17 minute read

5.1 Inequalities in exposure to air pollution

Alberto González Ortiz, Aleksandra Kaźmierczak, Matthias Braubach



Air pollution is a major European environmental challenge that often affects seriously socially disadvantaged areas more than others and can be associated with increased exposure levels among socially disadvantaged populations.


Although air pollution levels have decreased over recent years, inequalities in exposure persist.

5.1.1 Introduction and health relevance

Despite continuous improvements in air quality, air pollution poses a serious risk to human health in Europe, especially in urban areas, where most of the population lives and is exposed to air pollutants from transport, industry and domestic energy consumption – particularly residential heating (WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2015).6 Air pollution triggers major health effects, including respiratory and cardiovascular diseases and cancer. It is the largest environmental health risk in the WHO European Region, with nearly 500 000 deaths per year related to outdoor air pollution (WHO, 2016).

Differences in exposure to air pollution are present at very different scales: among countries and among regions and cities within countries. For example, Branis & Linhartova (2012) found that smaller cities in Czechia tend to have higher concentrations of combustion-related air pollutants (sulfur dioxide and particulate matter (PM) less than or equal to 10 µg in diameter (PM10)), whereas larger cities are exposed to higher levels of nitrogen dioxide. In England, United Kingdom, PM concentrations were found to be higher generally in socially deprived areas, but the pollution–deprivation relationship varied by urban/rural status (Milojevic et al., 2017).

A large body of evidence suggests that exposure to air pollution is often associated with socioeconomic status: people with lower status tend to live in environmental conditions that are more exposed to air pollution, although national and regional differences are observed. For instance, people on lower incomes are more likely to live near main roads, where rents may be cheaper. An analysis of air pollution exposure in nine European metropolitan areas found higher pollution levels

6 See chapter 4.2 on energy poverty for information on the air pollution impacts of residential energy sources. in areas with greater proportions of people born outside the EU and higher unemployment rates (Samoli et al., 2019). The most important drivers for inequalities in air pollution exposure are:

• land use and urbanization (people with lower socioeconomic status tend to live in areas with higher levels of traffic and industrial activity, leading to higher levels of air pollution); • housing conditions (low-income groups tend to live closer to work in city centres or industrial areas due to better access and/or lower costs); • work conditions (low-income groups are more likely to work outdoors or in places affected by air pollution).

Employment status, education level and income can affect people’s underlying health conditions, influencing their sensitivity and, therefore, vulnerability to the health effects of air pollution. These effects tend to be stronger among populations with lower socioeconomic status as a result of long-term health conditions, poor housing, inadequate diet and stress (EC, 2016; Kim et al., 2018; Barnes et al., 2018).

Abundant evidence is emerging from Europe on the associations between socioeconomic status and air pollution, but these associations are highly location- and scale-specific, and conclusions from local studies may not be applicable to all situations across the WHO European Region.

5.1.2 Indicator analysis: inequalities in exposure to air pollution by region, income and education

Within the EU, the EEA compiles and maintains air pollution databases for its member and cooperating countries (EEA, 2019). No European or international database exists to enable assessment of air pollution exposure levels by social or demographic determinants, however. In the most eastern part of the WHO European

Region, information on air pollution levels is limited and inequality dimensions cannot be assessed.

This analysis of inequalities in exposure to air pollution relies on EEA and WHO air pollution databases and draws from a recent EEA assessment, which overlaid spatially selected socioeconomic indicators with exposure to air pollutants, expressed as population-weighted concentrations (EEA, 2018a). This was done for three types of spatial unit: NUTS 2 regions, NUTS 3 regions and Urban Audit cities.7 The analysis was undertaken for three time points, to explore changes in exposure over time. To minimize the impact of meteorological variability, data were combined to obtain averages across several years (2007–2008, 2010–2011 and 2013–2014 for NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 regions; only 2010–2012 for Urban Audit cities). The results provide an overview of the associations between aspects of social disadvantage and exposure to selected air pollutants in Europe. Because of the European scale only general patterns can be identified: differences in pollution exposure and social indicators among small neighbourhoods in different parts of cities cannot be assessed, so the study findings cannot be extrapolated to individual regions or cities. Further, the results do not imply any causality between social and environmental conditions.

