News from Coates Crescent Branch Awards update The RSCDS presents Branch Awards to members who contribute in support of their local Branch, and once again a number of individuals have been honoured. Listed below are all those members who have received Awards since November 2019 – congratulations to you all! Atlanta Sylvia Priest Banffshire Alice Archibald Banffshire Margaret Cowie Banffshire Isobel Turner Central Germany Viktor Lehmann International Fiona Grant International Stephanie Robertson Mid Argyll Mike Murray New Zealand Dorothy Wilson New Zealand Howard McNally Norwich Ann Salmon Ottawa Brian McKintosh San Diego Ward Fleri Unfortunately, several Branches had to postpone their celebrations due to the COVID-19 situation. However, we hope that the Award presentations will take place next year instead. Since Branch Awards were introduced in 2004, 486 members have received one. For more information about Branch Awards, visit get-involved/membership/member-recognition
Viktor Lehman, Central Germany Branch
New Branches and Groups We are pleased to announce the formation of two new branches and one affiliated group. Welcome to the Herts and Borders Branch, the Breton Branch from Brittany, and the Silver Tassie Scottish Dance Club from Perm in the Russian Federation.
2020 AGM It is with deep regret that the Management Board announced the cancellation of this year’s Autumn Gathering. However, it has been agreed that a virtual AGM will be hosted from 12 Coates Crescent on Saturday 7 November at 2pm instead. For more details please visit
Elections to Management Posts Nominees for this year’s elections are listed below and their profiles are available on the RSCDS website. The results will be announced at the virtual AGM on 7 November 2020.
Chairman Elect of the RSCDS William Williamson sole nominee for Chairman Elect.
Management Board (7 places, 3 for 3 yrs, 3 for 2yrs, 1 for 1yr) Neil Copland Trevor Clarke Fiona Grant David Macdonald Jane Meikle Joan Nesbit
Education and Training (2 places) Christopher Wilson, Chairman of Atlanta Branch, presenting Sylvia Priest with her award at the Unicoi Spring Workshop
Jane McIntosh Oluf Olufsen Rachel Shankland