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Branch Anniversaries in 2021

Congratulations to the following Branches, who celebrate significant anniversaries this year: Kilmarnock & District 85 Calgary 45 West Lothian 85 Gothenburg 45 Birmingham 75 Kitchener-Waterloo 45 Adelaide 70 Royal Tunbridge Wells 45 Liverpool 70 Stockholm 45 Oban and Lorn 65 Western Australia 45 Norwich 65 Central Kentucky 40 London (Canada) 60 Medicine Hat 40 Royal Leamington Spa 60 Peterborough & District 40 Hague District 55 Windsor (Ontario) 40 Los Angeles 55 Brighton 30 Ottawa 55 St Johns (Newfoundland) 30 Atlanta 45

RSCDS Subscriptions

During the AGM in November 2020, the Management Board passed the motion that for the year from 1st July 2021 the basic full annual subscription shall be maintained at £18.00, with other membership subscriptions based pro-rata on this amount.

Adult single (25+) £18.00 (£30.00 HQ)

Adult joint (both 25+ and same branch and address) £29.00 (£48.00 HQ)

Youth (12-17) £9.00 ( £20.00 HQ)

Young adult (18-24) £14.00 ( £26.00 HQ)

RSCDS Affiliated Group Rates 2020-21

There is no change in the Affiliated Group fees this year. Affiliation fee £45.00 .

Youth affiliation fee £22.50 (where 50% of members are under 25 or in full-time education) University Group No charge

To date, 234 Affiliated Groups have renewed for this year compared with 303 last year. We look forward to hearing from the remaining Affiliated Groups in the near future. However, sadly, we say goodbye to Basildon Caledonian Society, Crookfur Scottish Country Dance Club and Louisville Scottish Country Dancers and thank them for their partnership.

New Branches and New Members

Despite the current absence of dancing, we wanted to remind members of the recent formation of two new RSCDS Branches. We are sure you will join us in welcoming the new Herts & Borders Branch in England plus the new Breton Branch in France and we wish them happy dancing times ahead! As a result of our special offer HQ half year membership campaign between January and June 2021 for new members only, we received over 20 enquiries and are delighted to welcome these new members to the Society.

Board and Committee Membership for 2020-21

As a result of voting at the 2020 AGM and subsequent appointments to fill some vacancies, the current membership list for the Management Board and Committees is:

Management Board

Lorna Ogilvie (Chairman) William Williamson (Chairman-Elect) Bill Cant (Treasurer) Anne Taylor (Convenor, E&T) Peter Knapman (Convenor, MS) Joana Stausberg (Convenor, YS) Trevor Clarke, Fiona Grant, David Macdonald, Jane Meikle, Joan Nesbitt, Roy Bain, Gary Coull, Neil Copland (Members)

Education & Training Committee

Anne Taylor (Convenor & Schools Director) Deirdre MacCuish-Bark, Mervyn Short, Anne Robertson,Oluf Olufsen, Rachel Shankland, Sue Porter, Muriel Bone, Deb Lees (Members)

Membership Services Committee

Peter Knapman (Convenor) Luke Brady (Music Director) Angela Young (Convenor Elect) Alan Ross, Ainslie Dunnett, Keith Rose, Maureen Daniels (Members)

Youth Services Committee

Joana Stausberg (Convenor) Moira Korus, Aymeric Fromherz, Malin Altenmüller, Philippa McKee, Abigail Brown (Members) You can find out more about the Management Board and Committee members online at: www.rscds.org/about/people

Vacancies and appointments in 2021

The Management Board and Committee vacancies due to be filled at the AGM this November are as follows:

Management Board: 3 (for 3 years) Education & Training: Convenor Elect + 3 (for 3 years) Membership Services: 4 (2 for 3 years + 2 for 1 year) Youth Services: Convenor + 3 (2 for 3 years + 1 for 2 years) Nomination forms are available on the website: www.rscds.org/about/governance/management-board-committees

In addition to completing the form, members must submit a profile outlining the skills and attributes they have to offer. Guidelines on the reverse of the form give an indication of what should be included, but those considering standing for election are strongly advised to read the role descriptions for Board and Committee members. Please contact office.manager@rscds.org if you have any questions. The deadline for nomination forms, profiles and photos to be sent to Coates Crescent is Saturday 11 September 2021.

