The House On Mango Street

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Chapter 1 That was a family that moved a lot from place to place. They were six in the family when they first get to Mago Street. It was a private house and they didn´t haven´t to pay rent. Chapter 2 Each one on the family have different style of hair, her´s is lazy. Her mother´s hair is the prettiest in the family, its curly and soft. Even tye smell of her hair is good. Chapter 3 The boys and girls live in separate worlds and they are not allowed to be friends with kids the other sex. Nenny is only her friend because is too young and its only her sister. She expects to have a best friend soon. Chapter 4 Her name in English means hope, but in Spanish its many letters and its meaning its sadness, she doesn´t like her name in Spanish and compares it to the mexican music her father plays. She didn´t have the chance to meet her great grand mother so she has her name. Chapter 5 She says she was a great cousin, she lives upsairs. She is talking about her neighbor that she have good and bad neighbors and some have stores. Her friend´s father wants to go visit his cousin from France and bring him to mango street to see his house. Chapter 6

Her only frind is Cathy and she will be her friend just for a week, but the little ones tell her they would be their friend just for five dollars. The little ones offer her a bike for five dollars and she had 3 dollars but she had to take nunnys 2 dollars. Chapter 7 Esperanza describes a lot her similarities with Nenny her sister, she especifies the laugh a lot. An example is that they saw a house that looks like mexico and they didn´t no in what way but they both understood each other. Chapter 8 Esperanza describes a junk store in the neighborhood very lazy and the woman only turns on the lights with serious shoppers. Esperanza mentions a lot a balerina. Chapter 9 Meme Ortiz, his real name is Juan and lives with his brother. He has a shoopdog and a normal dog. He has a big thick tree which is used for the first annual Tarzan contest. Chapter 10 Louie is a Puerto Rican boy who is friends with Esperanza’s brother and lives with his family in the basement of Meme’s house. He has a girl cousin which name is too big. And he has another cousin boy. Chapter 11 Marin is saving money so she can visit his secret boyfriend. He is Puerto Rican. She is trying to get a job downtown so she can save more money.

Chapter 12 Esperanza is afraid when other people come to their neighborhood because they think they are going to get killed. When she goes to lther neighborhoods she thinks the same. Chapter 13 Rosa Vargas´s husband left her so they kids became disobedientand everyone in the neighborhood gave up trying to take care of them even when some of them pretend they fly and jump from a roof. Chapter 14 Alicia, Esperanza´s friend, experienced her mother death so she had to take her place as his father servant cooking and cleaning. She said he is a very smart guy. She always tell him there are mice in the house even he tells her there isn´t there is and she is afraid of mice. Chapter 15 Esperanza says the beauty in her neighborhood is not so beautiful and she met a guy that always says foolish things, his name is Darius. He always boders little guys. Chapter 16 Lucy, Rachel, Nenny and Esperanza talk about names. Esperanza tells them eskimos have many different names for things like snow, they have 30 different names for snow. Rachel tells them her cousin have many names. They talk about the clouds and that lead to them insulting each other and they told Esperanza she is ugly. Chapter 17

They told how the people of the family have different type of feet: a grandfather’s feet, fat and doughy like tamales, a mother’s feet, plump and polite, etc. One day a woman gave them woman shoes to Esperanza and their friends and they were excited and they started trying them. Chapter 18 Esperanza wanted to eat in the canteen; a place where people ate if their house is too far from school. She asked her mother for a letter and they made a rice sandwich but they say the sister superior had to approve her. She went to her and the sister superior told her her house is not that far and so she cried and she finished eating there. Chapter 19 Esperanza’s mother comes home with boxes of clothes to wear to a party celebrating her cousin’s baptism, which is held at a nearby church basement. Her mother has forgotten to buy Esperanza shoes to match her dress, so when she gets to the party she sits self-consciously, trying to hide her old shoes and refusing to dance, even when a cousin “by first communion or something” asks her. Chapter 20 While Esperanza and her friends were jumoing the rope they started thinking why the hips are suefull in the women and they came up with something pretty bad, they said it improved and facilitates the women babies. Chapter 21 Esperanza wants a job so she can get to a high school. His father doesn´t want to pay because he says public schools are for bad children. She gets into a similar job as the people her age.

