Dancing Around The World All branches and affiliated groups are invited to send in their news (maximum 200 words) to Caroline Brockbank caroline@ceilidhkids.com
Aberdeen Branch Although not organised by the Branch, the country dance section of the annual Aberdeen Music Festival is heavily reliant on Branch members, teachers and volunteers. This year saw competitions spread over two days, schoolchildren and teenagers on the Friday morning, afternoon and evening, then adults on the Saturday morning and afternoon. It is the largest festival in the country with 79 entries in total, ranging from 9-year-olds to pensioners. The most entertaining competition is the last – The Butchart Challenge, where teams danced any John Drewry jig or reel, the winner being the set showing the best team work and the true social spirit of Scottish country dancing. The trophy was won by the Aberdeen Branch Ceilidh Class, dancing Newhall. The grand finale was The Dashing White Sergeant with all the competitors and audience dancing together.
Young San Franciscans at the Asilomar Ball
With country dancing being a big part of Robert Burns’ life, we were invited to participate, which several members did on a very windy but sunny, cold afternoon! Wrapped up in jackets, hats and scarves, the dancers entertained the crowd with the popular Welcome to Ayr and The Montgomeries’ Rant among others and spectators joined in for the Gay Gordons. Ian Muir of Prestwick braved the cold to play for us, wishing he could wear gloves! One venue was the Wallace Tower where the Ayrshire Fiddle Orchestra, the MacDonald Brothers and Clanadonia also performed. The afternoon’s event closed with a Burning Burns Finale on the historic Auld Brig.
Wilma Brown
Lynn Wood
Adelaide Branch The Branch has realised for some time that we need to become pro-active if we are to sustain classes. In 2018 we elected a small group to produce a Business Plan for 2018-2023 which included a detailed Action Plan. It covered the promotion of SCD, the continued high standard of teaching, the need to increase membership of the RSCDS, and to strengthen and improve the Branch’s governance and long term financial viability. In November we had a very successful St Andrew’s Night and a special night to commemorate the 90th birthday of one of our long-term members, Pat Oakshot. We have planned a Unit Zero course run by Helen Russell and a 10-week beginners’ course starting in February. The Branch has elected a Public Events Committee which will, beside smaller events, focus on one major event, such as the Adelaide Fringe Festival. An emphasis we are promoting is personal communication rather than announcements in Reel Spiel or email.
Rev Dr Anna Grant-Henderson
Ayr – Burns Hame Toun Celebrations! As part of a week-long programme of events to celebrate the 260th anniversary of the birth of Robert Burns, South Ayrshire Council organised a street party in Ayr High Street on 27 January.
Dancing in Ayr High Street
Budapest Scottish Dance Club In 2018 we celebrated our 20th anniversary. Our accompanying band Dagda became 25 years old. Two of our members obtained the RSCDS Teaching Certificate, Zsófia József and Zsolt Molnár, so together with Gábor Turi, we have three teachers. We are very proud of Gábor Turi, who received the Scroll of Honour at the RSCDS AGM. We organized a children’s ceilidh, and started a beginners’ course in September with 12 new dancers. We re-designed our website and launched our YouTube channel. In the autumn, we organized a Regional SCD Weekend with our Czech and Austrian friends. We intend issuing the booklet Reel Goulash 2.0, featuring dances devised by our members, preparing a video guide of steps, as well as making efforts to approach zero waste in our clubs and ceilidhs.
Laura Krecz-Macsek