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Winter School

Winter School

Banffshire Branch – 90

In November the Banffshire Branch celebrated its 90th Anniversary with a celebratory dance in Buckie Community High School. From its formation in 1929 the Branch has continued to become one of the most hard-working and prolific Branches. Apart from running weekly classes, its members have contributed to the Society itself by serving on a variety of Committees. It has been very active in local schools, organising classes, Festivals, and Days of Dance. Guests of honour included Jean Martin, Lorna Ogilvie, Frank Thomson, Jennifer Wilson, Pat Lemon, Pat and John Grant. John has helped for many years, in a variety of Branch roles. Anne Taylor

Jean Martin, Lorna Ogilvie and Alice Archibald, Chairman of the Banffshire Branch cutting the cake.

Reading St Andrews Scottish Dancing Society – 70

In February we held our annual ball at the Abbey School in Reading as part of our continuing 70th anniversary celebrations. Guests were welcomed with a glass of fizz to kick the evening off in style. Coincidentally, 70 dancers enjoyed fabulous music from the Craigellachie Band who were on top form. The programme had been specially put together for the occasion and drew upon dances done at previous balls, which had been particular favourites of our members down the years. During the supper interval Gill Coulson, the current chair, and Peter Luke, one of our life members (who recalls both the 25th and 50th anniversaries!), cut a celebratory cake to mark this memorable year in the club’s long history. Duncan Barnet, Reading

Sutton Coldfield Branch – 60

This year Sutton Coldfield Branch celebrated its diamond anniversary. The Branch was launched with a dance in Sutton Coldfield Town Hall in 1959 and since then hundreds of people have enjoyed Scottish country dancing here.

Our teacher at the time of our formation was Barry Priddey, who devised 14 books of Scottish dances in his lifetime. We celebrated with a special anniversary dance in July. This event was attended by dancers from Birmingham, Solihull and surrounding areas with Chris Dewhurst and his band. A special highlight was dancing a new anniversary dance devised by our teacher, Gill Jennings, with music composed by Chris. It is intended to publish the new dance and music as part of the anniversary celebrations.

In our anniversary year, we wanted to reach out to the local community, so contacted local primary schools with the aim of introducing Scottish country dancing to a younger audience. We were delighted to work with Four Oaks Primary School, who were enthusiastic and keen to run teaching sessions for their Year 6 pupils. These took place at the end of June and were led by a qualified teacher. “

It’s wonderful to see the children so absorbed; the dancing is a perfect mix of social interaction with physical activity,” said Louisa Appleby, Deputy Head Teacher.

The local publicity generated by our anniversary celebrations has encouraged a number of people to be in contact to express an interest in learning more. It has been a productive and fun-filled year of celebrations and, as the year draws to a close, we are looking forward to many more years of Scottish country dancing in Sutton Coldfield. Frances Richardson, Chairman

Atholl Scottish Country Dance Club, Edinburgh – 60

‘The Atholl’, as it is affectionately known, was one of a plethora of groups, affiliated to the RSCDS, and founded in Edinburgh in the 1950s and 60s. Somewhat unusually, it grew out of weekly dances run at the Leith Assembly Rooms by the dance band, the Atholl Players (hence the name), only becoming a formal club in 1960, when the Players ceased to play. Live music has always been a key feature of our weekly Tuesday night meetings with our resident band led by Iain MacPhail. Programmes are devised by our members (currently we have over 90), and we continue the tradition of not recapping dances – ably assisted by the arrival of the Scottish Country Dance Database and our own website. Although the Leith connection was broken in the 1970s, and the Club met on the south side of Edinburgh for more than 20 years, we have now returned to our roots, dancing in Leith at the Thomas Morton Hall. Visitors are always made very welcome, and it will be particularly good to welcome old friends and new to our 60th birthday party on 19 May. Alison Nuttall, President

Cockermouth Scottish Country Dance Club – 60

The club began in February 1960 with a few friends meeting in the old Derwent School and now has 42 members enjoying weekly classes and three annual dances. We warmly invite friends old and new to join us for our Anniversary Ball on Saturday 9 May. We have a very special venue for our special occasion – a converted barn, which incorporates the former Cumbria Ballroom sprung floor, situated in an idyllic rural setting on a working farm just south of Cockermouth. We shall be dancing to the music of George Meikle and the Lothian Band and the evening includes a fully catered supper. Cockermouth is a historic ‘Gem’ town, close to the English Lake District and birthplace of William and Dorothy Wordsworth.