Chapter 22 One day when Esperaza is waking up, his father tells her his father was death so Esperanza, as the oldest child, she has to tell the young ones they have to be quiet and they can´t bother. So Esperanza´s father starts wondering what woukd happen if he dies because he works very hard for his family. Chapter 23 Esperanza is in big trouble for something she did to Aunt Lupe. She used to be a beautiful swimmer, but she's been sick a long time ago. Aunt Lupe dies, and the girls begin to dream strange dreams. Chapter 24 Esperanza visits Elenita, a “witch woman” who lives in her neighborhood, to get her fortune told. Elenita’s house is full, with children and dirty dishes everywhere, and lots of prayer candles. Esperanza has been there before, and knows what to do. She puts a glass of water on the table and Elenita asks her what she sees in it, whether she feels the cold of spiritual presence. Chapter 25 Marin meets a young man at one of the many dances she goes to. His name is Geraldo, and he gets hit by a car that night. Marin is questioned over and over, but all she can say is that his name is Geraldo and he works in a restaurant. He has no other identification. She feels bad and goes with him to the hospital. Chapter 26

Esperanza describes Ruthie as a great person, even if she is the biggest daughter, she says she loves candies and she can whistle like an expert and obviously she love her because she says she is like a kid. Chapter 27 Earl is another kid in her neighborhood. He speaks with a Southern accent and wears a hat all the time. He works nights, and complains during the day when the children play too loudly. Everyone in the neighbore thinks he has a wife but he always come with another woman to his house.

Chapter 28 Sire is an older boy who always looks at Esperanza when she walks through his house. Esperanza tries to do the same to show him she is not afraid but she can´t. Esperanza is fascinated, because Lois is petite and pretty and she and Sire stay out late together. Chapter 29 There are 4 trees outside Esperanza´s house. She goes and talks to them. She says that they are the only ones that hear her and give her hope. Chapter 30 Mamasita, a very large woman, his husband and her brought their family to Mango Street from Mexico. She never gets out of her apartment and decides she does not want to learn english. She hates when his sons also speak in English like when one started singing a song and she went like “No speak englis!!”

Chapter 31 Rafaela's husband locks his wife when he goes out. He's afraid she'll run away because she's beautiful. Rafaela asks Esperanza and her friends to go to the store to buy her some coconut or papaya juice. Chapter 32 Sally is a beautiful girl who wears perfect, she wears Egyptian-looking makeup and has no girl friends, because she got into a fight with her best friend Cheryl. Now she has no one to giggle over boys with. Esperanza does not want to believe what the boys say about her, or that, like her mother says, for Sally to act so grown up is dangerous. Chapter 33 Minerva is a girl just the age of Esperanza. She has 2 kids and her husband left, they faught and made-up frequently and she says her husband left just like her father and she always goes to Esperanza for some questions.

Chapter 34 Esperanza´s family goes frequently to the big houses his father works at, but she refuses lately because she get ashamed because of her house and because of his father working there. Chapter 35 Esperanza´s mother always tells her that her clothes are always dirty, she says she don´t want them to be neat because she saw in a movie a girl beautiful but cruel that controlled men so that was what she want.

Chapter 36 Esperanza´s mother always tells her t stay at school and don´t do the same mistake as her that she left school because of her clothes. Chapter 37 Sally comes to school covered in bruises a lot, offering the excuse that she fell, but no one believes her. Sally confesses to Esperanza that her father beats her. He is really cruel to her, he hits her everytime something happens. Chapter 38 The garden is where young people like to play and one day Esperanza see sally with some boys so she decide to aproach to them, she sees the boys with Sally´s keys and the boys tell sally she has to give them a kiss in able to get her keys and she agrees so Esperanza runs again. Chapter 39 Esperanza is very confused because Sally her friends lie to her, she wents with a boy not telling to Esperanza, so she end thinking abvout it all day long. The lie was in the carnaval. Chapter 40 Sally gets married at eight grade and even her husband doesn´t let her see her friends or talk to them she says she enjoys watching what they own in their little appartment. Chapter 41 Lucy and Rachel's baby sister dies. There were 3 sisters at the house. They read Esperanzas hand so she makes a wish.

Chapter 42 Esperanza tells Alicia she will not return to Mango Street until someone fixes it up, even though Alicia says that Mango is part of Esperanza. They started thinking who can fix it and laugh because the mayor can´t. Chapter 43 Esperanza wants a house where she can write and organize it the way she wants. Chapter 44 Esperanza likes to tell stories, and realizes that writing about Mango Street can sometimes make the pain of it go away. She realizes Mango Street is not owned by her but all her life is there.

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