Motions from Branches to the AGM in November should be sent to Coates Crescent by Saturday 14 August 2021.

Scroll of Honour 2020

During the 2020 Virtual AGM, scroll citations were read out for the following outstanding members: James Healy (Perth and Perthshire) Marjorie McLaughlin (San Diego) Fiona Miller (Medicine Hat) Ian Muir (Oxfordshire) Ron Wallace (San Francisco) Marilyn Watson (Bournemouth) Ruby Wilkinson (East Lothian) Angela Young (Aberdeen)

Archive News

The Hill Manuscript, originally published in 2009 Alastair MacFadyen (Former Chairman), Alan Macpherson (Archivist) and Anita Mackenzie, is scheduled for a reprint. We look forward to offering this to members soon as both a digital version and a printed version. Please register your interest in ordering a copy by emailing info@rscds.org .The Hill MS is possibly one of the most important surviving manuscripts about Scottish Traditional Dance. It dates from 1841 and was compiled by Frederick Hill of Alford. We know very little about Frederick Hill other than that he was born in Hammersmith in London, was a Tailor and Clothier by trade and that he settled in Clatt in Aberdeenshire when aged about 25, subsequently moving to Alford not far from Clatt. The original notebook is possibly his aide-memoire recording the instructions for the dances he had been taught (probably by itinerant dancing masters). It is interesting in that it includes Quadrilles, Country Dances and High or Step Dances, and is the source of several dances published by the Society. You can discover more about the origins of the manuscript and the preparation of the facsimile in Issue 10 of the SCD Magazine: www.rscds.org/shop/product/emagazine/scottish-countrydancers-issue-10/

Proceeds of the sales of the re-published book will go toward the development of the RSCDS Archive.

RSCDS Staffing Update

Due to the financial impact of COVID-19, we are very sad to confirm that both Julia Parr (Education and Training Officer) and Mairi Marshall (Administrative Receptionist) were made redundant at the end of October. Debbie Morris (Communications and Marketing Officer) also left the Society at the end of November in order to move to her new marketing role at the University of Edinburgh. We are very grateful to all three for their hard work and we are sure you will join us in wishing them well in their future endeavours. In the short term, workloads will be prioritised and reallocated among the remaining staff members and the Management Board will review plans for how best to proceed in the longer term. Thank you for your patience and understanding in the meantime. The Board approved the appointment of a 6-month Interim Marketing Director to take forward a comprehensive, and practical, marketing strategy before handing over to a more junior Marketing Officer to implement the Strategy. They will be supported by a small Advisory Panel of members, with international representation.

Shop News

Update for customers ordering goods from the RSCDS shop from Europe: As EU countries and the UK settle into the post Brexit environment, it is important to note that your delivery may be subject to import duties and taxes, which are levied once the goods reach the country of destination. Any such charges levied in relation to customs clearance must be paid by you. The RSCDS has no control over additional charges in relation to customs clearance and we recommend that you check with your local customs officials or post office for more information regarding importation taxes/duties that may be applicable to your online order. There has also been a change to postage and packaging costs. You can view our 2021 prices in the FAQs Shop section on the website: www.rscds.org/about/ frequently-asked-questions

Future RSCDS Publications

Membership Services Committee are aiming to bring you some exciting publications this year including: The highly anticipated RSCDS publication of the Sir Walter Scott Dances. This book of six dances, first published in 1820 in Edinburgh, is designed to celebrate Sir Walter Scott’s novel ‘The Heart of Midlothian’. The dances have been reconstructed by Membership Services in collaboration with the RSCDS Research Group. Books 39-45 will be made available this year as a Combined Book, both as a printed version and an e-book. Thank you to all our customers who have continued to support the Society by purchasing our e-books. www.rscds.org/shop/category/digital-collection/

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