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Membership Services
RSCDS Book 53 for 2023 is designed as a book for all dancers and musicians
Angela Young
Since April, the MS Committee has been extremely busy delivering two long-term projects. Dance Through the Decades was successfully launched in February utilising technology to reach as many worldwide members as possible. Following this, the decision was taken to continue with online launch sessions for all our products, sharing information as publications are released, giving direct access to contributors as well as creating opportunities for feedback and questions. As Convenor, I’m keen that we hear from as many dancers and musicians as possible while we work at creating products for all. The different Zoom sessions have been aimed at facilitating signin from various time zones. We realise this is a work-in-progress, so please get in touch with your thoughts on days and timings that could improve this offering.
In May we launched the new digital version of the Index to Formations and Movements in Scottish Country Dancing. This online resource is free to all members through the RSCDS website after sign-in. Two Zoom sessions promoted this interactive resource, with committee members explaining the background and demonstrating the search facilities available for formations and dances. Many thanks to Keith Rose who has worked tirelessly on creating this extremely valuable resource..
Following the worldwide Covid pandemic, we are proving to be a resilient organisation. Many branches and groups are reporting increased numbers in beginners’ classes and new ideas for additional social events such as ceilidhs, tea dances and joint activities are being organised. I hope that you will share any new ideas for everyone’s benefit.
I do not need to tell you that the world is a very different place from 1923, or even 1993, when dancing and communication was very much at a local level. Now with modern means of transport and communication, dancers are meeting regularly online or indeed in person whenever and wherever they wish to across the world. Although we are a global organisation, it is at the local, weekly class or dance that we are going to build the future for Scottish country dancing, and I want to express my sincere thanks to you all for the dedicated work you are doing in your local branch, group or in our office to ensure we build an organisation that will continue to be successful in the years to come. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Fiona Grant for her dedicated work as editor of the magazine and to welcome Marjorie McLaughlin to this role.
The great city of Glasgow, where it all began, is ready to welcome home the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society in November for the Autumn Gathering, and I hope to meet and dance with many of you then. The motto of Glasgow is ‘Let Glasgow Flourish’. Let us share this sentiment!
In July, after 18 months of work by the committee, alongside branches and affiliated groups, RSCDS Book 53 for 2023 came to fruition and a full suite of content was released. This bumper centenary volume celebrates 100 years of the Society with information on branches, stories from devisers, musical memories and much more as 24 dances take you around the RSCDS globe accompanied by two CDs: by David Oswald and his Scottish Dance Band, and Nicol McLaren and the Glencraig Scottish Dance Band. There are new recordings of recently popular dances and those that have stood the test of time, as well as additional tracks for listening enjoyment. In an RSCDS first, the dance videos have been recorded by submitting branches and have been available on YouTube since the launch. The Index was also updated with all Book 53 information ahead of launch, an aim for all future publications. Many thanks to everyone involved.
RSCDS Book 53 for 2023 is designed as a book for all dancers and musicians as well as for all those interested in Scottish dance. As a new dancing year begins for many, we will be holding additional Book 53 Zoom sessions in late September to share information, provide access to contributors and answer members’ questions about this special centenary memento edition. There will also be a special Zoom ahead of 30th September when we all Dance Through the Decades.
For now, please make sure you are sending your centenary photos to info@rscds.org . We need your high-quality images of events, behind-the-scenes activity, social gatherings, musicians, dancers and more to tell the story of your Centenary year in our celebration book for publication in 2024. And please do get in touch with your thoughts as we look forward to the next 100 years!