Although the initial EEA study covered four main pollutants (PM less than or equal to 2.5 µm in diameter (PM2.5), PM10, nitrogen dioxide and ozone), this analysis presents results for PM2.5 only, owing to its substantial impacts on human health. Geographical variation in PM2.5 exposure at NUTS 3 region level

The data on exposure to PM2.5 (expressed as population-weighted annual mean PM2.5 levels) in NUTS 3 regions show that exposure has decreased over time for all quintiles (Table 7), although it increased between 2007–2008 and 2010–2011. Despite this general reduction, both relative and absolute differences in exposure between the most polluted and least polluted quintiles remained stable. For instance, in 2013–2014 exposure to PM2.5 in the most polluted quintile of NUTS 3 regions (21 µg/m3) was on average 2.4 times higher than that in the least polluted quintile (9 µg/m3).

Table 7. PM2.5 exposure at NUTS 3 region level and relationships between the most and least polluted quintiles

Year Mean population-weighted concentration (µg/m3)

Quintile 1 (least polluted) Quintile 2 Quintile 3 Quintile 4 Quintile 5 (most polluted) Ratio of quintile 5:quintile 1 Absolute difference (quintile 5–quintile1)

2007–2008 10.3 13.0 14.1 16.5 23.1 2.25 12.8

2010–2011 10.6 14.2 15.4 17.7 24.5 2.30 13.8

2013–2014 8.8 12.3 13.3 14.9 20.8 2.37 12.0

Source: ETC/ACM (2018).

Although all quintiles experienced an overall reduction in mean PM2.5 exposure values, however, this does not mean that every NUTS 37 region in Europe benefited from reduced air pollution levels: regional analyses found some increases (Fig. 27). The strongest exposure increase was detected in regions of Poland, but increasing PM2.5 levels were also reported in a range of other countries – especially Czechia, Ireland and parts of Germany and the United Kingdom.

7 The NUTS classification (nomenclature of territorial units for statistics) is a hierarchical system for dividing up the economic territory of the EU for statistical studies. Urban

Audit refers to EU-wide city statistics. Relationship of PM2.5 exposure with socioeconomic disadvantage variables

Differences in PM2.5 exposure are not only found between regions; they are also associated with socioeconomic status and levels of disadvantage within each region. Table 8 indicates that PM2.5 exposure tends to be higher in more disadvantaged areas; this is valid at all spatial scales and for most of the indicators of disadvantage considered. For example, at NUTS 3 level more disadvantaged regions according to gross domestic product (GDP) per capita tend to have higher PM2.5 exposure (exposure ratio of 1.3:1, indicating 30% higher exposure levels in the most disadvantaged regions).

Most associations have remained relatively consistent over the period, except that between long-term unemployment and PM2.5 exposure at the NUTS 2 level, which has weakened over time. This resulted in reduced unemployment-related inequality in PM2.5 exposure in both relative and absolute terms across NUTS 2 regions.

Fig. 27. Absolute change in PM2.5 exposure in NUTS 3 regions, 2007–2008 to 2013–2014

Source: ETC/ACM (2018).

These data indicate that regions affected by high levels of social disadvantage are more likely to have elevated exposure to air pollution. In the following sections, two associations between indicators of social disadvantage and exposure to air pollution are explored in more detail to show the gradient of PM2.5 exposure across quintiles of social disadvantage. PM2.5 exposure and GDP per capita at NUTS 3 region level

Fig. 28 shows that, within the whole period studied, people in the most disadvantaged quintiles of NUTS 3 regions by GDP per capita were exposed to higher PM2.5 concentrations than those in wealthier quintiles. However, the association was not linear, as the four less disadvantaged quintiles all had very similar average PM2.5 exposure.

All GDP per capita quintiles show the same pattern of change over time, however: PM2.5 exposure

decreased between the first (2007–2008) and last (2013–2014) time points, and all had a peak in 2010–2011. This consistent reduction in pollution explains why the relative and absolute difference in exposure between the most and least disadvantaged quintiles remained similar over time (Table 8), although the most disadvantaged quintile shows larger decreases between time points.

