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Global Conference on Harnessing Data to Improve Corruption Measurement

Through interactive panels, experts will discuss topics such as the development of a UN statisticalframeworktomeasurecorruption.


Measuring corruption is essential for understanding its causes,consequencesandtrends,aswellasfordesigning andevaluatingeffectiveresponses.Bydevelopingreliable and comparable indicators and data, we can enhance transparency, accountability and evidence-based policymakinginthefightagainstcorruption

From 31Augustto1September2023,theUnitedNations OfficeonDrugsandCrime(UNODC)andtheInternational Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) are joining forces in hosting the first Global Conference on Harnessing Data to Improve CorruptionMeasurement.Theconferencewillbeheldinhybrid formatinVienna,Austria.(Photo:UNODC)

The conference aims to bring together policymakers, scientists, practitioners and experts from governments, civil society and academia, to provide a forum to exchange knowledge, experiences and good practices in measuring corruption and the impact of anti-corruption measures.

Through interactive panels, experts will discuss topics such as the development of a UN statisticalframeworktomeasurecorruption,user-centredapproachestomeasurementorthe useoftechnologyinthecollection,analysisanduseofdata.

Electricity Subsidy Fraud Reported in Delhi

As a journalist and anti-corruption activist, I sent the following notice to the management committee(MC)ofJaypeeCGHS(alsoknownasBeverlyPark).

The cooperative group housingsocieties(CGHS)ofDelhihavebecomedangerouscentresof crime and corruption. The crimes in these housing societies are being committed by the management committee (MC) members or administrators in connivance with the corrupt officials of Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) of Delhi Government, Delhi Development Authority (DDA), Delhi Police, Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC), and a few other departments.

Inordertostopcrimesinthehousingsocieties,thelocalresidentsshouldnotfeelscaredand formally complain against the criminal MC members, administrators, and government functionaries. We need to work together to weed out rampant crime and corruption from Delhiʼshousingsocieties.


As a journalist and anti-corruption activist, I sent the following notice to the management committee(MC)ofJaypeeCGHS(alsoknownasBeverlyPark).SinceIdidnotgetaresponse,I ampublishingthiscasereportpubliclyandagainadvisetheMCtofollowthelawandstopthe alleged irregularities at the Society. The authorities can investigate this case to catch the culprits

IwillsoonfileaformalcaseatvariousadministrativeandjudicialforumsagainsttheJaypee CGHS MC so that an appropriate legal action could be taken against the accused and the residentsofJaypeeCGHScouldliveinapeacefulandcorruption-freeenvironment.




Crime, Corruption, and Impunity in India

Politicians, bureaucrats, police, and judges have formed a criminal gang in India. The following cases depict how they collude with criminals and commit crimes and corruption with impunity while the ordinary citizens are suffering. Click the following links for details.

UN Petition on Punjab Unrest RCS-EOW Case

Cabinet Secretariat Case

Prime Minister Office (PMO) Case

Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) Case

Delhi Lokayukta Case

DoPT Case CBI Case

Economic Offences Wing (EOW) Case

Supreme Court Case

Delhi Govt Case Delhi Petitions Committee / CVC Case

NHRC Case Petition on School Education

Environmental Crime Case Lokpal Removal Case

Judicial Corruption Case

RCS Corruption Case

Lokayukta Delhi Corruption Case Widehouse Scandal


IAS Group Corruption Case


IAS Corruption Record UNCAC Petition

Delhi Police Case DoPT Processes

RCS RTI Violations

U.S. Case Report

DDA Corruption Case

UN Human Rights Petition

Petitions and Representations by Rakesh Raman. Up to June 2023


The corrupt bureaucrats,politicians,andothersshouldbeincarceratedinharshdetention camps or concentration camps at remote places instead ofsendingthemtoconventional jailswheretheyenjoyluxuriousfacilities.|


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