Melbourne and District Branch – 50

The 50th anniversary year of the Melbourne and District Branch finished with an enjoyable Twilight Social on 2 November which was funded from the Winter School surplus. This was an enjoyable way to reward members for their contribution to the Society and to celebrate what has been a successful year for the Branch. Three groups (Ringwood, Waverley, North Essendon) took advantage of a government-initiated Seniors Week in October to conduct a Come and Try Day. This was quite successful at two of the groups and both groups have acquired new participants and members as a result. Many will have read of the terrible bushfires we experienced at the start of this new year. The dancing community responded by converting events early in the dancing year to Bushfire Relief Fundraisers. These include the Burns Night run by the Mitcham Scottish Society, and the Branch Opening Social. Leanne Smith

Scottish Country Dancing Society of Berlin

Scottish Country Dancing Society of Berlin – 45

Christopher and Angelika McLarren hosted their first Scottish dance evening in Berlin in October 1974. Back then it was still sponsored as a recreation activity by the US Army. Fortyfive years later the McLarrens celebrated the anniversary with a weekend workshop and ball to which the SCDS of Berlin invited dancers from around Europe. We welcomed guests from Hamburg and other cities in Germany, from Denmark, France, Italy, Britain, and Poland. Music was provided by Alan Ross and his band for the Friday evening social dance in the Quentin Blake Europe School. The first dance was Espie McNab, the first dance on that first evening so many years ago in a small hall of the Amerika Haus. On Saturday morning we were taught by Jennifer Hawdon from Cheltenham. Alan Benson, our in-house dance composer, led us through his Ceithir-a-Còig Reel which he had written especially for the Anniversary. The grand ball and gala dinner was held that evening in the spacious Tegeler Seeterrassen. Entertainment was provided by, among others, the The Berlin Pipe Company. The cake bearing the group’s logo was rolled in by the light of sparklers. During the final Auld Lang Syne a ring of about a hundred dancers was formed. Angelika McLarren

Brevard Scottish Country Dancers of Melbourne, Florida – 40

In January the dancers of the BSCD celebrated 40 years of dancing in Melbourne village hall. Catie Condran Geist, and Abanne and George Waters – three of the founding members – were present, along with dancers from Orlando, Jacksonville and Oregon. Teacher James Kutzner led the evening. Mrs Geist said, “I just love the music, and back when I could do the steps, it was like flying. It was so wonderful to dance down the middle and back. It just lifts my spirits and it’s fun being with other people.” Catie Condran Geist, Secretary

Glasgow Branch Seniors’ Group – 20

On Thursday 10 October the Glasgow Branch Seniors’ Group celebrated its 20th Anniversary. We never thought that it would survive and continue to meet on a regular basis in the way that it has. Its origins stretch back to a very successful social event for dancers and former dancers, organised by Glasgow Branch in 1998 to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the RSCDS. It was established for those who shared the same interest in our dancing, but who were no longer able to participate in regular classes. A way of life was suddenly extinguished, very often reluctantly, depriving participants of a lively, physical activity and all social contact.

It was decided that, as a group, our meetings should be in comfortable surroundings with some form of entertainment. Members would be able to relax, enjoy socialising, share news and a meal. The chosen venue was the Ewington Hotel on the south side of Glasgow. 26 members gathered in October for a relaxed celebration. After a delicious meal we were entertained by David Ross on accordion. David had played for us on several occasions previously. He gave us a wonderful selection of favourite tunes, frequently responding to special requests. The Glasgow archivist, Chris Sanders, had provided a magnificent display of memorabilia. It was a wonderful panorama of decades of dancing and Branch activities. The afternoon was happy, but there were moments of sadness as we recalled the contributions of distinguished and dedicated members no longer with us. Under the current Convenorship of Daphne Davidson the group is strong, hopeful and determined to continue for many more years. Ruth Beattie

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