Table 8. PM2.5 exposure by social disadvantage indicators at NUTS 3 region, NUTS 2 region and city levels

Spatial scale Social indicator Exposure ratio of most disadvantaged:least disadvantaged quintile

Exposure difference between most disadvantaged and least disadvantaged quintile (µg/m3)

2007–2008 2010–2011 2013–2014 2007–2008 2010–2011 2013–2014


region Per capita GDP 1.31:1 1.30:1 1.33:1 4.6 4.7 4.3

NUTS 2 region

Percentage of people without higher education 1.45:1 1.36:1 1.46:1 5.8 5.0 5.2 Household income 1.29:1 1.39:1 1.37:1 4.5 6.1 5.0 Long-term unemployment rate 1.39:1 1.24:1 1.29:1 5.1 3.3 3.3 2010–2012 2010–2012

Urban Audit city

Percentage of people without higher education Unemployment rate 1.20:1

1.01:1 2.9


Notes: an exposure ratio value >1:1 indicates that the most disadvantaged regions have higher exposure levels than the least disadvantaged ones; a value <1:1 indicates the opposite. Source: ETC/ACM (2018).

Fig. 28. PM2.5 exposure by GDP per capita across NUTS 3 regions over time


2007–2008 2010–2011 2013–2014

( μ g/m ) 3 c o n c e n t r a t i o n Population-weighted P M 2 . 5








1 Highest

Source: based on ETC/AM (2018).

2 3 GDP per capita quintile 4

5 Lowest PM2.5 exposure and higher education at NUTS 2 region level

NUTS 2 regions with a higher percentage of people without higher education tended to have higher exposure to PM2.5 across the period studied. Exposure increased from 2007–2008 to 2010–2011, then decreased by 2013–2014 for all quintiles (Fig. 29). In contrast to the GDP per capita data, however, air pollution levels reflect a more linear social gradient, rising as the proportion of people without higher education increases.

Fig. 29. PM2.5 exposure by higher education across NUTS 2 regions over time


2007–2008 2010–2011 2013–2014

( μ g/m 3 ) c o n c e n t r a t i o n Population-weighted P M 2 . 5







1 Highest 2 3

4 Proportion of higher education

5 Lowest

Source: based on ETC/AM (2018). Differences in PM concentrations within countries

Moving from a European overview to exploring air pollution differences within countries, Fig. 30 shows the average number of days that PM10 levels exceeded the EU limit value (daily PM10 concentration = 50 µg/ m3) in 2016 for selected countries, using data from background monitoring stations.8 The data suggest that this concentration threshold is exceeded much more often at urban than rural monitoring stations, but variations between countries in relation to the difference of exceedance days are wide. There is also diversity between countries when considering data for industrial and traffic monitoring stations in urban settings (which are limited because of the low number of stations): France, Italy and Poland report their highest number of exceedance days in relation to traffic, while Czechia, Germany and Spain report it at industrial stations. In Czechia, France and Germany urban industrial or traffic monitoring stations record roughly 2.5 times more exceedance days than urban background monitoring stations, showing the impact of local air pollution sources (noting that socially disadvantaged households are often more likely to live closer to industrial sites or traffic hot spots). Unfortunately, these data can only show spatial variations in PM10 concentrations and further research is needed to explore whether variations in exposure are also associated with socioeconomic disadvantages such as poverty, education or social deprivation.

Fig.831 draws data from all urban monitoring station types (background, traffic and industrial) and shows the differences of average PM2.5 concentrations at the local level, highlighting the pollution differences among cities within various European countries. Average PM2.5 levels in cities tend to be higher in eastern European and Balkan countries, where the highest values can reach beyond 40 µg/m3 and the absolute difference is also high (for example, concentration differences between cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia are above 30 µg/m3). The data indicate

8 Background stations are used to monitor air pollution levels that are not affected by specific sources such as industry or traffic (for which industrial and traffic monitoring stations are established). Depending on their surroundings, the stations can be categorized as urban or rural.

that strong intracountry differences exist in almost all countries, however, including those with comparatively low concentration levels such as Portugal and Sweden. The highest inequalities among cities can be found in Czechia (where the most polluted city compared to the least polluted city gives a pollution ratio of more than 8:1), followed by Italy and Sweden, with ratios of 6:1.

Fig. 30. Average number of days with PM10 exceedance in urban and rural background monitoring stations, selected countries, 2016

e n c e e d a e x c 0 P M 1 t h w i y s d a o f n u m b e r g e a A v e r

50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

n=219 n=10 Poland n=133 n=53 Italy n=44 n=35 Czechia n=74 n=57 Spain n=158 n=29 France n=123 n=86 Germany

Urban monitoring stations Rural monitoring stations

Note: “n” represents the number of monitoring stations Source: EEA (2018b).

