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News in pictures

The RSCDS sponsored the Club of the Year Award at the MG Alba TradMusic Awards at a memorable night in PerthConcert Hallon 4 December 2010. Fraser Maclean andBobWares(Chairman and Vice Chairman)were thrilledto collect the trophy on behalfofthe HighlandAccordion andFiddle Club, Inverness. The Clubhas been running for 37 years and usually attracts 150 members to its monthly sessions from September to May. Visitors are always welcometohearlocalandguestmusiciansplaytraditionalScottish music. Thephotograph(byRoryMacleod)showssomeoftheClub’ s committee withthe trophy. Kununurra Scottish Dancers in Western Australia celebrated their 10th Anniversary in 2010. The group evolved from Lynette Westwood' s classical ballet class when her sister, Kathleen, visited and taught the students a few Scottish country dances. They enjoyed the experience so much that ballet was discontinued in favour of country dancing and some Highland and Ladies ' Step dances. Kununurra is a remote commmunity with a transient population but Lynette has been able to keep the group going, supported by occcasional visits from Kathleen and from Angus Henry ofthe RSCDSNorthern Territories Branch.

The RSCDS trophy at the National Accordion and Fiddle Club FestivalwaswonforthesecondyearinarowbySusanMacFadyen. The competition was open to solo fiddlers and accordionists to promote the playing of Scottish country dance music and to encourage musicians to work with dancers for their mutual enjoyment. The photograph(by Alan MacPherson) shows, left to right, Ian Wilson (adjudictor) Susan MacFadyen, Ruth Beattie (RSCDSChairman)andAlastair Wood(adjudicator). In November RSCDS West Lothian Branch helped with Whitdale Primary School’ s contribution to Kilts for Kids Day, when people acrossScotlandareencouragedto weartartanandraise money for ChildrenFirst, acharitythathelpsunhappyandfrightenedchildren. Over 40 pupils from primaries 6 and 7 danced Dashing White Sergeant and Virginia Reel with enthusiasm, while other classes enjoyedstory-telling, thepoetry ofRobert Burns andstreet dance. Finally, everyone sang with great gusto Scottish classics such as Three Craws and Donald Whaur ’ s yer Troosers. Over £500 was raised. Welldone.

Congratulations to everyone involvedin the Dance Scottishfor Pudsey event in Dumfries. You raisedover £3,000for the BBCChildren in NeedAppeal2010. Everyone takingpart, from twoyear oldtots to the RSCDSYouthTeam andto muchmore experienceddancers, hadagreat time. Allthe effort by Iain Hale andSue Petyt, who inspiredtheproject, andthe musicians and helpers on the day proved thoroughlyworthwhile. Teamstakingpartwereinvitedtoperformtheirfavouritedanceinappropriatefancydress. HereweseePosties ’ Jig withspecialguest, Pudsey Bear. The RSCDS Education & Training Committee would welcome expressions of interest from individuals or groups willing to host this bi-ennielevent in October 2012. Please contact info@rscds.org for information andsupport.

Glasgow Primary Schools Festival 2011

RSCDS Glasgow Branch has been running children ’ s events for more than 30 years. The first Festival took place in 2006 as a joint venture between the Branch and Glasgow Education Department as a way of reintroducing Scottish country dancing to children after SCD had been removed from the curriculum. The Department pays for the venue, band and transport, and the Branch provides teaching support, an information pack and stewards to help on the day. The Festival is open to all primary schools in Glasgow, including those for children with special needs. Some wheelchair dancers come along and adapt the dances. Over 700 children came to the Festival in March 2011 at the Kelvin Hall. When the school banners were paraded around the hall at the start of the Festival the noise level was deafening, almost drowning out John Renton and his Band. Once the dancing began it was clear Children from Notre Dame Primary Schoolline up for the Festival withJohn Renton andhis Band.

Alastair Aitkenhead, a former Chairman ofthe RSCDS, was presentedwithflowers andcards to markhis 90thbirthday by children from Kelvindale Primary School.

from all the smiling faces that everyone was having a great time – and not just the children. For the stewards it can be hard work, but when a dance goes well the children are so pleased with their achievement that it makes all the effort worthwhile. Thank you to Andrea Crawford, Head of Primary PE for Glasgow, and her team, and to all the RSCDS teachers, organizers and stewards.

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