE: 09:05 – 11:30 VIE-CPH: 17:35 – 19:15 Maj Wiwe Majbritt Lerche Mari Randsborg Maria Aufegger Mark Aron Thomsen Matti Hein Nørgaard Maya Grøn Merete Kinnerup Andersen Mette Heide Nørløv Mette Marie Stahl Pedersen Mette Susanne Hansen Mikkel Morris Mikkel Olsen Nicolai Duedahl Hende Niels Pedersen Nikolaj Harving Ole Robin Storjohann Rosa Bui Rune Madsen Rune Boserup Jacobsen Sidse Eskildsen Sigrid Marie Poulsen Susanne Skov Kunert Thomas Hobbs Thomas Krarup Tonny Jensen Ulrich Pohl Vivian Maria Blanco Lee-Young William Gardner William Lambeth 85

+0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045 +0045

24231119 61309010 26852771 40306820 51409700 51408164 27215158 24818766 60931956 22172182 22914129 26820748 78746133 53578900 25370017 26250655 50130006 81938033 61300557 28286688 29928232 26746627 20556983 61339974 61336371 40526285 30468403 22272034 26131351 53855594

SURVIVE EMERGENCY NUMBERS: General emergency calls 112 Fire service 122 Police 133 Ambulance 144

REMEMBER TO BRING: - Passport - Health insurance card or similar - Covid pass - Cash (Euro) - Credit card -

Sunscreen Swimming costume Bottle to refill with water Headache pills for possible hangover

- Camera or phone - Charger for phone





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