5.1.3 Conclusions and suggestions

Air pollution is the largest environmental health risk in Europe, and although everyone is exposed to ambient air, groups in socially or economically deprived situations are more likely to be exposed to higher levels of air pollution.

In general, European air quality has improved over time, which implies a general reduction in exposure across all categories of socioeconomic disadvantage. Nevertheless, inequality in exposure by socioeconomic disadvantage has not been reduced and the most disadvantaged regions in terms of GDP per capita, higher education or longterm unemployment tend to have higher exposure to PM2.5.

Different air pollutants and spatial scales may show different inequality patterns and affect different population groups. Data on air pollution exposure differences at the individual level and especially for socioeconomic dimensions and small-scale spatial variations are lacking. Further, outside EU and EEA member and cooperating countries, data on air pollution are often unavailable, and reliable monitoring and data access functions are required.

Tackling the social distribution of environmental risks through environmental policies and enhancing coherence between policies in terms of human health and air pollution may help to address the current inequalities. Finally, monitoring needs to be enhanced to include more air pollution data where they are missing and equity dimensions to identify the most exposed groups and develop appropriate mitigation actions.

Fig. 31. Average concentration of PM2.5 in cities (2016 or last indicated reporting year)

Estonia (7) Finland (14) Andorra (1) [a] Norway (16) Sweden (13) Denmark (4) Ireland (6) Portugal (11) Luxembourg (3) United Kingdom (48) Switzerland (11) Albania (1) Iceland (3) Russian Federation (1) Cyprus (5) Spain (99) d a t a Malta (4) w i t h Netherlands (30) o f c i t i e s Montenegro (1) [b] Germany (136) a n d n u m b e r Austria (36) Belgium (48) France (116) C o u n t r y Latvia (5) Lithuania (4) Romania (8) [c] Greece (7) Hungary (3) [b] Georgia (1) [a] Ukraine (1) [a] Slovenia (3) Serbia (1) Slovakia (16) [c] Israel (17) [d] Bulgaria (5) [c] Italy (182) Czechia (50) Poland (71) Turkey (15) North Macedonia (1) Croatia (9) Bosnia and Herzegovina (2) Vilsandi Uto Tartu Helsinki


Aslia Bredkalen Roskilde Mayo



Penicuik Rigi


Ayia Marina Santa Cruz De La Palma H'attard Noordwijk

Munstertal/Schwarzwald Reichraming Vielsalm Saint-Nazaire-Le-Desert Rucava Noreikiskes Timisoara Vorios Tomeas Athinon Esztergom Highest average concentration Lowest average concentration Average concentration across all cities One city value only

Stalcerji Moss Malmö Copenhagen Limerick Almada Luxembourg Stanford-Le-Hope Lugano Vrith Reykjavik Moscow Larnaca Langreo Imsida Sint Maartensbrug Tivat Eisenhuttenstadt Graz Oostrozebeke Marseille Rezekne Vilnius Iasi Elefsina Budapest Tbilisi Kyiv Ljubljana Belgrade

Ladomirov Ruzomberok Kiryat Bialik Gvar'am Stara Zagora Plovdiv Simeri Crichi Padova

Stachy Dolni Lutyne Diabla Gora Godow Ordu Amasya Skopje Jezerce Slavonski Brod

Gorazde Lukavac

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

PM2.5 (μg/m3)

Notes: average concentration calculated as the average over all monitoring stations in the city; [a] last reporting year: 2017; [b] last reporting year: 2014; [c] last reporting years: 2015 and 2016 combined; [d] last reporting year: 2015. Source: WHO (2019).

Suggested mitigation actions are:

• extending air pollution monitoring networks in countries where they are poor and continuing to reduce air pollution in general; • observing EU limits and target values and following the WHO air quality guidelines; • road traffic management, such as a shift in transport mode to walking and cycling, improving public transport or the introduction of low-emission zones in city centres – this would help to reduce exposure to air pollution where socially vulnerable groups tend to live; • improved spatial and land-use planning (for instance, creating multipolar cities or greening public spaces) to reduce emissions of air pollutants and exposure of most deprived groups, reducing socioeconomic and exposure contrasts; • banning certain domestic heating fuels, like coal, combined with subsidizing switching to cleaner heating options for low-income households – this could improve air quality in lowincome zones; • defining measures in short-term action plans to reduce concentrations in places where deprived people live or spend their time.


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